Sokolov discovered a phenomenon called the orienting reflex which was the an Electrophysiological response to error detection or a response to novelty that’s another way of thinking about it and he should have won a Nobel Prize for that because Discovering the instinctual basis of the response to novelty. That’s no small thing there’s a lot of novelty in the world and Sokolov really mapped that in some sense mapped that onto the body and onto the nervous system in a way that superseded what philosophers had done before that because it made it much more concrete and tied it down to the underlying neural architecture And so for example if you’re walking down the road There’s a loud noise behind you and the noise is of indeterminate meaning so you’ll go like that and stop and turn and orient towards the place in this space-time Continuum where your stereo vision has localized the noise and you do that really without thinking I would say it’s an act that occurs outside the domain of free will