It says I’m live. Am I live? I don’t know. Probably? Maybe? I got nothing. Ah, I’m definitely live. Okay, cool. There’s a link. Come on in. Do your thing. There is. Oh no. Nothing works. Feel free to join me for the after party. There we go. Oh, I better like my own stream. If I don’t like my stream, who will? What’s the question? I’m just going to check. Oh yeah, it’s working. Cool. Looks like I got all the destinations. Let’s see if people show up. If they don’t, I can hunt them down. And, uh, I don’t know. What are you doing? You hunt people down. I have no idea. I haven’t hunted anybody down in years. I should get on that. Uh oh. We have a muppet. There he is. Welcome back, sir. Thank you. Thanks for having me back. It’s always a privilege. This is a new little thing. Yes, we’ll see how this after party idea works. Actually, I like the idea of talking about the topic and then cutting it off, giving me a 10 minute break to, you know, go to the bathroom, refresh my drains, get rid of my trash, cool the room down because this little room gets quite warm when the door is closed. So it’s like, whoa, it gets hot in here. So we’ll see. We’ll see if other people can join us and, and, uh, and target. It’s interesting too, because I was thinking about, uh, it’s a nice break, right? It’s like, oh yeah, Dollywood. It’s all about attention. You know, an amusement park, a theme park is all about manipulating attention. And, um, yeah. And, and also, not all in a bad way, right? Because it’s like, well, I want to participate with being on a steam train. I want to participate with, you know, the idea of, of the gold rush or whatever, right? They get all kinds of themes there and, uh, it’s a modern part. So it’s designed with, with mini theme parks in it effectively. Right. So yeah, yeah. You know how that modern design is. So it’s, it’s neat because you can engage in your voice. I got to tell you the freaking show. They had it. We, we did a show there, a stage show, like a Broadway type show. And it was fantastic. It was like a Broadway show. It was that good. It was really good. I hadn’t been to a Broadway show, but my friend Karen was like, no, no, that was Broadway quality. I’m like, I don’t know, man. That was pretty good. I believe you there. It was an excellent show. And they have other shows too. They’ve got this immersive theater thing where you go in there and it’s like you’re outdoors and not jungle because it’s not quite jungle. But, you know, it’s that sort of thing. And they actually spray water on you and stuff. It’s like, wait a minute, it’s raining. It’s really funny. It was, it was cool. I really, I really enjoyed it. We had this, we had this great, um, so the pigeon forage, there’s the pigeon forage river and it’s actually forked. And we were on the pigeon forage river. So our hotel, which was, you know, it was not that far from Dollywood. Our hotel is right on the river. So we’ve got this deck overlooking the river. It was just cool. You sit out on the deck and you’re just watching the river go by and it’s like amazing, like great. And it’s not that far away. And we were there at a time in the season where there wasn’t that much traffic. So it was easy to get around and cruising around in the, in the BMW, you know, where, oh yeah. It was, it was crazy. So yeah. And, and, uh, you know, it’s good, it’s good to get these little breaks from your work or whatever. So you, you can recalibrate your attention, right? Cause that’s what breaks and vacations allow you to do is actually recalibrate your attention. So it gives you some contrast, right? Gives you contrast from the liturgy of the day, right? Then get up, go to work. Right. And it’s like, no, you can kind of like party as much or as little as you want. And for me, it’s always party and relax. Right. And I really like Hawaii for that. Although I suspect Caribbean will be just as good in some aspect. You get to Hawaii and you just cannot, there’s no way you can be in a rush. It’s not possible. Like there’s some magic going on when you enter Hawaiian airspace. You’re just like, yeah, whatever, man, it’s Island time, dude. Let’s, let’s not do this. It’s just hanging out until things happen, you know, it’s very laid back. It’s amazing how much a change of venue or being around relaxed people can relax you. It’s just remarkable. Yes. Well, that’s the beauty of community meetings in any form, a church or anything. It’s like the spirit embodies a context or the grouping. And so, yeah, if you group a bunch of people together that are all in this spirit of, what would you call that? Serenity in Hawaii? In Hawaii, yeah. Well, it’s a good model for serenity. Yeah, serenity is not a bad way to think about it. The other way to think about it too is, you know, I kind of alluded to this in the monologue, right? Like attention is important because people mimic attention as part of their attention. One way your attention gets hijacked is by other people’s attention. And so if you’re not giving the proper type of attention to something, it can be harmful. And when you’re laughing off something that’s serious, you create a space for people to engage with it in the wrong way, in not a true fashion. Like if somebody says something shocking and you’re like, whatever, man, it’s like, ooh, you know, that is not good for everybody else. Because the way you pay attention to it is attended to by others and then they pay attention to it, right? That grows. And it’s very dangerous and sneaky. That’s where you get that, what is it? Is it Gerard? The mimicry stuff was like the scapegoat mechanism. René Gerard, scapegoat mechanism. He does scapegoat. Does he also? Yeah, he does also do mimicry. Mimetic. Oh, yeah. Mimetic something. I forget what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But that’s the same sort of thing, right? It’s oh, your attention is being moved by mimicry, not by words, not by, you know, signs, not by advertising, but by mimicry, by noticing what other people are paying attention to. I know. That’s what we’re learning. Yeah. Oh, gosh. His cousin. Ali G. Ali G. was always better. Do you know his cousin, Simon Baron Cohen? So his cousin is like a famous psychologist or neuropsychologist or neuroscientist or something. And he’s got an excellent book on autism. And he’s got a fantastic autism theory. And one of the things he talks about in the book, I can’t remember the name of it. I don’t know why. My brain is just, it’s been a busy week. Brain is like stuffed. His book on autism is amazing. And one of the things he talks about is there’s a mechanism in our brains that does eye direction detection. So I detect where you’re looking at. And Peterson talks about that, too, right? The whites of your eyes. And that’s what’s important. So you can see where the beat, right? To say that Simon Baron Cohen’s work or part of his work anyway. So that’s actually really important. That’s all wrapped up in attention. And that’s what they think is wrong with autistic kids. They don’t have good eye direction, detention, detection skills. And so they can’t pay attention to what other people are paying attention to. And that causes them dysregulation. And to be super individualistic. My eyes are up here. Yes. Yes, Shane. Yes, your eyes are up here. That’s good. That’s very funny, sir. I know the reference. I know the reference. Yes. Well, yes. I’m in reference. Yes. Simpson’s reference, too. Yeah, maybe it’s helpful. We’re here. We may as well bring it up. I’ve been having a theory that the levels of attention deficit disorder have been increasing since… It is essentially since we’ve magnifying a causal mechanism. It’s something like that in us. An ability within us to be over flooded with the information. And so if you’re mapping that over time and everyone else mimicry, everyone’s attention mapping of developing this mechanism with themselves. Yes. And so then… That’s what it was. I think that’s the… Yeah. Yeah. The dysfunction, the dysregulation that’s caused where everyone’s overpaying attention to a specific form of information management that’s highly addictive. Of course, it’s going to have a cultural effect as well as it’s going to have effects on persons in the network. Right. Right. Because the Internet exists because we interact with it. It’s not the other way around. Right. And that’s kind of the disease of social media is to think that social media is Facebook rather than the actual users. Like the brand or the container itself is what is the causal agent in that arena. The other way around. Right. The only reason people use Facebook Marketplace is because people stop trusting eBay or they want a localized form of exchanging goods or trading goods. And so that seems to be what’s kept Facebook around is the thing that people really like is the ability to network very easily for nothing. They’ll be like, I’ve got this, I’ve got this bag. Do you want this bag for this much money? Right. What’s the implication though? Right. The implication is that people prefer trade, local trade with other people. And so we prefer mimicry and we have to to stay safe. Right. And we need those people in our groups. Right. That can that can help us do the mimicry correctly. And right. And this is where we get over selected. Right. It’s sort of like, oh, you can over select. And I’ve talked about this before. Like, I shut off the alarm when I’m in meetings. Like, this is shut off. And then in an hour, is it an hour? Two hours. This will disable itself. So I get no alerts. It’s not the phone doesn’t own me, guys. Your phone doesn’t own you. You can you you personally can tell it to disable itself to ensure it has a built in feature. Like, it’s not like you don’t have to do any programming or anything crazy. I usually program stuff like that. So to me, I could do it six different ways to Sunday, but it’s built in the phone. So, you know, whenever people shift the blame, blame of agency, I know Sally Jo was talking about this today, like agents and agency. Yeah. Right. Because agents can pay attention. That’s what they can do. Right. Agents can do discernment. Agents can have judgment. Agents can take action. Things they can’t do. Those things are not agents. Yeah. And that’s where you get time, energy and attention. That’s power. So the things above you don’t have power. They are granted power by people like you. And maybe you’re not granting power. Power is time, energy and attention. So, right. And when it’s directed, that’s when things happen. That’s when it becomes power. When it’s when time, energy and attention are directed, properly directed, that moves the world. And what’s the way to direct the time, energy and attention? Multiple people. Well, you need something higher than you that they can also see. Right. Because you’re just looking across at the chaos that is across that you can’t coordinate. Things will still emerge. And everybody, oh, emergence is good. Look, things are emerging. Things are always emerging. This is not interesting. The fact that things emerge is not interesting. It is an iron law of the universe that things will emerge. Entropy means things will emerge. That doesn’t mean that they’re good. Right. You need something to pull them up, to pull the emergence towards something higher. So, you need a structure and a hierarchy to go with that structure so that you can take the time, energy and attention of multiple agents with agency. Right. And direct it towards a goal. That was the point about the building that I made in the monologue in the stream earlier. Right. And so, once you understand that’s how the world works, it’s like, whoa, that’s how the, first of all, it’s a very simple model. Right. But second of all, it moves the complexity, I would argue, to the right place. And that’s where you, right. And then one of the other topics I’m going to talk about on my personal channel, I was trying to do the video this week, I actually tried to record it and found that I didn’t, I think I told you that earlier, right, earlier in the week. I was pissed. I just talked for like 15 minutes and you didn’t record. You stupid computer. So, yeah. Yeah, it wasn’t the computer’s fault. But I want to, no, it can’t be the computer’s not an agent. Right. But, but I want to talk about variance, because people do not understand variance at all. I’m like, yeah, variance in averages. Right. Right. Well, I got into an argument with somebody in one of these comments sections where they were like, the median income in the United States is, and his number was wrong, by the way. But I was like, the problem with using a median on something like the United States, that your variance is so high that an average is useless, a median or a mean is completely useless. And if you read Nassim Taleb, read all his books, you’ll understand why very easily because it gives you good illustrations. But the most important reason why is because if you live in Oakland, California right now and you make less than $175,000 a year, you are considered in poverty. If you live where I live in South Carolina, not all of South Carolina, but where I live, which is right outside the capital, I’m closer to the capital of the state of South Carolina, but I live in the state of South Carolina. And I was to Boston when I lived in Massachusetts. I wasn’t far. I’m not far out of either city. You have more than one house and an RV for sure. Like that is an enormous amount of money. If I made that much money right now, I would pay people to do live streams for me just because I could. Like I could just hire people for the sake of making sure they had something to eat. And wealthy people actually do this all the time. For you cynics who think business people are evil and only care about money. That is true. BubbleViz. Hello. It’s good to see you, my friend. Nice to have you in the after party. Yeah, it’s amazing that the way to focus attention at the higher level and not just attention, also time and energy, is a structure like an institution with a head and a body and defined roles. And now all of a sudden you can do things in the world like build a building. That’s what I alluded to in the monologue. Or launch rockets into space. That happened this week. Elon still building a new rocket. Yeah, the biggest rocket ever, isn’t it? Yeah, yeah. Because they’re not paying attention to it because they’re just so fatigued by the phenomenon of rockets. They don’t realize the importance of what’s actually going on there. That’s the biggest… That’s the biggest… It’s like, oh, rocket blew up. Oh, great. Rockets blow up. Yeah, but… Wrong analysis. Isn’t that the biggest launch since the Saturn V or something, which was the biggest launch ever? And we haven’t done anything since. And that’s the moon landing rocket. Yeah. See, people aren’t paying attention. They don’t understand. We can’t go to the moon right now. We lost the technology. It’s actually gone. Some of the materials and manufacturing processes are not able to be reproduced. So Elon had to reinvent and retweak and make different things efficient to get a rocket large enough. So to some extent, yeah. And if you’ve ever watched… There’s some good public broadcast and PBS specials in the US. Watch them online for free, by the way. About the Saturn V and the materials technology and why we no longer have it and the fact that there’s certain things we don’t know how to make anymore. So it’s rather impressive. Feel free, by the way, guys, to jump on in. It’s an after party. So, yeah. There is a link. Yeah, it’s amazing that people don’t pay attention to the right things. And I don’t know what the bubble is. Is it true that Americans don’t care about the biggest rocket ever launched? I think they don’t know about it. Because, again, I think he’s right. They have attention fatigue on rockets. So when you talk about something too much and you try to direct too much