You’re always contrasting what you want to happen with what you think is happening. They’re both models And wherever there’s a deviation wherever what you want to happen isn’t going on Then you feel anxiety Curiosity as well you’re impelled to explore But anxiety is the thing that comes up first and the larger the magnitude of the unexpected occurrence The greater the amount of anxiety one of the things we’re going to try to determine in the course is how you can understand How large a disruption a given unexpected event is? Because you know minor well, I think let’s go back to this other diagram for a second Here’s a like here’s a way of looking at it so let’s say you’re you know you’re going somewhere you have three plans to get there and This plan doesn’t work so that means it produces an outcome that isn’t what you envision and this plan doesn’t work It produces a Normal something as well, but this plan does work well. That’s no problem. I mean those are pretty minorly disruptions All you do is you keep the same Vision of yourself and the same vision of the future you just switch between plans but you’re really in trouble if none of your plans work or if Someone messes around with your representation of this or this So you can say for example You want to get into medical school and you need 30 courses to get into medical school and you should have a is on all of them and You get a B plus on one course Okay, well you still have all these other courses. That’s not such a big deal It’s a minorly disruption that causes you a certain amount of anxiety and produces a certain amount of exploratory behavior Perhaps my professor say why is it that I got this thing the last one? I was expecting a don’t you know what that’s going to do to my vision of the ideal future And so on and so forth that’s that’s one sort of disruption. You’re a bit anxious, but hey you have 29 other courses It’s not such a big deal now instead write the MCAT and you score in the 15th percentile Well now you’re in trouble Because you have a vision of yourself. You think this is your version of the unbearable present, you know a doctor That’s a pain in the neck, but you’re a potential doctor you have the intellectual resources at your disposal and the educational background and and and the familial Push perhaps To make you into a doctor and so that’s what you’ve conceived yourself as that’s your story about yourself Is here that this person with this set number of potentials and you also have a vision where it is that you’re going Well, MCAT score comes back and you’re in the 15th percentile. Well, you’re your ideal future. Yeah, it’s gone That’s a big problem because that means that All of the events that have surrounded you that surround you now and As far back as you can remember that were given determinant significance by this particular plan Have all been cast into chaos Everything that you’ve done up to that point has been predicated on the notion that this is where you were going and that means that The significance that you attributed to everything was attributed to everything in relationship to that goal You blow out the goal and all those significance are back up in the air You have to modify your version of yourself. What the hell are you gonna do now? They’re gonna be a doctor put a lot of work into this plus. It’s your whole self conception. Well, this is gone This is gone. I mean this is irrelevant right? I mean the other 29 courses. Why the hell are you even here now? That’s one example of the levels at which anomalies can occur Minor League anomalies no problem. You just scoot around them and you go to the same place major League anomalies It’s a new ideal future. That’s part of the reason that people are so prone to ideological conflicts, but This is an ideology you could say It has a particular version of the way things are now you look at the communist ideology. It’s pretty it’s pretty explicit What’s the unbearable present so to speak? Well, I know this is a bit dated Running out of hardline ideologies to put fun at but The unbearable present is the class struggle and we have reasons for that It’s basically the fault of the rich or exploring the poor the ideal future is the point at which those unfair Divisions of capital are eliminated and there’s a whole bunch of means to that end. That’s that’s an ideology Well, someone else has a different ideology a different version of the significance of current events a different version of the significance and The nature of the ideal future and a completely different apprehension of how to transform one the other when those two cultures come into contact well, first of all, they make each other anxious because They’re not commensurate. They’re not commensurate goals. And if this is the structure that regulates emotion Well, what’s gonna happen? Well, you can’t just give up your damn plans because then your emotions are dysregulated fall into chaos So to speak, you don’t know where you are You know, you know who you are You know what to do, you know where you’re going that makes you anxious neither side is going to give up give up their certainty Well, the only thing left in under those circumstances is conflict and you see this me look how do how do arguments escalate? In order to argue it with someone that you love even They want one thing you want another You discuss it, you know getting anywhere the tempers raise Because the abstract discussion isn’t helping finally you give up. Maybe you move to To violence to solve your problem to hammer up story so to speak you can do that by Oppressing the person who has the different