A few weeks ago the wise folks at Twitter deemed it necessary to suspend my access to that platform Despite the fact that I had several million followers Despite the fact that I had used the platform in good faith Despite the fact that I had put in the years of time and effort Necessary to gain such an extensive following Despite the fact as well that I was a genuine force on Twitter trending with a rather appalling and frightening degree of regularity In many ways, I’m your monster, sir the reason for the suspension it’s not exactly clear because Very little is exactly clear. Mr. Agrawal with regard to your social media network Apart from the fact that you allow an awful lot of misbehavior what with the appalling proliferation of anonymous and near demonic trolls and bots and professional manipulation of the public space by actors such as the Russian and Chinese governments and The proclivity of your own people to censor only those voices they don’t agree with politically The tweet that brought about my suspension was one directed for better or worse at the actress Actor Ellen now Elliot page who I criticized along with his or her physician For publicly trumpeting and publicizing the decision to have her perfectly functional breasts removed in the attempt to switch sexes Which decision was up to him or her and appropriately I at least half suppose But which also served as a much publicized more than a million and a half Instagram likes model For confused adolescents who might be considering in their juvenile confusion Walking down the same direly and irreversibly damaging road. I Don’t think for a moment that it was even the criticism per se that resulted in my ban but my use of Ellen’s original name a practice which the exceptionally active yet exceptionally tiny and noisy and endlessly troublesome trans-activist so-called community has decided to term dead naming and which has in consequence Become by their anarchic and presumptuous fiat the modern equivalent of a mortal sin But I don’t know Do I? because your idiot policies of arbitrary exclusion are unbelievably and appallingly ill-defined thus I’m not granted the opportunity to face my accuser or accusers Is there just one are there many who are they exactly are they inside or outside of Twitter? why have they been granted this decision-making power and I continue not to know Even though I followed your equally ill-defined and parameterized appeal process with regard to this sensorious and judgmental action undertaken in the shadowy background of your equally shadowy company as I have yet to hear anything at all from the powers that be at Twitter on that appeal front But I know absolutely that you know personally of my suspension and That you have been questioned about that because I have been told by a very good and exceedingly influential friend of mine who spoke Directly to you very recently that he asked you just exactly what in hell you were thinking when you banned me And I also have heard that an equally or even more influential person With whom you have also recently had very public dealings, which did not turn out well for your company has raised exactly the same concerns and I also know That your demented and presumptuous minions have their eagle eye on my account Or that a coterie of influential activists is monitoring my online behavior on Twitter assiduously despite my banning How exactly have I come by this information well two days ago I deleted the Ellen Page tweet Why when I said quite publicly that I would rather die than do so well, I Needed to do some housecleaning on my account in relationship to some other tweets. I had posted many months ago a relatively minor matter but one that became a somewhat pressing practical necessity afterward I Reposted a screenshot of the page tweet Stating that I was obliged to do so as I had given my word that I would not delete it despite my suspension and the attempt at public shaming that that suspension hypothetically constituted and bingo Within hours I was banned again So your staff can act pretty damn fast when it comes to registering and reacting to my hypothetical misbehavior But are pretty darn slow when it comes to say Responding in any manner whatsoever to the appeal I submitted Objecting to the ban or at least raising questions about its rationale now those Opposed to my views and indeed the fact of my very existence might object and Do so frequently and vociferously on your hellhole of a platform. Hey Self proclaimed evil capitalist and Proclaimer of the value of free speech the CEO of free market Twitter and his propagandistic minions have the right to allow or disallow anyone they choose to post on their privately owned platform and That is true. You and they See that care with pronouns Have that right? But have also clearly accepted a commensurate although more implicit responsibility in Principle at least Twitter is a platform That owes its very existence to the habit tradition and right of free speech the very foundation stone of the great country in which you operate and Has as the only possible justification for that existence outside of sheer instrumental greed Its hypothetical contribution to the exchange of views that make a part of philosophical and political discourse and humor and wit and indeed the narcissistic and often near psychopathic commentary that it companies such exchange particularly in its electronically mediated form and I would say That your company does a remarkably and singularly bad job of bearing that responsibility as Your former security lead has just fortuitously pointed out in an interview in Time magazine Which is not exactly a bastion of the conservative or even classic liberal thought that you seem to oppose so randomly arbitrarily casually high-handedly and inappropriately Peter is that co your former security lead has painted in the words of that same Time magazine quote a damning portrait of a company in crisis in an 84 page complaint to federal regulatory agencies and the Department of Justice Which was first reported by the Washington Post and CNN and which time obtained from a congressional source He describes Twitter as crippled by rudderless and dishonest leadership be set by egregious privacy and security flaws tainted by foreign influence a danger to national security and Susceptible even to total collapse