attention to it, eventually it becomes part of the background noise because you cared about it too much. And so you take it for granted. And all of a sudden, you don’t really realize, oh, no, wait, that’s the biggest rocket ever launched. Even though you’ve been hearing a lot about rockets and blowing up and landing and this new thing with the rocket and that new thing with the rocket. And it’s like, yeah, but cool rocket, man. It’s bigger than anything ever. Yeah. Well, not even understanding the telos of what said things mean. So if we want these like lithium mine stuff and all this, you know, we can get that from space if you believe in space. Hypothetically speaking, if you believe in space, you also believe there’s minerals out there that we could not stop treating people unfairly to dig up and we could get it. Yeah, but that would be a good utility, good way of spending the value of the attention to create. How much how much money would that cost to mine lithium? Well, you know what I’m trying to point to? No, no, I know you’re pointing to it. But yeah, it’s just realize that it can now move 400 or more people to spot on Earth. I don’t know about that. I think it can move people in space. I don’t I don’t think it can. I don’t know what it can move. I haven’t I haven’t looked at it just because I get what Elon’s doing. And I’ve been telling people for years, we need to go to the moon and get something there first, because any trip to Mars is going to require a moon base anyway. Yeah, maybe focus on the first step first and not on the second step first or the third step for the fourth step first. Just saying, you know, and part of that is that great movie, The Martian, which is a book. Man, if you don’t know the story behind that, like just the quick and dirty story, it’s freaking amazing. The guy wrote the story crowd crowdsourced his writing effort on an online forum. Wrote the story, offered it for free. The publishers like, hell no, man, you got to make this into and all these people like you got to make this new book. We need to pay you for it. And then they made it into a movie. And yeah, it’s sort of like the story of the Oculus. The Oculus is the same thing. This guy made the Oculus with its unique technology where you bend the instead of making a lens, you bend the image to match the to match the eye. It’s it’s really an interesting story. The guy who made that made it with a bunch of people, some of whom got upset, but like he did the work. So screw up. And you don’t really realize that. So bubble this 100 people for space launch. I have no idea, man, if you say so. I don’t know what good these rockets are on Earth because we need to travel fast. The Concorde is dead, man. You know, like like supersonic flight is no one cares, which is kind of interesting. Because there’s something relaxing about being able to be on a plane and be trapped and have to read or have to watch movie like I I will watch 100 times more content if I’m on vacation. Right. So I have my I have my Cape trip coming up. I got a I got a time shot on the Cape. I think I might might actually go. I probably not right right now. I don’t think so, but it’s possible that I that I that I go when I go. I will do evening movies. So I’ll watch like six movies, maybe seven or eight depending. Oh, yeah, I just sit and watch movies the whole time because I have a jacuzzi tub. So I sit in the jacuzzi tub for two hours and watch a freaking movie and just like a boss. And I got my root beer next to me and a snack or whatever. And I’m like, I’m going to go watch a movie. I’ll have the phone and the laptop set up right by the tub. I had business meetings in the stupid tub while I’m on the Cape. It’s hysterically funny. Oh, yeah, I’m like, oh, yeah, I can work on my vacation. I’ll work a couple days just to say I work from the jacuzzi because I’m a boss. I love it. I totally I hammer on that. Yeah, I’m working really hard here on the ocean where it’s really stressful. Oh, look, they’ve got a great camera. Stressful. Oh, look, there’s Martha’s Vineyard. How strange and stressful. You know, it’s like, yeah, it’s hysterically funny. I like playing Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, even though never been that way ever. Yeah, you’re not alone in that. It’s fun. This is a couple of years. What’s he trying to say? Oh, OK, we already addressed this. Yeah, we went through this. Yeah. We know. I don’t know. Like I said, I don’t I don’t understand the telos of. Well, that’s what it is, too. Like, what are you attending to? Are you attending to the final cause, to the telos, to the reason why you’re doing something? Because that’s the important part, right? The rest of it’s actually much less important. You know, are you paying attention to the fact that if we had a base on the moon, we might be able to manufacture fuel that was useful in space on the moon. There’s a bunch of stuff that you can manufacture on the moon that you can’t manufacture as cheaply on Earth. Not like thousands of things, but there’s a few things that are critical for space flight. So there’s a whole engine technology that if you have that engine on the moon, it becomes viable to launch. And so you only have to bring it up there once. Now you’ve got a reusable engine. Right. So there’s all kinds of things you could do with a moon base. It’s like we needed to have a moon base like 10 freaking years ago. We could have. You mean the one that doesn’t exist? You mean the one that doesn’t exist on the dark side of the moon? No, no, the moon is made of green cheese. It does exist because everybody knows that. The whole synchromat is great. Was that Dr. Seuss? Is that Dr. Seuss? The moon is made of cheese. I think it’s Walton. BubbleViz says he has no telos. Yeah, right. Well, come on and we’ll give you one. Yeah, you don’t have a telos. We’ll give you two. You’re cheap. We’re giving them away. Come get one. People don’t realize they have hidden telos. This is the thing too. You ask people what their preferences are for something. You dig around enough. You’re like, oh, why? What have you watched recently? What are you into? What are you reading? And then you slowly, they can’t answer. They can’t answer. Then eventually you’re like, ah, you do have a purpose. You do have a telos. Well, that’s what Peterson’s talking about. So the live stream I did with Vandu Klee on Tuesday, that was part of the third wayism, is that if you listen to what Peterson does and says, he basically gets you to explain in story form your telos. You know, whether it was the one from the past, which is the past authoring, right? The one in the present, which is the present authoring, or the one in the future, future authoring. Hopefully you’ll do all three. All this claims not to have a camera or a microphone. Well, that is sad. You should get one of each. Maybe two. Jesse has like 10 microphones. None of them work or he doesn’t know how to set them up, but he has them. No, you’re right. When I say you say I just read, you should see the amount of wiring and stuff. I remember even today considering re rewiring everything, even though I said it all up for a live band jam session and I’ve never used it. But then in my head, I’m like, what if I rewire it differently? What if it’s cleaner? What if I’m less annoyed? What if I’ll use it more if I rewire it all? It’s like, well, you had a telos. You never actually used it for the you should try it once before just trying to throw everything out that you put work in. Right. Yeah. If I change it a lot, maybe I’ll be more inspired. It’s like, no, just try it the way you thought before you change it. Right. Well, it’s and it’s hard to know the sunk cost fallacy. It’s hard to know when you’re like, no, no, you just screwed up, you know. And I was very happy when when I got my Murphy bed in the back room. And it worked. I was like, oh, no, not having a queen size bed in the middle of this room, even though it’s a rather large room or large enough, makes a huge difference to the room. And putting stuff in the room, although I want I want to put a wardrobe in there. I haven’t done that yet. You know, having having a rack in the room, it’s not a rack. It’s a shelf. It’s a wire shelf is great. It’s like, oh, OK. So, yeah, it’s like, yeah, this worked out better than I thought. Bubble is I don’t have a freezer, a fridge, TV, magnetron, a water cooker, mobile phone. That’s it. OK. I only have a PC. Oh, well, I have a superlaptop and an old superlaptop. Like a Victorian stock in a long, long time. Pretty much. I don’t do we know fleabus. I kind of like the name. I like saying fleabus. This is great. He’s a go bubble. Yeah, we like fleabus. This is awesome. He won’t come on either. He’s he’s another win. OK. No, we are actually leaders among us. We are actually nice. We think. So the funny part is listening to Sally Jo talk about. I get stressed out when the house is dirty. I didn’t know that. Right. It’s not necessarily dirty, just cluttered. So yeah, I’m the same. I’m the same. I need I’m terrible with my sense of order. My family’s horrible. Like every Christmas I go home, I reorder everything. The pantry, the fridge and everything. Why do you have seven? They put OK. So instead of putting things in containers, they’ll put whatever dinner they have on a plate, wrap it in plastic and just stick that in the fridge. And so they’ll have like things in containers, things wrapped in plates, things. I’m just no, it’s just my sense of just like I just need to know what’s here. But like before I throw everything out, I just know what’s here because if you want me to make something for you and just even look into space, I have to general level the board. I would do that, but I wouldn’t have more than one plate of food in my fridge ever. Yeah. I would I would wrap the food up, but it would get eaten the next meal. Yeah. This doesn’t happen. No, no, that makes sense. Phlebas claims he has to ask his wife, which is always wise. The problem is, but I will buy an AI wife who will tell me how awesome I am every day. So long, my friend. Two hours or something like according to the last study. When that becomes affordable. Yeah. Go watch the movie Her. Yeah. Yeah. And then watch X Machina. Well, John referenced her in his AI talk, which is terrible. They don’t listen to his ad. It’s absolutely atrocious. Everything he says is wrong. Like it’s amazing. It’s like, wow, dude, everything you said was he made a few good points and that was part of the hijack was bad point. Technically wrong. Bad. I think he has bad people inputting on him. Huh? Do you think he’s he’s in a circle? It’s kind of changed and he’s getting bad feedback about seeing. Yes. No, no. Skyler actually pointed this out. Skyler had this long conversation on Manuel’s channel, a Gopic orientation. Is it a cup orientation? You want Randall’s conversations according to Manuel. He is doing proper Randall’s conversations and continuing that on. I might have my arguments with that, but I’m just telling you what he claims. The Gopic orientation has a talk with Skyler. He is excellent. I will get you a link. It’ll just take me a bit here. And the thing is that Skyler actually said in that talk, it’s like a four and a half hour conversation. What he talked with you to is long. Yeah. Yeah. But but I haven’t done his. His a Gopic orientation. What does he call it? I forget now unfolding the soul. Yeah, that’s what it’s called. I haven’t done the soul thing. I’m trying to get this little corner. Oh, yeah. It’s got Nick and Skyler. Nick is awesome. Anything Nick’s in, you should watch. I’m trying to get this little corner. Oh, yeah. It’s got Nick and Skyler. Nick is awesome. Anything Nick’s in. You should watch. Bubble Viz claims that he has seen her and Ex Machina and claims they are excellent movies. They are Ex Machina’s super excellent. Hers great. So what Skyler said in this video, video with Manuel, Skyler is awesome, by the way. We have our disagreements, but he’s still awesome. Even though he’s wrong. Disagreements make sense. I think that’s a good point. Yeah, I don’t mind disagreements. We have a good level of intimacy. We can stand some disagreements. He said the people doing Jon’s work now do not care about Jon’s work. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was working with the Vervecki Foundation until they switched who’s running the Vervecki Foundation. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was working with the Vervecki Foundation until they switched who’s running the Vervecki Foundation. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. And I was like, oh, I didn’t think about that. All I’m saying. Unmute and give us your wisdom, Jesse, on my little mini-ramp. Well, attention. Yeah, OK. Here we go. OK, let’s do it. It is roll of it. Depression. Depression can be seen in multiple ways with multiple mechanisms depending upon the individual. But what’s at the heart of depression is an attention crisis. What do you pay attention to? What is absorbing your attention? What is relevant to you? What is hijacking your sense-making ability? Right. Sense-making is another sense of attention. Right. You can be overloaded with attention or underloaded with intention. Like you’re not paying enough attention to the things in front of you because you’re all ex-assertional. You’re ex-sensual. You’re ex-sertial from yourself and you don’t have that sense of agency. So you feel lower, depressed. And so you don’t make any actions in the world because everything feels outside of you and you have no sense to embody or pay attention to the right things to embody. And so you have self-referential cycle going on inside of that too, which again is another you’re paying attention just to yourself, not paying attention to others or to the world. So that’s another self-referential. There we go. There’s a bunch of things there. No, that’s good. That’s good. It is a function of attention. And when you don’t pay attention to your T-loss, because you have one because you’ve taken an action in the world, if you truly don’t have a T-loss, you are depressed, like technically. Yeah. Depression is either not having a T-loss or not having enough energy for your T-loss or attention to pay to your T-loss that you’re unable to function in some significant fashion. It doesn’t have to be complete. I have the gift or curse of being depressed and still operate just fine. And so, but I can’t, when my depression hits, I can’t see the future. And so I can’t build anything new. I can maintain myself just fine. And so it’s very hard to tell from the outside, is he depressed or not? Is he still functioning? It’s like, well, yeah, but I’m not, you know, I’m not able to put in any effort to get, like I’ve got coding projects to do. I’ve got a business I’m trying to get off the ground with somebody, right? I’ve got my tea, time, energy and attention project, my wisdom tea project, right? I’ve got the website, right? I’ve got the whole mark of wisdom stuff going on, which is separate, right? And then, you know, in the meantime, I’m trying to help a bunch of people who are stuck. And so that’s the problem. You know, that’s the problem of the engine. Well, I’ve been through, I feel like people need to understand depression in a model of natural phenomena. So you can have times of summer times, of winter times, of spring. And you can, I particularly with creative or artistic people, I tried to tell them, look, you’re in a season right now, you have, you’re paying attention, you’re trying to do something. This season will finish. With or without you, you might move, you might change jobs, someone might die. Something will happen and then the season you’re in will shift and you will no longer have the capacity or the ability to finish the thing that you’re focusing or trying to complete or the work that you’re trying to do. So do