All right, Desert Carver, Jonathan, can you please elaborate on your brother’s comments that we are living in the time of King David? Yeah, what time comes next and how do we get there? King David is very fascinating. David is a fascinating figure. King David is the musician. King David is the rebel. King David is the Robin Hood character that lives with thieves and shady people. King David is the guy who marries other people’s wives. King David is all that, but somehow King David is the one who also brings the ark to Jerusalem and plans the temple. King David is in this world of upside down and chaos where he’s the secret king, but the world around everybody around him is against him, but he’s always able to flip that, to turn it to his advantage. That’s why Matthew says that he rides the chaos, like he surfs the chaos. Then he is able to transform that into kingship and into the plan for the temple. In some ways you could say he’s an image of the end that becomes the beginning. It’s a good way to maybe understand King David. That’s in some ways why he’s considered a messiah. If you understand Christ’s story that way, you’ll see that Christ has all that and more. He has all those characteristics and more. A good way to think about it, David… It’s going to sound weird because I complain about clown world and I tell you about how bad that is, that we live in this clown world, but in some ways you could think that David is the one in which, he’s the person in which the change between the clown and the king happens. That’s the best way to think about it.