Young girl dancing to the latest beat, has found new ways to move her feet. And the lonely voice of youth cries, what is truth? Young man speaking in the city square, trying to tell somebody that he cares. Can you blame the voice of youth for asking, what is truth? Yeah, the ones that you’re calling wild, are gonna be the leaders in a little while. When will the lonely voice of youth cry, what is truth? It’s all world’s waking to a newborn babe, and I solemnly swear it’ll be their way. You better help that voice of youth find, what is truth? And the lonely voice of youth cries, what is truth? Young man speaking in the city square, trying to tell somebody that he cares. I’m gonna give you a lot of help from Ethan and Sally as usual. So that was good. We got our Sam Pal right here. Get our Muppet Mug. Very important. Buy one, shop at We’ve got some Carolina Lapsang tea. Smells delicious. Very good. And we’ve got some Jordan Ammons. Obviously we had somebody who isn’t quite thoroughly as retarded as I am at drawing, draw on the board. So thank you, Sarah. It’s good to have somebody who can do things you can’t. Fortunately, everybody I know can do things I can’t. What a blessed life. One of the things that sort of came up this week, somebody used the term monomyth. I have heard this term before. And it’s so weird. It’s so strange. And I think that probably this idea of the monomyth is all wrapped up in people oversimplifying what’s going on in the world. The problem is not that we have a monomyth and that it’s bad or wrong or whatever. We have too many myths. We’re operating in too many myths. And I mean, to be fair, they’re not myths, but they try to be. It’s like imagining that a myth is merely a story, which it is not. A story is a flattening. A myth is not flat. You need both. I’m not privileging one over the other. I love a good story. But you need a myth or a mythos or something. And these people are trying to tell a different story to make reality different. That’s what they’re doing. And so it’s not a monomyth. It’s that we have five billion stories and people are trying to live within those stories. And, you know, it doesn’t work. Stories are flat. Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them. But you can’t live in them. Whereas a myth, you know, yeah, you can you can live in a myth. And the thing is, they’re telling these stories, trying to alter reality. But myths reveal reality. They don’t change it. But we’ve lost that whole concept to the postmoderns, to the postmodern ethos. So what is it that people are pointing to? Well, one of the big problems is sort of wrapped up in individualism, I would say, which is the idea of the single hero. Right. Or the great man. Right. That hero’s journey where there’s basically one guy or one top guy. That’s all BS. Right. It’s a misinterpretation. Good stories don’t do that. They don’t point to that. You can look at, say, the Marvel stories, right. Where it’s still not single heroes because it’s the Marvel Universe. There’s lots of heroes. Right. But we identify with only one of them. Like maybe you’re a Spider-Man guy or, you know, maybe maybe maybe your hero is Iron Man or or, you know, maybe maybe you’re a Hulk guy. You know, whatever. It doesn’t matter. Oh, I’m with Thor, man. You know, you identify with Loki or whatever. But you’re identifying with one. You’re ignoring the role of the relationship even when it’s there, because it has to be right. It just it has to. You’re not in the world alone. This individualism isn’t real. Can’t exist. You’re not in the world by yourself. And you can contrast that with something like Jason and the Oregon odds. Right. Where Jason goes out and grabs all kinds of great men to go with him. And sure, he’s the leader. Right. But he’s not the single authority because he’s got these other guys who have specialties that he does not have. Much like this live stream. Much like my channel, Navigating Patterns. It’s not just me. We got lots of people helping the opening music. I didn’t do any of that. The idea for the theme for the music. That wasn’t even mine. I mean, my goodness, I was barely involved. You know, there’s two people singing. Right. Somebody composed it. The idea for what it’s based on came from a viewer. Right. You know, I didn’t put any of it together. I did the picture for the animation and put together the initial animation, which Sally Jo of course trashed because it was garbage and then fixed it. Like barely involved. Barely involved. So what we end up having is we have lots of clubs or villages. Just not around where you live, like where you physically reside, but around what you’re interested in. Maybe what you’re curious about. And the classic to go to is always, you know, the sports team. Right. Although sports and teams are more likely to be tied to where you live, especially if you’re in New England, you want sort of the secular religion of New England. It’s the national sports teams. That’s what it is. It’s not the college teams so much. Down south, it’s college teams. And some people support college teams. The college they can go to. But most people support the… But you can see this sort of like what club you belong to. Right. Is it Clemson or is it USC? Right. Are you an Alabama guy or are you Michigan? Is it Michigan State? Right. Like you see that. Right. But we have more now. Right. We have the finance guys and we have these coding guys. And the coding guys are broken up different programming languages, of course. And then there’s the gaming bros and the crypto bros and the e-sports guys. And then there’s the hackers. Right. And then there’s these retro guys who are retro computing. There’s crypto bros and the ortho bros and the science geeks and the physics geeks and the math geeks and the BJJ guys. Right. The UFC people. Right. So in a way, our identities are spread out more than ever. Which might explain why we’re trying to get down to ways of single identity so much. We are spread too thin. Like too little butter across too much bread. The tension is in us to separate the inseparable. To put things together that do not belong together. It’s an improper discernment of boundaries. Or maybe a rejection of boundaries as such. Or maybe boundaries is not the best word, but constraint as such. But that’s the invisibility of constraint of limitation itself. Things are spreading out. The towers turning into floods. Spreading across. Horizontally across. We’ve lost the vertical. One way we’ve been talking about this is vertical causality. And you’ll hear that term more and more coming out. It’s been in the ethos for a little while in the philosophical realm on the edge. But it’ll come up. One pattern of something like corruption is just trying to involve too many people. That’s spreading out in the wrong way into a system. And then you have to dumb it down. You lose the consistency of the system. You start to cater to the stupid people. The barrier to entry is too low. And then you get people who shouldn’t be there trying to be there and do things. The system breaks down. No one notices because all the smart people got out. So everybody in the system don’t realize the guys who built the system, hold the system together, who knew how it worked, are gone. It’s not as in software already. It already happened. On the flip side, if you have a, say, a, quote, healthy system that doesn’t have this particular feature, smart people can take advantage of those systems. And that happens all the time, right? But you, I mean, you’re never going to fix that because they’re smart and you’re not. Sorry. It’s the way it is. And so trying to fix that by equalizing everything or democratizing it or however you want to frame it is not going to work. Because all you’re going to do is corrupt the old system and there’ll be no one there to correct it. Another thing I’ve been sort of noticing is this postmodernism has desacralized story or stories by making meaning arbitrary. Right. But really, when the people do this, especially the postmoderns, and I do mean Foucault and Derrida, like you don’t have to read them to realize this. It doesn’t take much. I’ll just do a few quotes, really. They’re talking about interpretation, not meaning. That’s the first problem of many. And of course, I have a video on postmodernism on my channel, on Navigating Patterns, just check it out. They think there is power in shaping the meaning. Right. But again, they’re describing interpretation, confusing influence with control and applying that to some mysterious thing called power. Right. And the problem is, how can you have something sacred if everything is flat or equal or democratic or the same? Everybody’s vote has the same weight. And I’m not going to say that’s good or bad. I’m saying, how, where’s the sacred? And the thing is, you’re not getting rid of the sacred or at least the qualities of the sacred. So what’s happening? Oh, well, look around. Who’s listening to whom about what? If you’re deferring to someone, that is a version or a type of sacredness. And we’re seeing this in the world right now, seeing this happen. One way to think of that is to say that if you believe you do not have a religion, one will be provided to you without your knowledge or consent. You are going to follow the pattern of religion. Another video I have on Navigating Patterns. Watch it, it’s wonderful. Right. That’s happening. People are deferring to something sacred while saying there’s nothing sacred in the world because you can interpret a text any way you want. And George Peterson does a wonderful job of saying, although I disagree with him on the first point, that the postmoderns have a point. No, they don’t. There are different interpretations, maybe, but they’re not all valid. And they’re not all equally valid, which is a bigger problem in some sense. In other words, your interpretation, my interpretation are not equal in any sense of the word. At all, ever. Unless they’re equally wrong or equally stupid, then they might be equal. But also they’re stupid. So that’s a problem. So you see this arbitrariness, this move to equality doctrine, equality as such, this move to democratization of things, this move to democratization of things. And it’s freaking everywhere. And it’s killing everything. Because we’re not equal. We’re not going to be equal. We never were equal. We never will have been equal. That’s not going to happen. If you think equality is some real state in the world, then you are a denier of evolution. None of evolutionary theory works. None of Darwin’s theories work. None of them. None of them. None of them. None of them. None of them. None of them. None of them. None of them. With equality, they can’t. Also, equality is a perfect state to some extent. Right? Because you’d have to be perfected. And you see this sort of flattening of the world, this equality, this dumbing down, this, this. What I want to call it. This way of interacting in the world where you think equality is an option or desirable, worse yet. In the flattening of the hierarchy. So we’ve taken hierarchy. And we flatten things like leadership and authority and power into one thing. And we usually just call it power. Bad definition of power. Top-down power from above. That’s the postmodern narrative. Usually the way they describe power is power as control through force or threat of force. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear that. You can hear the postmoderns talking about power as control through force or threat of force. It’s not true, by the way. But that doesn’t exist. That’s not power. That’s not the way power happens. It’s not how the world works. Right? You still have something sacred. And you’ll still defer to that. And you’ll get crushed for it, maybe. But people get crushed for it all the time. And you can whine about centralized power. And you will. I know you will. All day long. But at least things were clear. In particular, what you, as a person, could and could not impact. And therefore, where you, as a person, should and should not spend your energy or your time, energy and attention. Super important. What effect could you have in the world? Could you solve the climate problem? Could you overcome the problem of climate change? Could you solve the problem of climate change? Maybe you could stop starvation by marching on Washington and force them to allocate a bunch of money. Maybe you could save the climate by making sure the bill passes or we borne corn in our cars to destroy them. At the cost of gas mileage, by the way. And maybe you think that because you don’t know your limits, because there’s no centralized authority. There’s no hierarchy. Therefore, you don’t understand where you’re going. You don’t understand where you’re going. You don’t understand where you’re going. There’s no centralized authority. There’s no hierarchy. Therefore, you don’t understand where you end and other things begin. When you have a king, he’s able to resolve disputes. At the bottom, a king hears from the people directly. At least a good king. And guide the middle, which is the nobles, which gets implemented back down through the bureaucrats. At least you know what’s going on. Now this system is imperfect. It turns out that all other systems are imperfect. Because they all have one thing in common. They’re run by people. And what are people really? You’re a Muppet. I’m a Muppet. We’re all Muppets. Doesn’t matter what system you implement. Greed isn’t going away. Ego isn’t going away. Bad behavior isn’t going away. You’re not doing away with murder by putting a different system in place. It’s not going to happen. Now, is it possible that some systems implement things like justice better? I’m not going to get into that today. But having a system and knowing that it’s imperfect because it’s operated by people, no matter how perfect the system is and not really relevant, it’s important to realize that. So you know you aren’t going to change the minds of a noble or a bureaucrat. You might change the mind of the king. That might not help you, but it might help someone else. Maybe lots of someone else’s. It gives you a place to be in the hierarchy. You can’t do without hierarchy because we’re not equal and we’re not going to be equal. And if we keep acting like we’re equal, we’re just going to destroy everything. We’re not equal. I’m not equal to you. You’re not equal to me. I don’t do this alone. I didn’t draw on the board. I couldn’t do it. Livestream is better for it. I didn’t do the intro video. I couldn’t do it. Livestream is better for it. It’s better when we cooperate. Unfortunately, that requires putting up with people and people are terrible. Have you put up with people? Oh my goodness. Worst idea ever. Also no choice. It’s a problem. It’s a problem. This brings me to the power or the problem, rather, of leadership. A proper leader trusts the people that follow them. They’re not pushing people. They’re opening the way. Leaders don’t have power. They shape power. Of course, you have to use my definition of power. I have a video of that, on navigating patterns. Of course I do. Right. Power is just time, energy, and attention. Focused. Leaders have influence and they have some control, but the power, except for the power they personally have, comes from below them, from the people that follow them. That’s why there’s something to the great man theory. But if no one listens to the great man, the great man can’t do the great deeds by the great man’s self. Sorry. Individualism fails. Power comes from the other people, so most great men never emerge. All the power, how they allocate their time, energy, and attention, that’s shaped by the leader, is coming from the people following. If you don’t have any followers, you’re not going to make it. It’s that simple. Even in the Marvel movies, that plays out. But they fool you into thinking there’s just one hero. Or maybe one hero at a time and they kind of swap off and so everyone gets equal hero bullshit. But this leads us into what’s a true leader look like? How do we discern, because the issue is always discernment. You want relevance realization? You need discernment. The true leader is in front. The true leader has confidence. And what’s confidence? Confidence is trust in yourself. And a true leader trusts those behind them. Why? Because if I’m behind you, I can stab you. Maybe take your stuff. Or maybe take your position. Usually doesn’t work out, by the way. Yeah, they stabbed Caesar and destroyed the Empire. Good job, guys. Yeah, someone else came along and filled the void, eventually. But it wasn’t any of them. If you were strong enough to be the leader instead of the person leading, you would have been the leader. Sorry, it’s that simple. No one likes that answer. Also, the answer. Reality sucks. Part of reality is that which objects to your subjective experience. You think you’re wonderful. Reality thinks you’re just another person. What we see a lot of, though, is sneaky leadership. Just pushing from behind with no confidence. No trust in others. And therefore, they don’t take responsibility. And in that way, they avoid blame. Well, I set all this up. And these people couldn’t manifest anything. It wasn’t my fault. I set it all up. I’m still the hero. I’m still the hero. I did the hard work. I set everything up. I got people started. And, you know, they just kind of couldn’t make it work. Sounds like you did half the work and are taking none of the blame but all of the credit. And there’s this other category that I’ve struggled with all day. I think I got it. The advisors. Right? They advise without authority or experience, which might be the same thing. They lead from the side. Right? They’re not behind. They’re certainly not in front because only the proper leader is in front. They’re leading from the side. They’re beside you. They’re not taking credit, but they’re corrupting things. Right? They’re not doing things, but talking about them. Giving advice. Right? They’re not talking about things they’ve done. Right? And this applies to doing things that are, say, too specific to you as well. Custom solutions that are specific to one person are not solutions for the masses. Maybe Goggins tactics will work for you, but likely not. You’re not David Goggins. So maybe you can get away with what he’s doing and it’ll work for you, but probably not. There’s nothing wrong with that. I mean, he should give out his advice and the people who can use it should use it. But it’s worth knowing that just because he has advice that works for some people doesn’t mean he’s not going to do it. And I think that’s the way to do it. If he has advice that works for some people, doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you. So how does this leadership outline Pano? Well, thanks to Ethan, I’m going to tell you. Let’s think back to Lord of the Rings, shall we? Let’s look at something like the steward of Gondor. He won’t give up control. The battle is at hand. The enemy is actually at the gates. Gates, at the gates. There. Army, gates. Bad. He’s up in the tower, actually. Telling everybody to flee. Gandalf takes control. He attacks him over the head. And he goes down to the gate where the enemy is. He’s basically in the front. And he tells the troops, whenever it comes through that door or gate, it’s going to scare you. Hold fast. You’re the men of the city. You’re the protectors of the city. This is your thing. This is what you do. This is why you’re here. You can see the weak leadership and the strong leadership. We can look at other examples, right? We can say, all right, so there’s this big conference. There’s a little ring. Ring is bad, apparently. Sounds good to me. Infinite power. They’re arguing over the ring. No one wants to do anything except take full control of it for a reason that is personal to them. And then basically on the back, Groto steps up, grabs the ring, says, I’ll do it. I’ll take it. He doesn’t say why. He just says, I’ll take it to Mount Doom to destroy it. Everyone’s like, wait a minute. What the hell does he care? He lives in this far off part of the realm. They’re going to be hit last. We’re all going to be dead by the time they feel the pain of the ring. Why is he willing to do this? I mean, it’s not for his own good. I mean, in some sense it is, but like no more than it is for ours and more immediately. So why is he willing to do this? Good question. And you see this sneaky advisor stuff with grimoire worm tongue whispering into Theoden’s ear. Telling him what to do. Not directly though. Indirectly. He’s framing everything. He’s putting in his own frame. Like the postmoderns do, by the way. Just saying. Might be a pattern. The hour is late. What are they doing here? Why are they questioning you, my king? You’re the king. Why should this wizard come into your kingdom? It’s a good question. Unless it’s not. Unless it’s meant to manipulate. And then when that control goes away, the movie does a great job of this, the king returns. In some sense. And you see these patterns of leaders emerging because they’re not always born a leader in that way. You might be born with the ability to lead when you’re ready, when the circumstances are right. Both, by the way, not one or the other. I’m ready to lead now. Give me a kingdom. No, that’s not how it works. You see this with Aragorn. Aragorn’s the king-king. Like the king-guy-guy-king at the top-top. And what does he do? He pledges his fealty to Frodo. The frickin’ short little hobbit dude with the fuzzy feet. The guy’s got fuzzy feet, man. What are you doing? A short fuzzy-footed thing. He’s not even a man. He’s a hobbit. And what do they do? They sit back in their little frickin’ valley at the edge of the world and frickin’ smoke their pipes and like, grow food. And they don’t venture out or explore or anything. And then he’s hanging out with the Odin, right? And he’s advising him. He’s saying, will you go to Gondor’s aid? And he’s, you know, hinting the whole time. He’s not framing it for him. He never says, well, Gondor’s always protected you or Gondor’s always… First of all, that ain’t true. Second of all, it’s not relevant. You made an oath who uphold the oath. What’s the speech? Yeah. About the oath. How does he rally his own forces that he forsook with the oath? That, of course, is a recurring theme. But you’ll notice Wormtongue, when he had control through bad wisdom, he’s alongside the king. He’s beneath and next to him, talking in his ear. He’s the real leader, but it’s not proper leadership. There’s no bling. There’s no responsibility. And he wants something and he’s been promised something. That’s why he sided with the bad guys. So you see this proper and improper leadership and this relationship and how it emerges over time. You want credit for emergence? That’s the only credit you’re going to get for emergence. Most emergence is bad. Period. Don’t count on emergence. Bad plan. Don’t do that. Don’t do that. A lot of emergence is wrapped up in the pattern of rebellion, opposition versus cooperation. When you are the hero, you have to be against everyone. No, really. You’re the guy at the top. You’re alone. That theme is everywhere. In an individualistic frame, there can only be one hero. He has to be the top hero and he has to win. There’s no one else to win. There’s no one else to share it with. And there’s no reason to do so. That’s the individualism. And that’s the universalism because we’re all heroes. We’re all individuals. So we’re all the same in that we’re individuals. It makes no sense at all. But when people say that, it just makes me want to scream. I feel like I lose like a billion IQ points and like I don’t even know what to do. Opposites don’t exist in a fashion that you can survive within them. Same for contradictions. Same for paradoxes. If that’s the world, you’re not in it. Anywhere you think that’s the world, that’s not the world. Because you wouldn’t be in that world because that’s not a world you can live in. When you’re the hero, you’re alone. When you’re on the ship with Jason and the other Argonauts, you’re among equals. You’re not equal though. When you’re headed down to conquer Troy, you’re not the guy. There’s no the guy. Is Agamemnon in charge? I think not. That theme of being alone is everywhere. That is the intimacy crisis. You want your individualism, now you’re alone. Sure you want your individualism, sure it’s worth it. I know it’s a good trade off. Also, you can’t actually do it. And if you were trying to do it, you’d be in a cave in the woods by yourself. You’re not doing that because you’re hearing this. It’s not hard. It’s a nice filter. It’s real easy to know. How sincere are you? I used to tell people this all the time. Oh, you want anarchy? Why are you living here? Why are you living in a city? You’d be an anarchist to live in a city. Those are just completely opposed viewpoints. For real. You can’t live in them. Either you’re not actually an anarchist, which is always true by the way, or you’re a liar. Like, I don’t want to tell you. You can’t live in a city and be an anarchist. That’s nuts. There’s plenty of anarchists. They just don’t live in cities. I don’t see them. They’re not going to see me. They don’t cooperate. It’s not hard. The result of this postmodern belief that you can just interpret stories however you want and it’s okay results in us telling stories any old way. And so you see people breaking stories up into weird threads. They’re not in chronological order anymore, but that distorts the world. It puts you in this end result thinking, where you’re justifying things. In fact, I just listened to the latest Sargon of Akkad video on YouTube. Thank goodness he’s back. Where you saw a demonstration of this. It was a remarkable thing to watch. I just couldn’t have imagined anybody would be on camera. Reasoning that way in public, but apparently someone had no problem with it. Professor, of course. Probably an IQ of 80, by the way, but whatever. The problem is when you distort the world, when you rethread things out of chronological order, you lose the enchantment of the world. You lose synchronicity and unexpected threads and connections. Because you’ve traded the end result. So I’ve mentioned this before. I was listening to Gettie Lee’s book, My F& Life. He tells each thread of his point throughout his entire career. Throughout the book, each chapter or two chapters or whatever contains the entire span of his career. But just different aspects of it. Look, I’m not saying that’s invalid or useless or whatever, but it gives you a real distorted view of what happened. At one point, he tells the story of a couple of particular albums. And I don’t remember what albums they were. I’m not a huge<|el|> fan of the album. