A system of organizing a group wherein those higher up have rights and authority, but also corresponding responsibilities and duties; those lower down have obligations and loyalties, but also corresponding benefits and indulgences. Peterson believes hierarchy to be value-neutral in terms of utility and moral valence: on one hand, stagnant hierarchies do not react optimally to chaos and tyrannical hierarchies lead to malicious compliance and/or privatization of force; on the other, pure anarchies are highly unstable and ironically prone to sorting themselves into hierarchies enforced by pure violence (either directly by those who are capable of and willing to wield it or indirectly by those who call upon the violence of the strong and competent to protect themselves or the even more vulnerable). Additionally, Peterson believes that our current system supports multiple hierarchies, of which the competence hierarchy (in which even a meritorious outsider could climb their way up the ladder) is the most worth preserving.