everything you can in this season. If it’s a summer, great. If it’s a winter, it’s winter. You naturally know what to do in winter, right? Winter is not the time to do summer things. Summer is the time to like, it’s more daylight. So you try and do more in summer because you’re in a good zone of things. In winter, it’s time to conserve energy and be smart, be wise and have things stored up. And that’s where people, I guess, commonly get depressed is that they hit a season of winter and they don’t have enough things to sustain themselves and they might be isolated. And so, you know, they’re trying to flatten the world and do summer things in the winter when you can’t. And then they don’t have that their intention and their attention is misaligned. And they don’t have a way to, you know, to really engage correctly with their attention. They’re sort of lost. And engagement with your own attention. Wow. Right. Well, the thing that mediates that is the frame. And the frame should be nature to some extent, because we all live in nature. And that’s the problem. Peterson also has this thing to you. You need to identify whether you are depressed or if you just have a shitty life. It’s like, yeah, that distinction kind of matters. Like, is you just laugh shit at the moment? Like, OK, you’re not depressed then. So you need to make some different actions. If you can identify or have others help you identify, no, dude, you’re actually depressed because you lack certain things. You know, you have the ability to see actions or ways of discerning and judging the world that you can do things or attempt things. Maybe, maybe. Right. Because you don’t know if your action is going to yield the result that you want. But you can at least attempt to see if fruit can be. Well, your attention. Your attention mediates that. So bubble this says your audio is crackling, typical for Framyard. Yeah, it’s probably the bubble of the Internet. The Internet is evil. That’s the problem. Thank you for letting me know, though. Crackling audio is not that bad. It’s doing this pop every once in a while. Really? Yeah, sound’s gone now. Talk some more. Well, when I went to Japan, I was so surprised that you could download two gigs in like a minute and a half. It killed me. I was like, this Australian Internet is garbage. It’s dog shit. The Wallaby Network is no good. It’s just like you can download something that big in no time. And this was rural skateboarding town in Japan. And you can have super fast Internet. What are we doing? It’s still crackling. It’s kind of random. I don’t know what it is. It’s popping. Yeah, it’s popping. It’s mic popping. Oh, OK. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. And yeah, it’s interesting. So I had Verizon Fiber, Fios up north, and it was just so much more bandwidth, even with all the computers I had running. It was so much more bandwidth than I needed. It was great. It was absolutely glorious. I had so much bandwidth. It was so fast, so insanely fast. How is this now? Sounds better so far. OK. I think it’s probably too close to a lie. It’s hard to hear yourself. Anyway, I never listen to myself. Thank you, Bob Lewis. He’s the best. We have the best audience ever. I can confirm. Libis says a minute and a half is long. I don’t know what that’s in reference to, Libis, but I would agree with you. Downloads. Maybe we should. Do I need to? No. OK. Fake belief posted some interesting things. I joined because of you know what’s this all about. Yeah, I don’t know how to engage him other than like be patient. Ask a real question. Ask a real question and we’ll engage the topic. Yeah. You’re welcome. Great show so far. Thank you. Glad people like it. The numbers keep going up and down and I know you can’t trust streaming our numbers, but my goodness bouncing all over the place. Eight’s not bad. I’d rather 25, but I’m not grim gris. I can’t get the big numbers. You know, he’s got he got a thousand subs and then he got knocked off. I’ve got a good idea of who reported his channel too, but you know, nobody wants to listen. So we are in a zone. I would say we’re in a cultural depression in the moment. Things have not worked out well since COVID. We’re in the lag from COVID now. That’s because we don’t have that. We don’t have this sort of telos or good leadership. One of the same actually. Right. Good leader, a good leader will redefine and rephrase frame things that the telos can be can be agreed upon. Right. Benjamin Franklin. I don’t think the conditions necessarily matter. Conditions always matter. They matter more than anything else. Think about the monkey grape versus cucumber experiment. If the monkey is only aware of the possibility of cucumber, warders happy with cucumber. Yeah. So the problem with that experiment is it’s done wrong and the people who did are idiots and they didn’t account for all the variables. The fact of trade doesn’t tell you anything. And yeah, just trade. And the problem is that they didn’t do the right set of experiments, which is start with the cucumber instead of the grape or vice versa. Right. You have to go both ways. You also like all it tells you is that once you set a telos by exemplifying something through attention and medic desire, that telos becomes instantly insufficient. No kidding. It’s called exposure. It’s the same as exposure therapy. Do you want an easy question or a hard one? It doesn’t really matter. Fake belief. It would prove you. You were living in a simulation. That’s not possible. Would people be more or less depressed? No, don’t care. Would the world become better or worse with that knowledge? Knowledge is evil. Don’t don’t subscribe. Don’t worry about knowledge. Worry about your actions in the world. It’s much easier. The problem is there’s an infinite number of theoretical questions and theoretical questions are worthless. Some thought experiments can be fun. If you do it in the way Plato did in the Republic, for example, which public book club? Public book club, Texas wisdom community YouTube channel will drop the recording there. It gets dropped right after we’re done. We do that at 10 a.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Eastern Time Saturdays and then probably two and a half hours later. It’s it’s posted. So if you like the book club, then then you’re doing. You’re doing. Oh, Sally Joe, our favorite interlocutor. Do we need to write the 2020s fantasy book like Tolkien if we are in a cultural depression? No. Or an epic? No. Or an air pirate epic. Damn it. Yes. You and your piracy. Yes. Now she’s trolling me personally. I give her the piracy and she always wants. I give her the. Do not make her happy. I’m telling you. So that was a good that’s true. And theory, right, is that what we really need is is the right story to tell and then everything will be fixed. And the interesting thing is that that is actually what Sam Adams said at the end of the Vanderklai livestream, along with a bunch of other terrible, horrible things that probably make him a bad person unequivocally. He said J.K. Rowling was basically a modern retelling of the biblical story. But better. And I was like, well, you know, you always get to walk it too far, don’t you? Like, Harry Ticks do this. They push the lines. Little ridiculous. Sally Joe. Sally Joe. Don Air Pirates. Yes. I think that’s that’s the problem is that we’re paying attention to story when we have one that’s already decent and we just won’t accept it. And it’s like maybe the submission is the thing that’s missing. I don’t know. Just throwing that out there as a certainty because it’s definitely true. Benjamin Franklin. Maybe the cultural depression. Bad frame is a consequence of attention. Yes, but attention is only in a person. Like, there’s no such thing as cultural attention. That doesn’t exist. There are actually very neat, niche, very interesting art being created, but masses are not attending to it. And they shouldn’t. You should only attend to art that is appointed at the highest. That’s how we ruined art. Peugeot goes into this. He talks about it all the time. Sally Joe will tell you about it too. Sally Joe, there are multiple shows and movies about blindness and deafness right now. Yeah, there’s eyes to see and ears to hear is everywhere. Right. What is that stupid movie? There’s a bunch of stupid movies about blindness and deafness. That’s what zombies are. Apple has one could see the moment. There was the horrible one that’s so demonic with Sandra Bullitt. What’s it called? Oh, it was on Netflix. It was like a phenomenon for like enough that everyone couldn’t shut up about it. I was just angry at people. I think I lost a few friends when I spoke. It was a horror movie too, right? It was blindfolded or something. What’s it called? Yeah, you had to be quiet or they’d find you. No, no, no, that’s the good one. That’s the one with John Kriskey. That’s called The Quiet Place or something. Yeah, I don’t know. I can’t keep track. The one with Sandra Bullitt is absolutely demonic. I can’t remember the name. Let me find it. Benjamin Franklin. There is a larger range of possibilities nowadays. No, no, there was always a larger range of possibilities. No, it’s just not true. Compared to the past, there were two channels on TV. People were just not engaging on TV. They were still engaging though. See the crazy blindfolded one, the silent one, and the new one where most people are blind. Well, and zombies. I mean, this is part of Verbecky’s theme. You are very sure of yourself and dismissive of others. Okay, that’s fine. I’m good with that. Benjamin Franklin. Oh, God, I hated that Sandra Bullitt movie. I didn’t see it. Double this. Question. Oh, wow, we’re all formal. This isn’t VanderKlaes’ stream where he can’t keep track of the chat and have to type question, but I do appreciate it. Assuming evolution is real. Yeah, I think that’s a safe assumption. It’s really just a bunch of observations. Assuming evolution can utilize aspects of the world. Evolution is not an agent. It can’t utilize anything. So no. Like quantum mechanics. No. Those are observations. Or electronics or bioluminescence could. Consciousness, soul field, to undefined terms, not helpful, be an aspect of the world that some species have evolved to utilize. None of that makes any sense. Like literally none of that makes sense. I’m sorry, Bubble. Look, it’s cool. Simple model. Let’s let’s simple model. There’s a telos. Otherwise, evolution doesn’t work. This is one of the things that John Brevicki and Brett Weinstein don’t understand, even though they state the problem in their work when they talk about evolution. There’s a telos somewhere. It doesn’t have to be an evolution. I think it might be an evolution, too. Doesn’t have to be an evolution. It can be in the thing that evolution is operating within, right, which would roughly be creation, right, which maybe include evolution, maybe not. It doesn’t really matter at some point. It’s irrelevant, right? That has to be true. Otherwise, you could not observe evolution. Like if evolution weren’t moving towards something and that thing could change over time, it doesn’t matter. But if it weren’t moving towards something, it couldn’t be an observation of the world. That’s how everything’s backwards. Like we flipped everything, as Jo said. And so when you think of it that way, what are beings adapted to? We don’t know. We can’t know. That is not knowable and it’s not important because as long as you aim at the good and do the good, you’ll be fine. Sally Jo really likes to see, except all the lesbians who I just pretended are men. What? What’s she talking about? Science has no agency. And hello, embodied, you are an agent. Fair enough, Sally. I agree. Everyone can be an agent in the Matrix. Never forget that. Never forget that. That’s what the Matrix is about. We talked about this today. I went into all of this in the Discord discussion. Ah, come on. Wish you recorded it. Good note. Ah, no, no, no. It was brilliant, though. I was like, yeah, you don’t even realize. And I was like, I got to stop. Because I was supposed to be doing nine other things. So I was like, ah. But yeah, I got into this. Anybody at any time can be a Matrix. It can be an agent in the Matrix. I was like, you don’t understand how significant that is. And then the fact of the matter is, Neo becomes the ultimate agent and all the agents become subservient to him. And everybody misses that point in the movie. And I’m like, what are you guys paying attention to? Where is your attention? There are certain messages that are inevitable. They have to emerge in order for a story to make sense. Okay? When they don’t emerge, you have a bad story. You don’t have a bad narrative. Narratives aren’t bad. Narratives are template patterns that appear over and over again in multiple stories or over the course of multiple stories. Stories are implementations. See my video, Story Narrative Architect. Stories are implementations. They’re specific instances right in time. Narratives are the patterns, templates within multiple stories that recur in these stories. They are inevitable. Those, so they are pointed to their abstractions. You can’t tell a narrative, although I would argue that Secession, the movie for the TV show, tries to speak in narrative. It’s a very bizarre show. What that’s pointing to, what narratives point to are archetypes. That’s the second layer of abstraction, technically speaking. And people do not understand, people in science don’t understand this. People in math don’t understand abstraction. When I found that, I was amazed. I’m like, the set theory people are all idiots. No, literally, I can back that up. They’re stupid. They are making obvious, stupid mistakes. And it’s just like you got to be f-ing kidding me. By the way, the stupid movie was called Bird Box and the great movie is called A Quiet Place. Bird Box. Bird Box. Horrible, demonic movie. So many levels. So many levels. People reach out to me on Twitter, Awakening to the Mini Crisis. I will send you a link. Great, great talk. Great, great talk. What? Awakening to the Muppet Crisis on Twitter. Probably asleep. There’s a great talk by a channel which I won’t recommend to you, but I’ll send you the link and you can make of it what you will. But A Quiet Place, great movie. Twitter. Don’t watch the second one. The second one’s garbage. The first movie had it. Had the gold. I’m on Twitter. Awakening to the Muppet Crisis here. Jesse is on Twitter. Yeah, join us on Twitter. Have lots of fun. We tweet out interesting stuff sometimes. I’m on several crusades to straighten out a bunch of people. Including this guy. Which has been surprisingly, surprisingly effective. Recently I’ve been like, oh, I don’t know if you saw the Van der Kley video where he used my clip. No. Oh yeah. Okay. Yes. Things are working. It is. It is quite good. It is quite good. I want to get back to that point about Harry Potter, which everyone jumped over. The problem with Harry Potter is that it doesn’t have a good ending. Ending is dog shit. It is horrible. The ending has no Talos. She had a great premise. And that’s why the first, you can see that, the first and second books, the first and second movies. The magical world. The third movie has a lot of potential and the people are captivated. They’re enchanted by the potential of the premise of the thing. It never delivers what you want. And then from then on then, Harry Potter is a closed world. Yeah, there’s actually another great talk I can link to people. Maybe we’ll find it. The difference between open world and closed world building systems. Actually, I might make an argument that storytelling is far better for an open world. You want to believe in the open world in the sense that things can be learned in the open world. If it’s all closed world, the limitations on the types of philosophy, wisdom, questions that can be raised are