So let’s say you’re not going to be a narcissistic psychopath, which is often what those like manosphere dating sites teach you, is like, wear an expensive watch and peacock a bit, and to peacock is to wear something, some item of clothing that’s, you know, a little bit out of the ordinary, something a little bit more colourful than might be generally the case, so that you look like you’re confident enough to pull that off with panache, but mostly it’s just, it’s just training in a kind of deceptive narcissism. Now, you know, a wallflower guy might benefit from some training in narcissistic psychopathy, you know, just to sort of balance them out a bit, so you can make some progress forward. That’s why people like Andrew Tate are so popular, and I’m not saying that in an entirely dismissive manner, but there’s a huge danger there, but generally what women want is something like confident, productive generosity.