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the album, but I think it’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. It’s a great album. But you know, it was the thing back then or whenever that was, whatever. But also, those albums didn’t sound as good as they could. That’s good to know. But you don’t get that sense the way he tells the story. Because the drug use is in the middle and unconnected to the albums that he was recording at the time. You don’t see that threat. You don’t see that connection. But you also miss the enchantment. I don’t know what the enchantments would be. I’m not going to do a treaty on that book or any other for that matter for this stream. But when you cut things up in that way, and the first show to do so, which is actually one of my very favorite shows, was the show Connections, which was a British show that got replayed in the US on PBS, of course, which I was a great fan of growing up in Boston. There’s lots of PBS. But you miss a bunch of stuff in Connections. And if you think about history a little bit differently, and I’m not a big fan of Connections. I really like that show. Just because it was a totally different and completely valid perspective. How many times you can do that trick and make it valid. I’ve got my questions on that. Later iterations of Connections were not as good, I’ll note. Worth knowing. You lose something. You gain stuff. What’s the trade-off? I’m not here to speculate on that. I’m just saying there is a trade-off. Do you know what it is? I don’t. Some careful analysis, for sure. Maybe you’re not smart enough to know that trade-off. If you’re in a hierarchy, maybe someone can discern that for you. Sure, they’ll make mistakes. But maybe on average they’ll make less mistakes doing that than you will. And that’ll be better for you and them. Maybe. We’re thinking about… What are these sorts of frames that we are stuck in? This idea of running towards versus running away. We run away from pain and towards pleasure. Now, I don’t know who came up with that. But you need to take your 75 IQ idea and shut up. No, we don’t. Experiments prove that that isn’t happening at all. It just doesn’t map to behavior of animals even, much less people. That’s just wrong. I don’t know what else to say. Just wrong. Just wrong. Completely wrong. It’s nice. It’s cute. It’s simple. It allows you personally by yourself with your limited IQ to understand the world. But it’s wrong, and so you won’t understand the world correctly. It’s that simple. We know there’s an exploratory circuit. Or, that’s what I call it. There’s a way in which we’re curious and we want to find things out and try things out. We don’t know what the outcome is going to be. We don’t know if we’re moving towards pleasure or pain. But we know we’re moving. And in that moving we discover something. It’s discovery. It’s the encounter with novelty for the sake of novelty. I can argue we’re very much stuck in a novelty world where it’s exploration, exploration, exploration. And that allows us to avoid responsibility, responsibility, responsibility, which is boring, boring, boring. Cooking dishes every day, boring. Cooking meals every day, boring. Going to work, boring. Getting to work, boring. Doing work, boring. Every day, boring. Oh, we’ll just change it up and make it different. Really? Why don’t you just take responsibility for the boring? Because the boring is when you get to do the hard work of what we’re now talking about in terms of philosophy. The wisest people I know, the most philosophically minded people I know, all work with their hands and drive or do rote, repetitive work for long periods every day. Weird, huh? You know what they don’t do? They don’t code. That’s for sure. People who code are idiotic philosophers. Good Lord, they’re stupid. Ugh, to a man. They don’t game all day. George Peterson and Destiny. Oh, I game eight hours a day. What? When do you have time to read this stuff to find out if you’re right or wrong about your ideas? Which you’re all wrong about, by the way. It’s actually incorrect. 100%. Every single one. It’s amazing. Never seen it before. Somebody spew out that many ideas and be wrong about all of them? That’s a miracle. Miracle of stupidity. And this idea of running towards and running away and exploration is probably all wrapped up in play. Some form of play. We need play. Play can be exploratory or it can be goal-oriented. Goal-oriented can be for a goal or away from a goal. I used to be very good at making up games. I babysit my cousins. I made up the classic game, which I think everybody makes up eventually because it’s obvious. Rediscovering things people have already discovered like Marxism. Obvious. Lava floor. We had various forms of the lava floor. Various iterations of it with different characters and creatures and things that weren’t lava necessarily. It weren’t water or you had three steps or the monster would eat you. It’s all floor is lava. Same game. But it was fun. I’d make up different variations. It was a blast. My cousins loved it. They still remember it. That’s away from the goal. The bad thing is the lava. Everything else is okay. There were other games I made up that were purely exploratory. We don’t really have rules. We sort of got guidelines. Things you don’t do. Things you do do. You see what happens. There’s a lot of games where you just proclaim a winner. You don’t have the rules. You don’t have the rules for winning set in advance with points. Sometimes you put scoring systems to them. But you watch a good boxing match or a UFC fight and you’ll kind of notice there’s a lot of play in how they assign these points and why and who they say is the winner. Oftentimes these games are kind of overt in that we just kind of make a decision among the judges. And that’s it. Not like baseball. Different types of play. We should think more about that. Another sort of theme that’s been rolling around is people want to be seen. Validated or accepted. But those are all different. Validated is like a positive acknowledgement action. I validate you. I support your viewpoint or something. Whereas acceptance is usually you not feeling bad about yourself. That’s really what it is. I want to feel accepted. I don’t feel bad about yourself. Problem solved. And this is the pattern of therapy. I want to be seen. Why? Are you worthy? Are you on the internet anonymously and then going in your real life I want to be seen? A little weird. Just saying. Going to be validated towards what? Oh, I killed a man and now I want to be validated. Oh, I bet you do. Oh, no, no, no. I don’t want to be validated. I want to be accepted. I’m sure you do. Also, no. I don’t want to be validated. Also, no. And from that emerges this pattern of therapy because you’re trying to be seen, get validated, get accepted, right? This therapy emerges. Oh, I got to tell my story on YouTube and a bunch of people watched. Gives you a false sense of community, of commonality, and of connection. Intimacy crisis indeed. Oh, my story is out there. So what? Oh, somebody lives on the other side of the world resonated with my story. Are you going to go live near them? What good is this going to do you exactly? I’m not saying it’s invalid. I’m saying what magic do you think is going to happen? Is that a good use of your time? If you were validated and you did something bad, is that good for you? For the people around you? What if a bad actor validated you because they wanted you to act badly? How do you think child predators operate exactly? They give people validation. They make sure they’re accepted and they feel seen and heard. All good predators do this. You sure that’s what you want? And why? Because you’re not getting it somewhere else. Which might be the more important place, by the way. Intimacy crisis indeed. Just something to think about. Another sort of theme that I’ve been tracking. The nature of scaling up confuses people. And they rebel against that reality. Because effectively the reality of a single individual or person, it’s a better way to say it, is not the same as the reality experienced by a group. I go to a concert, we go to the same concert, we go together. What I feel at that concert and what you feel at that concert are not the same. Sorry. I’m sorry. What I feel at that concert and what you feel at that concert are not the same. Sorry. It might be similar, but they might not be. We might describe them similarly, even if they’re not, because words suck. But what this causes us to do in the wider world is to try to find a solution to our trauma. And then we apply that to everybody else. Maybe you went to AA and that helped you. And then you think everybody needs to go to AA and that will help them. That’s not true. Maybe it helps a bunch of people, but it’s not for everybody. Quality doctrine bad. But also it’s not how to treat groups, ever. This is sort of, you might call it ironic, I guess. It’s not. It’s not even by design, right? It’s by reality. What happens in any sort of communist or socialist regime, right, is they’re like, oh, everyone’s equal and the workers should make as much money as the owners and the managers, even though that’s sort of ridiculous because it’s a different set of skills and people are different. People can do different things and have different limitations, right? Even though you think otherwise, you’re just being dumb. You can’t be an individual, certainly, if you believe that. So I don’t know how you’re holding these two things in your hand at the same time. You shouldn’t. They’re in conflict. So what happens is someone has to run things. And if everyone’s the same, everyone should be treated the same. That’s true. But then everyone’s in the gulag. Because the gulag is just a work camp. It’s not like they’re not working. They’re working with prison guards instead of voluntarily working or being refuseniks, as my friend was. He’s a refusenik. Freaking hysterical. That whole history just cracks me up. That pattern emerges because the scaling up confuses people. If you were equal to everybody else, socialism might work, but you’re not. If you were equal to everybody else, you also couldn’t be an individual or even a person, because you would be indistinguishable from everybody else. You might say you wouldn’t be able to tell where you ended and other people began. Boundaries. You wouldn’t know your boundaries, your limitations, your constraints. Sounds good not to have constraints. I too wish to be Iron Man. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I just need enough money. Because if you look in the comic books, the people with money can become superheroes without being from another planet. Ah, monomyth. I think not. I think we have lots of myths. Some people want to be Superman. They want to be from another planet. Some people just want the money so they can be Batman or Iron Man. I don’t blame them, but they’re stupid. Sorry if that’s you. Also, you’re stupid. Fix it. The world needs you to be better. And doesn’t it suck that we can’t just scale things up however we want? Wouldn’t that be nice? You do any work in computers, you’ll figure out real quick when things don’t scale and that they don’t scale. The way you build an app for your own use is very different from the way you build an app for the use of you and your friend, which is very different from how you build the app when you need strangers to be able to use it. You don’t have the same assumptions, the same needs, and the same usage patterns that you do. The more people you spread something out to, the more variation there is in the set, this is just math at some point, things start to break down. That’s why we don’t all do the same things in the same way. We don’t all buy the same refrigerator and stove. We don’t all live in the same neighborhood or the same type of house. We don’t all have 2.3 kids or whatever it is this week. Keep putting things into averages when it’s not appropriate, and then not looking at the averages when you should. Weird, it’s almost as if, I hate to tell my friend Bruce this, it’s almost as if we’re living in a fallen world. This sort of leads me into another deep confusion, is that a lot of people seem to think sharpening their skills and building things are pretty much the same. Like, oh, I got better at this, and I’m like, I didn’t build anything. They get very upset for whatever reason. And improvements at one scale of one type don’t necessarily do anything. Like, you being better at whatever you’re good at, like a better software engineer, won’t necessarily change society. And it won’t necessarily help you build anything. Like, if you want to build something as a software engineer, particularly by yourself, you could have a lot of different skills. Being the world’s best at algorithms is going to help you do that at all. It may help you do something way more important, but it’s not going to help you build your own app. That’s for sure. Being the best GUI engineer in the world ain’t going to help you build your own app either. Not saying you can’t, saying that it takes more than one skill. Unless you want to cooperate with people, then you have to make a bunch of compromises and trade-offs because people suck. And they don’t do things the way you do them. Sometimes, though, they do them way better than you would have, than you are capable of thinking of. And we confuse the improvement of the person with the improvement of society. You need to be better in a certain way to make society better. You getting better at being skeptical and cynical isn’t going to make society better, but it sure as hell will make it worse. So you getting better is not necessarily better for society. And society improving doesn’t mean that the people in it are getting better either. And we confuse those two things all the time because we’re Muppets. The truth is, lag is real. Usually when a site is on its upswing, it’s going off of the momentum from the past. And the people in it are degrading at a remarkable rate. That might have already happened, pattern-wise, by the way. It is navigating patterns. So, you know, these are all patterns to think about. It’s good to know. Another thing I like to touch on. See what time it is. Oh yeah, I’m going to close on this one too. I thought I might close on this. I have more notes, but we’re going to close on this one. People are still a little confused about meaning. I don’t want to claim that I’m an expert in meaning. I don’t think there’s any such thing. But meaning is not found. It’s not discovered. It’s not sitting under a rock in the garden. It’s not sitting under a rock in the garden for you to uncover. If only you look in the right place with your knowledge or something. Meaning is manifested by you in a relationship to others, to the world you live in, and to yourself. The three frames. I have a video on that, on navigating patterns. I’m just saying. So, discernment matters. Connection matters. Quality matters. Not quantity. Knowing how you are oriented. Mere direction is not enough. Knowing how you are oriented in the world in relation to other things. It’s how you can sense how to co-manifest meaning. You’re co-manifesting meaning because, as it turns out, contrary to what you’re probably thinking about the world, there’s more in the world than just you, dude. You were born into something. It’s way bigger than you are, or you couldn’t have been born into it. Good to know. If you strive to try to become this mythical individual or this hero, singular hero on a hero’s journey, which is actually the same thing, by the way, you remove any possibility of being able to manifest meaning. Where is the nihilism coming from? You! Did it have a lot of help from lies from people who aren’t you? Sure it did. But still, you’re the responsible one. Because, at the end of the day, as much as you’d like to think otherwise, you are still out in front of your own life. You’re leading you. Period. There’s no point when that’s not true. Now, you’re not the only one leading you. But you get to choose who and what you follow and how you do that. If you go into a company and you try to be their accountant and you’re bad at it, it’s not good for you and it’s not good for the company. If you go to work for a company and they’re murdering you, you’re not going to be able to do that. You’re part of that. You choose who leads you. And you choose what role you play under that leadership. Not entirely. I get that. I don’t care. It’s still choice and it’s still yours. And you’re leading that effort. And you’re leading that effort. And you’re leading that effort. And you’re leading that effort. It’s still choice and it’s still yours. And you’re leading that effort. You’re out in front of your life. Whether you like it or not. And that makes you a responsible for you. Which is why it is important for you to know where you end and other things begin. Because then you’ll know what you’re responsible for and what you’re not responsible for. But if you try to become an individual, there’s no intimacy in the world for you. You’ve cut it off yourself. It’s a trade-off. You can be an individual or you can have intimacy. It’s up to you. I’m going to tell you what to do. And when you try this, people will hand you false meaning. They’ll just give it to you. Hey, you want some meaning? You could be part of the climate movement. Because you’re desperate for intimacy. You’re desperate for a quality relationship. They’ll give you a quote quality relationship. They’ll tell you exactly how many times you have to march on Washington. Or go out in the streets and yell at people you don’t even know about their choices. They’ll be happy to do that for you. That’ll serve their ends. And you’ll be following them whether you think you are or not. And why? Because you don’t know where you end and other things begin. So you’re very prone to ideological possession is what Jordan Peterson calls it. They’ll use your desperation, which you do not even see in yourself, as a handle to manipulate you. You want to be an individual? You can go march for your climate against your neighbors. Good job, Muppet. And that concludes my monologue. I hope it was decent. I have no idea if it was. I’m going to go through the comments because I didn’t really read them. I had to concentrate far too much on my messy notes. Elizabeth is here. How nice. You like my quote, Elizabeth, from Lord of the Rings? I like ripping off quotes. It’s good. Postmodernism is made up as a way to get people to be more open to the world. Postmodernism is made up abstract gobbledygook. I can confirm, Elizabeth, that is your statement is quite correct. Postmodernism is, in fact, made up abstract gobbledygook. But it’s good at it. And it’s important that we kind of label it. But we should really discount it instead of giving it any credit at all, ever. One of the great disagreements I have with Jonathan Pigeot and Jordan Peterson, for that matter. John, it’s good to see you, sir. I think specialization is destroying the middle-lower class, to some extent. Talented leaders move near the city to be with like-minded folks, containing leadership from everywhere else. Well, you see the opposite pattern, too, right? You see Jonestown, where they all move out to the country. So I don’t know about talented leaders. We’ve kind of lost all that leadership department. It also leads to geniuses making basic and obvious-to-be mistakes. Obvious-to-be mistakes. Well, yeah, the problem with genius, or with smartness in general, which I have a very big problem with, is that we tend to make the assumption that if someone’s smart, they’re not prone to things that all humans are prone to. And that ain’t happening, because they’re still actually humans, it turns out. No matter what your IQ is, you’re still prone to the same things as everybody else. Because it turns out we live in a fallen world, and we’re a fallen people. Sally Jo. That’s an interesting perspective, John. Yes. Oh, Robert Putnam and Charles Murray. Yeah, they’re wrong. Just heads up. Elizabeth. Equally stupid. Lots of marks. Yes. Is it a hierarchy or is it a circle coming to a point? It’s a hierarchy, Elizabeth. Things have to go up. Circles are flat. Points are also flat. Actually, I heard this argument once years and years ago. It was very young. Circles don’t exist, mathematically speaking, because circles are made up of an infinite number of points, and points don’t exist. That’s a very good one. I really liked it. Sally Jo. Brain drain within our own country. Eh, brain drain? Is it a brain drain? Or is it a deliberate corruption of these ideas, so that, we’ll say, untalented people can take over. I think that’s part of it. Ship clerk. Oh, I like that name. Billion. Yes, billion. That is an important number. I can’t do math, so I kind of divide numbers usually into three categories, which is less than four, greater than four, but less than four billion, and greater than four billion. Then you can do a lot more math. It’s great. When you flatten math, it’s fantastic. Then the math problems go away. There’s no more calculus or algebra. It’s wonderful. I just want to live in a world with no algebra. That would be great. What else do we have here? Let’s see. John. Yes, I used that first step of path of least resistance with atheists for a reason. Easy to grasp. Yes. Yes. Words suck accurate. Yes. I’ve been playing with the idea that the Bible is a solution to us moving off the path by choosing language. Very, very tentative. Interesting to hear your thoughts. Well, look, if you rely on language, you’re screwed because language has to change over time because it’s determined by our attention, because the world is attention, because Jonathan Pigeot is right about a lot of things, including that. What it ends up being is that if you rely solely on the words, you have to update the book constantly. You can’t do that because you can’t do it across a scale of people at any reasonable time frame. You could take the Amish route and just stick yourself with some obscure dialect of German that no one’s used in a couple hundred years, or you could take a different path. A different path might be updating the language all the time. The new language is more accurate and precise. But ultimately, you need other things other than propositions or mere propositions, which flatten the world, in order to be able to navigate the changes and the scale of the universe. I don’t know what else to say. Jonathan Pigeot, and I’ve got to get on this. I have a clip of the audio, but I haven’t done anything with it. I said I was going to, but things, reasons, happens. Jonathan Pigeot did a Q&A on the Awakening from the Meaning Crisis Discord server years ago now, probably three years ago, maybe four. I have to paraphrase what he said, because early Jonathan Pigeot, basically he said the reason that he doesn’t like the practices, the idea of practices, and it’s hurt me very deeply, by the way, still does, still don’t like him for it, still angry with you, Mr. Pigeot. It’s minor anger, don’t worry. It’s the reason why he doesn’t like practices. It’s because the reason you go to church is to do something that sometimes you don’t want to do, just to get up and go to church, however far away that might be, to be with people that maybe some, maybe none of which you’re particularly fond of at the moment, maybe you get serious disagreements with these people, and do something together. That’s why you go to church, to learn that skill, which is kind of like the skill of disagreement, kind of like learning to get along with people you disagree with. And sometimes the person you disagree with is you, by the way, because sometimes you don’t want to go to church. You go anyway. For something higher, incidentally, I don’t know why I would have to say that, I feel like I do, in case people aren’t paying attention to the vertical causality, because we tend to discount it. I thought that was fascinating, because to me, it’s like, oh, the problem of the world today is people don’t know how to do things with people they disagree with. That’s why when people are like, look, the solution is more conversation. I’m like, oh my goodness, more conversation is just going to reveal more disagreement. We don’t need more of that. We need more barbecues. We need more campfires. We need more singing together. That’s what we need. And that right there, although singing together was more the Washington, D.C. event that I went to, the campfires and the eating together thing, that was Arkansas. Right. That was our little convivium summit, which is great videos online for that, by the way. You check those out. Those are the best talks in the Peterson Sphere by far. I don’t say that just because I was there. They were. They were the best. They were the best because we were talking about poetry and poetics, effectively. I mean, sometimes explicitly. Ted does a fantastic job of this, by the way, just fantastic. The man’s brilliant. He really grasps ideas very well and very quickly. And he put on a wonderful event in Arkansas. And I can’t wait to do that again. I’m sure there’s going to be too many people there next time, but I won’t care. It’ll just be as wonderful. And hopefully we’ll add in some singing together, which we did in Washington, D.C., which I thought was, oh, wow, this is a really good idea. But like all that is, is the elements you get at church or should be getting at church. Catholics have a lot to learn there, I would say. Father Eric, get on it. Soon to be Pope Eric, we hope. But yeah, that’s the problem is you can’t rely on propositions. So more propositions is not going to fix the problem. You don’t convince people through argumentation. You convince them through exemplification. And also, when you have bad exemplification, you have bad actors getting away with things, that’s not good. Because people will copy that, too, because they don’t know the difference. A lot of people just don’t know the difference. Can you imagine having a high IQ and voting Democrat? Are you high? Come on, got a certain point, guys. Like I don’t like to get political, but also like at a certain point. What are you doing? Did you not notice? For real? Are you still watching CNN? Did you not notice? For real? And you have a high IQ? That’s not doing you any good, buddy. You know what you should do? You should get