limited. Because it’s just, it’s a closed world. But this is the purpose, it depends on what your metaphysics, your purpose of story is. Is it to answer questions or is it to raise questions? There’s merits to both. I think it’s to raise questions because ultimately questions lead you to a better tell us in life. Because it’s just a story in some sense. It’s a vehicle to transport information. Right. But if it’s a closed world, it has an agenda ultimately. So I’ve said a lot there. Maybe Mark can push back. But I’m just saying things to see if they land. That’s my Muppet style. Yeah. Well, I’ll address Sally Jo here. Yeah. Divergence is supremely disappointing because of that Hunger Games, Game of Thrones. Right. Well, and Sally Jo brings a good point. The closed world should show you a thing. Right. Yes. So you use a closed world like in the Republic. Plato is using a closed world for sure. And using a closed world to exemplify justice. That’s the purpose of the book. It doesn’t talk about politics. I’ve got to find out. My lobes get stolen from me so I can’t look it up myself. I’ve got to find out if the Greek word for politics is ever actually used in the Republic. And if so, how? Because my guess is that that word never appears. Or it only appears in reference to one of the cities. And not in reference to the example of the city. Which makes a huge difference. Right. It’s attention. And then everybody kept telling me, oh, no, no, the Republic is all about politics and government. And then Plato just, no, it’s not. Book two, definitely not. So yes. It’s pretty significant. It’s very significant. Philosophy is the art of using a closed world to exemplify a virtue or a value. I would say that’s super important. Right. An open world is to give you, and as an individual, or as close as you can get to an individual, because I still argue you can’t be an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never going to be. Person. Person. That’s what it looks like. Right. But you be a person. And you can’t be an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an individual who’s never been an example of a niche. There’s a great 2016 film called the Untamed. It is not very popular but it is amazing. Maybe it is pointing to the evil of over hedonism. Okay. Kind of a similar message to Slenesh from Warhammer 40K. Okay. Look, we have all of these stories narratives and archetypes in better forms already. So we creating them in poor forms with poor storytelling from people who aren’t good at it anyway. It’s not that this is this I think is part of Jesse’s point about J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter. She’s a decent storyteller. I really like her stories. I’ve actually watched the movies like several times because they’re good. They’re good fun brain candy because you can just sit back and enjoy and they literally are made for children. And sometimes you just need that because you’re decompressing. But she is not an extraordinary storyteller. And somebody making the statement that it’s a better retelling of the Bible is so absurd that it’s hard to engage with on any level. And the fact that it was not pushed back on immediately and forcefully is bad. Actually bad. I will do it. Get me in a conversation in a room with the Sam Adams and I will not be nice. I will do my nice filter off and I will get on my server. I don’t know if I got that part in because you can only do minute clips. But I will get that part in when I clip it again because I want to clip everything he said because it was all absurd and all bad framing and all. I was just it was just awful. The whole thing is awful. I want to be subversive. I will. OK, guys, Harry Potter is a retelling of the line, the witch in the wardrobe. If you don’t see that, you’re blind. Yeah, he got there. Yeah, no, no. British British boarding schools kids go to a magical world through a magical port way. It’s literally the same like pattern. It’s the same. She’s postmodern grabbing different things. You get talking in gray space at the end with, you know, what’s his name? Dumbledore is now like Dumbledore the white like guys. Guys, she’s fine. She can remix things. It’s good. It’s really good to repurpose things for different generation. If it has a good tell us that aligns to the truth, the good beautiful to do a maatric, which I argue she did. She did. I think she actually she forced herself into a time frame that constrained her. Her story to end on a philosophical note. It ends on a materialistic note and doesn’t end on a philosophical note. And that’s why you cannot make a religion out of Harry Potter because it’s just really. It could could have been something more. But again, if Harry Potter is a repurposing of the line, the witch in the wardrobe or the 90s series. Guess what? The 90s series also has a terrible ending. It’s all philosophical because all these weird places confuses himself. Then he has to like, oh, OK, cool. Let’s go back. Let’s do a prequel to like undo all this philosophical biblical talk that I’ve tried to do in the last 90 book. So this is why it’s like it’s almost better to read the magician’s nephew. I think it’s called as the final book in the 90 series. Not the first book, because then at least he’s doing the biblical pattern, the Judeo-Christian pattern of beginning middle beginning. At least that’s better than to do this weird Arbageddon theological. Well, and I would argue that’s why a story is not going to save the world because Tolkien tried it and he did a damn good job. And even that didn’t work in some ways. It made it worse. So and I want to mention so line, which in wardrobe that whole 90s is very special to me. So the blonde with blue eyes, they gave me this very generously. Lovely person. When I when I met her online, you know, a million years ago, so from New Zealand. So I never met her in person. Unfortunately, that was big bone of contention. Big problem for me. She wanted to reread that series, so I read it with her at the same time, you know, and yeah, we get to talk about it. And it was, you know, I still like those books, still have them right. But also, you know, so bubble this this public Picasso, good artists, copy, great artists deal. I don’t know why I think about think about Picasso, Picasso. Because it was the black pill of art guys, because it was. Yeah, I don’t understand. Yeah, he’s he’s copying and stealing from people in his group. Who are lesser than him, right? What he’s really saying is distributed cognition is real and important because single person heroes don’t exist. Yes, that is true. And the role of the sidekick, which Jesse has generously taken on for my streams is super important. And I can’t do my streams without Jesse, Sally, Joe, Manuel, Michelle. There’s a bunch of people you don’t even know half of them. Right. I’ve got this lovely intro for my, you know, for the live streams. I didn’t do that. In fact, that idea wasn’t mine. That idea came from Broom Troom. That’s where it came from. Somebody else implemented it for him. Basically, Andrew. Well, hey, how’s it going? Oh, hello. Hello. Yep. I’ve seen you around the interwebs and figured I should get to know you. You’re welcome. I’ve seen a few of your streams and appreciated your struggles, which are not unique to you, sir. So we’re here to help. Anything you want to talk about, please. No, not much. Not much. Yeah, yeah. I just like coming on these stream yard stuff. So instead of lurking in the background. Oh, that’s OK. You’re perfectly welcome to do so. I will continue then. Sally, Joe remixes a popular thing. Close world redo of old stuff. We popularized some good values. It can. And that’s sort of the problem is to carry on the tradition. That’s that’s what good artists do. They carry on a tradition of thought. That’s what Tolkien did. He’s carrying on Beowulf in some aspects. If they if they do that, if the telos is if they can, if they can do that, can it work? There’s few good artists. There’s a lot of great imitators. There’s few good artists. Right. And that can if they can carry on the tradition. Very important. You know, Pablo Picasso was trying to end post materialism, post materialism, post impressionism. That’s it. He’s the final end point. He’s the black point of the black pill of modernity. He’s like ending a whole school of this is why no one can supersede Picasso. We’re still revering him now is because he’s the end point of a whole artistic movement. Like you can’t. Where do you go from Picasso? Like Jackson Pollock. Jackson Pollock is a completely different thing. You’re like, oh, Rothko, my Rothko is a completely different thing. So there is no end. Like there’s there’s nothing that you know, you can’t steal from Pablo Picasso to say it like you can’t use his own tool or guide or whatever. That’s why it’s wrong. Well, I think and I think that’s part of the problem. If you don’t understand when you’re being punk, if you think Picasso was being serious and said that, like it’s obvious that he’s basically saying, yeah, I stole from you all y’all. And now you’re screwed. This is nothing you can take back because I am the last parasite to do the whole thing. And bubble this. I think there is too much emphasis from artists to be original. Great. Yes. Because they signed their artwork in the Renaissance and that destroyed all art forever since then. Slowly, slowly, but eventually. And then improving on what is already there is being is better than being original. Well, look, improvement is always better than original by definition. That’s why we call it improvement. It’s already built into the name. So you’re kind of tricking yourself there. Right. You’re saying the thing that is already improved is better than the of course you’ve already stated that and you don’t even realize that you’re tricking yourself. All of the copies that are better than the original are improved. That is true. But what do you got for us, Andrew? The problem is the problem is the problem is we don’t have a good sense of heroism. Heroism is the guy that does it every day, whatever it is that enables the masters of the universe to be masters. I’m going to crusade Andrew to bring back He-Man is better than Star Wars. That’s my little crusade. I’ve never watched He-Man. Well, you can find most of it on YouTube. Watch like three episodes in a row, right? Watch an hour’s worth of content. It’ll strike you like how wrong you are. Fulfilling and holistic that experience is that I won’t say anything more than I will use very generalized terms and you’ll let you determine what you get out of it. But I would say that is a full that is a holistic use of an hour’s worth of entertainment versus anything succession. Right. Mark, I try to watch five minutes, man. Am I right? Am I right about the writing? I couldn’t get beyond the first intro, the first scene. I was like, oh, no. But all the writing is the same. It’s all like attempting to be pure narrative. And I was just like, I didn’t think you could do this. How did they function this way? It’s amazing. Well, it’s a reflection of its time, right? But the A.I.’s reflection of us, cultural artworks can be reflections of us too. Or it’s a bad copy of the good copy, right? Right. Instead of a reflection or reflection of reflection. Oh, yeah. You can take the photograph. I think that’s a good point. I would love to see someone copying quote David from Michelangelo and then improve it, making it more beautiful. What if that’s not possible, dude? You know, like these assumptions, like we get these assumptions like we’ve been able to do this here, here and here so we can do it anywhere. No, you can’t. Right. We’ve been able to narrow leadership down to psychology and then we can do it anywhere. So we can just make anybody a leader. No, you can’t. No, you can’t. No, you can’t. It’s not possible. You know, and that is it too. Like we keep taking single examples and trying to scale them. It’s like single examples don’t ever scale ever. Really ever. That’s not how they function. They’re not going to scale. They’re not going to scale. They’re not going to scale. I think that’s the biggest scale ever. Really ever. That’s not how the world works. Scale matters. Scale changes everything. It’s also called an art movement for a reason. It’s never just one person. It’s a whole collective, a whole senior. Yeah. The whole grouping of people that push forward a particular aesthetic. It’s not a style, actually. That’s why you call it impressionism. It’s a whole aesthetic, a whole way of framing and seeing the world. And then the different applications of that aesthetic get selected out for the best person that does that work the best. It’s not who is the best person and who is the best representative. It’s the work through the aesthetic that people appreciate. It’s possible. Van Gogh in the back here. The last great Christian artist. Or improve on the paintings of Memling or van Eyck. You’re assuming it’s possible despite all the evidence that says it’s not possible because no one’s done it and everyone has tried. So you keep saying that, but the evidence is literally the opposite. This cannot be done. Why are you assuming that you can improve on something? Do you not have a… It’s weird that people believe in truth. Capital T truth. There’s the truth. And it’s like, okay, but what if Michelangelo, and I don’t think this is actually the truth at all, is the best possible version? Because that has to exist. And therefore, if the best possible version has already been instituted, you can’t improve upon it. So why would you assume that that were true? You’ve got a performative contradiction in your head literally at that point. Either there’s a truth, which honestly I don’t believe in for different reasons, that doesn’t mean I believe you’re going to improve on Michelangelo’s David, because I don’t. But if you believe there’s a capital T truth, then who are you to say that that didn’t achieve perfection or a capital T truth for what it was trying to achieve? That makes no sense for you to assume that. None whatsoever. Can I double down on that? Please. In the sense that as much as I would like to, there is no way I could think like Van Gogh or have the mindset of Van Gogh. I could learn about him. I could try Ritlappapeti’s works, but his mindset, his aesthetic, his experiences can never be recreated. And that’s what made his work special. That’s what people appreciate him. And that’s why stories and fables surround him. Well, we’re never going to get another William Blake. Blake lived at a certain place at a certain time. And the fact that he was able to use that to exemplify, we’ll say, narrative and archetypal patterns in his art, whether it be his poetry or his engravings, is unique and interesting because of the way he did it. And in the fact that you can see those same patterns in other artwork and music, hear it, music, whatever, is just pointers to the fact that they’re archetypal abstractions. Or the folk, the tradition. Right. Yeah. It’s not just popular to copy and improve. Your idea of improvement and my idea of improvement have no overlap. I don’t even know how you’re using that word. All emphasis is being on original from the art critics and the art schools. I don’t think you’ve been to art school, but OK, we’ll let the people who have been to art school talk about art school because what’s going on in art school is not what you think is going on in art school at all, according to the people that I know talk about having gone to art school. Do you like copyright, Mark? Which one? Copyright is vital but was broken in the U.S. and needs to be rewritten back to the way it was. All right. Yeah, you have to know how copyright works and why. And when you lose the talus of copyright, you let Disney rewrite the rules. And Disney was always an evil company, by the way. Walt Disney. Like, if you look into