All right, so Bogdan says, it seems that the internet, rather than uniting people, has made our divisions more entrenched. People in different echo chambers often can’t understand each other even when using the same words, like they’re speaking different languages. Is this similar to the confusion of languages and the Tower of Babel? And if that event stopped the construction of the tower, could the internet somehow stop the creation of the modern tower, the all-encompassing global system you’ve mentioned before? Not sure if I’m thinking about this right, but I have some intuition about it. Thanks for all your work. Yes, I think that that’s right. I think that you can understand the Tower of Babel. You can almost understand it in its simultaneity. Obviously, it’s a story, so you have to understand it in a sequence of events where the builders make the tower, and then God confounds their languages, and then they don’t understand each other, but you could understand it in the sense that it’s in building the tower that their languages get confounded. And obviously, narratively, it’d be hard to say that, but now, like you said, right now, we have an intuition of how that is absolutely the case. That is that in trying to create an identity which is all-encompassing and too high, then what happens is because there is a sense in which people want to break down the competing identities. They want to remove intermediary identities, like church affiliation. COVID did a lot of that, where they want to have just one massive affiliation to this project. But in doing that, people end up losing the things that hold reality together, and in the very building of the tower, they stop understanding each other, and then the tower breaks down. So, it’s actually a pretty interesting moment to understand the Tower of Babel, and to understand it not as some arbitrary thing, because this is always the problem when we read scripture, when it says God does this, or God says this. We somehow think that it’s just this arbitrary God that comes down and does stuff, but that’s not how it works. The will of God is manifesting the reality of the world. It’s not separate. God is not separate from the world, kind of imposing some arbitrary will on it, but it’s actually manifesting the very pattern of reality in its proper and its full sense. And so, understanding that in building the tower, then they would stop understanding each other is probably the best way to see it, and the best way to understand what’s going on right now.