How can someone motivate themselves to love God more than a passion which pulls his attention? So, prayer is the way that the fathers talk about, that is, there even is this idea that you really can’t, like you really can’t motivate yourself to love God more than a passion, right? You have to depend on God for that. And so, there’s almost this idea that even if you don’t feel the love, or you don’t feel this desire for God, that if you have a prayer discipline, then that will kind of spark. It’s like starting a, run, push start an old car, you know? It’s something like that. And so, the fathers, they talk about reading the Psalms, reading them out loud, praying the Psalms is a good way to kind of melt the heart, you would say. And going to church, singing hymns, music, is also a way to kind of melt some of the, some of the passionate element of yourself. And yeah, I think that that’s the best way. Going to confession is a good way also to help you, because it forces you to face your passions, and then also talking about it with someone, you know, and being encouraged by other people is also a way for that to happen. But I don’t think, I don’t think that you can just motivate yourself to love God more than a passion. You have to go about it through others, through a more roundabout way.