the history of Walt Disney, the man is a disaster. Which is not to say he didn’t manifest a lot of good in the world, he certainly did. But his ideas were disastrous. I don’t know what was holding him in place because what he manifested was lovely, but that got hijacked around about the mid to late 1980s, I think. And Jesse will correct me. And the problem is that without copyright, you can’t have art at all. You never could. I mean, copyright is a development to counteract the development of technology. People always knew who did what artwork. It wouldn’t be like this is a Caravaggio. There was no disputing. It was a Caravaggio because it was submitted to the gallery. It was a group of people that would. He wouldn’t have to sign a Caravaggio for people to recognize it. But also no one cared because it’s the talus of the art you’re looking at, not the artist. When you sign art, you’ve changed the talus. And now you’re not looking at the highest. And so the point is that you’re not looking at the highest. And now you’re not looking at the highest. And so the problem becomes the following. Because of the technology and the fact that everyone is super busy, in order for you to be an artist, what you’re spending your time doing, is to say you’re painting, is creating pigments yourself. There is no need for me to protect against you copying my art, Andrew, because you’re just working in the fields all day, dude. I don’t need copyright protection. It’s not required. Copyright only becomes required as technology enables more and more people to spend less and less time doing more and more complex things. Now all of a sudden you need copyright. But the purpose of copyright is to reward somebody for what they did, but then release it to the public so that they can be okay with what they’ve done. And the problem is that, bubble this, backwards, copyright has served its purpose. No, it still serves a purpose. And now it’s a hindrance to great art. Copyright has nothing to do with art. You don’t have to copyright your art. So you can opt not to copyright things. Copyright is optional. It’s not imposed on anybody. It works to your advantage. That’s why Disney had the copyright laws changed in the US to 75 years, or something completely ridiculous. They should be hung for treason for that, and anybody that cooperated should also be hung for treason for that. No, really. That was an abomination. Look at how Banksy is revered and worshiped. There’s always pop artists revered and worshiped. This is not new. Look at Andy Warhol, who was propped up by the CIA. Maybe Banksy’s being propped up by the CIA too, for all anybody knows. We don’t know. Or maybe something from other places. Banksy’s a collective of activists, actually, if you look into it. Banksy’s not one guy. It’s a collection of activists. The runaway rascal, you can’t use copyrighted art is the important point, I think. You can. People are ripping people off left and right at the center, and nobody’s respecting copyright and trademark right now at all. So in theory you’re right, but in practice you’re completely wrong. This is the thing in music, right? They’re pissed off about the samplers, the rappers and stuff, because they sample music, which isn’t theirs, and they reuse it and they make money off of it, which is technically illegal and should have been clamped down on the minute it was done. It’s also most rappers garbage, different discussion. But, and there’s some very good rap out there, don’t get me wrong, but most of it’s complete trash. The problem is that a band like Daft Punk noticed this, and they famously made an album with real musicians as they determined them, because they said publicly, we aren’t going to have a way to make our music unless we encourage the real artists to make as much money as we’re making ripping everybody off. Basically what they said publicly, there’s something to that. No one’s respecting this stuff. They’re doing that because the music industry is so corrupt that it’s indefensible. So the artists get screwed either way, because the music industry is so corrupt that it’s indefensible, they can’t defend it. And now everyone’s like, well screw you, if people are copying your artists, that’s too damn bad. And the music industry has no defense, because they’re all bad people. Guys, guys, guys. The 50th law, 50th said, the music industry was more brutal than him slinging drugs on the street on New York. This is an intense read for anyone who’s creative. It’s an intense read. Yeah, the principles. You have to live by principles, right? If you don’t live by principles, you’re done. Well, and I wonder, Jesse, this would be good to explore. We have to get burn power on here at some point. Please, how do we navigate that part? I could totally do that, I think. Okay, I think you might have to do more. He would engage with us. He’d be cool with it. I actually tried. I tried. He almost agreed very, very early on. And I think he was getting the time zone thing right. So if we do it at a different time zone, it’s good to him. I’ll try and work out my calendar. All right, I’ll work on it. But I think that corruption… What was that, Andrew? I’ve got to do laundry, so I’ll see you. Okay. Oh, all right, man. It was good to have you. I’ll come back soon. Yep, I’ll be. Yeah, I think that the corruption of things like the music industry are actually the problem that is collapsing society. Those things corrupted, and now the telos had already been gone, and then those things corrupted, and that’s collapsed everything. And that probably started in the 50s or 60s, thereabouts. You can look at something like the Elvis story. There was a great Elvis movie that just came out that I was forced to watch. Horrible, Elvis. Oh, Mark, it’s horrible. No, it was great. It was great. It’s horrible. No, it was great. It’s great. It’s well-produced, but if you look at it in terms of messaging or signaling, it’s horrible. There’s actually a great conceit in the movie, which I don’t want to be too conspiratorial, but Elvis is being influenced by people we don’t know about. The movie starts with, like, who are these snowmen? There’s a children’s workshop of creepy toys. If anyone wants to know something about signaling and attention, pay attention to the first two minutes of any story. If it’s not there, if you don’t see it there, then it’s either a bad story or you’re being enchanted or a magic trick is being played on you. Yes, yes. Yes. Well, the thing that made that movie good was the things they were pointing out, like the two crazy 70s hippies or whatever they were, right, the two producers? Mm-hmm. That was like, oh, yeah, those guys are, like, fans. You know, they’re CIA or something. You know, you can tell right away, like, what the hell’s going on? And, yeah, it’s not clear who the real bad guy is, but it’s not his manager. That’s for sure. You can tell from the movie because they overdo it. Not that he was a great guy, but Lizard Girl. I always find it weird, too, that he never left. He never left America. I just find that a really strange thing. If that’s not containment, if that’s not containment, I don’t know what to do. It’s because he didn’t have a passport and because he had fled the Netherlands or something, for sure. The Dutch are shady people. I don’t know what else to say. No, I meant Elvis. I meant the fact that Elvis, you know, once he’s done with the German… That was because the manager held him back. I think that’s actually true. Yeah, well, yeah. It’s still a strange phenomenon. Put it that way. It is weird. Yeah. So I want to address this. Copyright is a form of psychological colonization. Just ask Nina Paley. Anybody who says that is wrong. Copyright helps people. She’s a gnostic. It helped inventors. Everything we have in the modern era is due to copyright. There’s no electricity without copyright. There’s no electric motors without copyright. There’s no computers without copyright. There’s no transistors. None of it happens without copyright, literally. So, I mean, you can piss all over the thing that built the stuff you’re using, but I prefer not to because, like, I’m grateful. I’m bubble this. She’s a gnostic. She’s a gnostic. Nina Paley. Yeah, I saw one of two things. I was like, whoa. Yeah. Get behind me, Satan. Bubble this. I so glad there is no copyright on building styles. That’s not true. If there was, every building would have to be original. You guys don’t understand what copyright works, by the way. And it would become a downward spiral. You guys are living in a fantasy world that has nothing to do with copyright. Happy visited the city recently. They don’t look as good as they used to. Right. Look, you can copyright building components. People have. They literally build templates. They build Lego, guys. You’re making a bunch of assumptions based on an outcome that is based on a false idea of legalization and materialism that doesn’t exist in the real world. Right. And so you’re using models of the world that are very rigid, but don’t match reality at all. Just on observation and making a bunch of assumptions about how laws should play out based on those tealotic assumptions. In other words, you already have a T-Los that the world is somehow rational and that rules are very strictly followed in a way that they’re not. So, for example, years ago, I had a trademark on this company and somebody called up one of my corporate partners and threatened him with legal action. And I said, say what? And he said, oh, yeah, he said, you know, he has a trademark on this word. And I said, no, he doesn’t. The way I know that is because I already filed the trademark and we own it. So you can call me up and argue trademark all day long. But I know contract law and trademark law is very close to contract law. I’m not an expert in trademark law. I’m not claiming that. I’m saying that I know enough that no lawyer is going to get one over on me. Right. And so I said, well, have him call me and or I called him. I forget. And I talked to the guy and he started going on and on and on about his trademark. And I said, we have a registered trademark with trademark office for the term. And the term has 13 other trademarks because one word, we had the word wicked, one word can have multiple trademarks. The trademark determination. I just went to a seminar on this. We could go Wednesday. So it’s actually at a trademark seminar just by happenstance because I’m doing entrepreneur stuff, free entrepreneurs learning. So in other words, you could get free learning on all this wherever you are at the nearest city. I guarantee you this free entrepreneurship conferences all over the freaking place, free business conferences. So top trademark attorney in Raleigh Durham, North Carolina, big place for trademarks. Was explaining the trademark only has to protect the brand within the field that it’s in. So one word can be trademarked 20, 30, 40, 50 times at different companies. Right. Because if I’m selling shoes and you’re selling peanut butter and we use the same word, there’s no trademark conflict there. I’m sorry. That’s just how trademark works. You can look it up. I’ve used it. So I talked to the guy and he says, I’m using this name and blah, blah, blah. And I said, all right, we own the domain and we own the trademark. And he goes, no, I own the trademark. And I go, that’s not how trademark works. You’re going to need to send me. And he implied that he was an attorney. You’re going to have to send me a letter with your letterhead from your letterhead from your address to my PO box. And I will answer it. But we’re not having the discussion over the phone because you clearly didn’t do your due diligence. And the minute I said the term due diligence, which is a trick that I happen to know because I’ve worked for lawyers and I work with lawyers, he went, are you a lawyer? Because he had claimed to be a lawyer. And he knew that he was going to jail if I turned his ass in for claiming to be a lawyer when he wasn’t. He had a lot of trouble. I could send him to prison. I said, no, but I ain’t stupid either. And I hung up. And he never called us again because he realized, oh, these guys know what they’re talking about. And they actually have the law on their side. And as you may know, I love to troll. So that was like one of my crowning moments. I’m like, that was great because I let him into this trap. It was a long conversation. It was a 15-minute conversation where I let him into this trap. I let him believe that the more he talked like a lawyer, the more I would believe he was a lawyer. And then I smacked him down so hard and so fast that it caught him off guard. And then I was able to say ain’t, which I love saying to people because especially when they think you’re more sophisticated and you use the word ain’t, it really jars them. Like I am a psychological warfare expert. You do not want it. It’s like a land war in Asia. You don’t want to you don’t want to go there. Right. If you’re playing risk, if you’re playing risk, you never take Asia. Even if you get the ultimate Asia on the board, just avoid it. Don’t bother. I’ve taken Asia before in risk. Anyway, I’m a strategist. It’s a feat. It’s a feat. I’m a strategist. Well, you’ve got to take Australia first. You have to screw someone over to get Asia. You take Australia first. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that’s super relevant to me. Oh, yes. It’s super relevant to me. Australia is the way to own Asia. You just have to know how to do it. It takes a lot of skill. But anyway, if you want to see that skill in action, there’s a live stream. I got to figure out which one it was where Claire Carr came on and she scored zero points. Zero, zero points. And I scored all the points. It was freaking hysterical. It was the first time she came on the live stream. Jacob came on and made her put on her camera and something. Freaking hysterical. So yeah, if you want to see and I was just that was too much fun for me. I said it in the live stream. It was too much fun. I can’t do that. That’s like heroin to me. I got to stay away from that. I enjoy that far too much, far too much because I could play that game all day and I will never lose. It is fantastic. It is just oh, it’s so much fun. I do love I love doing that to people because they really don’t stand to you. You don’t even understand what you’re up against. Like you just have no idea. You just cannot fathom this. I am so well tuned at this. I’ve been on the Internet for so long doing this game that I’m just really good at it. You know, it is what it is. And psychology is my thing. I hate psychology because it’s like to me, psychology is simple. Everyone’s making it like this big slants. It’s like you go into super it ego and super fragile. Like I mentioned in the model, I’m right. Yeah, that’s great. Nah, there’s a much simpler model of understanding people that you can just slaughter anyone with. It really just doesn’t take long. Bubble Viz is making instant coffee. Why would you tell us this? Now I feel ill. Like really, dude? Instant coffee. I don’t even drink coffee. So I’m just I’m really trolling now because I don’t drink coffee at all. I wouldn’t know the difference between instant coffee and ground beans. I think coffee smells like poop and I’m not drinking poop. So I’m a no on coffee. I’m a no on alcohol because it burns and I don’t like to eat fire. So y’all can drink my alcohol for me. We talked about that earlier in the other stream. Yeah, I’m a no on these things. I’m an aesthetic. I don’t need much. I don’t need much. I got my tea. Like what the hell? Tea is good enough. Green tea is good enough. Tea is great. Table rock tea. Table rock tea. I thought Mr. Andrew was going to give us another thing to respond to. I can just throw things out there, but I’m always a little bit cautious of how much of a muppet I’d be online. Andrew