I’m mostly trying to help people see that if the world manifests itself in patterns, if we now realize that, then there’s no exception. Because even the breakdown of the pattern is part of the meta pattern. And that’s why I talk about things like the clown or the jester or symbolism of decomposition or symbolism of death, because even the breakdown of the pattern itself is part of a bigger, let’s say, call it a meta pattern. So you just can’t get out of it. And so it is fun to some once in a while to point to something when people will say, oh, that’s just silly. That doesn’t make any sense. But it’s like, no, I’m sorry. There’s no exception. From chewing gum to tying your shoes to everything has a pattern. And so you just can’t. And so it’s fun to take something that people don’t expect there to be a pattern in and to say, you know, I’m just going to try to surprise you here and show you that just like else in reality, it has to, for you to see it, it has to have a pattern. And that’s really the important thing that people need to understand is that the world is too big. The world has too many things in it. Every aspect of reality has a million details. Not a million, an innumerable amount of details. There’s countless ways of describing something, countless ways of seeing things. And so the question is, why do we see things? Why are we able to engage with things? And it’s because we’re able, we have a capacity, consciousness or logos or intelligence or whatever you want to call it. I don’t even care. What’s important is to understand that we have the capacity to see and to engage with patterns. And so we’re able to see that even though everything has parts, right, a cup has parts, you have parts. But I can see that you have parts, but I can also see that you’re one, that those parts come together and manifest their unity. And so in order for you to even see anything, there has to be a pattern. So the question is, what’s the pattern? Yeah, that’s a good question. And yeah, maybe this is a very practical or a very simple and it may border on simplistic explanation of what you’re getting into. But a way I’ve been trying to think about it is, OK, if you pulled my idea in my wallet right now, you’d see that Adam is 32 years old and he was born in 1988. And there’s a chronology to that. But it’s just a fact, right? And it’s a history of my life. But even the story of my life from a birth to eventually my death has a story arc to it. But within that story arc, it’s built on this pattern of every three hundred sixty five days, I do a birthday party. And if at that birthday party, there’s not some sort of dessert and someone doesn’t sing a song that’s expected, it would be strange. And all of a sudden, because it would be strange because it’d be breaking or monkey and tinkering with the pattern that is expected. And that pattern of three hundred sixty five is four seasons. Right. I have expectations. And again, it’s participational. And so in some sense, it’s both like time. My time is both. It’s there’s a chronology. There’s a beginning and an end. And there’s some things happening in the middle. But the participational nature is patterned. Right. Yeah. And so that’s the. You’ve got it right. The idea is to understand that reality is a fractal and it has a fractal pattern, which means that the pattern of the cycle is a good way to see it. They use a cycle. It’s a cycle of the year. But within the cycle of the year, we have other cycles which actually have the same pattern, but at a smaller level. And so you have you have a cycle of a year. You have the cycle of the months. You have the cycle of the seasons. You have the cycle of the days. You have the cycle of the hours of the minutes of your heartbeat, of your breath. And so you the cycles are all based on the same pattern. So if you understand breathing, for example, then you will be able to understand and not through analogy what the other bigger patterns are. They actually have a structure and not just a structure to this. I hope this isn’t overextending, but a life giving a structure. Right. Yeah. Life there. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Because one of the problems that we’ve been dealing with is that people are nihilistic that, you know, the kind of residues of the new atheist, there’s still some around. They’re they’re fewer than there were five years ago, which is well, they’re not as militaristic or antagonistic. They’re they’re certainly friendlier than maybe 10 years ago. They might have. Yeah, I think they backed off a little bit, but it’s still there. You know, and this idea that the world is meaningless is still there in the culture. But once you realize the patterning of the world, then you actually realize that you’re very opposite, that actually meaning is inevitable. You can’t there’s no way around it. You there is no meaninglessness. It’s impossible. You know, you couldn’t eat. You couldn’t you couldn’t. There’s nothing you could do without meaning. You know. Yeah. And so and so everything that you encounter has an identity. It has a purpose. It has it has a reason why it’s showing itself to you. You know, and some of times it’s not an important reason. Like it can be a very marginal reason, but it’s still a reason. Right. We still our categories still have reasons for us through through our lens of consciousness. And you people who try to abstract themselves from this experience of consciousness, they’re diluting themselves because they’re doing it from within that experience, you know, because people will often say things like, well, it doesn’t matter. It’s all a bunch of quarks and it’s all this. And it’s like, you know, the universe is so big. We’re just a speck of dust and blah, blah, blah, blah. And they try to to do that. But it’s like you’re OK. You can do that. But you’re still doing it from the perspective of a conscious being in the world. Yeah. Right. You can’t avoid the fact that, yeah, the sun will still get come up tomorrow and you’ll probably be awake during the day and probably be sleeping at night and you have to breathe. And if you don’t breathe, you’re going to die. And so those are all meaningful things. Yeah. Well, yeah. Living and breathing is pretty meaningful. Yeah. A lot of people try to do it. Right. So, yeah. Not only do you try, but it’s hard to stop. It’s hard to not.