rid of those IQ points and figure it out. Like, really, seriously, you aren’t paying attention at all. John, this is a lovely comment. Thank you. I finally understand your distinction between conversation and community. Thank you. You’re right. Thank you. I’m glad you…yes, community is about participation. And look, I’m not denigrating participation or communities online. I’m an online community builder. That’s what I do. I mean, this isn’t the only thing that I do, thank goodness, but this is a big thing that I do. My attempt to get into communities here has failed miserably, by the way. I’m not a northerner in the south. Just being me is probably enough right there. Lots of things. Whatever. Not really putting the effort to lead a community. Yeah, guilty as charged. Lots of reasons. Maybe invalid. Not in a position to judge myself because I know I’m a muppet. So, look, that’s what I got. That’s what I’m going with. So, if you want to jump in and join the conversation, we discuss any of the numerous topics with very common themes, threads, and patterns that you want, or you can discuss really kind of anything you wish. Whoops. Did that work? It did. Okay. Little bit of a thing. There we go. I posted the link. I’m going to pin the link on navigating patterns, as I can. Can’t pin it anywhere else that I know of. I don’t know what I can do on X. I’ve never tried. One of these days I’ll have to figure out what X can do for me. What can X do for you? I can’t even figure out how to look at their metrics. They also won’t freaking authorize my account or review it or whatever they’re doing. And maybe I’m just misunderstanding the procedure there because it’s not clear. But, you know. Yeah. I had to do a catch-up stream. I’m seeing a lot of weird stuff. I want to talk about things I saw. I don’t know how other people are seeing them, although the fact that Sargon of Akkad put out the video today that he put out, I was like, I guess I’m not the only one seeing those patterns if he’s putting out a video on it too. So, yeah. I addressed some of that. I wish I could have done a full treatment. I literally watched him like 40 minutes before I came on or something. Within the hour of starting my stream I was watching his video. I probably should have watched it earlier when it first came out. But it didn’t really matter. You got what you got. You get good stuff and some days you get what I give you. But, yeah. I’m glad people are finding some of this helpful. Even if it’s only John, that’s okay. I can just help one person. That’s actually quite enough. And, you know, part of the theme was you got to take responsibility for leading your own life. Because you are. You have free will and choice and agency, right? And you have time, energy and attention. That’s your power, right? Your ability to shape it towards a goal or towards exploration because both of those are valid, right? But ultimately the world needs you to be better. That’s part of the theme here. And hopefully I tied some or most of that together for you. John, welcome. How are you doing? Great to see you again. Great to see you. How are you feeling? I’m good. I’m having a good week. I’m trying to get in the habit of waking up early and taking a cold shower. I saw that’s what Mark Wahlberg and The Rock do when they post their schedules. There’s nothing to that. Like getting your day, the moment of your day started before you go into work. I’m like, oh, you know, I mean, all the time. I’m going to talk now. So, yeah, I guess. How are you? I enjoyed the show so far. I’m doing it. Oh, yeah. The monologue made sense and all that, because I’m always worried with the Muppet livestreams that I’m not. I need to like go back and catch up on what all the other Muppet livestreams are. You mean like people who are like, what do you mean by the term Muppet? Yeah, you’re a Muppet. I’m a Muppet. We’re all Muppets. Well, I mean, a Muppet is a type of a puppet, right? Yeah. And they’re sort of being ruled from below, right? They’re not a Marionette. It’s not top down power from above. Right. They’re literally being ruled from underneath. I need to watch your initial streams on that. I saw those have those ones have a lot more views too. So I think people are like catching on to that. There’s something there. Some people like ideas, you know, concrete sort of themes and some people like the kind of wild and crazy guy sort of thing. Right. I like both. They both help. I would hope so. And, you know, a lot of this is experimentation for me and to see what I can pull together and things like that. And I sort of struggled with this week because I was sick most of the week. I wasn’t feeling great. And then on Wednesday, I’m like, oh, what am I going to do? And then I’m like, you know what? I just need to do a roll up stream because there’s all these little things. There’s no big thing screaming at me. You know, that, you know, there’s no one theme that keeps recurring. There’s a bunch of little themes and maybe they’ve been recurring for a while, but there was nothing like this week was like. And I mean, I have stuff, right? I have a list of live stream topics that I could fall back on, but not a list for them. Sorry. You said you made that list like you wrote a list of like topics that you can like pull from. I know, dude, I have probably 200 videos in that I want to make. And then I probably got like half a dozen live stream topics I want to do. Cool. Cool. No, that’s do you like when when do you usually decide? I think it last week you said you just decided. But like, do you have like. Depends. Okay, it depends. I guess it depends on the thing you’re talking about with me. I mean, that’s really kind of good keeping the spot to discernment, judgment, action. Those three things like that so live and community based. The spontaneous aspect is really cool because you watch this and it’s like it’s very like infected with infected like with. I mean, a lot of things that I’ve seen recently. It’s good to like kind of ruminate on that, I guess. Yeah, well, I guess I get I get a lot of feedback from the folks on the Discord server, the micro-wizards and Discord server. Yeah, right. And so my interactions there and what I’m going to do in the live stream. I’ve heard about Discord for years. I’ve never really used it at all. Yeah, it was like, oh, go on the Discord server. And I’m like, I don’t know what that is really. That was for video games and everyone’s like talking about for everything. Right. Yeah, so I should probably really what I need to do. And this is like the next step for me is buying a new computer. I’ve had the same computer since like 20. I mean, this computer is from 2013, but I think I got this in 2014 or something like that. I don’t know. Yeah. But yeah, it’s it’s so it’s I have I have a bootleg version of Premiere Pro that I use, admitting that I’m breaking the law to everyone. And I will. Yeah, they shut it down for a bit. And I wrote that message like, hey, like I literally can’t download the newest version. I actually paid for Premiere Pro for the longest time for a while. Yeah, I couldn’t get it just because to be to be fair, but I can’t get the newest version of Premiere Premiere Pro on my computer because I have like iOS 10 point something, whatever that means. And they just don’t they don’t sell that. So I have to get bootleg versions and I have to turn off the Wi Fi every time I edit because I’m scared they’re going to find me. So, yeah, yeah, that’s that’s that’s what I’m doing with my editing. Interesting. You know, I would love to hear what you mentioned. Robert Putnam and Charles Murray are completely wrong about some stuff I would like to I would love to hear why. I watched the I watched them both a lot and I like them a lot. Yeah, if you’re not if you never touch on religious topics, really, you’re always going to be not you’re always going to be missing a lot. So is that what you’re saying or is it actually leading in the wrong direction? I think, look, everyone’s using these, you know, including Sarah McArthur. I love Carl Benjamin. I love him. Yeah. But also, I follow him on Twitter. Yeah. His latest video. I mean, it’s completely wrong thing. Right. Because he’s reasoning reasoning from ethics and morals and then matching people’s behavior to how he thinks the ethics and morals will play out. Right. And like these, everyone’s doing this. I’m not I’m not, you know, and so what they’re doing is like, if you’re a thesis is cities bad country good. And this is an old theme, right? Like the US is based on this city. The bad is good. Is that a recent thing in the US or is that no, not no, no. From the founding. Why do you say that? Because it’s explicit in the writing. We should just be a primarily a farming community. That’s what we should be. Right. So there’s the founding fathers are arguing over this. Should we just like remain a farming community or should we embrace growth, basically, and trade and outside whatever in the US? We we can actually decide. We could still like we could we could close the borders tomorrow and have almost everything we have now. And it would really affect us at all. If there’s no reason in a landmass this size with the resources we have available that we need to go with Europe, we probably better off in a lot of ways. I’m not anti immigration. I’m anti. Not immigration. That’s yeah, that’s retarded. Obviously, the borders. But I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m anti-individualist. Right. But not withdraw from the world. But like also, I don’t want a third world war. And if Europe’s going to blow itself up, maybe maybe that’s maybe that’s what I don’t know. I’m I’m I’m seriously like, you know what? Well, that’s too bad. Maybe maybe maybe that maybe that’s only going to resolve when when enough people die and get tired of dying. Yeah. And we don’t need to be involved with that. I think we’ll end up in the 1984 situation where it’s like going to be I heard this from John Mercer. I’m like, yeah, actually sounds right. Like you’re going to have a lot of consolidation of power where Iran will take over Europe in the Middle East and all that in China will kind of settle in in the east and take over Russia. Think about that. That sounds like, yeah, that’s that’s that to some degree. Actually, I think if it’s a natural consolidation, you know what I mean? And I don’t think that’s all reasoning from a certain assumption axiomatic assumption. Right. So that reasoning and this is what I’m talking about. That reasoning is saying, look, countries are real powers top down from above. And then one power is going to consume another power. OK, that almost never happens. It’s almost never happened. And not that it’s never happened. Almost never happens. It never happens. So what about the United States? You wouldn’t count that. That’s nothing like that happened in the United States. I mean, I mean, like you could argue that United States is like a morph. I mean, how would you do? There’s obviously differences. How would you worry? Would you say the United States is like a functional Europe or something like that? No. How would you get the United States if that were true? How would you get the United States? It used to be England, dude, like we were in the UK, like we were England. Yeah. If the top down power from above worked, how is the US? Well, I don’t think it ever happens. And I don’t think it works over oceans. And I don’t think it can work over oceans, even if you have satellites. And I think that’s OK. How Germany? How do you get Germany? How do you get? They were part of an empire. If top down power from above works, how did a large empire break off into small countries? People bit off more than they could chew, I guess. Yeah. So I guess that’s the top down power from above doesn’t work. Oh, OK. Even if your statement is true, but doesn’t work. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the reason why I’m describing that, the reason also I’m being tentative, I’m saying it would be probably voluntary. I think just like, I mean, you don’t see this so much right now, but like a lot of the South American countries realize that, I mean, maybe I’m wrong about this. Please tell me. This is just the way I understand things is that a lot of South American countries are fine with being top down under America because they like the protection and trade that they offer. They’re not under America. They manage themselves unless things get out of hand and then the United States kind of steps in. They’re not under America. The United States doesn’t step in. All we’ve ever done is ruin their governments for them in secret. I agree with that. But they’re not under us. I don’t know much about that. No, but they’re not under us. And, you know, honestly, again, this is the CIA problem, right? Like, yeah, a competent organization in the history of the universe. Like these people suck. I mean, Sally Jo will push back and say, yeah, you just don’t hear about their successes. And that’s fair to some of us. We don’t. But it’s clear. One thing is clear because like the history of the Middle East proves it. But the history of South America also proves it. Like our goals with the CIA say sucks. They’re just terrible with usurping governments and getting what they want out of it. They’re good at toppling governments. And lots of people are good at toppling governments. But they’re very bad at getting the government they want in replacement because that’s nearly impossible. You think like CNN, yes, CNN, CIA shenanigans are partly to blame for what’s happening in Ukraine? What do you mean partly? No, Ukraine, Ukraine’s a unique situation, right? Because you have very many forces working towards the destruction of the thing that probably shouldn’t have tried to exist in the first place. Right. First of all, you got a bunch of drunken Russians making up the country of Ukraine. Right. Like just flat out. Then you’ve got an area with three cultures and three genetic lines that are vastly different. Yeah. Period. Sorry. Right. So that’s two problems. One is the imposition of a government on top of not only cultural differences, but cultural differences that are happening. There’s the cultural differences that are so deep. There’s also genetic differences. There’s three different types of people there, types of people there. Right. And then on top of that, you have the fact that it is between East and West. And then unless you know a specific type of history, which I happened across while I was driving, I was driving out to visit Sally Jo, driving up South Dakota, happened across this weird story written by this guy. Basically what he had done was he was managing funds in Russia because he saw an opportunity with the breakup of the Soviet Union. And then they tried to seize his company, but he saw it coming. So he got most of his money out. But they tried to go after him in a big tax scheme. It was a tax scam. So they were it was Russians scamming the Russian government basically. Right. And trying to use this company to do it. And he caught them. He got his lawyer friend involved. Huh? Who caught them? No, no, no. This guy in the US, this fund manager. Oh, sorry. What are you talking about? Sorry. This is the 90s, I think. OK. I wasn’t real clear on time. It was a long time. This story, I feel like, could have happened a lot of different times. He’s going from the collapse of Russia, right, when it opened up, all the way up to now. It’s a very long time frame, right. It’s decades. So OK. Oh, OK. What happens is his lawyer friend gets thrown in prison, will not give him up. Yeah. OK. And gets killed. Yeah. He dies in prison. You’re talking about with a wife and with a wife and child. The Minsk. Wait, no, not sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I’m trying to forget. And then the Senate passed sanctions against them led by Hillary Clinton. Senate passed sanctions. You’re going to be putting a hat on Clinton. The Senate passes sanctions against the oligarchs in Russia. Now, and that’s bad enough, but like, who cares? Yeah. And this is going to lead into the Trump Tower meeting, isn’t it? Right. Hold on. No, no, I’m not going anywhere near that. Because you don’t. Sorry, sorry. Far more interesting story. Far more interesting. What that leads into is Europe following the US and putting sanctions on the oligarchs. Now, that’s a problem because now they can’t move their money. Right. So now they have a problem. They can’t move their money and they can’t leave the country because they’re being accused of of human rights violations. Effective. And so that’s a problem because they don’t trust the Russian government or that’s a problem. No, no, it has nothing to do with that. It’s just the Russian oligarchs are involved in bad behavior. And because Russia has committed human rights violations through the oligarchs, basically, or on behalf of the oligarchs, they’re trying to freeze the oligarchs’ funds. The US starts this thing, right, and that locks them off of the ability to move money. Europe follows suit. Now they really can’t move their money. Like, they can’t move it anywhere. So they have to start doing things like Cyprus and Ukraine. Cyprus is a country that they basically stole all the money. They froze all the bank accounts and took all the money. Oh, yeah, this happens all the time. I was lucky because I don’t know the name of a country. All the time. Yeah, the island of Cyprus. Yeah, big deal. Because it was all it’s another one of these havens where a bunch of people had a bunch of money, but no one lives there type of thing. It’s Isle of Man. We’ve got the US Virgin Islands. There’s places like that, right? Yeah, there’s all kinds of Caribbean islands that do the similar sorts of things, right? So Ukraine becomes the primary transfer of capital from the oligarchs. The oligarchs control an insane amount of money for real. Like, they just have a lot of money. And so there are plenty of people in the US that want a piece of that, right? And so Ukraine becomes a football politically, right? Via NATO, financially via the oligarchs, right? Culturally, because it’s a symbol of what a country is or something like a modern country, if you want to put it that way. And they’re using it to spy on the other side, right? Because Ukraine used to have nukes. They got rid of their nukes in exchange for an agreement with the US that we would protect them. Which is one reason why they never needed to be part of NATO, by the way. No one tells you that. They didn’t need to be part of NATO. That’s a lie. And it’s a scam. And it’s a scion. It doesn’t make sense to be part of NATO, right? It just ought to be part of NATO. Strategically, I don’t understand how you could argue that they should be part of NATO, except for dumb ideological reasons. They should be part of NATO under certain circumstances, if they’re a Western country with Western values. But they’re not a Western country with Western values. They never were, right? And they weren’t. Russia is not part of the West. Russia is not part of the West. They never were, and they never should be, and they’re not supposed to be. And so they also become the front for this ideological battle. Are you going to side with the West or are you going to side with the East, effectively, with Russia? It’s a good question. Like, it’s totally up in the air in some sense. I mean, I would say they’re not Western. They’re never going to be Western. They shouldn’t try to be Western. There’s problems with the West. And so, I think that’s a good question. There’s problems with the West. And so, all of this… Oh, thank you, Ethan. Very nice of you. I do appreciate that, Ethan. That’s wonderful. All of this happens, and this ideological battle comes along at the same time. Like, all these things can… They’re all simmering under the surface. So ideological battle comes along. So we’re sterilizing our youth in the West, not the U.S. specifically at this point, but Western values are needed. That’s crazy to any sane person, that the most powerful country in the nation is like, oh, or in the world is like, oh, we don’t know. We don’t know what we’re doing on any level, but don’t worry. We don’t do it first, right? It’s England or something that does it first. Or at least on the West. Yeah. What do you mean? They’re the ones with the transitioning children. Like, they’re going through lawsuits now on people who have transitioned and regretted it. Like, we’re not there yet. We’ll be there in years. You think so? My first step is that immediately we’ll get to the point where people are… That’s already happening. Look up Tavistock and stuff. Yeah, this is the great problem. I talked about this lag of things, right? Oh, England already practiced the experiment and it failed. And we’re trying it now. It’s like, they already did it and it failed. Why can’t we learn from their mistake and not do this? Although some states, like South Carolina in particular, are looking into banning gender surgery and things like that. I think it really only takes one heart-to-heart conversation with someone to make them realize how… No? I’ve had a couple of those and been like, does this make sense? Did you see Sargon of Akkad’s video today? Did you see Sargon of Akkad’s video today? You can just watch somebody be… I haven’t seen a couple of those videos in a bit. I watched his latest video. I remember how he got popular with the… No, no, watch Bugposting. Watch Bugposting, his video today. If you want to watch how people can’t hear, can’t think, can’t logic, can’t be rational or reasonable, you just watch that. I watched it and I’ve seen this stuff before and every time it just knocks me over. But the people who can’t understand that, they’re not leaders, they’re followers. You know what I mean? So, do you think… She’s a professor, John. John, she’s a professor at a college. That means nothing. She’s leading people in a classroom. She’s leading people in a classroom. Okay, yeah. You’re going to be led by someone. I get that, but I mean, okay, so for instance, I’m going to bring up a conversation. It was with an older guy. He’s in his 50s and I had a conversation with him about this. And it didn’t… Like I said, I don’t know. And this is just one case I’m thinking about in particular where it’s like, for sure, you know, we had the conversation. And he was like, okay, I see what you’re saying. This person also cared for me. So maybe they weren’t being completely like direct. But like I said, like there’s something that’s really creepy about this. You know? But maybe that’s what matters most. If you don’t have a personal relationship where the other person cares for you, you can’t convince them. I think that’s true. But like all these instances where I’m thinking about where I’ve had conversations with people, I never just like… Because I mean, I shudder to say the word like friends because I don’t want to like claim something I don’t have. But like I know a lot of people that are trans and I’m friendly with. And I haven’t said that I’ve done anything, anything really, honestly. I’m actually ashamed of probably how little I’ve done. I mean, that’s why the conversation keeps coming back up is because I’m like, I need to do something. But, you know, my goal is, okay, let’s just be friends and talk to this person and like talk the way we’re talking now. You know what I mean? I’m not saying like I have like some deep disagreement that I’m talking to. I don’t think that at all. But I’m just saying it’s like, no, like I want to hear this person’s life. I mean, they’re a guy like me or a girl like me. You know what I mean? And like, so I definitely think that there’s a lot of points to relate. And, you know, a lot of people are just very, you know, I don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with talking to people. Like, you know, you’re not resorting to things like that unless you’re very lost. I think if you’re really lost and you actually receive something that’s firm, that can be a lot, you know. I like your podcast because I love people who just who have opinions that are different and just share them. I love that. So it can be, but it’s not magic. And it’s more about the relationality. Right. And what that relationality is. And, for example, and I had this you’ve had this with a number of people. Right. I go into their space and it’s their space, whatever. That’s fine. Like, I’m always happy to go into other people’s spaces and say hi and try to interact. Right. And then when I try to engage with them, they’re like, well, I don’t understand what problem you’re trying to solve. And I’m like, no, dude, I was trying to help you. Right. But that, you know, they’re not there, which is fine. Like, I’m not, I don’t care. If I try to help you and it doesn’t work, that’s on you. I mean, I tried. I can’t, I’m not like, oh, I can do anything. I’m not like that. Yeah. I don’t feel bad if I try and reach a handout and it goes nowhere. You know what I mean? I’m not like, I mean, I feel bad about myself if I kept reaching out the hand. And that’s when you got to learn. It’s like, you can’t reach out your hand every time to the same person expecting a different result. That’s insanity. Right. You got to cut it off at some point, maybe not at one attempt, but whatever. Yeah. And there’s people like that that I interact with in Twitter and there’s people like that I interact on Facebook. And there’s people like that on Instagram, everywhere I go, which is fine. Like, I’m not, whatever. I would comment, Paul Van der Kley for a long time. Right. You know, and not that that had no effect or whatever. Right. But also, you know, end result did not work out. So, you know, moving right along, there’s plenty of people to pay attention to. Right. And so you just, you know, you take your power, your time, energy, intention and direct it elsewhere. Right. And that’s better for you and the world. You know, it’s not like you’re going to face down the ultimate evil and defeat it by yourself. And so you don’t put your time, energy, intention there. Right. Yeah. Yeah. You know, this is something that came to mind like, we got to get good at using spells. Not really. You know, when I was in LA, one of the things that, one of the coolest things that happened was I would hear people communicate to me ideas that they heard. They’re not conservative. They’re very liberal. But they would start communicating ideas to me that were completely contradicting with everything they held that were conservative and religious. You know, they compensated things to me. And they didn’t always, they didn’t hear from me. They heard from somewhere. