Hello everyone. A few days ago I penned an irritated tweet in response to one of the latest happenings on the increasingly heated culture war front. In response to the decision of an actress actor named Ellen Elliot Page I am employing this awkward and impossible naming style Because it is now apparently mandatory and am probably doing it wrong Nonetheless as you’re doing it wrong is the whole point of what has been made mandatory But also I’m trying to make a point I’ve essentially been banned from Twitter as a consequence. I say banned Although technically I have been Suspended but the suspension will not be lifted unless I delete the hateful tweet in question And I would rather die than do that And hopefully it will not come to that although who the hell knows in these increasingly strange days What was it that I said? that caused such a fuss and that fuss is just beginning and even more importantly and Complexly what exactly was it that I said that resulted in the ban? Here’s the tweet in question Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician then a link to a story that detailed out the happenings the response from Twitter quote Violating our rules against hateful conduct You may not promote violence against threaten or harass other people on the basis of race ethnicity national origin sexual orientation gender gender identity religious affiliation age disability or serious disease By clicking delete You acknowledge that your tweet violated the Twitter rules delete If you think we’ve made a mistake Submit an appeal to us. Please note that should you do so your account will remain locked while we review Your appeal Let’s take this apart first It is clearly the case that I did not promote violence against or threaten anyone with my missive So that leaves the arguably lesser sin of harass let’s assume since I wasn’t informed that that was the crime and Further harassment on the basis of so-called gender identity Since Twitter did not do me the favor of actually specifying my crime and there are many possibilities on that front We unfortunately have to guess at why this has occurred and that’s actually a big problem in and of itself and also indicative of the utter carelessness of the Twitter organization with regard to the propriety of its own sensorial actions I Should at least know exactly what I did wrong if I am required to acknowledge that my tweet violated the Twitter rules What rules you sons of bitches? exactly precisely Because such things matter when the accusations start flying So, what did I say that might constitute harassment Well many things hypothetically let’s begin with remember when pride was a sin Although that is merely a factual statement because under the old rules applicable even a decade ago pride Was a sin and had been recognized as perhaps the Cardinals sin for thousands of years previously It still might be regarded as unacceptable to the woke authoritarian moralists who now insist for example that we celebrate Pride month not hour or day or week But month and to have literally called it pride month Instead of LGBT plus month or whatever else alphabet acronym Which is currently insisted upon as the only acceptable enlightened terminology I Don’t regard pride as a virtue it has been classically regarded as a sin I don’t see that sexual orientation or sexual desire of any sort is something to celebrate or to take pride in and So what I said was merely a fact now. It’s possible that I hurt someone’s feelings Because I pointed out that pride goes before for example a fall But I don’t care about that would do it again And also consider it my duty to warn those who are about to fall into a pit That the path they are on leads suddenly downhill But that was probably not the reason that I was banned from Twitter although as I said I am in the position of having to guess Next phrase to interrogate and Ellen Page Now why did I stop there Because in all likelihood it was this seemingly innocuous phrase Including the name of a well-known actress there. I’m in trouble again That likely resulted in my ban I committed the fatal crime of what has come to be known in the appalling Sensorial terminology of the insane activists as dead naming which is the act of referring to someone who has Transition another hated piece of jargon and slogan by the name and by the inference the gender Really the sex that everyone knew them by previously and in the case of Ellen slash Elliot that millions of people recognized and knew So I should have either called him her they Elliot instead of Ellen Although as we will discover that would have made it impossible for me to say What I wanted to and need to say in the remaining phrases not that such a problem would bother those who are objecting to my speech in the first place The next phrase is just had her breasts removed this bit suffers From a very similar problem. I employed the forbidden pronoun her when Elliot Ellen is now to be regarded as a he or else But there’s a conundrum here to say the least and not just for me Although I have been banned because of it was Elliot slash Ellen a she or a he or Ellen or Elliot when she or he or they That’s Elliot or Elliot by the way had his or her or their breasts removed if he or she was a he Then why was it necessary to have the mastectomy and? How could those I am writing to make sense of what I was saying if it was his Breasts that were removed were those male breasts or female breasts that were removed if they were male breasts Then why were they removed if they were female breasts and