What happens when you play peek-a-boo with an infant is that very rapidly by gesturing, you and the infant settle on the rules of the game. And what you want to do is engage the infant, right, in play, because you find that intrinsically rewarding. And so the infant will look at you, because… And then if you smile, he’ll smile, generally speaking. You can tell if the infant’s in a playful mood, and then you can hide your face, and look! And you can… you calibrate that so you don’t startle the infant. You want to surprise the infant… you want to put the infant on the border of order and chaos. Because that’s where the fun is. And so you play with hiding and re-manifesting yourself, and it produces delight in the infant. And so what you’ve done there is spontaneously organized a tiny micro… a tiny societal microcosm. And so… and that’s the sort of thing that Piaget was particularly interested in. He was interested in how children formulate games. And the games are tiny societies.