doesn’t love us anymore. It’s fine. You know, I’m trying to help. He’s still listening. Thanks for coming on. We’re the look. We’re the crew that helps people. So this is what we’ve been doing for three plus years. Okay. Have you seen Game of Thrones? I’ll throw something out here. I’ve thrown it out here before. The proper ending to Game of Thrones is the fact that… Yeah, I have seen Game of Thrones. The best ending to Game of Thrones is where the books have currently ended. The hero, the main hero of the story dies. It’s actually the Antichrist story. And that’s where he should never write another book. And it’s actually a great argument that he’s depressing ultra realistic rational world is that, you know, guys, the whole this whole story has been leading up to the hero dies. That’s the end of the story. You don’t get to know anymore. This is because this is his whole world. He’s all aesthetic. Right. Because the books are subversive. He hasn’t finished them. I don’t think he ever will be able to because, you know, in some sense, the the the goose is out of the pen. Right. Yeah. He you know, even if it’s hard to rework the enchantment that the series has had on his audience. Like he can’t go in a different direction. Right. Right. The problem is he’s got enchantment captured, not audience capture, enchantment capture. The enchantment of the shows has captured his audience. And now they’re kind of screwed. Who who who dies in the current John John Snow? It’s the end of the final book is John Snow’s death. And that’s what I’m saying. It should be the Antichrist story. You just leave it there. And then it’s a great morality tale. It’s like, guys, and then you could go back and reread it as this is the final emphasis, the final point of this book series. Final cause matters. Yes. How did Father Eric say it? Final, final cause is first in intent and last in action. Yeah. Well, that’d be my it’s a subversive take because people always want things to have a happy ending. Well, the problem is we have too many stories with happy endings. Right. We don’t do fairy tales. What’s cathartic is the Greek way of saying it. They want the release of tension. And what I’m saying is the best release of tension for that story is for there to be no right. There to be a the most realistic. Right. The first book ends with the the pattern of dying. But the pattern of happy ending is what broke everything. Like it. Stories are not supposed to have a happy ending. Stories are supposed to tell you what not to do and what you might be able to do. That’s the purpose of the story. Lizard Girl, I just want to know what it’s like to be muppetized. You’re already a muppet, my dear. Sorry. You’re muppet like the rest of us. You have an avatar in your logo. Sorry. Yeah. You’re possessed. You’re enchanted, just like the rest of us. The question is, by what? Right. By what things? Because it’s not one thing. Yeah. But you can see the way in which getting rid of fairy tales, rewriting them as Disney did. Right. In some cases. And so what’s what’s the best Disney cartoon fairy tale like story? I’m going to say something maybe a bit spicy. I think it’s Pocahontas. I really like Pocahontas. No, no, no. But that’s just personal preference. Zero people will disagree with this once you hear it. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Why? Because he screws up and he gets punished and everything works out anyway. So the stone is also pretty archetypical. Right. It’s not too warped either. But it’s like the original story where actual bad things happen. What you want to learn from a story is consequences. So there have to be bad endings. Exactly. Right. And that’s the issue is that if there are not bad. And again, we respond to negative signals more than we respond to positive signals. Or else all of evolution breaks, by the way. Evolutionary theory, theory set is broken if that isn’t true. There’s a number of single things that if all these single things aren’t true, any one of them is not true. Evolution just fails completely. And evolution is a real observation of the world. So yeah, it’s a real pattern. That’s for sure. Ethan says he will drink. BubbleVid says I designed my profile pic to be obnoxious. It can be improved upon. Maybe, maybe not. You know, I think I have the best profile picture and I stole it from the Internet within two minutes. Improvement, improvement ends at some point, my friend. This is still the problem. Yes, Sorcerer’s Apprentice. OK, Ethan’s a normal, sane human being who can be trusted. That’s good to know. Come on. I have to say something that pushes the conversation forward. My point is people discount Pocahontas. They don’t because it’s late Disney. I haven’t seen it. Oh, right. I actually find it to be quite wholesome, even though people saying different things. No, no, no. You’re missing the subtext of that whole thing. Tell me the subtext while I run to the little boy. I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll be. I’ll do it in Discord. I do it in Discord. It’s essentially it’s, um. It’s one of the few Disney movies where I think that they attempt to put the feminine in a good frame. There you go. I don’t think Princess Jasmine is a real character in Aladdin. And it’s kind of, you know, it’s a bit obvious because, you know, Aladdin is about Aladdin. But Princess Jasmine doesn’t in my read have that much agency. I’m sure if you actually read your fights, that character would have more sense of agency in a telos or a moral conundrum that the characters there to explicate. Beauty and the Beast. Yeah. But then like if you go back and there’s actually a couple of great podcasts that my my partner’s been listening to you on on these tales and Beauty and the Beast and yeah, the Beauty and the Beast is far better than the original sources. That’s for sure. And what’s the other one that Disney does that’s dealing with the feminine? Cinderella. Oh, wow. Do we get Cinderella wrong now? Gosh, Cinderella is dark. Look at the Greek version of Cinderella. There you go. The Greek version of Cinderella is brutal. There’s nothing safe about the original Cinderella stories. If you haven’t seen the movie Mystery, is it Misery? One pseudo story about the receiving King writing a book. I think it’s called Misery. Yeah, James can. That’s yeah. Wow. That’s what Cinderella really is in abstraction. What’s the other big? So I said Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Princess Jasmine. You’re like Cinderella is nice in the Disney. It is nice in the sense that at least it’s there. At least we can point to it in the Disney version as something. But if you if you read about it or hear about Cinderella in its original form, it is not safe. It is it is a brutal. That’s one of the is it hands around Gretel? With a witch. That’s a good one. Yeah. Hear about that in the original text. It’s like, you know, the night’s going to come in and like cut up. There was the one with the wolf. The wolf pretending to be the the old mother Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood. Oh, Little Red Riding Hood is again. Wow. Blood and guts. Right. Which Disney would make that movie. That’s that’s the night’s going to come in and cut open the mythical wolf and the old mother and the child. And then the wolf is going to come out and like you can just see that in your head is just gore and it’s not this like, oh, it’s not this Victoria Little Red Riding Hood. This is Little Red Riding Hood is like that’s a morality tale. Well, and that’s the problem is all the modern retellings of the old fairy tales that were warnings for children and understanding how dangerous the world and nature actually is. Right now, nature’s our friend and it’s all Rousseauian and perfect and bullshit. Social contract. Yeah. Right. It’s it’s well it’s but Rousseau believed that, you know, if not for society, we’d be fine. And it’s like, and then we just wrote a bad contract, which is basically saying, oh, you’re playing a bad game. It’s like, no, that’s not. No, there’s a reality. It’s weird. People state reality and they go, well, really, we just playing a bad game. It’s like, which one is it? It can’t be both. Wow. Ethan, if Disney remade Surtr’s Apprentice, it would be Minnie Mouse murdering the master and then Capulet. Quite possibly. It’s amazing to me how many performative contradictions and outright contradictions people will just like that AI video with Breveke is just. I don’t. You coming back to it. There are any non contradicted statements in it like he contradicts everything he says in that video, I bet a real close to it. It is all amazing. There was like, I couldn’t understand it. I’m like, well, that’s because it doesn’t make sense. Also, it’s technically wrong. And and but I heard this one good line. Maybe look, he’s got a lot of good lines. He’s got another great line. Religion gives us a ways to contextualize in the world when we are not at the top of the hierarchy. Great line. Also true. Also true. Double this. This is for Jesse TV series tip for you. Resurrection or what? Ertigo season one. Or free on YouTube. All right. Hold on Jesse when he gets back. Yeah. Yeah. The idea that somebody would admit that religion gives us a way to contextualize in a world where we’re not at the top of the hierarchy. Yes. Duh. But also, yeah, sure. It can sound profound if no one said it before. But then what religion, right? Then, you know, and for Vicky’s trying to do the religion that’s not a religion. Is he sure that’s going to be able to do what he what he thinks religion is for? And how would you know? Aren’t you better off just using something that’s a couple thousand years old? Just saying. You know, I mean, these contradictions are everywhere. Yeah, I got to go back through that video and take better notes for lots of reasons. One of them might be of interest to an audience. But anyway, we’ll see if that happens. There’s. A lot there because. We do. We do. Engage with things and we don’t notice contradictions. They don’t we don’t notice problems. We don’t notice inconsistencies. We don’t notice this stuff. Sally Joe, they cut up the stepsisters feet. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did. You know. There’s a utility to telling stories with bad endings. And that utility is to stay away from the soian nature is pure and good notion. Nature is not pure and good. Our interaction with nature makes nature better. And we improve upon nature with our interaction. It’s very important. So, Jesse TV series for you, Resurrection or or or for girls season one, which is on YouTube for free. It’s a suggestion that you engage with, but whatever, I’m just relaying a message, man. I’m just I have a I have a pretty good filter with content. I give I can give anything 15 minutes of my life and I will be able to tell you in 15 minutes whether I have a good filter. I will be able to tell you in 15 minutes whether I approve of it like it, even if it’s dark or subversive. I might not finish it, but I can please point to aspects of it that I find. What’s a great descriptor here? That gin is an improvement on juniper berries. Yes. And you can grow more juniper berries if you grow them than if you let nature try to grow them without any help. Yeah, it’s only like we improve nature. And nature improves. Oh, wow. Celebrity time. Let’s do this. Hi. Oh, my friend. I have time. Excellent. I’m off the mommy clock. So, yeah, I missed a huge chunk, though, over reading the pokey little puppy. So I have no idea where you’re at. We aren’t anywhere in particular. This is the after party. I hope the pokey puppy went well. You can bring up any topic at any time or you can go back to attention. I might go to sleep, but I saw it was still just you two guys. So I was like, I should show up because the game need more artists. So I’m in. I hope somebody likes your book. Your this is just my stack on the floor. This is the overflow. But, you know, pretend it’s part of your library. Oh, yes. This was my plan. I got the library. You know, very good. So this is the annex to the library. These are where the books go before we put them away. This is where the books go when you inherit them from your dad and you weren’t expecting it. Is there any good welcome here, Sally? We live in a fantasy world. I love Sally Jo her diction. She’s from the Midwest. We forgive her anyway. Yay. Try to think of the notes because I didn’t get to watch like the whole attention stream. So now I’m just like, did we cover it being like a spotlight? I like the depression thing. I thought that was good. I didn’t talk about it as a spotlight. I probably should. I couldn’t get everything in. I went an hour. I was like, come on, Mark. You got to get it down to 40 minutes. It’s very much like you see the available light, but you realize the things that are available to your attention. So it’s like the attention in the mind, I’ve been thinking of it as like the lens of your iris. And that’s actually kind of how it works because it can broaden and narrow and broaden and narrow. And that is like your focus can shift. It’s really cool to think about it that way. It’s reality, salience, landscape, awareness, attention. Right. Well, and then that’s because like you can have stuff in your peripheral vision that you don’t notice until it moves. And that’s such a great way to think about attention. And then it’s like, oh, well, of course, I have an idea because I see stuff all the time I can’t think about. Do you know how that actually works? Because I actually know all the tech. Peterson talks about this a little bit. But so the way it works is you have two eye systems, two systems for sight, two. One of them is very, very fast, but it doesn’t do detail at all. It only sees movement. That’s all it sees. So it sees movement and rough size and location. That’s it. That’s your lizard brain. That’s the original. That’s what lizards see, actually. That’s your original lizard brain eye system and still intact. Very, very, very fast. So you hear a tiger or you see it movement. Boom, it reacts to that. OK, that’s your awareness. And that’s part of what sneaks into your unconscious signaling. And then what happens is and this is, you know, what Peterson talks about the phobia of the eye where your resolution gets better and better and better on the outskirts. The resolution is so bad that only the lizard brain movement part works. So your awareness, this is a change your eyes and then you can see. This is a fun thing in art because there’s realism that has one focal point. And then there’s hyper realism where everything’s in focus and it’s actually quite disturbing. And you almost can’t paint hyper realism without like a series of photos because you take a series of photos and and like that’s that’s the art the Midwest is into, man. We’re not into like people want hyper realism. They want to see the steam off of an elk and every hair. And it’s just like it. And when you say like information is useless, I’m like, yeah, because like that is so much information. All the romance is dead. And like you can make up a romance about the information. But there’s like it’s it’s like doing postmodernism without blob art. Oh, congratulations. You find a way to make nature postmodern. Well, that’s the opposite. Well, no, no, that’s the opposite because postmodernism is determining the frame while telling you they’re not. Well, and like there there is beauty to that. Like I do like some of it. See the wonders critical realism. Yeah. Well, Midwestern painting is probably a lot like that, which like there is some beauty to it. And there is at least romance of everyday life, which is not lost out here, like because it’s lost a lot of places. I’m like, let’s get a good still life of a coffee shop. That’s current life. That wouldn’t be like, but right. That’s lost everyday availability of multiple frames is