had therefore become? Objectionable to the degree that surgery generally reserved for cancer treatment was required was morally obligatory Then wasn’t Elliot still Ellen and he still she How could I possibly have written that sentence in any sensible manner whatsoever Well simultaneously making my point understandably and not breaking Twitter rules against so-called hateful conduct and Elliot page just had his breasts removed Was he Elliot then When exactly exactly He was definitely Ellen at some point in the past Or so indicate all his her them their film credits Well all those have to be reshot since they employed the hated dead name That doesn’t exist by the way that dead name category except in this Sensorial and addled minds of a tiny fraction of insanely narcissistic and increasingly dangerous Trans activists when precisely was it incumbent on me to switch my terminology in regard to Elliot Slash Ellen so that I was not engaging in hateful conduct And how can I describe the fact that someone who was once a woman and really still is had her breasts cut off Because she he they their them had fallen prey to a viciously harmful fad Without using the appropriate sex link pronoun and the real name of the real person to whom this was Really done with his her their voluntary but unfortunate Acquiescence and so it was impossible to communicate what had happened To my audience without apparently running afoul of the impossible and absurd rules that now hypothetically governed morality itself in the days of the degenerated Postmodern and Marxist ethos that we must still no matter how impossible it is abide by or else And you might object Ellen slash Elliot is an adult 30-something and fully capable of making up his her their own Mind about such things and she he they are welcome From the liberal and the libertarian position to go to hell in a handbasket as she he they they Fit and fair enough to some degree But I don’t believe it is either merely picayune or inappropriate to point out that Ellen Slash Elliot who is quite a good actor slash actress is also a ritual model for emulation Being a star with all the privileges and let us point out the responsibilities Privileges and let us point out the responsibilities That go along with that so by acquiescing to this surgery and by publicizing it by insisting upon the sanctity and the moral virtue Of his her their new expensive dangerous and medically enhanced identity and by participating in the whole identity charade Ellen slash Elliott has undoubtedly with his her their so-called courage and Remember the White House itself is tweeted out every indication of believing in the courage of those who transition enticed many a poor confused adolescent girl most likely to blame her emergent pubescent self-consciousness confusion and discomfort on being born in the wrong body and believing that the courageous self-affirming and morally admirable route is hormonal treatment sterilization Objugation to a lifetime of expensive medical complication how delightfully profitable is that and misery and I believe firmly that Ellen slash Elliott or whatever the hell her name or his name is bears moral culpability for that and Finally with regard to the final phrase Criminal physician I must say that I’ve had some post-coital so to speak regrets about that phrase It is clearly the case that the surgical operation performed by the butchers who butchered Elliott slash Ellen was legal So was it criminal or not? Were the operations undertaken by the fascist physicians who carried out the Nazi medical experiments legal? Yes under the laws of the time But were they criminal? I’ll leave that question up to you to answer and further Perhaps it might be objected What about the damage done by hypothetically leaving those confused about their identity to dwell in their confusion? Aren’t we morally obliged to intervene and I would say? No Why well first? Do no harm as the Hippocratic oath remember that insists and second It has been a matter of historical consensus That sins of omission are less egregious than sins of commission Thus leaving someone with gender dysphoria no matter how warranted and perhaps it is in a very tiny minority of truly unfortunate cases To suffer the consequences of the theoretical mismatch between soul and body Is less of a risk ethically personally socially and philosophically? Then the extremely active intervention that constitutes so-called gender confirming another hated phrase surgery I Might also point out that the trans surgery enterprise Is now a 300 million dollar per annum growth industry rate of projected expansion 15% per year projected increase by 2027 to 750 million dollars per year an Expanding enterprise in a time of global uncertainty Time to invest both in the requisite surgical skills and perhaps in any industry associated with this vicious and unconscionable fad Primarily entangling as such things so often do the youthful and female Isn’t that a concern? intersectionalists Not when push comes to shove or ideology to scalpel Is that not a true moral hazard? And I’m not taking down that tweet or acknowledging that my tweet violated the Twitter rules Up yours woke moralists. We’ll see who cancels who Twitter is a rat hole in the final analysis and I have probably contributed to that while trying to use Understand and master that horrible toxic platform No doubt I owe some apologies for that and I’m trying to learn but it’s a relief in some real sense to be banned And I regard it under the present conditions as a badge of honor You