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? And you do see this diffusion that’s going on. And it’s really cool. And it’s slow. But I, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don’t know. That gives me confidence. You know what I mean? That it’s almost just going to have to come from enough other people and enough authorities that eventually people will get the gist. And maybe, hey, you know. I don’t know. I mean, but it’s not, no, it’s not numbers. I mean, quantity is not the game. And that should, it’s weird. It should be obvious. The number of LGBTQ plus whatever exclamation point at sign people there are is still less than 7% of the population. I don’t think that’s great. Okay, maybe it is. Maybe it is. Why are we talking about these people? Why is an outsized percentage of the attention on them? And somebody brought this up. I think it was today, actually, earlier today. You’re like, yeah, you know, you put attention on, you know, like people with Down syndrome, for example. You say, oh, people with Down syndrome are out there and they’re important and you have to pay attention to them. And okay. But you didn’t tell me what to do. Well, that’s the thing is actually I’m confused and we can whatever. Like the whole word retard. Like, it’s my favorite word. We’re going to replace it with something else. It’s going to be something else. It’s all history of it being done. We can revivify it. It means slow. That’s what it is. We’re just confusing because instead of it moving towards like a common cultural word like dance or something like that, instead of it moving from the technical to moving to something, it just we’re going to get rid of the word. We’re going to ban the word completely. You can’t use it for common reasons. You can’t use it for technical. And I’m like, all right, why are we just going to get rid of it? We can. We just have to do it. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. That’s really good for both, which is the everyone probably just you don’t you don’t give into the four loud people. It’s really this is a game of not giving into the four loud people because it’s four people and they’re loud and you just need to tell them to go away. And there’s only four of them and they’re not going to harm you. Everybody thinks like, oh, they’re going to come after you. And I’m like, I tell them, go ahead. Good. You’re not you’re not competent and capable enough to come after me and win. So if you want to waste your time and your attention doing that, I will swap you down and you will lose and then we’ll settle it that way. But they won’t. They won’t. They won’t face me. I’ve done. I’ve done this work. I’ve got to talk about with what you’re saying with Socrates realized when he was talking with the wisest man in Greece is that like I mean, you know what you know. You don’t have to worry about sounding like an idiot. You know what I mean? If you just somebody else, if somebody else is wrong, if somebody else is wrong, you know, you’re going to lose. If somebody else is wrong and you’re not, what are you worried about? I don’t understand. I’m worried about them making decisions and then getting authority for corrupt reasons. But authority again, you don’t you the problem with authority is that nobody understands what it is. Right. Okay. Yeah. Like Anthony Fauci is not an authority on anything. He’s just a blowhard who claims that he’s the science. So what do you say that he has? Because he has something, whatever it is, it’s not good. A microphone. A microphone. Okay. CNN. To power. If that actually mattered, John, then why is it that way before COVID, Tim Poole was out drawing CNN? Tim Poole. Yeah. Yeah. Well, why isn’t he, you know, managing the cultural story? The answer is he is. Oh, yeah. Well, then why are we having a problem and a conflict? Well, because the, let’s say the older generation and the newer generation actually split along generational lines, which almost never happens. I mean, actually, Sargon McHide did a video on this recently, too. It’s weird. It almost never happens. There is a generational split. One happened, I think probably with Alexander the Great. There have been a couple, but they’re extremely rare in history, a generational split. Generations don’t matter in history for the most part. Nobody thinks of it that way. Because the environment is changing faster? Do you think that’s going to happen faster? Continue? I don’t think it’s, no, I don’t think it’s because the environment is changing faster. Right. I think it’s a coincidence of a change in technology with a movement in ideology that’s probably always there, but gains some force or footholds due to the pandemic. And that’s a big foothold due to usually technological reasons. Right. So I have an article out on the website. Right. And that sort of explains, you know, Jordan Peterson stepping into this breach, effectively, and bridging the gap. And it’s been talked about like this before. Like Jonathan Bejeot said at one point in one of the Peterson interviews that he did. It’s almost like you have a foot on two different islands and those islands are spreading further and further apart. At some point you’re going to have to decide because you’re trying to hold them together and you can’t. And that’s kind of like the old world versus the new world sort of a motif if you were a pattern. Oh, that would be wild if that happens. It’s correcting the way at some point he’s going to have to jump ship. And to some extent he did. Right. Before he was trying to say, oh, the universities need to save themselves. And now he’s like, no, I’m just starting Ralston College. You can drown if you want. I don’t whatever. Right. Like to some extent he jumped ship. Right. I mean, not in every way, not in everything, but he did. I mean, that happened. In another way, he stopped doing interviews with the mainstream media. I miss those. That’s jumping ship. I love that conversation with Destiny because that was the closest thing I’ve seen in a while too. One of those conversations. I’m up in the air about that. I mean, it’s amazing that Destiny can make all these statements that are categorically false and not realize it. I’m like, dude, you’re just wrong. Like, I don’t even know where you got that data from. But your information is just incorrect. Like, and Peterson doesn’t push back, which pisses me off. Right. He didn’t come back. He didn’t push back on him. He didn’t say enough. Carbon does not correlate with the temperature of the earth. It just doesn’t. I’m sorry. The amount of carbon in the atmosphere does not correlate with the temperature of the earth. It just doesn’t. I know. I can’t nod yesterday, even though I did. It just absolutely does not. There’s like in no period of history is that true to any degree that would be reasonable to a data science approach. Joey, it’s good to see you. Activist groups make words into slurs every 20 to 30 years to control the conversation and exercise power via pop culture. That is good. Nerd gatekeeping energy. Right, Joey. Although I would say that wasn’t working until nerd culture rose. Right. Maybe as a result of the 80s or something with the with the Revenge of the Nerds type movies and that whole movement. I’d say before that, it didn’t work. Right. Yeah, no. That’s the that’s the that’s this conflagration I’m talking about where there’s a change in technology. There’s a change in the in the underlying social structure. And there’s a change in in the generations. Right. Where there’s a split that happens. And so where is where does Carl Benjamin come from? He’s a gamer. Farganov Akkad is a gamer. And why does he emerge out of the gaming scene at all? Like, why doesn’t he just stay a gamer forever? Because he a lot of people do did. Because it feels it’s awful. It’s an awful life. He gets it. Unless you’re making millions and you’re the best at it and you’re a leader. It gets attacked. No, the gaming industry gets attacked. They get assaulted by them. By them. Yeah, yeah. Well, it’s like a gamer game. Literally like one of my favorite video games is like revolves around a trans person. I don’t know how to figure that out. The last of his part to one of the main characters is like there’s a whole trans sub narrative. And I’m like, oh, 25 percent of the story. And other than that, gameplay is amazing. Story is pretty solid. The first game was better, way better. But that’s it. Yeah, that’s the complaint. The fans of the series, honestly. But like still, I have to go back to it. It’s like, what are you doing? Like you’re ruining like a good heartfelt story, which the first game, the whole center of it is like a father simulator. Like really, that’s what it is. You have to deal with the fear of losing your kid and like raising your kid and protecting them. And you cry along with them. And then the second one just has this weird political angle where it’s like, oh, yeah, you’re watching over a girl in a religious tribe that thinks she’s a boy because she shaved her head. And it’s like, OK, cool. Like, it’s just very that’s not how you be ahead of the times is you look at your prediction model, your ideology and say, oh, yeah, this is the future. You know what I mean? I don’t know. Right. And I want to get into this. Sorry. Just just just real fast. One of the biggest things I don’t have to say is that enough. But one of the biggest things that I think contributes to the silence with older people who don’t want to say anything because they’re so afraid is that they legitimately don’t understand when they see those images of the people holding the signs thing. Like, we don’t want to mix races and, you know, multiculturalism is Marxism or communism, something that some people see those signs. And because they’re so well, they’ve essentially had people of the past and their arguments straw man so hard that they think there’s no way to see the future. And they’re like, oh, the best way to think to realize just whatever the young people say, you know, I mean, that’s how I become a good person is that there’s going to be another generation. They see something different in my no matter what sort of logic I have. It must be wrong because my grandparents had completely backwards and logical opinions that were not facts based and completely backwards. And I don’t even understand how they thought that. So I probably don’t even understand how I’m fucking up. So I just need to listen to the younger generation. And I see that as the biggest thing that’s happening. They’re so afraid they’re cowards. They don’t want to be seen as the history. Maybe I might I might put it back to you know, Joey’s great comment. That seems obvious to me. I don’t see people saying it and I don’t know why. So yeah, well, let me let me go over it. So Joey says disagree with the culture comment. Civil rights movement opened up the move I refer to as demagogue culture. Maybe 1960s. Maybe I see your point there, Joey. Right. The R word censoring for YouTube was actually the politically correct term that replaced cretin imbecile Mongoloid. Yeah. And we still have those words. And if I call someone a Mongoloid, I’m not going to be taking off anything. Maybe I would. But like not generally. People look at the word Mongoloid way harder than the word retard. It depends. But it depends how accurate and precise it is. Right. So retard got a flavor. But that was what you were calling people generically because they were slow. Right. But to tie this back into what you were saying, I think the fundamental problem. Is that there’s a generation that looks at the attempt to change the world by we’ll call it protest. Yeah. Right. As ineffective. Because at a certain point, like they did it once and then it stopped working. I mean, it didn’t work the first time really. They made every problem worse. So the civil rights movement worked. The civil rights movement worked. And getting Vietnam shut down worked. I’m not convinced it worked. Oh, no. Getting Vietnam shut down. We’re not in Vietnam. Okay. Well, so you can say that. But like I’m well, honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know enough about Vietnam to say. I don’t know. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m getting the thing. I don’t know enough about Vietnam to say either way. But I think that the protesters made things worse. Like because I mean, wasn’t that the story of the Johnson’s. Ultimately, they made it worse. Sure. But they also shut the war down. I mean, there was the Tet Offensive and almost everybody thinks we lost. We didn’t lose the Tet Offensive. Tet Offensive failed. We won. And then we pulled out. Yeah. So I guess that’s where it’d be going with. Well, what are your opinions on Vietnam? I don’t know enough about the Vietnam War at all. So I don’t say it’s good or bad. I have thoughts. Vietnam was a mess. Like it was a mess. It was a mess for a lot of reasons. It was a mess for all the reasons you would expect. Right. Which is to say incompetent people trying to do something. Yeah. Okay. Very hard to do. But if you think about the idea that communism spreads like a disease. Yeah. Right. This is the deep irony. So this is what they thought in the 50s and 60s. Right. And then along comes Dawkins. With meme theory. Yeah. That’s the same damn theory. Wait, wait, wait. So you’re not saying the two are connected directly. No. I’m saying it’s the same theory. Yes. Actually, exactly. There’s zero difference. Yes. But Dawkins and the other people would say, oh, it’s definitely wrong. That communism was going to spread like a mind virus. Did he say that? Did Dawkins actually say they were wrong that it would spread like that? No. No. No. No. No. No. Did Dawkins actually say they were wrong that it would spread like that? Because that seems so crazy given his perspectives. With respect to communism? That’s because they all secretly want communism to win. They all think communism is correct because they want to be in an equal world. Yeah. Fair enough. It’s all like this subconscious stuff. He’d probably regard that as a good meme or something. I don’t know. Probably. Probably. Oh. Thank you. Love you, Mark. Thank you. I’m just going off. Right. I want to go over this comment from Joey. Jesse Jackson has, I think, four papers spaced 15 to 20 years where he changed what Black Americans should be called and the Associated Press picked it up as the standard. I agree, Joey. I mean, there’s a lot of manipulation going on in the media and there has been for a while. And that was part of the problem. Negro is a much more special word than Black, honestly, I think. I mean, just because it sounds like a cool word. I don’t know. It’s been a while that we should change that back. Just cooler. But yeah, that’s a harder thing. Matthew, military industrial complex, stretching your young legs. Well, look, I mean, the military industrial complex was coined by a military man to warn you against the very thing that happened. Take that or leave it however you want. It’s not like nobody thought of it first. I mean, I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. I think that’s a tough call. Joey, every change completely ignored and often contradicted as a previous argument. This idea, pure power, yeah, this postmodern idea of power is what we’re suffering through. I mean, that was part of one of the threads of my monologue, is that these postmodern concepts, which are wrong and stupid, by the way, and literally can be ginned up by any three-year-old, actually, like actual three-year-olds, talk to a three-year-old. They’ll make the Foucault argument. They’ll make the Marxist argument. They will. You’ll hear them. They obviously haven’t read and understood any of that material. So why is that? Because Foucault and Marx made arguments that three-year-olds come up with, guys. It’s not that hard. And you’re ascribing to them intelligence that it’s not there. I’m sorry, it’s not there. Anger, resentment, clever articulation are there. Okay, okay. To be fair, people knew about gravity before they knew about gravity. You know what I mean, right? Right, that’s the thing. That’s the thing. All right, what’s Matthew saying here? Plus, turmoil of leadership against agencies betrayed to voters and assassinated. The CIA probably assassinated JFK. You agree with that? Everybody should have figured that out. That probably just set me down losing my mind, by the way. I think back to what was the one fact that started, there’s a lot of things, but that was one of the out-there facts that was important. That was the tipping point. That started the spiral. Yeah, I mean, look, the voters are always being betrayed. And not even by the CIA. The voters get betrayed all the time by all kinds of forces. Get over it. The FBI, too. Yeah, I mean, the thing is, the things you complain about going horribly wrong in a democracy are the same things you complain about going horribly wrong in a kingdom. They just manifest differently at the end of the day. Maybe it’s slower in a democracy, or maybe not. It turns out, unbeknownst to literally everybody for some reason that I haven’t determined, that no one’s figured out that all the problems are caused by people. And without people, there are no problems. And so you should expect that any system you come up with Be careful what you say. Any system you come up with is going to manifest the problems that people have. Because it’s manifested by people. And then we can start having intelligent conversations about why Athenian direct democracy fails and why that’s a bad idea, and why we should embrace being a democratic republic and not a democracy in the US. Because we already know why that doesn’t work, so I don’t know why we even have the discussion. And maybe we don’t have a perfect government or know how to implement one. We should just talk about that, because that’s kind of important. But not assassinations. Oh yeah, you sure about that? Not assassinations. Yeah. You know what the worst part of it is? The problem with the CIA is usually not, we’ll say directly, that they have stupid ideas and that their ideas are impossible, because that’s definitely the biggest problem. But when you put people in positions to implement ideas like that, because you set up infrastructure and give them access to things, they tend to go rogue. And so that happens all the time. There’s a bunch of unsanctioned CIA murders that the CIA did not want to happen. But their agents went rogue. That happened all the time in the CIA. We know this. It’s well documented. Did they make the documents? No. Sorry. Everything we know about MKUltra is not from CIA documentation. It’s from documentation of the parties involved that didn’t know they were involved, because they didn’t know they needed to destroy the records. So we have good evidence of what MKUltra was up to and why and how it went down, just not from the CIA, because the CIA was smart and destroyed all their end of the documents. Just that Harvard University didn’t destroy their documents. The parts of Harvard that had documents didn’t know they were involved in the CIA thing. Sorry, one second. I have to pause this just for Eric. Sure. If the CIA is listening, I want to be on the record saying I’m a huge fan of their work. Okay, Joey, I’ll let them know. Matthew, depends on the timeline. Maybe assassinations are more frequent. Who knows how it’s…the problem with assassinations is lots of people assassinate lots of other people for lots of reasons. And that’s the problem. And some assassins, like Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin, don’t know that they’re part of CIA plots to this day. So what are you going to do with that? Where’s the resolution there? If the CIA can brainwash you and turn you into an assassin, which that’s been done. It’s been done by more than the CIA, by the way. Then what do you do about that? What do you make of that? How do you deal with that? I don’t think you have an answer. I don’t think anybody has an answer. Like, yeah, killing is a problem. Especially when it’s deliberate killing for a political purpose. You know, is Jack Ruby actually a CIA guy or was he just really heavily affected by JFK’s murder? I don’t know. I don’t think anybody knows. I think the CIA is like, woohoo, we’re so glad that happened. We wish we had thought of it. I’m almost sure of that, by the way. And not that they didn’t nudge things. Oh, here’s where you’re wrong, Matthew. Truth matters. Not saying I have an answer. Matthew, let me prove to you right now that the truth does not matter to anybody at all, ever. And then I’ll get to these other comments. Here’s the problem, my friend. Let’s suppose that you had somebody who was fairly well off, highly placed in the government. So you had some money, right? A couple of three houses, whatever, you know, a fair bit of governmental control. And he came up with a scheme to disrupt the energy market so that he and his buddies could make 1% off of that disruption of a trillion dollar market, which would make them all billionaires, basically. And let’s suppose that that scheme got exposed because we got all of his emails, all of them, and we could see it. And let’s suppose they were dumped out on the Internet and reported on by CNN and the other news outlets. What do you think would happen? Nothing happened to Al Gore. Nothing. That happened. What I’m describing is an actual event that actually happened in actual society. Nothing happened. No one cares about the truth. No one. It did nothing. It had no effect. Let’s suppose there was a climate scientist or a group of climate scientists, and they ginned up this idea of a hockey stick. And they did it through data manipulation, through clear data manipulation, which violates every policy of data science and good mathematics and honesty and decency in science. And all their emails were dumped, and it was reported on that they had faked the data. Do you think anybody would do anything? No one did anything, dude. It didn’t happen. It was reported on. No one did a thing. The truth is not that. What matters is what you do and how you act. That’s what matters. Facts do not move the world. That’s the age of gnosis thinking that I tweet about on a regular basis. The age of gnosis does not change the world. The fact that Al Gore got caught and that the scientists that did the hockey stick graph got caught changed nothing. To this day, I have arguments with people about this. No, dude, you can go read the emails. I did. I did. Personally, me. Physically, did. Because I was big into the hacking community back then, and I’m like, oh, these hackers hacked all these emails from Al Gore’s server. That’s great. No one cares. Anthony Weiner’s laptop, Hunter Biden’s laptop. Oh, you didn’t know about Anthony Weiner’s laptop, did you? Hunter Biden’s laptop. No one cares. That’s the disclosure. The truth is you’re going to get no one cares. The naked truth. Yixnán, I heard that I am inclined to believe that both McCarthyism and anti-McCarthyism were CIA ops. They weren’t CIA ops. A lot of things happen without any intervention. There are single actors and agents in the world. This is the irony of all these rebels. Like, I want to go off and start my own thing. OK, if you go off and start your own thing, is that a CIA op? Directly or indirectly? Do you know? Can you tell? Maybe the CIA set things up and made you paranoid so that you go off and start your own thing. They did that with Jim Jones, guys. I give like a five percent chance door open that I was an ambienc CIA op. They did that to Jim Jones. That’s happened before. We know they did that to Jim Jones. We know Jonestown. We know that happened. We know that was a CIA op. They’ve admitted to it. Can you tell me about that? I don’t know about that. There’s a bunch of people who went off to Guyana and tried to form their own thing, and they ended up drinking Kool-Aid because their leader, their charismatic leader made them. Oh, Jonestown. Yeah. Jonestown. That’s Jim Jones. Jonestown. That’s a CIA op? Yeah, dude. What do you mean? OK, well, now all my fears were warranted. What are you talking about? OK, what are you talking about? Hold on. Matthew, this happened. I love Mark’s hypotheticals. Yes, I do Psy op people by using hypotheticals and then mostly not ever using hypotheticals, just recounting real stories that you can validate on your own, assuming you’re not lazy. But most people are lazy and will never look anything up. Mark’s hypotheticals are top tier. Thank you. Thank you. Hold on. Joey, CIA nudges. It does not build from scratch. Their most successful operations are nudges, Joey, for sure. It’s when they put boots on the ground or significant boots on the ground that they fail. That’s true, Joey. Yeah, that’s correct. Ixenot, I want to say that the truth doesn’t matter, but 100 percent of what you do is more pragmatic concern. Right. Well, and pragmatism is probably a livestream I need to do soon. Joey, the way empires have always been built is by supporting the underdog in their civil war on your border. That’s true. Usually the way you build an empire is you find the anarchists because anarchists are dangerous and bad. And they will kill people and bomb people and bomb innocent people. Right. Because they’re ideologues who don’t think they’re ideologues. And so they’re very easily manipulated. And this is going to come out. I’m going to do the Russian Revolution with Adam. And that’s going to be that my Adam videos are the best. My history videos are awesome. Right. So we’re going to do the Russian Revolution. And what you find out, because it’s as clear as a bell in the Russian, it’s harder to see in the in the French Revolution, but it happened the French Revolution the same way. In a Russian Revolution, like nobody disputes this zero dispute. The Bolsheviks are a bunch of anarchists. Right. The people with organizational skills organize the Bolsheviks just enough to get them to do the toppling of the of the of the nobility. Right. And so they do the unthinkable and they behead the king. And now that creates a bunch of chaos effectively. Right. And so now that the royal family is destroyed or partially destroyed, depending upon whether or not you believe that the youngest daughter survived. What fun conspiracy theories that I actually enjoy. It doesn’t really matter. Right. They destroy the entire, you know, hierarchical structure. Right. And then they come in, arrest all the Bolsheviks and murder them. And no one cares. Right. Everyone’s like, yeah, get rid of those Bolsheviks. They destroyed our world. And now there’s no order. Someone comes in and brings order. And it’s Trotsky, Lenin and his buddies. And they’re like, yeah, you guys are going to save us. Right. And like, right. