Alright, so Ross Byrd says, In Matthew’s genealogy, Jesus is said to be the son of Joseph, who is the son of Jacob, which draws the mind to the Joseph of Genesis. Obviously, Jesus is in the line of Judah, not Joseph, but in many ways, Jesus seems to embody Joseph and redeem Judah through a long benevolent trick, which led to his repentance. How much do you think we should read into the symbolism of Jesus’ father’s name? Seeing Jacob, Joseph, Jesus at the end of the genealogy almost seems like a renewed cycle, plus symbolic meaning seems to count for more in Jesus’ genealogy, since he’s not blood related to his father. Yeah, good point there, Ross. It’s like symbolism definitely matters in the genealogy of Jesus, because Joseph is not his father. That makes a lot of sense. And I think you’re right, it’s interesting, because the rabbinical Judaism in its own way, and especially kind of more mystical Judaism, they came to talk about the Messiah in terms of two messiahs, which is the Messiah, son of Joseph, and Messiah, son of David. And in some ways, you can understand it in terms of the story, the way in which those two messiahs function very differently, which is that David comes from the outside, you could say, right, is the youngest, is the hidden king that has, first is not outside, that almost seems like an enemy to the king, but then ultimately comes to found Jerusalem and to plan the temple. And so you have this one image of the Messiah, and then you have the image of Joseph, that is the legitimate son, the beloved son, who is then, and also David is also the beloved son in another way, God calls him his son. And so Joseph is taken out and goes into Egypt, and then hides amongst the Egyptians, becomes an Egyptian for all intents and purposes, and then ultimately deceives even his brothers. His brothers can’t recognize him while he is an Egyptian. And then while he’s an Egyptian, he saves Egypt first. And then once he saved Egypt, then even through a kind of trick, he saves his own brothers. And saving the brothers comes at the end. And so you can understand that Jesus is definitely the son of Joseph, right? Jesus is the Messiah, son of Joseph, because Jesus saved the Egyptians, you know? Jesus was thrown out by his own brothers, sold to the strangers, you know, left for dead, or put down into the pit, you know, killed and put down into the pit. And then sold to the strangers, and then he went to Egypt, he went to Rome, and he saved Rome. And he became a Roman. And then Jesus became a Roman. And if you look at icons of Jesus, he’s dressed as a Roman, just like Joseph was dressed as an Egyptian. And he saved the Romans. And he saved the Romans in a way, to an extent that then his own, those that had sold him no longer were able to recognize him, and still can’t recognize him. And so how is that all gonna end, you know? We’ll see how it all ends. I think the story at least rings very true to me in terms of the extent to which Jesus looks like Joseph is astounding. And the fact that he is the son of Joseph is very important, but he’s also the son of David. And that is also part of his symbolism as well, especially if you take the symbolism eschatologically. Like if you take all the symbolism of Christ from the birth in the stable all the way to the vision of the son of man coming down to judge the world, you’ll see that it’s all there. But also David also, like David… So anyway, so I don’t wanna go too much into that, but that’s definitely important to understand.