Can you discuss prayer, Jonathan? I don’t have anything that’s specific in mind. As far as question goes, I just like to hear you riff on it in your framework and also maybe talk about how you do it, how you understand what you’re doing while you’re doing it, etc. And see what comes up. All right, prayer. I mean, at least in my life, there are three, there are three, you could say aspects of prayer that I engage with depending on, like all people, I have waves. Like I’m not a monk. Like there are moments where I’m, you know, I feel like I can live in prayer and there are moments where it’s like, you know, I just want to, you know, that it’s not, I just want to, I get angry, I get, you know, whatever. Like just like, just, I’m not a saint. I hope you guys don’t think anything like that of me. There’s an aspect of prayer which is, you could call it liturgical, right? And in that aspect of prayer are the Psalms, the prayers of the church, liturgical prayer, all of that, you know, the written prayers, as you could say, that you find in prayer books and that you recite in church. And so those, that aspect of prayer is really this notion of communing together with the church, facing the infinite, facing God and participating together in this movement towards God and kind of also this movement of opening ourselves up towards the infinite. And so it’s also kind of engaging, as you’re praying the prayers of the church, you’re also engaging your whole, the whole history, the whole history, right? You’re participating in that story. You’re part of the process, right? It’s not just, it’s not just you, it’s not just you and God, it’s not just that. It really is this notion that you’re kind of participating with the whole church in this process. So I think that that’s, I think that that’s really important, you know, things like our Father, things like the creed. And then, you know, the different prayers you find, daily prayers, I think those are really important. Then, then the second aspect of prayer, I would say, is just the impromptu prayer, which is also, you know, the formulating of my own weaknesses, confession, like confessing my sins, formulating my own weaknesses, asking for help, asking for, you know, solutions to my difficulties. All of that is more, is more in terms of spontaneous, spontaneous interaction. Also, sometimes there can be some spontaneous interaction in terms of, when I kind of have an intuition, this amazing intuition about the world and about the Bible or about a story, and I kind of see God kind of shine through, or I see the divine energy, however you want to call it, I see this, I see this light kind of shine through the world, and it’s like, then there’s this gratefulness, which kind of explodes inside me. And I see that that’s more of a kind of an informal type of prayer, where that happens, you know, during the day, or it happens depending on how attuned I am, you know, in my life as well. And then there’s also, then there’s the third aspect of prayer, which is the more mystical aspect of prayer, which is a, has more to do with the Jesus prayer and repeating the Jesus prayer, but at the same time trying to avoid or to let the thoughts not take over, right, to be in the prayer and to be attentive to your desires, to your thoughts that kind of flow through, and to kind of hang on to the prayer and kind of be turned towards Christ, like hang on to Christ, but then let the thoughts and the passions kind of just kind of float off, right? And so I think that that’s like the third aspect of prayer, and in a way, obviously, I think that aspect of prayer, which is the more mystical aspect of prayer, is the highest form. It’s sometimes it’s the hardest because it’s really hard to enter the heart, let’s say, and to kind of to pray the Jesus prayer and just let, you know, and kind of enter into yourself completely and be able to be removed from your thoughts, removed from all the distractions, kind of enter into that. I mean, that’s really tough, and it’s, at least for me, it’s something that has come and go in my life where there’s some moments where I feel like it’s more accessible to me and some moments where I feel like it’s not accessible at all, and so maybe that’s, yeah, that would be my answer for prayer. I hope that’s useful.