One of the things you can be virtually certain of in life is that you don’t get something you don’t aim at And one of the things that’s interesting about that is often people will keep their goals fuzzy Because one of the problems with specifying your goals is you specify your failures Right, if the goal is really fuzzy you’re not sure when you fail and then you can fool yourself You know really, but you can kind of keep it foggy But you make your goals sharp and clear Then, well first of all, then you know what to aim at And what’s interesting is you know your brain is set up so that it reorganizes the world around your aims And that’s not, I’ve also written about this in 12 Rules for Life quite extensively And that’s not a metaphor, like we don’t see much of the world Because there’s a lot of the world and there isn’t much of us And so we see what we aim at, we aim with our eyes And here’s an example, so great apes don’t really have much of a white in their eyes But human beings do The reason for that is that we’ve evolved to detect where everyone else is looking And so if I can’t tell where you’re looking, I don’t know what you’re up to And then, well over time, that means I can’t read you as well and we’re more likely to get in a dispute And one or the other of us is more likely to get killed But it also means that your probability of finding a successful mate decreases So we’ve evolved to have this very, very visually evident eye And so when we’re looking at each other, we’re always looking at our eyes Because then we can tell where someone is pointed And then we can tell what they’re up to And so we’re hunting creatures, like we’re aiming at a moving target and trying to track it all the time And so you have to specify your aim And the Future Authoring Program helps people specify their aim And it’s more than one aim, it’s like you have a highest aim Which you might say is to be a good person And then I would say, well there’s a more elaborated aim than that It’s like you want to be able to constrain malevolence and work to decrease suffering It’s something like that, that’s the highest aim And then you have to decompose that into the things you do each day So that there’s a definite connection between all the micro actions and the macro aim And then that gives dignity to what you’re doing