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. The whole they had it planned the whole time. The whole time Trotsky knew what he was doing. He’s evil, by the way, just in case anybody’s curious. But he knew what he was doing. Right. And the French Revolution is the same thing. The anarchists, like they take they take down the government. Right. And then they can’t rule things because they don’t believe in that. And so the killing machine perpetuates itself until it eats all the anarchists. Would you locate like these organizing, conspiratorial like activists in universities in America, as far as people want to flip the board over because they’re like, I deserve to be on top of the smaller, smarter than politicians. And so go out, minions. Like that’s if you if you think of well, and so confession time, this this last minute change, I just want to get it right. Give me give me a sec to to view my notes here real quick. This last minute change to advisors. Advisors as leaders, the leadership of advising with with grimmer, warm tongue and that whole thing. Up until like a few hours ago, I wasn’t using term advisor. I was using term intellectual. It’s the intellectual class that manipulates people from the side. They say, oh, we’re really, really kind of one of you and we’re oppressed like you. And you need to rise up with us and we’ll help you rise up. And then, you know, once you rise up, the world will be a better place. That’s the intellectual class that does that. That’s who does that. That’s who does that. Why that’s Trotsky. So so hold on to. So let’s let’s look at what happens in the milieu. Stalin and Hitler are like, oh, the intellectual class seems to believe in this socialist thing. Right. Whatever this equality doctrine garbage. We know that’s not the way the world is because we’re they’re both geniuses. Like you can say what you want about Hitler and Stalin. They’re both geniuses. Yeah. And they’re way smarter than they are. They’re they’re light years ahead. Maybe maybe I have that definition. I don’t know what you’d say. But they’re they’re light years ahead of everybody else intellectually. Just light years. They know exactly what’s going on. They’re exactly right. They implement their plans. Their plans come together perfectly for a very long time. They can’t hold together. Various reasons don’t want to get into them now. Right. They manipulate that class. I mean, and this is like this is Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag. Oh, we we all supported the Russian, you know, the the the communist the communist cause. And then they put us in the Gulag. Of course they did. You moron. And Stalin knew who you were and what you were going to do or try to do. And he knew who the threats were and weren’t because he was smarter than you. He knew exactly. I mean, there are mistakes that are made. Things are implemented and perfectly. You know what he was doing. He knew what he was doing. Right. And then at the end of the day, that’s what he was doing. How smart or how did your plan is? But he knew he knew what he was doing. And he was right. Hitler was the same. Like they hijacked the intellectual class. Oh, they knew that what the intellectual class was trying to do wasn’t going to work. Right. Trotsky did the same thing. Right. They were hanging out in these cafes in these cafes with these ideas and and sort of nudging them in a certain direction. And then they don’t have to do any of the work. Right. They get the anarchists to do all the hard work and then they come in and take over because they’re organized. Right. And they know the intellectuals are going to do anything because intellectuals never do anything by definition. Right. Because otherwise they’re too busy doing things to learn too much stuff about too many useless things. Right. How aware are they of the darkness of what they’re doing? Do you think that they just don’t know they’re not aware of light? So does it seem dark? Is it just the world? Maybe they don’t care. Yeah. Maybe if your father beat you when you were young, you just don’t. What difference does it make? Yeah. You have a good life now. It was. I anyway. I shouldn’t smile and say that. If you’re done, if you’re a nihilist, what difference does it make? You should get whatever you can now while you’re alive. That’s not wrong. Yeah. It’s evil. But it’s not logically incorrect. It’s not unreasonable and it’s not irrational. It’s evil. I almost forget. I’ve been living in a world for so long. I’m like, no, morality and all that is related. Step back. It’s like, no, you can be out of perspective. Right. And it’s no coincidence that all of these idealists and all these people like Karl Marx and stuff have these dark pasts. Like they had bad upbringings. Really bad. You know, like, and look, some people have really bad upbringings now and they complain and like whatever. Fair enough. These are really, really bad upbringings. Like some of the stories out of out of Hitler Child and Stalin Child were horrific. What? How did they survive? Why did they bother surviving? Because most kids in that situation, they kill themselves. They don’t make it into their 20s. So like, good for them. I know about his experience. I don’t know much about his childhood. I should know about that. Right. Well, it’s interesting, right? Because it was Peterson that pointed this out to me, like Karl Marx and something he drew in like high school or whatever. And I was like, what? Like, everything makes sense. Yeah. I think it was a poem in a drawer. Yeah. I have a video where I review the poem. I wrote a poem about the poem. It’s hidden on my YouTube page. So I was like, this is a simple poem. This is like too much like, I don’t know, not my own words. So I took it down. But it’s yeah, it’s frightening. But that’s the thing. Like when you look into these people’s pasts, when you when you try to look at the start of this, not in the middle, when they became popular or or known or whatever, you see these patterns like the pattern just emerges immediately. It’s like, oh, OK. You know, and everybody goes, well, you can’t judge somebody by what they’ve done in the past. Oh, no, you can. And you should. You shouldn’t let that constrain their growth, but you should definitely judge them by that. There’s no question about it. You have no choice. You can’t judge them by anything else. There’s no objective standard you can judge people by. I like I like Joey. Well, they were slabs. They all had dark pasts. Fair. I’ll go with it. I’ll allow it. No excuse. It’s no excuse. But that but see, that’s the thing. People don’t realize they’re not looking at the pattern, right? They’re not. It’s weird, right? Like a lot of people don’t know this. But roughly speaking, and this is roughly true, not exactly true. Hitler and Stalin killed as many people per year. They were in power. This is Stalin was in power for more years. And so like, but Hitler killed like 12 million people. Stalin killed like 12 million people. You know, like what? Like what? What’s going on? Like these guys, like they keep killing people. At this rate, like what’s going on? It’s a weird pattern. Right. So why are they killing people at the rate of like a million a year or something? Great. Like what’s going on? Right. Yeah. And there’s all these parallels and these patterns are real. Like if you don’t see the sameness, we’ll say in the English Revolution, the French Revolution, the English Revolution, the French Revolution, the French Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution, you’re just missing an obvious signal of the world. Right. If you, if you think, if you insist on thinking of World War I and World War II as separate wars, which I, you know, I mean, I use it sometimes, but actually disagree with. You’re just missing the fact that it’s the same war with a break in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. The resolution. There was no resolution. That’s the same country. Yeah. And it’s the same thing. It’s the same ideology. Yeah. The Reich is going to take over the world. This is a different version of the Reich. It’s not. It’s explicit. Yeah. One’s not socialist and the other one is socialist because again, Hitler knew what he was doing. He’s not an idiot. Oh, you think socialism is cool? Well, I know where that ends. And this is Carl Benjamin, right? And he’s a socialist. And he’s a socialist. And he’s a socialist. And he’s a socialist. And he’s a socialist. And this is Carl Benjamin, right? Fascism is honest socialism. That’s correct. You start down the socialist train, you end it fascism. You have to. You have to go that far left. I mean, I don’t know how you go into socialism without reeducation. Socialism is based on a lie. You’re talking about education. You’re talking about fascism. But socialism is based on a fundamental lie, which is why it devolves into fascism. It’s based on the lie that everything’s equal and you don’t need ownership. Of course you need ownership. Somebody because ownership is responsibility. They’re the same thing. Right. And it can be bad ownership or bad responsibility. No kidding. Thanks for the update, Captain Obvious. But they are the same thing. And so you can’t say no one owns the commons. That’s dumb. Right. And so you gin up some stupid. I fell for it. I totally fell for the tragedy of commons. You gin up something stupid like the tragedy of commons. And then you realize, no, if there are no commons because they’re owned by the government, then the tragedy never happens. In other words, you’re creating a problem that doesn’t need to exist in order to justify a conundrum that you have to solve using something that’s not the government, even though if the government exists, the tragedy of commons never happens. What’s the tragedy of commons? The tragedy of commons is, well, if everyone’s allowed to bring their goats out to eat on Boston Common, for example, on the grass, somebody is going to eat all the grass, right, eventually because there’s no one there to manage. Oh, yeah. Except there’s always somebody there to manage the common land. It’s called the government. And so like they’re pretending like, well, there’s a state of no government. And I would say, no, that’s the you’re thinking about it completely backwards. The government is always the thing that mediates the commonality. Always. It’s the thing that’s responsible for the common space. That’s what we that what that’s what the government is. You always have to have that because you always have common space. It’s that simple. And then you don’t then the tragedy of commons never happens. Then it never needs to be resolved. Now, you can argue that all governments resolve the problem of common resources poorly. Sure. But that’s also all governments, by the way. And what you’re really complaining about are the people in the government that do the thing and not the government because the government doesn’t have any power because it’s not a thing. It’s an abstraction. That abstraction doesn’t contain agency. It’s just like capitalism isn’t an agent in the world and therefore cannot be responsible for whatever it is you think it’s responsible for because only agents have responsibility. And the only agents are people or maybe or maybe some higher power agents together make will make a higher power agent. That’s what I kind of think about it. Like I don’t like you have a very good distinction. And I should. I just haven’t yet. I’m sorry. Maybe I should say. No, no. I mean like an agent of a society, an agent between individual. When all the agents. When all the agents that get together, right, actually have agency, that’s what a government is. And it can have different structures. It could be a king, right, with noblemen and bureaucrats, right, and tax collectors and peasants. That’s one structure of a government. And that’s the collective agency of all the people that live in the village, for example, or in the kingdom. OK, but that’s called a government. Yeah. See what I’m saying? Like, sure, you’re right. You’re absolutely right. We have a name for that. It’s called government. And then you can break it down. Like you can have categories. Maybe some of our valid and maybe some of them are invalid. I would argue that I will give you a bunch that are invalid. You could have a health care system. That’s an invalid institution. You could have an education system. That’s an invalid institution, right? You could have a welfare system. That’s an invalid institution. In the past, we didn’t have that. We had a monastery. It did all of those things. That’s a valid institution. Because there are various reasons. But I have a why I have a monastery video on navigating patterns. Watch that for more, right? But see, that’s the problem is that people don’t realize that. You don’t realize what you’re trapped in. You’re trapped in the abstractions. We have names for those abstractions, right? You can’t just rejigger them. I went over this in the model. You can’t just divide things up the way you want and put them back together in some random order. Like some things don’t work, period. And so you have to pay attention to that, right? And yeah, we lost the monasteries. And out of that came the education systems, the universities, roughly speaking, right? And out of that came the welfare system because we took it away from the church. Oh, don’t say that. That’s sad. This is a progression. Mental institutions. Who took care of the mentally ill? The monasteries, right? Now, the government did. So the government took on a lot of the things that, roughly speaking, religion was doing. I don’t want to say the church because it wasn’t the church. Because the churches and the monasteries are kind of separate in a way, at least in medieval Europe. And so because the monasteries didn’t necessarily report to the local parish, right? Because the monasteries have direct authority from the pope in the Catholic realm, right? And so it’s set up very differently from the way we think it was set up now because we just don’t understand how these things worked. And so you have separate branches of organizations reaching down in the community level from the top. And that’s very healthy. So as I said in the beginning, the king hears the grievances of the people. The grievances of the people don’t go up through the bureaucracy to the nobility to the king. Sometimes they do, but they don’t only do that. The king actually hears the grievances of the farmers. Yeah. Okay. So earlier I made a comment before I jumped on about specialization. And I’m not saying I understand that when you’re reading out loud, I’m not saying that you’re reading out loud. When you’re reading out loud, I realized the problem with my wording because specialization has obviously helped out middle and lower class a lot. You know what I mean? Like I wouldn’t have a phone. I wouldn’t have a computer. We’ll be talking right now about specialization. But I meant the specific aspect, I’m not sure if you can pull this out from the rest of it, of people who are like intelligent community leaders who would go to college, who end up going to college instead of being centered in the community and starting a business and running the schools and stuff like that. Kind of going to make to make money. And I see that same problem reflected in the idea of that. Like one of the reasons why I think a lot of politicians are shitty is because you can make way more money in the private sector. You know what I mean? I hate that would be. Huh? No. Okay. What do you say to that? No, here’s how it works. If you go to college, you’re not a specialist at anything ever at all. Ever, ever, ever, ever. College has no specialization, has no ability to specialize. If you become a welder. What about the real degrees? If you become a welder, you’re a specialist. Okay. If you become a machinist, you’re a specialist. If you become a gunsmith, you’re a specialist. If you become a plumber, you’re a specialist. Those are specialties. Oh, okay. So what’s your thing with that and something like going to school for like marketing? What’s your thing between those two things? Marketing is way too broad. I guess I’m hearing that in my words. Here’s the problem. Oh. Right. Specialization is an advantage to you because you’re a limited creature with a limited cognition. And so finding the right layer of specialization for your skills is really important. And Jordan Peterson went over this, right? He has that story about that client of his that he couldn’t teach to stuff envelopes. Where do we put him in society? I’m not claiming I haven’t answered this. I’m saying there are people like that out there. I don’t know how many there are, by the way, but also I bet you’ve never thought about it either. That’s important. And then what’s the scale of that? Like the big move right now in the U.S. I’ve talked about this before is towards starting your own business and being an entrepreneur. The problem is almost no one can do that. Okay. You want evidence of that? I’ve started like what? Well, now I’ve been involved in 15 startups. Okay. I live in the woods and I don’t have a yacht. Okay, guys. Well, just to tell you how that went. Now, I’ve also read the 10 Day MBA, which if you’re going to become an entrepreneur, read that book. It’s Steven Silberger. Excellent book. The number of skills you have to have awareness of to run a business is huge. It’s like 12. Yeah. Okay. Most people can’t master one skill. Sorry. Like the average IQ says that. Like that’s just the way the curve works. Right. The chances that you’re on the better side of that curve are not good for you. Right. By definition. It’s a math problem. By definition, the way the curve is structured, most people aren’t there and you are most people. Right. You have a yacht, then you’re not there. It’s that and you’re in the U.S. It’s that simple. Europe’s a different problem. Completely different problem because the money doesn’t move in Europe the way it does in the U.S. But in the U.S., this is the place to go for economic mobility by far. The more people come out of poverty and become wealthy in the U.S. than any other country by far. It’s not even a contest. Right. What about in the East? Huh? What about in the East? I heard once that the East is a good place to live if you want to make a lot of money. Europe is a nice place to live. Europe is a nice place to live. Europe and Canada is nice if you want to live nice. I disagree with that. But the United States has that combo. I mean, that was just a rough thing I heard. That’s true. That’s roughly true. I could buy that. I mean, yeah, the problem with the East is you have to have Eastern thought or you’re not going to make it in the East. What do you mean? A Westerner is not going to make money in the East ever. Because what? Why? Because they don’t think like Easterners. And to do business with Easterners, you have to think like an Easterner or you’re not going to make it because that economy is not set up the way you think. And you see that there’s a famous investor. But there’s a famous investor named Jim Rogers. I don’t know if he’s still around. He might have passed away. But he was like, China, China, China, China, China. He was wrong. All his predictions were wrong. Every single one of them. Because he didn’t understand. He’s like, oh, these guys are hungry and they’re well educated and blah, blah, blah. And that makes no difference in China, dude, because of the structure of the government and the structural economy. And it’s not that people there don’t make money. But the people that make money have contacts with the CCP and are willing to play ball. They’re not the people who are smart and motivated and will work hard. Those aren’t the people. Those are also not the people anywhere else. Ever. Because this is the deep critique and it’s a valid critique of Elon Musk. He makes all this money on government contracts. That’s true. That’s how he makes all his money. I mean, directly or indirectly. Tesla gets subsidies or got subsidies, right? SpaceX is entirely just replacing NASA. So they’re just getting government funds, right? And I’m not saying good or bad. I’m saying he’s willing to play ball with the government. And that’s how he’s making all his money. Right. People who are willing to play ball with other people and make compromises make money. And people who want to rebel and do it their way are poor and will remain poor forever. So will Elon be poor or make money? Elon’s doing fine, right? He can play ball with everybody. Right. I mean, he’s not playing ball with the CIA and the FBI who tried to invade X and take over the narrative. That’s not going to hurt him one bit because the government is one thing and NASA needs him. OK. Yeah. OK. You want to go to the moon and Mars? You’re going to need Elon Musk because you can’t do it without him. You’ve already proven that. Right. We already know NASA didn’t do it because they didn’t do it. They had all the money and opportunity in the world. And here’s Elon doing it for cheaper and making it happen. Unfortunately, I fear that the fervorance for control might be stronger than the fervorance for exploration. But it doesn’t matter because it won’t work. When you get John John, if I put you in charge of a company, it’s just going to fail, dude. You’re not going to get what you want either. Don’t I’m actually hoping someone can come on here so I can like, you know, kind of back away. I’m already talking too much between three weeks. Something’s going to explode just because too many people have heard my words and I’m wrong. No, no, it’s fine. It’s fine. It’s good to be wrong in public because then you can show that no one’s going to die. You have stupid ideas and it’s OK. That is OK. It’s OK. No one’s going to die. You’re not going to die. You’re not going to explode. The CIA isn’t going to put a head out on you because you said something dumb. Like it’s fine. Right. I mean, I don’t think so. I don’t know. I don’t I don’t I don’t like I don’t think the CIA is after me. And you’re doing great, John. See, you’re fine. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I love it. I love it. It’s a great book. I really enjoy the book. Joey, cheers to John. There you go. Joey, come in here. Come here. Give us some of your wisdom. I’ve learned a lot. OK, just some like a little little background. Like what kind of led to me like being in this podcast in the first place is that like I went to the what is what I’m feeling is called looking for spiritual home, a spiritual home thing with it was hosted by Jonathan and Paul Vanderkley, John Van Dock. Yeah. The Chino the Chino event. Yeah, it was in Chino. And I went there and I was like I had lost my mind at the time for like a lot of weeks prior. This is like like a month leading up to this whole thing. I was I was a very disrespectful asshole, essentially. Not like yelling at people or something like that. But I thought everyone there because like I said, I don’t know what blew my mind. It’s a genetic thing. My brother had my brother, too. But like thinking that like half people there were secretly working for the CIA, including most the speakers. And so like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was acting in. So like I have a very I don’t right at the moment as even as a narcissistic as I am, I feel very uncomfortable eating up so much talking space because I’m like worried that like I have like an unconscious thing that like pushes me in and I’m like in these sorts of places that’s like evil. And that’s why I was there. You know what I mean? No, at the time I was actually completely terrified. I’m not terrified. I was terrified. I was scared. I was sad. There are lots of my family members. And I am like unrelated to this kind of related because because I was acting very suspicious. Like I think it ginned up some things. I was like up all night for a little bit because I like pissed off cartel members that I randomly met. And I thought like, oh, the CIA is after me if I pissed off random cartel members and they’re going to kill me tomorrow or something like that. And so like whatever. And that happened. That coincided with the day before the event. And so like I was kind of out there and out of it. And yeah, anyways, I just just just felt like I was an asshole and loud. And I feel bad. Overall, I’m happy of the thing I went through. But I feel uncomfortable as far as like not deserving to be in this space for a little bit. I jumped in because I just felt like I was right there. I jumped in even though the other day I was like, no, I shouldn’t join this conversation today because like I’ve had enough. I think I’ve had enough screen time. I think people see it on my face. So I don’t know. Yeah, I thought I was hoping maybe she will next week. I saw that you were talking to Catherine on Twitter and I was hoping that she would jump in like to more formally apologize to her face because yeah, like I didn’t say anything mean to her. But like if someone like like looking at you like like that in the audience and then like maybe like every time you talk, it’s like not cool. Hey, Sally. Thank you. Sally says you’re doing fine. Yeah. I mean, I think one of the one of the deep problems that we have, John, is like I was saying earlier, like if you’re wrong about something, you’re not going to die. And people defend their stupid ideas. They think they’re wrong about something. Times actually. Well, if they think that if they’re wrong about something, they’re going to die. And so showing people that that’s not true. Like just exemplifying that is a good thing. Like it’s helpful to people, I think. If you just by the way, yeah, it’s OK to be wrong. But if you think that the Russians are going to meet with you with some planes in Mexico to fly to safety, maybe you should. Maybe maybe you should check some of your logic a little bit. Not your logic. The logic is perfect. And that’s the problem. That’s right. That’s the problem. Lots of things are logical, reasonable and rational and totally wrong. And more importantly, most of the things that are logical, reasonable, rational are evil. And that’s where people get messed up. 9.999999% of those things are. When you don’t pay attention to the quality of your ideas, but their consistency and their quantity, that’s when you run into trouble. Quantity is a big thing. Yeah. A lot of people agree. It was like it was a double coincidence. I mean, yeah, coincidence. Right. Where I was betrayed by some friends and also like then I didn’t I left them and I wasn’t I didn’t have any friends. You know what I mean? So I had this this idea of betrayal after dealing with the JFK shit. You know what I mean? Then alone in an apartment that’s musty. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. And so, yeah, that’s that community. You got to have that community. No, I tell people I think that you can sell you can probably solve mental health with family and diet. I had a diet told us recently, but yeah, like mainly family like the there shouldn’t be like, for mental health professionals don’t care about you and they just give you that doesn’t help. And honestly, like if you’re if you’re losing your mind and you’re trying to grasp reality, The worst thing you can do to someone is take them and put them in like a hospital with other crazy people. Right. And none of nothing familiar and everything about your life doesn’t matter anymore. Like it’s that’s like the app that’s that’s insane. Yeah. And there was a there’s a big difference between my brother lost his mind and him going down that route, going down the route of medication and going to a mental hospital and all that. And then me just going and living with my family. You know what I mean? Like I said, there was I mean, there’s a lot of differences. His was a lot more severe and acid might have played a role in it, which it didn’t in mine. I’ve done acid before, but not like. Right. Yeah. There’s a big there’s a big correlation between psychedelic drug use and schizophrenia that nobody likes to talk about. But it’s in the data. Yeah. And marijuana, by the way. And while I want to take it out. So one of the reasons why I was convinced this was happening, because at the time I had actually stopped marijuana for the first time, not for the second time or third time. I’ve quit a lot. I quit again. So we’ll see how it goes. But like, I think it’ll go well because I’m terrified of God. But he told me. Yeah. Anyways, sorry. I had quit smoking pot. And during this time, a guy came into my sketch store and he told me that, oh, you know, one time and he was wait, he was very comfortable, very, very personal to me. And was like, by the way, I lost my mind when I stopped smoking pot. You know, I mean, it’s like that could be something to happen. He said that I had mentioned that I was like paranoid. And later in the conversation, he said, like, oh, by the way, anyone who thinks that they’re being followed by the CIA is losing their mind. And in my head, I was like, I mentioned the CIA. He’s one of them. But I think he’s right. I mean, he told me that he said that when he was in his 20s and 20s, he stopped smoking pot and had a psychotic break as a consequence of that. And that seems very plausible for a lot of reasons. So I think that was actually probably part of it. But yeah, but I will say one of the things that kept me right, and I’m actually thankful that I had the psychotic break where I am today because I used to kind of be a very I think I used to be a very evil person. You guys did commit like a lot of overt evil acts. But when I think about the way my spirit was a lot of ways, I think that, yeah, you know what I mean? I had evil desires. And I think that if that had happened, and I wasn’t didn’t have that connection to us in Bible that I have today, it would have been much worse because literally one of the things that happened was I became obsessed with the idea of sin. I was telling my family and myself all day that if you sin, that makes you vulnerable. And that’s the only way they get hurt to use if you sin. It’s like about the CIA at the time, but I meant demons. And at the time, like I recognize that, yeah, this is the CIA coming down on me, but there’s demons over top. You know what I mean? And that’s what’s happening. And so it was a very crazy framework that I went to. Right. I just yeah, I want to I want to just just before I bring Andre up here, I will bring you up Andre. Just give me one sec. I just want to say some of Paul Van der Kley’s better work is when he talks about you outsource your sanity. Right. And if you outsource your sanity, do you really want to be in a hospital with other people? Sanity is in question because what you’re going to see is that is that whole thing. Andre, well, hey, you my audio, do you want to get my AirPods out? I. Sweet. What’s going on, Andre? It’s good to see you. You too. I haven’t been able to catch up on the topic much. I just saw you were streaming and I’ve got what the time was. So I thought I’d jump on. Well, John was talking about his paranoid delusions and being chased by the CIA and thinking the Russians were going to come and save him. And he was reflecting that maybe that means you’re a little over the edge at that point and you should reconsider something. The good summary, John, did I did I miss anything? We’ll get my AirPods. Speaker for me is a bit distracting for me. That is a topic I can actually speak on paranoid delusions. I didn’t get so much CIA delusions of grandeur or I think it’s delusions of persecution. I looked up later, like months after my episode and what I was sort of picking out was exactly that. But I didn’t have a term for it. So most people sort of do pattern matching and. Hang on. I do pattern matching and like connecting the dots that aren’t there. You keep searching for more and more dots that have no sort of boundary. Yeah, I’d say changes for you. I want to I want to just go through some comments real quick. I love the movie. Oh, yeah, can keys ruin the world or the US anyway, Joey, the worst thing you do with mental patients is put them all in the same hospital or in the same discord server. Let’s talk. Tell me I think Joey, I think Joey did that for me. Thank you, Joey. Yes. Like the yeah, never mind. We don’t have to. We didn’t talk about earlier. Joey knows Sandra. Joey knows. Yes, Joey does know Joey knows a lot about that. And if Joey’s talking about his discord server or the discord server I was on either way totally applies. Yeah. I was trying to do when I lost my mind is that that persecution thing was very that theme was very like I said, event of felt a feeling like deep betrayal was one of the things that set the whole thing off. Like I remember like after that happened one of the next days I was watching a podcast. I was like, this guy’s got to be spooked. Because my friend, well, I thought was my friend, you know what I mean? And so I was like, I’m going to go with that. I remember I was reading the Bible and I was like literally deciding what character, who am I, what situation I am. And I flip flopped a lot but I ended up really on the persecution thing on Joe. And so like at the time, I thought the cartel was going to I thought the CIA hired the cartel to kill me in a way that would sound believable. So I thought was what would happen is what happened. And so I thought I had to give myself in disguise, but I didn’t want to cut my hair. But I saw the story. That’s one of the things that Joe does is that he cuts his hair. And so I brought a pocket knife and I cut up all my hair and put it all the way. And like I said, anyways, but like I kept using the Bible as a guide to what I should do. And when I was in Mexico, I’m like, am I Moses? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? Am I supposed to go to the Bible? And when I was in Mexico, I’m like, am I Moses? Am I supposed to go and go to South America right now? Where am I in my Jonah? And I need to go back and warn people. Like, what are you asking of me? What are you asking me? And yeah, I decided with Jonah, I think. And that’s one of the things that allowed me to go back home, I think, in a way. I’m not sure because I was stuck there. Oh, hey, dude, come on. I’m too weird. I get it. No, Andre’s in Australia and Australian internet is run by kangaroos and wallabies. And occasionally wallabies drop a bunch of packets. Good to know. Good to know. Hey, what’s up? There he is. You didn’t scare him off, John. Don’t worry. I’m not going to scare Andre off with a story like that. He’s got his own stories. Please. Is it Saturday there? Yeah. Saturday morning. I’m just trying to get this figured out. Should be going to my airports, but it’s not. Well, the internet is evil and technology doesn’t work. I’m scared. It’s the insanity of AirBud technology. I got cheap AirBuds, like the off-brand staples versions, and I lost them. That was my test to know that I’m not ready for the real AirBuds. What I was going to say, you mentioned cutting of the hair. I actually did do that because part of what happened to me, it was founded on something that did actually happen to me. So it wasn’t completely unfounded, my paranoia originally. But I had a long hair in the situation that happened to me. And I was like, oh, well, if I’m not recognized as being from a good long hair, I’ll just shave my hair off so people do a double stage. So I was like a clicker is number one. And it was sort of a good idea because a particular group of people were quite toxic. I was sort of recognizable with long hair only. They’d only seen me with that. It was the only time in my life I’d grown out long hair. It would be a bit hard to spot me in public like that. But then that delusion comes in of how people from the other side of the world are going to be spotting me in public. Maybe they’ve got friends who are all sort of standing there. What is that? Because we have slightly different rational reasons of how we got there. But I know my brother too, I don’t know if exactly, I know his head was shaved when he lost his mind. He definitely exhibited behaviors that would have fallen in line with that. And I’m wondering, what is that? You know what I mean? Because we had different rational reasons for the reason. I also have a theory too that I think that something to do with the connection of the inner self concept to your persona. It plays a lot in how your persecutions of delusion come out. Sorry, delusion, persecution. So people who try to separate from a very projective and queer executive persona will have delusions of brand journey, persecution of CIA, government, so on. But then one should have a tighter and more introverted and have the self-concept to look closer to the air and to quite brand it for them. I think it’s like friends and family. Maybe they’re saying things behind my back and maybe I can’t trust my friends in some way. Yeah. No, I very much believe that when a schizophrenic is properly nested in a society, they’re very important. I think, you know what I mean? Because they don’t lose their mind. No one can tell they’re losing their mind because they’re not. They’re just treading off a bunch of different things and have insights. You know what I mean? But it’s only when that gets dislodged. That is the thing. That’s the thing about them. They’re all insights because you’re detached from reality. So anything you come up with, you get the pattern you want because you’re not in touch and you’re not grounded in how things are. So any sense has the rhetorical enchantment that you get. Be like, oh, so the CIA should be after me because I’m a genius. I was actually trying to find out why they were after me because my whole thing was like, I’m not a genius. I’m just some random kid. And I was laughing and crying because I’m like, what the fuck? I’m so poor. Why are you guys watching me? What the fuck? That’s what the point was. I was actually trying to figure out and I came up with a reason. I’m like, oh, I’m so bad at this. I was actually trying to figure out and I came up with a reason. I’m like, oh, it’s because my dad works out and he must have way more suspicious things than I thought on them. And I kept watching them. And then I started like, whatever. I don’t want to. I was also similar to that. Not so much power, but personality. Because over time, like so original situations that did happen to me, I had people, some toxic people sort of separating themselves from me. And they were sort of socially excluding me because they just didn’t like my personality. They said I was annoying. But they sort of made it into this sort of group activity. But over time, I was like, maybe like the real reason like I should be paranoid and people are actually against me and I can’t trust them is because I’m really a lot more annoying than I really thought I was. And so I was like, I have had all these transgressions that like I just skipped over because of like my ADHD or anxiety or so on. And I just can’t detect them. And people are just tolerating it the whole time. But really, it’s when I leave the room, they’re like, oh, I can’t stand that guy. Like finally he’s left. And so on. And it just sort of just avalanched from that point. And it got more and more amplified. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I very much at the time thought still do. I mean, everyone are saying on the situation. But at the time, the whole situation when I had that deep feeling of betrayal, it definitely was both ways where I definitely felt like, like, no, I’m responsible for the reason why they have a problem with me. And I definitely am. Like I wasn’t corrected. But it was only like way later that I was like, okay, like at the time, I think I did the best of what I knew how to do. Well, now it’s just be honest with them. I was like, hey, guys, like, I’m struggling. I’ll kind of say what it was a little bit. Basically, I had some friends and one of them, one of my friends, girlfriends. I could see how to think for me. And it was making me very uncomfortable because we lived together. And like I would like and I would have like desires and urges. And I would like and I would just tell the other man like, hey, dude, like, please help me. Like, I would do it. You just like tell me like, don’t you run. I was talking about and they essentially just like, well, John has a thing for my friend. You know what I mean? Like, that’s not what it is. Like, I don’t have a thing for your girlfriend. Like, I mean, I do because I’m like, I but like, I don’t because you know what I mean? Like, I don’t know. And so like I have to. Yeah. And so learning how to deal. I think I’m trying to learn how to deal with this controlling myself like that. Because like I think for a while, it’s like I’ve always I’ve always loved girls. And then suddenly, like I very suddenly became like more attractive because like I think I don’t know what it was. I think it was just a confidence thing. That’s really what it was. Nothing about me physically changed. It was just like, oh, so we have just one confidence. Yeah, we don’t. But we don’t know ourselves well. But we’re told that we do. Right. And we’re told we’re told that indirectly. Right. We’re told, oh, this person knows what they’re doing. They’re doing it deliberately. They know how to do it and they’re implementing exactly what they intend. Well, on us, because we think, oh, they can do that. We can do that. Yeah. And we think that’s but that’s not that’s not true. See, Joey has a healthy sense of this. Joey said, I’m really not good enough to have imposter. The correct attitude. Yes, you can be. And yes, you are. He knows he’s a muppet. And Sandra, I just looked up Ken Kee’s biography. Yeah. Yeah. Talk about evil town. Well, the thing about Ken Kee’s is that the book and the movie moved the attention of the nation, effectively, at least in the United States, onto a problem. It is a real problem, which is the abuse of mental patients in hospitals, maybe because hospitals, a mental institution shouldn’t exist because should be monasteries. Not not that the abuse is going to go away, but maybe it will be better because that’s going to be my case. It’s always going to be the case I make for various reasons. And then what happens is Ronald Reagan, future president, then governor of California, says, yeah, we should get rid of the mental institutions. Right. And creates a homelessness problem instead. But everybody follows that example, even though it fails in California almost immediately. No one knows. Good outcome of the movie. I just like. But but but the experiment in California fails, but all the states do it anyway. And you see that pattern everywhere. Tell me about it. Yeah. People follow bad ideas because they don’t understand that they’re bad ideas yet or they don’t believe the data. Right. They believe that, well, this should work because this is the way the world works, even though they’re wrong about that. Democracy is the best example. We know democracy fails. The ancient Greeks figured this out. They figured out that it fails, why it fails, how it fails, that it will always fail. Right. This is written about in Plato’s Republic. No one’s mentioning it. That’s going to be a video I’m going to do on on on that particular piece on navigating patterns. We’re going to do that video. We already did the lies of Plato’s cave. We’re going to do the why isn’t everybody talking about book eight in the Republic? Right. Because the same thing. We’re following a bad pattern. We know it’s a bad pattern. Why are we following it again? I’m a little confused. What’s a better pattern than like like a Republican democracy? Because I can’t think of a better. We’re not following the Republican democracy. OK. Right. Explicitly. Look at the last election in the United States. Oh, the Constitution doesn’t give me the power to do this. No, the Constitution explicitly gives you the power to do that. Why are you denying the power? No, we have to go with the vote. No, we don’t. We’re not a we’re not a we’re not a democracy. We’re not a direct democracy. We don’t have to go with the vote. OK, OK. We’re not supposed to go with the vote. The Constitution is kind of explicit about this. Yeah. Well, when people talk about that day that a bunch of people walked into the Capitol. You mean a bunch of a bunch of stakeholders who own a building and property went to the building and property that they own and have every right to go to? And it got equated to 9-11. But like but it’s worse like they own that building. They have every right to go there. Yeah. Period. End of statement. Yes. I guess not. I would honestly if I knew it was going to be a big deal, I would have I would have been there. I saw on the news what happened that day. I saw my phone. Oh, shit. Like, I mean, I thought like that sucks. I guess it’s annoying. And then it’s like we’re still talking about it. I’m like, what the fuck? Well, my uncle was here just before that. And he was asking me, oh, there’s going to be a thing in Washington, D.C. And I said, don’t go. I said, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but something’s going to happen. It’s not going to be good. See, I had the worst mentality. I actually thought that there was going to be because at the time I was going off on the fun. I actually thought there was going to be a shooting at the Home for Spiritual Events thing because I had a whole theory about that. There was troublesome operatives that they would want to get rid of and they want to get two birds with the same stone or something. There was there was like in catastrophe or something. It was a troublesome. Me into doing it. I’m like, I’m going to do it. But there was a troublesome operative there, John. It was you. Yeah. You are the troublesome operative, dude. You sigh off yourself. It’s great. Yeah. Something just came to my head. I think Mark might have been there to this. It was on his server in Discord. One of these delusions of persecution, not even persecution, in third sort of like social characterization. Mark knows Gingerbill and I’m not sure if you know him, but he’s sort of British way of speaking. He’s a bit dry in tone, even though he’s fully serious. And he was showing us this new brewing setup. Who? Gingerbill. He’s from British as a meaning. A guy called Gingerbill. And the way he used the nation in saying something. He’s my paranoia a little bit. I thought he was targeting me because he was going, yeah, so this is my new brewing setup in my house. So the job I go to, I’m like, okay, I don’t own a house and I don’t have a job. And he’s like, yeah. And I get in my car and I go to my job. I’m like, okay, now he’s singling me out with something else. And it was just like his way of speaking, dry British sort of intonation that solely I was speaking up on. But I thought it was targeted directly at me and no one else in the VC. And I started getting going like, oh, Mr. Big Moneybags with his job in his house. And everyone was sort of we doubted what I was saying. And they’re like, why are you taking such offense to that? And I seriously at the time thought he was sort of targeting me. No, that’s an easy topology because I consider myself like a kind of perceptive person too. And so it’s hard for me to like, I can go. I have to pull myself back and be like, no, I’m falling into nonsense again. That’s the over connection. That’s paranoia is. It’s an over connection. This is actually nicely explained by the Knowledge Engine model. See navigating patterns. Great video. And I want to so Joey’s on this too. It happened with politics. Bring back no direct voting for president and senators. Huge mistake. I agree, Joey. That is correct. That is not the way the country was set up originally. I did not directly vote for the president or the senators and things were probably better. And there’s a really good president. I could see Sanders. I don’t know. Sanders, Sanders, Trump would never have been like, I don’t know how. How do you feel about Trump in Australia? How do I know generally Aussies aren’t too hot? I mean, we don’t really think of them. OK. Like, yeah, some people are sort of like, yeah, I like that Trump guy is smart thinker. And then others are just sort of like if they’re into politics, then they talk about it. But generally it’s sort of like not an issue. But it’s only so much an issue in that there’s going to be downstream effects, whether like Biden’s in Trump’s in whomever. Because I’ve had a lot of Americans say like, oh, why are you so interested in politics if like you say you’re not obsessed with us, blah, blah, blah. I’m like, well, we not really, but we have to be educated on it because what happens in your country is going to affect our country in the long run. Yeah. Would you powerful be to be idiots? And that’s outside of like any bias or like opinion or sort of like taking sides like. There’s a general sort of conception that Trump might be sort of a bit of a lacadoodle with his decisions, perhaps. Or if Biden running again is incumbent, I think. Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. Biden is pretty like slavish and milk-faced. So like it’s like non-threat, but like it’s also a bit inconstant in a way. Yeah. I told Mark, I looked at his abolished decisions and what he sees in office on the White House website or whatever. And like they’re all just sort of ticking boxes of what they said they’d do, but. But hasn’t actually done anything. Really exciting or like progressing the country towards from what I see. Yeah. I agree. Your audio is still cutting in and out from when you put your earbuds on. It’s really strange. Those long stretches of being in a long stretch of being out. Let me let me grab this comment. Sandra is it proposition crossed with poetics equals paranoia? No, Sandra. If you follow the model, you’re basically heavy weighting on poetics instead of using propositions and procedures. Right. And so what you find with I mean, you can hear it in the stories here. Right. What you find is they’re making connections that don’t exist. They’re poetic connections. They don’t make any sense logically, rationally and reasonably. Right. Which is the left side of the brain. They only make sense if you overconnect. So over connection is a function of poetics entirely or too much reliance on politics. There is it’s not a balance because there’s four things, but it is kind of a balance between left and right in that. The rational side of your brain prevents you from making bad connections in many cases. It’s not the only thing that does that, but it prevents that. And that’s why you get things like you heard it in John’s story. Right. Like so John’s like, why is the CIA after me? But I know the CIA is after me. But the why is the CIA after me rationality should say, obviously, the CIA can’t be after me. Right. Like I remember like there was a like I because like when I was losing my mind, like it’s not like I became a different person. Like I’m still very much like the guy you’re talking to. And so like I was on a plane trip. I went because it lasted for a long time. And after I went to Mexico and I was like kind of the peak of it, it was still there. But I went on a plane trip to go somewhere else. And on the plane trip, I remember it was also because I ran and I was dehydrated. But it was also because I was just doing so much like my school really felt like it was splitting, trying to like reform my entire life. Because essentially I got to the point where I started believing like that people from my childhood life who I felt like betrayed me was like, oh, they’re also CIA. You know what I mean? It got really crazy. And like in trying to accept it, like, yes, the world actually is this crazy. Like it literally hurt my head. You know what I mean? Like I’ve never had a headache that bad. And I was sitting there like a splitting headache, just like beating like how do I get this whole thing together? You know what I mean? And I did. I like what you’re saying, because it’s sort of Sanjuro and they are continuous. So they keep connecting. Interesting. Well, you just heard Sanjuro, right? They keep making it. You can’t unmake the connection. I’m trying to find a way to make the connection and it’s continuous. Right. And also, by the way, Sanjuro, package on the way to you, sir, mailed out this morning. And then and then, oh, here we go, Joey, the Harry Truman show. That’s that’s good. I heard the Truman show. I was playing the Truman show music and I would cry and weep like my whole life. Why? How? Yeah, there’s a tell right there. Right. If you sure think that we live in the Truman show and yeah, I’m looking at someone in particular, Mr. Kale, Zeldin. If you actually think that you are paranoid, you have an actual problem that you need to get a dress. Wait, does Kale Zeldin watch these videos? I doubt it. I don’t know what to say with the knowledge engine. Interacted at all like that. You start talking about. No, I saw I saw his tweet the other day and I was like, this is crazy talk. Why is he crazy? So what do you say with the knowledge engine? So you said proposition was sort of like rational and then you got the poetic. One of those goes through the perceptible, right? So would you say they all do. Right. Because that was the ring I did on the outside when we got graphic. So without this connection and the continuous pattern matching, it would shift the perceptible. Level so that you continuously change the perception to match the inaccurate connection. Yeah, I mean, again, the way this works with the double arrows, shoot, this is the old one. The process should be cooperative processing. My bad. I got to fix that on this one. I just uploaded the older version to the stream yard. That’s the only change I need to make is change opponents to cooperative. It’s cooperative processing. So again, the information goes up and it gets modified by these four ways of the signals go up and get modified by these four ways of informing. And that goes back down. That’s why the arrows are up and down. So that goes that goes back down and rejiggers the perspective. And so if it’s heavy on the poetic, your perspective is going to be continuously rejiggered to believe the thing you already believe based on the information you already think you have. And all the information is going to get skewed towards that connection. And so it’s right. The feedback loop starts again because the feedback loops there. It’s just when it’s in balance, when you when you’re using all four four ways of informing the world to rejigger your perspective, you can stay roughly with reality. It’s not, you know, whatever you’re kind of in the flow. That’s when you’re in the flow. Really sorry. It’s very funny the way the way like the way it feels is like it’s very ground up. It means like I think that the trail like set a lot of it up. But like I didn’t actually start suspecting consciously that my roommates were like secretly CIA people until like a couple of days. I mean, like five days in or something like that. You know what I mean? And I was driving to Mexico and suddenly occurred to me and I was like, no way. And I was like trying to hide it because I thought people read my mind. But you see, you can see, I should say. But John, you can see where Dawkins gets this meme idea from with the meme infections. I’m not saying there’s nothing to it. He’s totally wrong or anything. I’m just saying like, duh, no kidding. But the ideas reinforce themselves over time. Of course they do. Things were exposed to right. Even if we expose ourselves to them internally. In other words, if you get stuck in your imagination and that happens to people all the time, there’s nothing necessarily bad about it. It’ll reinforce itself. And then the next thing you know, you’re paranoid. Yeah, that that will that will absolutely happen. And and and that’s the problem is we don’t have a good model for that. Well, except except for ours, I would say. But as a self-serving, but it’s my last dream. So it should be. And people don’t understand that. And that’s why that’s why conversation won’t fix it, because you can talk to people all you want when they’re paranoid and it ain’t going to get them out of their paranoia. Yeah, like I said, like I was my same person. It’s where it’s hard to say. But so so it’s funny, those same people, the exact physical same entities will say, well, you can’t tell somebody be not depressed. That doesn’t work. But then they’ll be like, you can talk somebody out of paranoia all day long. And I’m like, dude, you can’t make any sense at all. Totally, completely inconsistent. Right. And that’s the and that’s the problem. I want to I want to address this, Andrew. And the flow balance allows for more quality updates in the frame. And flow is not necessarily balanced. Flow is a focus on on one side or the other, because you can be like if you’re an artist, you are your your happy flow state. We call it it’s in the poetic. But if you’re if you’re not, if you’re autistic, your happy flow state is in a procedure. And some people can go right. Some people can’t. It just is. We were all different, unfortunately. Still, we’re still not equal. Sorry. We’re all different. And so, yeah, I can switch like, you know, for better or for worse, I can go into a flow state on the poetic side and just sort of go. That’s how I do my monologues. That’s the only way to do the monologues. I don’t like the mouth. They’re not scripted. They’re part of the. You’re not pulling one trail. It’s like you are looking at something. Right. And I’m adding things in the middle. I mean, I went over this this, you know, monologue ahead of time at this time, of course, a couple of times, but not the whole thing at once. Right. But then when I’m when I’m this famous time, I was like, oh, OCD is good. Right. Because I have OCD. So I had to redo the billing system for my buddy. He is like, oh, the accountant took a month to redo the billing system. Yeah, I did it in like two hours. And then I did it again to check it. And I was like, I don’t know why this takes so long, because once I developed a procedure and I was in the flow of the procedure, I can just crank. And it feels good. Like I’m cranking through the procedure. Well, I can do that. That’s just something I can do. I know a lot of people can’t do that, but I can do the same thing, same exact thing over and over and over again. And it’s good. Like I’m I’m a crazy person. Like I will listen to the same song over and over again for an hour. In three and a half minutes on that means nothing. Sometimes I enjoy that same song for like a day. Look, we’ve we’ve got to take Joey seriously. What if the CIA just wants you to be paranoid? That’s over connection. Yeah. Yeah. I guess I regarding the post, I was thinking paranoia seems like being in a flow state, but it’s enchanted and lacking complete grounding. So it’s like a post that can’t really tell you anywhere. So you stuck in like a sort of like you’re ebbing and flowing, but it’s not between reality and creativity. It’s just stuck in that imaginal space. Yeah. Well, my like I said, I’m not even sure. Like one of the dreams like I had a very big dream. It was basically you grind you grind cheating. Yeah, I had a dream that like we were two snakes like having sex. I don’t know. But like, I don’t know. Sorry, I don’t know. I don’t know. But like, I don’t know. I feel like I learned something from that, I guess. You know what I mean? It’s like a company with nothing. Yeah. I mean, I do. Let it let it let it know. But when you when you get information, right, and you put it together, you can learn something. That’s true. That definitely happens. I want to I want to address this question. Benjamin Franklin actually asked something reasonable for once. Do you think that history has directionality to it? No. Like Hagel thought. Look, throughout everything Hagel says, your life will be improved a billion times. It easily right. Hagel’s retarded. And it’s just that simple. For example, was the Industrial Revolution inevitable or was it inevitable? Which means is that maybe. Yeah, well, I like. Change and patterns are inevitable. Sorry. And they and they like if you think the Industrial Revolution is what happened in England or you think the Industrial Revolution is what happened in Lowell, Massachusetts, or you think you’re wrong. The pattern of the Industrial Revolution happened a lot. And we can point at one and say, look, this technological leap was greater than that. The greatest technological leap we’ve ever had is the telegraph. People don’t understand that. Right. Because what comes out of the telegraph is the telephone and the internet. Isolation. And without that and before that, it’s impossible to get those other technologies. And so the telegraph is the leap. Separation between like having people in the horseback with no versus having electricity like shooting through signals like rapid communication. But using using electricity. No, it’s using electricity for signaling is more significant than using it for power. He’s described that. Yeah. So so one thing I did not know. No, all this stuff about the Industrial Revolution. I grew up in Lowell, Mass. Right. And so the second Industrial Revolution, the one that happened in the US, where we stole all the technology from England, because we had a guy with an eidetic memory go over there and copy all their tech and bring it back. It’s just hysterical to me. So we steal all this technology and we improve upon all of it, too, by the way. So we did improve on it. They built the city of Lowell, Mass. It’s where I grew up. OK, so like I know all this stuff. So I come down south to South Carolina. I live near Columbia, South Carolina. Come to Columbia, South Carolina and get this big, big mill here on the river, which is weird because it doesn’t use water power. It never used water power. It’s the first mill that used a motor to run textile mill. Does that just have it? Just in case it doesn’t work. Exactly. It’s just a pattern. Oh, yeah. All the mills are along rivers, John. Like, why wouldn’t you put the mill along the river? It’s disconnected from the telos. This happens all the time. That’s why people, oh, that’s dumb to put it there. Well, no, people put it there because that’s the pattern they were used to. Right. And that’s just, you know, sometimes they get retrofit, like all the mills up in Lowell and Lawrence, Massachusetts and, you know, around the Boston area got retrofit. And like Manchester, New Hampshire is a big example. They’ve got tech companies in them. They’ve got colleges in them. They’ve got all kinds of other businesses, other manufacturing businesses in them, whatever. A Berkshire Hathaway was a mill. That’s a mill in Fall River, Massachusetts. It got retrofitted to be an investment company, mainly because he owned the mill. And then he shut the mill down and put his investment offices in the mill. Warren Buffett. Yeah, nobody knows that, but whatever. That’s what happened. So these patterns sort of play out that way. There were big buildings there. Why build a new building? It’s expensive to build a building. You take over the mill, right? It’s closed anyway. So what happens is they’re running it with a motor. The mill is still running. It’s running with a motor. Right. It’s like, well, that’s weird. That’s electricity as power, not communication. Right. Meanwhile, AT&T comes along. The mill’s closed and it’s a museum, John. AT&T, also born in the Boston area, right? Alexander Graham Bell, Boston, right? AT&T’s still here, dude. They’re not going anywhere. Right? They’ve been here all along. Basically the same company. Right. Because electricity as signal signals way more power than electricity at the end of the day. I get what you’re saying. I get what you’re saying. Okay. Okay. Electricity without being directed by a signal doesn’t do anything. It’s lightning, effectively. Yeah. Right. AT&T or AT&T? What are they hiding from us? Exactly. Exactly. Michelle, hello, everyone. Hello, Michelle. Dan Juro. Telegraph was also what Neil Postman pointed at and begins his book in amusing ourselves to death. I haven’t read that book. I’ve heard a lot about it. Probably. Joey, the introduction of a new mode of communication has always preceded mass genocide, printing press, telegraph, radio, TV, internet genocide. When? Joey, did you see Echoes of the Past? Echoes of the Past, Joey. I was thinking about the Echoes of the Past video before Adam and I recorded it. And I went, oh, you know what we haven’t done? We haven’t done the rest of the revolution. And I said, oh, my goodness, what does that mean if I put it in the frame of Echoes of the Past? I panicked. I was panicked for half a day until I calmed myself down. Yeah, same problem. Internet genocide? When? Well, hopefully we have that. It’s called cancel culture. That would be my argument. I’m going to stick to it. Otherwise, I would get depressed. Joey, so I think we are safe from the internet until the government actually takes control of it. I think the government can, but whatever. Hillary, it might have been a risk for this, but Musk and Twitter takeover pervades reasonable checks. That’s a reasonable way to think about it, Joey. Okay, so my thought about that is that the reason why they would have trouble interfering or wouldn’t interfere domestically very strongly as they would comparatively to on the internet is because there’s no precedence about what they can and can’t do. I mean, as far as I know, the free speech laws aren’t very solid on the internet as far as how they can interfere. So you think it would be possible they could be utilizing some loopholes there? I don’t want to make you paranoid, so I don’t actually want to talk about this too much, because that made me really paranoid. It was like, are there spooks on the internet right now? And I was like, we’re trying to find spooks on the internet. I’ve got a buddy. I have my buddy. No, jump. I have a buddy. I’m a very, very smart guy. Very smart guy. Very smart. Identic memory for numbers. Fucking ridiculous. And guys, ridiculous. He’s insane. I love him to death. He’s great. He would be on the internet talking to people. And this is years ago too. This is not new. This is like 10, 15 years ago. And then somebody would pop up and be like, well, I’m actually not a girl, you know, whatever. And you’re going to go to jail because you solicited a minor. And he’s like, no, I didn’t. You would never do that. He’s like, no, I didn’t. And so they were out there doing these catfish routines, the FBI and stuff, and the local state police for the state that you’re in were doing this stuff all the time. Yeah. Right. The problem with the internet from a technical perspective is that you can’t control it because it was specifically designed by brilliant minds, the likes of which we don’t have today, by the way. They’re just not there. I can prove that to you. Look up buffer bloat and then read the story of buffer bloat. And when you it’s very technical, but effectively the story is the guy who wrote the X windows system, which is the graphic system on Unix had to go and get the originators of the internet protocol to fix a bug that he found that no one could find. No one else found it. He had to find it. He had to have these guys, these original writers of the TCP protocol come back out of retirement and fix the bugs because there was nobody at Cisco, nobody at Comcast, nobody at Verizon could even figure out the problem, much less knew how to write the code. Nobody at Google, none of these companies, nobody could fix the problem. Does that mean we’re like standing? I mean, it’s obvious, but like, does that mean we’re standing inside of the Tower of Babel? Yes, that’s exactly what it means. Right. Right. So what that means, people, but the people who designed the internet were so smart and they designed it to specifications, which means it cannot be taken over centrally. Period. End of statement. Full stop. No worries. Okay. No actual. No worries. I want to address, you’re legit excited for echoes of the past Russian Revolution. No, we are not doing echoes of the past version of religion. We’re doing the Russian Revolution. We already did echoes of the past. We’re not combining the two. See, it sure. Oh, stop making me paranoid. John’s doing a good enough job. We don’t. As you already could have worked with SV and implemented hate speech laws. That’s true. Contributed the counter narrative. See the COVID controls. And that’s true. They could have. Invisible controls much better. Right. That’s right. It’s much more effective. I mean, that that’s IOP, the COVID side was so good. I didn’t see it. I was on a clubhouse. Well, when you do that, you send a bunch of people over the edge. This is actually I tweeted about this or reply tweeted about this today. Like, or maybe it was yesterday. Somebody asked like, well, are more people nuts or we just noticing it more? Mental illness skyrocketed. According to any set of numbers you can look at because we went around and this is the site that I fell for. Social distancing. And the only way I didn’t catch the site off. I’m sorry. The only way I caught the site was I was on clubhouse at the time and this guy, Greg Ellis, who’s an actor, semi famous actor, wonderful book called The Respondent. Greg Ellis kept correcting people in his clubhouse rooms and saying, it’s not social distancing. It’s physical distancing. There’s no such thing as social distancing. And I went, oh, he’s right. And then I was like, yes. Why is that? Because you don’t distance from people. That’s evil. That’s literally right. Right. I fell for it. I totally fell for it. You know, not that I was ever in agreement with this. I don’t even think distancing is a thing. I’m like, no, don’t tell me what to do. And if you want me to do it, you come and make me and we’ll see who wins that fight. That’s my attitude about things. Like what I did at Skitchersville, I did a lot of stuff. I mean, I wore masks for like too long. But I drew the line once they started at my outdoor mall on Hollywood Boulevard. They started saying that, hey, we’re going to start doing checking people’s vaccination IDs. Luckily, I actually made myself important to the company and like had the best sales. And so I told them like, no, I’m going to leave. And I’ll leave and I’ll find a job just fine. And so we didn’t do it. And that was nice. You know, and I made sure who liked me. So I guess that’s the best thing you can do. Just be a good worker. You know what I mean? I mean, I don’t know what to teach you, but that’s given me more things. And I’m talking about like all the job opportunities that were really special that I’ve had. You know, getting whatever, whatever, for anything I could think of. It was because I was working hard on someone else and I opened up an opportunity. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m just saying, you don’t know where it leads. You know, but cooperation, some form of cooperation and sacrifice in your part is always better than trying to toe the line. You know, I want to, I mean, I want to address this. So Joey says in 2016, it was more feasible than now as we continue to progress on. I don’t know about that. I believe it becomes less likely. What happens is, Joey, when they clamp down on the Internet, because they’ve actually done this several times now, just very few people know the full history of the Internet, new protocols come up and it doesn’t work. Sally, buffer blows are the cause of high latency jitter in packets, which network mistakes caused by excess buffering of packets. It’s caused by putting too much memory in your routers because memory became cheap and the protocol was never designed to account for that because nobody thought we’d ever have lots of memory. The problem was so stupid and subtle that nobody could find it for months. The best minds in the world. Also, thank you, sir. Excellent. This is a good day for my stream. Now I just need purchases on my store. Shop at shop.marko I’ll get a mic. I will get a mic. I do want to have one to be official. Joey, COVID narrative had the consent of tech companies. That’s true. The critical mass of that plus individual perspectives could create the pre-genocide conditions I alluded to. Well, they pretty much did. It’s just that it’s just that lucky for us, the side that wants to commit the genocides, a bunch of incompetent weak people who will never do anything. So we’re safe for now. But if they vote homicidal maniacs in like another Stalin or even another Lenin, and Lenin was no wonderful person either, he killed a lot of people, then we could get in a lot of trouble. And Joey is correct. John, if you create value for others, you will always be valuable. That is correct. That’s the way to do it. Sally, enough people have and will die from that lie to count as genocide. That’s an interesting perspective, Sally. I’m not going to sleep tonight and it’s going to be your fault. People have died from what? People have died from the lie, right? Yeah, and continue to. Yeah. That might count as a genocide. I mean, what I’m saying, like, OK, so I mean, I’m not a doctor, but what I’m seeing, didn’t 100% of the people who died have a vitamin D deficiency? 100%? I said this is like 99.8 and I was like, what? There’s all kinds of numbers out there. When you’re sick, your vitamin D levels go down. But I know I’ve just had vitamin D levels low just from being inside too much. When your vitamin D levels go down, you get sick, right? Yeah, exactly. And I had one of my uncles had long COVID. But my thing is like, no, he’s in Ohio. He has dark skin. And he was inside and worried like everyone else. You know what I mean? And I don’t understand. Like, I don’t know. It’s just so crazy to me. I’ve lost all trust in the medical system dealing with my brother and then just that madness. Like how? I don’t understand how you don’t just say that. Just say that, hey, by the way, we know these things that like as far as demographics, people being hurt. The institutions. No son. But the institutions. Instead of saying that, hey, everyone should get more son. And that actually that one thing, which is an equal prescription. You know what I mean? And they’re so worried about different ethnicities being harmed by the vaccine with a willing to recommend differentials as far as like, oh, we need to get what is a first line workers first. So the reason why they said explicitly the reason why the first line workers were prioritized is not because they were going to spread it more often. That was part of it. The main reason why is because they’re more disproportionately minority. So they can weigh that in as far as also getting the. But John, John, John, you’re overthinking this. Every racist has a rationalization for what they’re going to do. But the bottom line is if it smells like racism, it’s racism. I know. I know. OK, that’s the issue. Maybe I’m giving them too much of the benefit of giving everybody too much credit. They’re stupid. They don’t think things through. They almost always have no idea what they’re doing. And they and they go with the with the patterns that they have. I did one highlight because Benjamin, frankly, there was a Bolshevik revolution on Reddit. Not not really, dude. I think you need to read more history. But this did happen. Literally, Janie’s come out and did a mass bandwaves on Reddit. That happened right of users and subreddits and now read as a leftist hellhole. That that kind of happened. I wouldn’t call it a Bolshevik revolution. But I’d have to know more about what actually happened on Reddit, which I don’t know. Joey current vaccine. OK, you mean fake news flu shot uptake. Resisting that a superpower created a virus for the prefabricated effective fake news flu shot that could wipe out a political opposition. Right. It’s it’s interesting, right, because you hear the dual narrative. Right. You hear the everybody needs to get this. Oh, well, the people that don’t get it are probably going to die and they all vote the wrong way anyway. So this is OK. You hear that at the same time. It doesn’t happen one and then the other. Right. It happens at the same time. And this is what I was saying earlier about things like sequence matter. Right. Like you can’t just tell a story out of order because what happens is the fact that those two messages are happening at the same time says something different than if one happened and then the other one happened. Yeah. And one of the reasons why I know that it was like a sign up and over time, this becomes more evidently clear. But like I made a bet with someone earlier because I was looking at the full day that I could just send to look at the rat. They’re like, hey, Trump is going to win in 2020. I’ll bet you one hundred dollars. Twenty twenty twenty. But I’ll bet you one hundred dollars. And then the day I got the notification on my phone, I’m really the first time I saw it. It said like this mysterious virus in Wuhan. I said in my head, oh, I just lost the bet. I just lost it. And I knew it. It got blown up and it kept getting blown up. And at the time I was like, oh, this is a real thing for a while. Then it’s like, oh, no, this wasn’t. I knew it. But we were still fooled. We were. We were. We were fine for a while. I mean, it’s it’s weird, right? Because if you want a symbolism happens moment, you’ve got Trump saying we’ll be open by E.C. What a weird thing to say. What a nice thing to say. And it was perfect. And then he backed off of that for whatever reason. Like, I don’t want to blame the guy. I think I mean, the problem is that like Trump. I really enjoyed Trump. Why am I like that? But like one of the things that he does have to rely on a lot of people. I mean, he has good instincts, as they say, whatever. But like he has to rely on like a lot of people to like, hey, these are the different routes that we’re going to be going to. These are different plans. And, you know, I think just the I mean, going back to what I said earlier, I think just the fear of being responsible for like a worse atrocity ever is so much worse than the than the gain of like, you know, like, well, he was just doing a risk thing, which is unfortunate. And I think he went through a decision of deferring responsibility. But I think that’s coming back to divide a little bit because he does have quotes, for instance, like when Florida first happened, he was like, oh, they should be doing that. Because he was, you know, I mean, he’s fighting like eight battles at the same time. So I don’t know. Right. That’s the problem. So the the thing that people don’t really understand is that the rot was already set in long before that. Right. And and and if you don’t, you know, it’s like complaining about the mainstream media going bad in 2014. I’m like, dude, if you look at the numbers, like if you actually pay attention to the data, the mainstream media had lost for 20 years. Viewership every year in the United States, 20 years. This problem was evident a long time ago. I mean, I read in William Barr’s book about talking about the Bush election, Bush senior election, how like at the last minute, they said, you put a bunch of big stories out. So you’re making a face. What