not postmodernism. No, but focal points. No, no, but that’s what I’m saying is that when you have more than one available focal point, that just allows you to enter the picture at any point. That’s not what I’m saying, though. No, I know. That’s not what you’re saying. What I’m saying is that the availability of focal points allows for that. And so that’s the opposite of postmodernism. Modernism does is it tells you frames don’t matter and it’s one anyway. No, that’s not what I’m saying. That wasn’t my point, though, because I know that wasn’t your point. When you have a focal point in a painting that controls the narrative because you’re placing the viewer in perspective to the picture. Yes. And you have no focal point. You might as well have made a spin art painting. Because you’re doing that by just like you’re using nature to do that. You’re right. The first case is the critique of the postmodern. Like the first case is the critique of the postmodern. Oh, the person who set the focal point of the painting controls you. This is where people say, they’ve got a point. It’s like, well, they have an obvious point. Yes. Right. But I’m pro narrative art. So, you know, that puts me in conflict with a lot of people. Yeah. Who’s at the center here? It’s the prisoner if you can’t see it. I can’t read it because it’s wiggly. Anyway, Victor, it’s called Sentenced, 1987. Really interesting painting in terms of the way they frame it. The victim is now not glorified in the center. Yeah. Yeah. But you can enter that. The start of the 18th century was the reframing happened with Goya doing the exact opposite with Goya in particular, focusing on the injustice. The Russians actually reflipped that around, took what the Spanish were doing with their social ideals and reflipped it on itself and said, no, this is actually proper that someone’s getting sentenced and we need to… Again, it’s really social critiques and what each culture wants to define as its values. And that’s also, again, before the downfall of Russia. That’s what that book follows on. That would be the same era that a bunch of Peterson’s paintings are from then. Yes. Yeah. He’s actually quite into the critical real. I’ve already schemed bits and parts of this because it’s very wordy, it’s very academic, but I got it for five bucks. And it’s got some nice prints in there. The problem with me is I always find nice treasures and go, yep. Yeah. I got some great books of Belgium as well. I want to show you my, even though Belgium is not a real country. It’s easy to get swamped in everything you want to know and then never get a chance to apply it. That’s why knowledge is evil. We need to pay attention to matters. I just want to, because we just never get to talk. I just want to ask you like your art backstory questions. Is that appropriate for after party stream? Yeah, sure. Yeah. Have you, so do you have a degree in art, art history, art application, like fine art? No. Just study it because we’re like that. I dropped out of a graphic design course. I’ve dropped out of a music course. I’ve dropped out of photography courses. I’ve listened to and done multiple courses on art, but I’ve never done it academically. I’ve read books. I made almost close to five grand selling my own abstract art in my young days before. I got a scholarship to music. Yeah, I’ve done lots of different things. I attempted to go to art school on the GI Bill in England and then immediately lost all my money. And it wasn’t approved by the GI Bill yet. So before it could get approved, I just ended up having to leave England. And then seven years later, I was trying to go to school again and I still didn’t want to do anything except art. I kind of wanted to do psychology, but my problem with psychology was the same as art as I had no idea how I would monetize it. Yeah. And I’m like, well, it’s been seven years. I haven’t found anything else I want to take. And I decided I better just do it. And then I got a bachelor’s of fine arts from a university in Illinois. But I went for painting and the painting curriculum was completely bereft of teaching. So I did a whole ideology. I took non-ferrous metals. And that’s what I ended up just doing my surrealist paintings in little tiny sculptures. And yeah, I probably am like still just like a painter, like because I just want to make little narrative story things. And now I’m falling into even more of the narrative with Mark and the dog headed stuff. And they’re encouraging me that I don’t do bad cartoons. I do these stories and being free and trying to do an amount of you need to do a double down version that needs to be twice as big and better printed. So I know. But I got like six other stories to do. I got a whole story about growing up. You have momentum in one thing. What? But you have momentum in one. No, no, no. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. Well, two, two things, two things. They’re all the same thing. Hold on. Two things I have to tell you. And then I have to read this question and we have to answer it. But two things. First off, we have this. If you think we can monetize it, we should do that. You don’t need her help to do that. We can just cut her in. It’s all fine. Right. The other thing is my editor is getting you audio files for the audio work on the podcast. So I wanted to let you know that now. Now, bubble this. I like the stylizing of real world like an abstraction like the ancients did and like an anime. I would disagree with anime like in Greek vases or medieval miniatures. And he actually says he likes your booklet. It’s a great example. I will post the video for the booklet again. Jesse, are you familiar with the homunculus? As applied to art. Why is that? When little kids draw people, they draw symbolic representation. Typically, typically there’s a rare one in 10 or 20 or something that doesn’t. But most kids typically smiley face. They draw a symbol of a person. So the symbol of a human being has a giant head and giant hands and giant feet. Icons are more like homunculus is than the visual world. And then we changed and we changed kind of when we started looking through science to see the world because we changed the creation of lenses during the Middle Ages to see the world through science. And then we started representing the world visually, which is where you stop drawing the icon and you start drawing the space around the form. So instead of drawing me as a homunculus, you would draw the this wall, this yellow wall and these books behind me. And then my form would emerge out of them. Yeah. And so in some way, Mona Lisa, a great example of that, we stopped looking at the mental image. And that’s the difference between tattoo art, anime art and like just those traditional styles of art and the academy. Although I do think it was important in some ways that we had the shift, but it’s just like you shouldn’t just have the shift. Like really the back and forth blending of them is where you get that wonderful, like Gothic world where they can have artificial space, but then still make the hands a little extra big. So you can really read the these thingies. I’m having some problems with my camera placement because I’m not. But but yeah, yeah, no, that’s the difference between. And now the anime stuff uses all of that homunculus sigh for evil because anything with the uber baby eyes is evil. OK, you’re talking about your soul. And so just beware of the uber baby cute eyes. Evil. I wouldn’t necessarily for arguments like I wouldn’t necessarily roll that into anime purely, but I know I know the I know why that’s important to your anything. She said she was just saying no, this is bad. If it’s if it’s using giant baby eyes to pull at your heartstrings and especially if it’s using giant baby eyes with boobs together. Oh, yeah, no, no, that’s that’s definitely yes. Well, that’s the that’s not the only evil. The end of the 18th century to the early 19th century. I was trying to get him to do this third video on the cute and talk about the pair soap. So the pair soap, you’re right. You have I would argue at least the right orientation of the romantics. They will at least trying to bring us back into some sense of. Tradition out of out of the enlightenment, right? Had gone too far, had affected like a virus, like you’re saying the artistic and the the early romantics were kind of pushing back against that in their way. And then that got captured, obviously. And that’s where you have the pair soap. You have this the idyllic, the innocence now of the child is being used to sell you a product. So you have like the early romantics are rebelling against the Industrial Revolution or the forces of the Industrial Revolution to get us back to. Hey, we need to preserve innocence, childhood and mysticism, tradition. And then you have that being hot by the end of the century is being hijacked to sell you the Industrial Revolution material like soap. The ultimate ideal is always used to sell, though, like like, you know, I know you look at Caravaggio. The best, the best. Albert, you’re 1515 or maybe it’s a different 15, but I think it’s 1515 and his apocalypse book, biggest selling thing ever. Like anybody who’s selling you like any apocalypse, Narys suspect sales, please. Since like 1515, it’s just what all Adam is apocalyptic in some sense. If we if we want to. I was talking about the fake news virus scam. And yeah, I know, but I was trying to. It’s like right. But look at the end of the world like the hijack, the hijack and the enchantment is there. And there’s lots of ways it manifests. So like if you’re if you’re enchanted by the big eyes and you’ll notice a trend in in online any video right now, what they’re doing with the makeup to make their eyes look different or bigger. And that’s a very big trend right now in the in the TV and in the in the online spaces is making the eyes look bigger. This is a form of enchantment. So, yeah, you like it. But what’s driving that what’s driving that is Eros. And the interesting thing about the symposium conversation ever watched all of right with for Vicky and Peugeot and this guy Howland is that he Howland says in he’s the scholar of the group in this case, he says Eros comes down upon you. It is not a is not a good thing. Eros is not the ancient Greeks do not see it as a good thing. It comes down upon. I would make two discernments about the Uber eyes. There’s the there’s Uber eyes that are like Uber sexy eyes, which are like the great big lids. And then there’s the baby eyes. Right. And like extra sexy eyes are sneaky and probably trying to take your money. Beware men of all forms. But at least that’s honestly so. Where is the baby eyes are extra evil in my opinion. OK, I’m down with it. Jesse, did you did you see Sally Joe’s video that she did with me like a year and a half ago or however long ago it was so many videos? Guys, I will. OK, I will. The only of it all you would you would like that video. Sally Joe finally rewatched it and then admitted to me that she actually almost figured out when I was pointing and she didn’t catch it. Yeah, it’s like, yes. What’s it called? It’s on my channel. It’s the original that it’s silence, salience, signal. Yeah, signal salience, silence, or something like that. Sally, you have a you have a channel that’s on my channel. You have a channel. Sally, you have a channel. I’m Sally. I’m really sorry. I do art things. OK. No, I’ve got there’s a link to her doing it. Do you have a channel? Sally, you’re in Cuba, guys. You can’t watch it right now. It’s like a two hour video, dude. I know, but I’m just I’m plugging you. Oh, thank you. Wow. Cool. Let him freaking queue up the video, Sally. OK. I can never find it. I’m OK. Your thumbnails. What? No, I don’t do all my thumbnails. It’s the one with the Albert Dewar. No, that’s that’s the apocalypse one. It has Jonathan Peugeot in the in the thumbnail. It does. And and Paul VanderKlaai and Herb. Or maybe just Jonathan Peugeot. I don’t know. Oh, yes. Silence. Silence. It’s 94. There you go. I have I have a chronological numbering system for reasons. It is 90. It is number 94. No, I will link it. I will watch it on your channel, Sally. So you can only watch it on my channel. Really? Oh, I thought he had. I thought Mark said he had on his. No, no, that’s not on my channel. This was before Mark was doing a channel. I don’t play that game. Was that before I was doing my channel? Yeah. Yeah, it was. Yeah. Well, I’ve got a bunch of videos on empty room, empty room and moustache Mark. Wow. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, we’ve been cultivating Mark for some time. Oh, is that what’s been going on? OK, Sally. Mark, your audience caption. You just don’t know. Oh, Peugeot’s got a great clip from a larger talk that he did. He was talking to this artist who did a flip. It’s a it’s a it’s cards like playing cards. And it’s got the king on one side of the joker on the other. And the king’s hand is outside of the card and the joker’s hand is grabbing his wrist outside of the card. And that’s it. It’s awesome. And they’re describing it. And the guy’s actually drawing while he’s talking to Peugeot in the video. That’s that’s great. Owen, Owen Cyclops, right? Oh, yeah, yeah, that guy. Yeah, he’s got some good things. I need I need to watch. You need to think there’s two there’s too much you can fall into. And then it’s like it’s like worst with artists because I can follow their train of thinking. All in the day. Nothing to pay attention to. But if you’re paying attention, you won’t fall into things. You’re muppet. That was the whole theme of the stupid. I didn’t watch it. I was you know what the solution is. Watch my video. Still the solution. Still the answer, Sally. Of course you would say that while I’m driving at some point. That’s what I’ll end up doing with your videos. Mark, you have to watch them all. So you understand the world and you won’t get trapped by this enchantment. This crazy person enchanted. What’s natural to be enchanted? This is the thing. You just have to train yourself to be able to have a boundary when people cross and go. Yeah, great. You’ve got me. It’s fine that you got me. You find that you entertain me. But I have a boundary. You crossed it. You got to just irrationally notice when you’re creeped out by people like Sam Harris and just be like creepy and need no reasoning and then you’ll be fine. Right. That’s exactly true. You do not reason is a total trap. And this is one of the things that I don’t like about Verbeke. There’s a channel called Esoterica. And on that channel, there’s a video about the Socratic. And there’s a and is it about the Socratic? No, it’s about the Stoics. And I think that’s where he goes into some of this stuff about, oh, the Stoics have this big mystical tradition that nobody ever talks about. It’s like, well, yeah, because all philosophy is embedded in religion, even to the ancient Greeks. We just lie about it. And then there’s another I think it’s a different video he has. We talked about Plato and Mania. And so what Plato says is Mania, which is roughly translated as madness, probably a bad translation, is more important than rationality, especially for insight. And I’m just like, yeah, of course they would say that. Like, I don’t understand why we strip all the good stuff out and say this is philosophy and it stands by its it didn’t. It doesn’t. That’s wrong. It’s a lie. You’ve been fooled. Gnostics. They’re all Gnostics. Burn them all. They’re all witches. There you go. Posted it in the thing. That video. The cards. For sure. Where did you post it? In the thing. Because you have to go outside the browser. Don’t ask a muppet to do IT. Even though I work in IT. Do you consider yourself an independent artist now, Jesse? What’s your goal with that question? Am I still practicing art? Yes. If I have another one, because that’d be nice. I’d