So Drew McMahon asks, you talk about how Jesus feels the hierarchy, that he is the first and the last, encompasses the top and bottom and is both Cain and Abel. Does this idea follow all the way down to Satan? Is Jesus also somehow, is Jesus somehow also Satan? It sounds like a blasphemous question, so forgive me if it is out of line, but I’m trying to see how far and deep the idea goes and trying to understand how Satan can fit in a world of an all good, all knowing, all powerful God. So it’s important to understand that when I say that Christ fills the hierarchy and that when I say he is both Cain and Abel, I’m not saying that Christ is the person of Cain and the person of Abel. I think it’s really, be careful about that. I’m mostly saying that he is healing or saving the aspects of Cain and Abel. Like the problem of Cain and Abel, Christ is manifesting the solution to that problem by offering the sacrifice of bread and offering his flesh. And so there are other aspects of Christ which are uniting Cain and Abel together. And I think that in terms of Satan, it’s like, yeah, I mean, I think that for sure, I would have to say that the best way to understand that is mostly to understand how Christ, you could say Christ replaces Satan is a better way to understand that. It’s not, it’s to understand that Christ replaces Satan in the sense that Christ replaces, as he fills up the hierarchy, then this place of the first angel or the highest angel or the angel that is the highest in the hierarchy which is filled with pride, Christ flips that and he becomes the first in the hierarchy through humility. And so he actually takes the place that Satan has. He fills that with himself, while remaining God at the same time. I’m not saying that he is losing himself in this going down. And so that’s probably the best way to understand how Christ, let’s say inverts the fall of Satan that through humility, he takes the first place whereas Satan through pride lost the first place. Hopefully that helps to understand that a little bit.