JohnVervaeke The popular usage of “myth” usually indicates a false belief about the past; that is not the sense in which it is being used in “Awakening from the Meaning Crisis”. For purposes of this series and associated discourse, myths are symbolic stories about perennial patterns, aspects of human experience that are pervasive across cultural and historical contexts. This sense of the word corresponds with the way it has been used by thinkers such as Carl Jung and Paul Tillich.

What’s wrong with the kids these days and whose fault is it? What are we here for? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why ought we do things that are good? Why ought we do anything at all? Everybody has what they claim to be the answer, but how do I even know I’m asking the right question?

Related: Why are zombies so big right now? - John Vervaeke (iSwAbQD-gZU) Awakening from the Meaning Crisis (ncd6q9uIEdw)