Everyone looks at the costs of making a decision but almost no one looks at the costs of not making the decision And the reason for that is like well, you’re sitting there right now and the sky isn’t falling on you And so you’re not calculating the costs of sitting there because nothing’s happening And then if you decided to do something different you might calculate the costs of doing that But you’ve already zeroed out the costs of inertia, but there’s no zero cost There’s risk here and there’s risk here and you don’t like that idea because you want security But when you’re making a decision, you need to reawaken the costs of inertia But just going along as you are when everything is changing around you is also a costly decision You think well, there’s danger here and there’s danger here Then that weirdly enough that frees you up because then you can pick the danger that you prefer now The price you pay is the realization that there’s no security down either road But again there the the costs of of failing to do it are worse