do you do? Right. You know, like William Barr? No, no, no, no, no, no. I’m just saying, like, you know, you see that you see that, you know, this pattern in there and everybody ignores it. And they’re like, well, now now that it’s completely obvious that the media is corrupt. But that was completely obvious intuitively before because people had been fleeing the mainstream media for 20 straight years. And you ignored that number entirely. All these data oriented people, it’s like, no, this data was clear to you if you had bothered to research it. Nobody ever researches anything. Like, it’s just terrible. And so it’s like, no, the news media had destroyed itself 20 years before that. I have a video on the fall of the Fourth Estate on navigating patterns. Of course. All right. Clear as day at that point, clear as day. You know, I might be wrong about this, but that to me was the turning point. That was the point when I knew the media was corrupt and couldn’t be fixed. At that point, with the Beer Summit and that nonsense that happened around William Gates Jr. and all that garbage, that was the point to me where I knew for sure there was no fixing the mainstream media, that it was going to blow up or get completely wiped out. And so far, it’s gotten completely wiped out by the likes of Tim Pool and Carl Benjamin. Right. And others. Right. And YouTube in general, we could say, right, like whatever. But it’s gotten completely destroyed. And I knew that was going to happen at that point. But we need to make sure that we can still have a centralized place where we can do investigative journalism as well, I think. The problem is, right, the problem is right now, everybody because of Bitcoin, roughly speaking, although not just Bitcoin, thinks that decentralization is going to solve a problem. It’s like, no, decentralization is a bunch of different tradeoffs, but it creates more problems than it solves. Because to your point, and you’re right about this, we need centralized authority. Right. Because right now, you’ve got a bunch of people doing, quote, investigative journalism. Right. And some of them do good. But some of them do good and some of them do bad. And like, how do I know which is which? I have to watch them and do my own freaking research. I mean, I can, thank goodness. But like, I don’t have the time to do all that research. And like, why would I want to? Like, I can’t, you know, Michael Moore, half of Michael Moore’s stuff, or probably not half, I’m being too generous. Some of Michael Moore’s stuff is dead on and correct. And some of it is complete, not a garbage. You know, you can’t even count on that guy. He’s creative. He’ll say that. Right. Well, he’s very creative. And when he’s not being creative, he does great work, but he’s very rarely not being creative. And that’s a problem. And to know that, you have to do that research yourself. Right. Or you can use a bunch of tricks, but I seem to be the only one that can do those tricks, unfortunately. And they’re really easy. But whatever. I can’t teach them to people for whatever reason. It’s not easy. And then, well, who do you try? Well, you need a centralized authority because you can’t crowdsource who’s right and who’s wrong. You can’t. Like, this is the problem of direct democracy that the ancient Greeks discovered. It just turns out that the people are wrong. And then, you know, you can go back and say, look, you know, John Vervecky talks about distributed cognition. Right. And crowdsourcing is a thing, and it can be very useful in certain specific circumstances. Yeah. Okay. But it’s not reliable. It’s not consistent. And it’s most often wrong because you’re most often wrong as an individual. And that just scales up. The number of errors increases with the number of people. Right. And people notice this and they go, well, we really need to control system. It’s like, yes, you really do. And then then they recreate the hierarchy and then they rebel against the hierarchy because, well, can we trust the people? We put hierarchy in who watches the watchers? And it’s just it’s this endless cycle argument around centralized versus decentralized. And we got to have something in the middle. It’s like, stop. That was one of the funniest parts about Washington. Daniel Dandridge and Peterson. I don’t want to like straw man down next. He’s a smart man. And if you ever heard me say this, you’d probably say I’m wrong and have good reason. But he kept like moving towards the idea that he keeps the system of science functioning. It’s consensus. It’s what he kept saying. And then even worse, I mean, going off a little off topic here. I don’t know. Whatever. I don’t want to get into it. Yeah. I don’t want to go. He’s he’s he’s he’s no consensus is correct, but it’s not consensus of the scientists. That’s the problem. You can’t roll it up too high. The thing about science that where consensus is correct is the whole trick of science. And it is a trick. It’s a good trick. It’s a fine trick. But it’s a trick is that if I make an assertion about something, I come up with a hypothesis because that’s technically what it is. Right. You contest it. And it doesn’t become a real hypothesis until somebody else tests it and agrees. So, yes, consensus of more than just you, but not consensus of most scientists who didn’t do the experiment. That’s an invalid way of doing science. And I want to address one thing that’s bugaboo. My Benjamin Franklin, the centralized research tools that Iraq had WMDs. They did, dude. They did. I have a video on that. Navigating patterns. Watch it. They did. You can look this up. Like I did my research. You can look it up. So did they or did they not? Please. I’ve heard people go like. They absolutely did. No, the UN said they did. The UN defined WMDs. The UN found WMDs. The US went in. We found WMDs. We documented the ever living crap out of them. They did. Did they have a capable nuclear weapon, which was the excuse? And this is where it gets slippery. Right. So the Bush administration uses an excuse to go in. And I make this argument on my video. They did not need that excuse. Iraq had already violated the treaty. They were under treaty. They could have gone in at any time and that they were overly, in my opinion, overly concerned about having the public on their side because of Vietnam. It’s not an invalid concern. So they needed a narrative. And there was a valid narrative that the Brits and France agreed was correct. That there was a valid threat that they had a nuclear capability. France and England told us that. We didn’t come up with that. That came from other countries. Oh, yeah. Nobody tells you that. They just pretend like they pretend like Dick Cheney made it up. No, no, that’s not what happened at all. I knew that. That’s not what happened. I want to get to the heart of this. The people who would disagree with you kind of say that the nail in the coffin is that like the way that. Well, they’d be residue from the from the nukes from the nuclear experiments that they’d be residue that would last for a long time to be able to check. Well, what do you say about people who say that? No, but it’s not it’s not an issue of nuclear experiments. If you spin up a nuclear power plant, you can’t detect that. OK, it’s not the text. It takes the. If you’re refining uranium, that’s not detectable. No, it’s not detectable that you’re defining refining uranium. There’s no outside indication. It’s not radioactive. And when it is radioactive, you contain it. So the radioactivity is not you can’t sense it. I want to I want to I want to read to this Sally Joe. Alex Jones exists and is often not wrong, but also will not help you. Yes, Benjamin Franklin, the central authority can be corrupted. Yes, the decentral authority can be corrupted, too, dude. That’s the problem. The corruption has nothing to do with the authority, whether it’s centralized or decentralized. Corruption is a is a constant. It’s it’s it’s everywhere. There are incentives. Yes, there are incentives either way. Right. The world we’re living in is everybody’s got a different incentive. This is the monomyth problem that I talked about in the monologue. Everybody’s got different incentives. The crypto bros want you to buy crypto. The ortho bros want you to go to the Orthodox Church. The finance guys want you to buy BlackRock ETF. Yeah, you know, like Alec Tormozi wants you to buy his his freaking supplements. Right. Like everyone’s got incentives. Incentives don’t go away. You have incentive. You have incentives you don’t even understand. Right. OK. Collective organizations with agendas. Yes, they will always manipulate the central authority. They’ll always manipulate the decentralized authority, too. Period. Right. BlackRock is doing Bitcoin. Now what? You didn’t get out of the problem. You just moved it. You changed it. History is more authoritative than science. Yes, because history shows you the true patterns of the world that keep recurring. Sally should be an easy one. Joey testing psychology is unethical, so it can’t be science. Um, no, you can’t test psychology because it’s too variable. And so it doesn’t it doesn’t live up to the scientific the rigors of scientific method. That’s what I would say. Joey, we we repossessed WMDs. They forgot to pay for the bank and firm. That certainly happened. I mean, look, France and Russia and China all admitted to selling illegal weapons to Iraq. I don’t know what to tell you. They actually said we did this against the UN guidelines. Like it couldn’t be more clear. Repo US equipment. Yes, repo all of the UN. Glorious. That’s that’s an excellent idea. I like the idea of repo. I think this is this you should watch the video, John, because it it really blows open a bunch of those myths about about the the WMDs. Which video? I have one on the on the on the on the WMDs in the Iraq War. You’ll see it. It’s easily titled. Yeah, yeah, you’ll see it. The same agent responsible WMD deception. There were no agents. It was France and England. I need to break it to you. Actual France and Act independent in France and England independently collected information that pointed to the nuclear the nuclear thing, dude. The actual WMDs that were against the treaty were found like the UN had no doubt they were there. It was the UN’s definition and the media changed the definition several times. Right. First, they were for WMDs and then they were against them. That’s why first they were using UN definition, which we found scud missiles. Scud missiles are technically WMDs. I don’t know what else to tell you about it. You will you fire a scud missile and it will wipe out thousands of people. That’s a WMD period. Full stop. And there was a Chinese silkworm missile. I saw this on CNN live. A Chinese silkworm missile lands outside the Green Zone outside the US headquarters in Iraq in the beginning of the war. I saw it. It happened live on TV. It didn’t go off. That’s a WMD. There’s no question about the WMDs. I hate to break it to you. You were psy-op into thinking there weren’t WMDs after we had already verified they were there. I am undecided. What’s a silkworm missile? We’re probably also responsible for the Syrian Assad bomb to his own people scandal. I don’t know if that was a scandal. They moved the nerve gas weapons that were in Iraq that were also against the treaty that are technically not WMDs actually, by the way, unless you put the nerve gas in a scud missile. A scud missile is already at WMD because you can’t make it not kill thousands of people unless you just take all the explosive out of it or whatever. I’m curious. I feel like a lot of people might know this. What’s a silkworm missile? What’s a scud missile? The scuds were the Russian missiles and the silkworms were the Chinese equivalent of the scud, roughly speaking. OK. They’re big missiles. They’re huge. They carry huge payloads. They’re not good for super long distances, but they’re really good for long enough distances that in the middle of the Middle East you can hit anything around you. They could have wiped out Israel. So what happens is there’s six trucks. This is reported on CNN live when it happened, by the way. You can’t hide this. It’s not a CIA Psy op. It happened live on TV. There are six trucks that just go into into Syria carrying something. And it turns out to be the nerve gas that Assad uses on his own people. We know we kind of we knew that ahead of time, really. But so they had a bunch of nerve gas they weren’t supposed to have. Right. And that’s the problem is that nobody nobody sort of understands any of that. Right. They don’t understand. No, no, we know the nerve gas was there. We know where the nerve gas went. We know where the nerve gas was used. It was also used on the Kurds before and after that, by the way, by the Syrians. It’s a mess. Well, that’s the thing. I don’t know why or what. That’s why I’m going to do the cognitive overload video. The way they pulled this off is they just overload you with information. And if you can’t track that much information, almost no one can. There’s very few people that can. Then you you don’t know what to believe. That’s the big part with the Russian version story, honestly. Like there are intelligent people that still believe there’s shit there. And I read for like a whole month, almost slow reader. I read like over like 15,000 pages of shit, not 15,000, 1500 pages of shit to try and more than that, actually. Like, yeah. But but like if you read the reports by the people on the ground, right. Then then then you found the like like the thing that people don’t realize. And I’m like, how am I? How I’m not a journalist. But what is going on? I’ve never heard twice. This is explained to you. But you have to. But you have to. You have to accept certain things. You have to start in the right place. WMD is a term that the UN used. It’s a term that the UN defined. And it’s listed in maybe not directly in the treaty documents, although it might be. I don’t remember anymore because I read it when it was new. I don’t read it since it was new. It’s been a long time. But WMD is a term the UN used, right, to help define the boundaries of the treaty. And so according the only the only standard for WMD that’s valid is the one that’s written up in the treaty that the UN uses. These other like so high explosives like C4 or not not T-34. Like C4 or not not necessarily to see for grade explosives are banned under WMD in the UN or were at the time. Right. They found all kinds of that stuff all over Iraq. Oh, that’s funny. OK. Oh, OK. Continue. Right. Right. Well, no, no. I mean, that’s the important part is it. It’s not just that like WMDs were found. It’s like six different types of WMDs were definitely found. And we have like pictures and independent agencies that weren’t United States. Right. Like like the French came in and like other countries came in and sort of this definitely happened. So we’re dealing with the function type. Yeah. What’s the thing like? That’s the that’s the funny part. If you know the pattern of the WMD, you know the pattern of Kobe. Same pattern. Same. And it’s the same people. Right. Well, it’s not reassuring because the first thing happened a while ago. What if it no, no, no, no, no, it’s it’s way worse, John. And not to make you more paranoid. Look up the history of Dr. Fauci and AIDS and then look at covid and tell me that’s not the exact same pattern. It’s exactly. Yeah. No, someone someone sent me some old clips clips of Dr. Fauci. And I was like, you just proved to me that he’s been a liar for over 40 years. I don’t even know. He’s been a liar. He’s been a liar trying to do the same thing. He’s been a bad actor. It’s no wonder why he thought his behavior was OK. He got completely rewarded. And then like he’s known as a great person for like he’s the science. Yeah. The science he says to himself. He believes it. I have no doubt he believes it. I have no doubt he’s a scientist. Also has a weird fusion of ethics that involves you lying to people to get them to do what you want. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, there’s no it’s all on video and in documents. Like I don’t know why anybody people won’t believe it in the same way they won’t believe WMD was was valid. But I want to address it. Benjamin Franklin, there were competing coins to Bitcoin’s. That’s decentralization, isn’t it? I mean, it’s it’s infinite splitting. Is it doing any good? The competing coins, a don’t compete, by the way, but B, who the hell cares? I’m sorry. I didn’t use your desk on his own people. Yeah, he kind of did. I know I know Syrians. I know people who actually know Assad for real. Yes, he did. They think he did. And they like the guy. They apologize. I’m sorry. They don’t apologize for they will not apologize for him. They think you did. Oh, God. Syrians look, man, you know, like it is they literally use propaganda videos with dolls in them. Yeah, but he also actually did it because there are actually dead bodies. Other countries have that. Like everybody thinks the US it’s not the US guys. It’s not the US. You know, a lot of this stuff is France and England and other countries like Germany. Right. Like they’re the ones feeding us information. We’re not actually on the ground in the Middle East. Not as we kill the anyway. Who really killed the colony anyway? Yeah, exactly. But see, that’s the problem. The way it is like, oh, I don’t know. I don’t know anything. But the mean that people say the Russians are the only answer that doesn’t make sense. But anyway, I don’t know. I don’t know about that. Benjamin Franklin. But thanks to decentralization, competing sources revealed the lie. I don’t know what what what they weren’t competing sources like the problem is anybody’s a source. That makes everybody a competitor and puts them in opposition. What good are you doing to the world? You’re just destroying it because we can’t cooperate. It’s better to cooperate with a with a with a common lie than it is to deny everything, which is what we’re doing. Everybody’s denying. I don’t care what you pull up. You will find somebody that will deny it. What good is that? Now we can’t cooperate. You can’t make anything together. Everybody goes, well, what’s the problem? I don’t understand why we can’t get along. We can’t get along because we’re all given the authority to disagree. Great. Now we can all disagree. I could find any number of things disagree with any number of people about all day long. I’m way better at it than most people. Way better. You guys have no chance. None. You’re just you’re not going to be able to keep up. I can just disagree with you on all kinds of things and you’ll never even see it coming. That like why? I don’t get it. Yeah, I can make it so that we can never work together on anything. Well, yeah, you know what? Anybody can do that. This is not better. This is way worse. We can decentralize to the point where we own mint. We all mint our own coins and now we can’t trade. We can’t trade. We can’t trade. We can’t trade. We all mint our own coins and now we can’t trade anymore. Yeah, you can be centralized to the point where there’s no other genders except for you. That means you can do whatever you want. Right. Well, you see the pattern, right? Like, oh, there’s more than two genders. Oh, OK. How many are there? Oh, there’s 160. Oh, that’s really helpful. Right. That’s a random number too. Like, what are you guys going to do? Are you going to count the stars or something? We did that a couple of years ago, John. I haven’t kept track. We might be up to 800 now for all I know because I’m not tracking that. I would say infinite. Who knows how many they got? Maybe they’ve cut it down to 80. I don’t know. What good is this? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is garbage. Yeah, they have another flag for the other 80 they want left out. And they’ll be put together on one flag. OK, so I believe that they’re going to put it together on one flag. I actually believe the UN Security Council. OK, dude, look, look, if you define somebody as white hats, that’s fine. You can do that. Also, you’re starting from the wrong place. I know people who know Assad, like actually know him. They know his family. They don’t live there anymore, by the way, they know him. Absolutely happened. Yeah. Okay. They’re like, I know somebody that he gassed. That’s why we live here now. Also, I had lunch with him last time I was in Syria. What? They’re like that over there, dude. It’s a different culture. They don’t care. I’m sorry. Sally will probably get into this. Sorry. I hope I didn’t trigger Sally. These are not people like you think of. They’re not Westerners. They do not have our ethics and morals. They are not Christians. They do not have our moral sensibilities. They are strange people by our sensibilities, and they will literally have lunch with Assad and the son of the family who got wiped out by the gas attack. They have no conflict whatsoever in that. They are strange folk. Whatever, man. I’m not judging them. I’m just saying you don’t understand. That’s what I’m saying. I don’t understand it. Sanjuro, Sally trigger intensified. Oh, she’s probably going nuts. It probably was to Sally for sure. Yeah. The Middle East is a weird place, and they’re very different people, and we do not understand them, and we cannot understand them. That’s why we screwed up Iraq. We tried to do a bunch of stupid things that were never going to work. And why we did that, I don’t know. Did they have counsel to the contrary? Yes, they did. People always talk about how cold weather fosters community. What do you think TOT does? There’s a lot of interesting things happening in the desert. There’s a reason why the movie Dune takes place in the desert. I don’t want to refer to something fake. I think you can. Let’s look at equivalent time periods. What’s going on in the desert when Europe is feudal? Europe has a feudal form of government. What’s going on? Is it the Bedouins? I don’t know. It’s the Bedouins. It’s the Bedouin society, which is hierarchical. You’ve got at the bottom, you’ve got the tribes moving around, but they’re all part of clans or something, I think. I’m probably going to get the terminology wrong because it’s not terminology that’s fresh in my brain. Europe changes, stops being quite so feudal, or the nature of the feudal society changes. The Bedouin society is untouched. Untouched. It’s the same in World War I. Then Lawrence of Arabia comes along and helps the Bedouins to help us win the war against the evil Germans, for sure. No questions. He makes a bunch of promises to the tribal leaders who help the Allies win the war, because they did. The Brits go back on their promise because they’re a bunch of bastards. The Empire’s not the problem. It’s actually what comes after the Empire that’s the problem. Then the U.S. goes along, literally, to help bail out British Petroleum. It’s effectively what happens. If you ask a historian on the Middle East, they’ll probably tell you this. This is not something I made up or came up with by myself. I’m not that smart. That starts to change the nature of the Bedouin society. Bedouin is still ingrained in it. It’s very hierarchical and clan-based. The bottom level is all these tribes moving around, but actually the tribes are part of these clans, and then they’ve got their little kingdoms. That’s where Qatar and Saudi Arabia and all this come from. One guy runs Saudi Arabia. One guy runs Qatar. They’re at the top. They’re basically kings. They’re not really kings. We don’t have it correct, because it doesn’t map exactly. It’s just the closest. That’s why the prince and the sheik and that whole thing. That comes from an earlier time, because in that region, you might have heard the term caliphate. There was a caliphate when the religion and the government was one. Then they weren’t. That’s roughly what happens during the same time as the medieval period in Europe. Caliphate breaks apart and gets back together, and then it breaks apart. It’s this weird cycle, but it’s effectively these clans of Bedouins. They’re ruled by the head tribe guys. They have a big hierarchy. There’s big noble groups in the Middle East, there always were. On an individual level, do you think there’s something to the heat and the hot that makes people see things above them better? Why do you think they are more respecting authorities? They’re still Bedouins. They’ve got modern technology, but their culture hasn’t updated. To this day, I don’t know if you see it. You can go watch the videos. The sheiks go out, they drive their super expensive, no joke, 5. So any day now, any day now, $2 billion, any day, we’re right on the cusp. We got stuff coming up. I have been lax on recorded videos. I’ve got to get back on that. Hopefully, I won’t get sick like I did last week. I’ll be able to do at least two videos. And then we’ll start getting videos released again. I know I am going to do a video on the Russian Revolution with Adam. I’ve got to do a little more research. But we’ll get that recorded. We’ll get that out. If you like the Adam history videos. I do have to talk about cognitive overload. I’ve got so many videos I should make. So I’m hoping to get a few of those done. I’m going to do the Plato video on Book 8 and democracy into tyranny. I don’t know why everybody isn’t talking about this. Everybody says they read the Republic. Why isn’t this the thing you’re talking about 24-7? I don’t understand. You’re going to have to explain it to me. I will explain it to you though in my video on my second Plato video. And then I got a third one that I could do. But like if you guys want stuff, you’ve got to tell me. I need a little encouragement here. So yeah, like, subscribe, comment. Tell me if you like it. Tell me if you don’t like it. Is this something you need more explanation of? You know, yeah. Put it in the comments. Let me know. I’ll try to do my best. It’s good to see Benjamin Franklin with some decent engagement. Joey, always a pleasure. Sally, as always. Sanjaro, nice to have you here. It’s good to see you in the comments. Really appreciate it. Thanks to Andre, of course. Thanks to Ethan. Of course, Ethan helped out with the whole monologue and the livestream, obviously. And I really appreciate all the support. And we’re just getting rolling. Hopefully we’ll keep rolling. And I hope everybody has a good week. And I will see you next week unless something horrible comes up. I should be doing this again. And we’ll figure out a topic. Have a great week, everybody. Talk to you soon.