love to talk to you. We can set that up another time. I yeah, I do Most of my stuff I have I like people don’t understand I have so many unreleased music projects that I’ve just been in fear of releasing for I guess not having a backbone of spine to backing some of my musical ideas or aesthetics or statements because you know music music by definition you are stating something you’re like here is the melody or here is the harmony and You the vibe with it or not and um you’re just describing my problem with paint. Why are you stating things? Why are you being so forceful? This is like a straight shot, and I was just like thank you And they’re like no you shouldn’t be forcing your opinion on people you’re doing 2d drawings like oh Sorry, I didn’t realize we were making trash excuse me Well like this this is this phenomena right now could make to fit art like Literally galleries will approach artists and be like we need something on this subject for this part of our wall Yes, so it’s it’s completely it’s you know it’s like Ikea approaching. I Pre-it and saying can you just make us a little jingle I tried independent galleries for like two and a half years after art school After art school and then just decided to hell with it and started a YouTube channel And like I sort of had the YouTube going but like I really just decided that’s where I would put all my artist practice stuff, and that’s where I do all my artist talks, and then I just decided I would just Keep working with people until I found some ground to stand on and just keep going and I tried to work with a number of bands Which always turned out? Horribly I tried to work with there was one there was one Gallery owner on like the portion of coast I lived on in Florida who actually wanted to make money But he wanted just beach art and I could have practiced making beach art But at least it was honestly beach art and not like feminazi art which was better But then it’s still I just couldn’t sink my teeth into beach art properly Maybe if I’d lived on the beach longer we were only there two years, and I was busy a lot so Yeah, I just I just quit and now I do the independent stuff And I’m like kind of trying to focus on I don’t think I want to sell originals anymore like I want to make originals I want to send out my originals. I even maybe want to make a high-trinsic value originals But I have to sell the repose and that’s it. I only want to sell the repose and So like I have stuff on Redbubble and like I’m going I’m going to be Getting my studio stuff set up here, and then like I’ve kind of come to like Console myself, maybe my art won’t be my art. Maybe like my contribution to art will be like Teaching other people or basically giving away as much of the things they learned from college as humanly possible Like maybe that’s what I’ll be doing and it won’t you know So like I don’t know but it’s very I think you do know I think you do know if I can encourage you Well, it’s very weird to be an artist right now because like the the art Establishment is so captured. It’s so freaking captured. I kept one friend from art school for like Four and a half years and now they’re having Now they’re a little bit MIA and I think she finally hit some political thing where she decided she can’t be friends with me anymore I’m not sure maybe she’s just having a time. Maybe she just lost my number I don’t know but like and I a number of times thought it like I had one other silversmith who I specialized in miniatures and she specialized in mazes and hot damn I thought we were gonna be like Like if you got miniatures and then you got mazes together as pendants that could have been some cool stuff man, and she just it was so weird too because she wasn’t a child she was my age and she just train wrecked over political stuff and like it was and and this is like I I Don’t even know what to do with that so it’s just a weird place right now if you want to look outside and like Not on the crazy train, I don’t know I’m trying to like not be hyper political with it But then still talk about it. I try and approach it at the philosophical layer But it’s just so crazy and it’s like trying to figure it out. No, cuz it’s flat so you can’t approach any of it What’s my little black? It’s actually cool out, but the evil though it is it’s dialectical so if you Like it’s well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow Matta speaking Emerges the flood is here I Can I can send you some some things early though I’ve found helpful it for my own Mapping of phenomena one of them is this idea and I don’t completely buy it, but it’s helpful to least Uses a soft frame which is Francis Fukuyama’s idea of the battle for recognition So if you’re if you’re trying to be an artist, right? You’re you’re agreeing to this dialectic of the battle for recognition. Oh, yeah, and so in so that’s why you will make your art as I Like to use the word spicy as possible because you’re wanting to be right you are The goal of your art is not the art is to be recognized as an artist. It’s a complete reversal of the the Responsibility of making art like your the goal of your most these art schools is to make you an ideological activist of some sort and so You know recognize as an activist need to be a proof is yeah I don’t know Mid journey very well, but like the idea that they don’t see a future anymore I think I think that’s accurate and it’s like the only availability is critique on the present or past Yeah Journey, why don’t you controls? Yeah the problem we have an art world that’s highly dependent on ideology Ideology is a tool of control. So they’re saying Kill things is because I can’t control it but that’s that’s actually backwards, right? The real problem is they know they know they’re sure that they’re correct that art moves the world But they think they can control art to move the world in a certain way This is why Peterson’s fascinated by the I mean his posters, right? But it doesn’t work Right because you need that alignment with the higher good and the problem with mid journey and I’ve I’ve got mid journey I’ve experimented with it It doesn’t work at all like at all at all Like there’s no way you can make the kind of art you want with mid dream Not saying you gotta use it for free. You can’t even get it for free now It’s not it’s not democratic anymore Either like you literally say you get a free trial and then you try to log on to the free trial and it’s like no We’re too busy. Come back and pay right I mean Everything’s like that. Well, cuz they’re trying to turn everybody into artists But the thing is mid journey like rap music And other types of music relies on real art to modify and you’re just gonna run out of that And then it’s gonna fail all over the place. So then we’re back to the whale corpse eating where all What’s parasitic? Yeah, and yeah, they may feel that way about the art but you can always make art that AI can’t make That’s actually not hard to do like dog-headed. Okay I tried like hell and I’m a professional to get it to do a dog-headed You know what? It can’t do it can’t do a dog-headed can’t I Did everything I could? Everything I could I’m like give me a dog-headed baby Give me a dog-headed and it could not do it and I spent well over an hour Trying to get the prompts to give me a dog-headed you can get it you can get a lion head Inside like a suit of armor and I was like great. I’ll just use that line and change line to dog Nope doesn’t work. Like so it’s very uncontrollable. So to your point Jesse, it’s totally uncontrollable Like AI is totally uncontrollable Reveke said this was another contradictions a lot of AI is black box all the AI that does anything cool with black box And then he said it wasn’t it wasn’t magic or a miracle or something If you don’t know how it works by definition, it is a miracle and magic. Sorry more contradictions We don’t know how it works. The thing about the AI is I would imagine that and I haven’t got on one because Danger sauce. Um, but I would imagine you just beginning to know Several people who put a bunch like put a shit-ton into the AI and you wouldn’t like that’s what you’re interacting with You’re interacting with framework that other people set up so it’s just like reading a bunch of literature or Playing a bunch of a video game. You’re always getting to know the author It’s wrong using your attention. They’re actually using your attention That they’re hijacking it around it you’re just getting to know the authors of the AI It’s not anything the mirror not AI is a mirror. We’re it. Oh, yeah, we can put that up Where is that? Did I download that if I downloaded it? I’ll put it up. I Didn’t download. Oh the bathroom mirror. Yes Well that do I have here it’s on your Twitter or it’s on heretical or No, no, it’s in heretical means and in notepad gets no no, hold on. I have it. I have it. I have it Yes, I thought I don’t love it. I did hold on Yeah, no. No. Yeah people really don’t understand this this actually is a Approximately zero percent difficult AI is a mirror and it is nothing else and We’re our windows. There we go. And if you look That is AI AI is no more difficult than this and Look, they’re not making progress. You guys keep saying my good. They are making negative progress Everybody says they’re making progress. They’re not making progress. They’re progressing towards less and less of everything including control This is AI This is AI you are looking at a cracked mirror That’s all AI can ever be I can prove this mathematically other people have No, really I’m telling you as a professional in the field That’s AI It is nothing else if you think it is something else if somebody else thinks it’s something else. Well, you know wrong Okay, I will say it Lex Freeman is an AI guy So, of course, he’s going to push that narrative in the positive and guess what? You know Joe Joe row you can have the YouTube, you know YouTube is predominantly manly You know YouTube is predominantly male and it’s a huge attention Capture audience. It’s a huge audience capture mechanism. And so when Joe Essentially he left as YouTube was changing its mechanisms and so now we what we have in solvent of Joe Rogan We have a guy it’s pro AI right You get that out guys. It’s like you’re being you’re being channeled To a web Where your input is more valuable than the end product? It’s the same trick as Facebook Right. I don’t want more things to be as ruined as spellcheck It’s so depressing. Well, they ruin spell check with AI and I really liked spell check It was so useful. I learned how to spell with spell check Like I decided to just start reading everything that was spelled wrong and spell check Algorithm rally Sally the original algorithm is literally like 200 lines of code It’s tiny and it works so well. It works so well It’s it’s kind of shocking and people just they don’t understand the anti progress and the problem is we keep telling people You’re an individual. Don’t worry. You’re an individual you can understand all this and Jesse to your point You’re being funneled and used by these machines like, you know all the dystopian nightmares about corporations are true Which is your targets of attention are wrong You’re being hijacked by the intellectual class that isn’t getting paid well according to them and They’re trying to monetize you as a creator without giving you great creator credits and telling you that it’s the AI that’s doing the art Went to your point Jesse you’re giving them something far more valuable than the end product without even realizing it You’ve been completely hijacked completely your attention has been tuned away attention Right the three most valuable things that you have time energy and attention, which is power when it’s directed Those are being stolen from you and given to strangers on the internet We’re trying to start businesses to overturn other businesses or other industries like art If you want to contribute to that You can I don’t think that’s good. I don’t think there’s any way it can manifest the good And you have been hijacked you have been given a religion that you do not understand and that is why you are worshiping AI by giving it your time energy and attention and cheerleading for it when in fact, it’s a mirror and it’s a garbage mirror and it’s a parasite upon the planet I Have tuned a eyes many of them They are not what you think they do not work If you knew how much work went into mid-journey and how much tuning they were doing a mid-journey you would be flummoxed They’re burning money who knows whose money they’re burning money left right and center to to build something that and they release new versions all the time and they they get better at some things and Simultaneously get worse at others and if you watch mid-journey if you’re on the discord and you listen carefully to what they’re saying They admit to all this it is not working out the way they expect it It reminds me of one size fits none in the military. Yes Tell that story Sally so so like You get a thing and it comes in like seven sizes and some general gets frustrated with the fact that he’s got to order different Sizes and so then they make it a one size fits all item and then it fits none and Then they order 20 billion of them and then you have to buy Non-standard issue if you want it to work or you just have to die because you got snagged on a tree You know what it’s all good one size fits none You can’t make a machine that does all things like it’ll do none things That’s how many things it’ll do if you make it do all the things so like spellcheck originally great spell check that can make tea trash Bill check with a with a bad tea loss the spell check that AI has tries to figure out what you’re trying to say and Correct grammar and spelling all at one go and instead it just does a bad job of correcting my typing mistakes Really bad job And puts in entirely different words on my own text correction now, right and it just makes me like Sounded sane and I get I had a really good one today that I can’t remember But it just completely adjusted the word until it was not even relevant to my sentence. I’m just like Does that to me all the time and the funny part is AI? Spellcheck for me would be easy if it were customized to me because I’m actually only using a handful of words and tweets anyway But they don’t do that. They could they could make it better, but they don’t Is that possible? Can we make an AI that? Work specifically for your voice cadence and culture. Oh, yeah, it’s really easy to do actually So what that’s just a matching you don’t even need AI to do it actually technically you can do it with just machine learning Which is not AI the machine learning techniques for things. Why don’t we do better than the AI? Why don’t we make a better version of the spellcheck just with those three? Because you can’t get grant government grants for spellcheck. Well, you know, nobody will adopt it. So here’s the problem here Here’s a little known secret. I haven’t done a video on this yet Why maybe I’m gonna answer it? But yeah, okay I maybe I maybe I mentioned it in one of my videos on my personal channel, which is just my name They at some point in computer history, I think it was the mid to late 2000s they changed the base libraries that everyone’s using for sorting by alphabetical order in the original alphabetical short order it was shortest first and You know alphabetical sort sort shortest first The reason why that’s important is that when you have embedded numbers and you don’t put zeros in front of them So they’re not the same length The zero through nine will come out correctly 10 11 and 12, right? It’ll be an order if you don’t do shortest first that is always wrong always it’s always wrong and They change the algorithm. It’s in the libraries that everybody’s ingesting because no one’s writing their own code fine, but It doesn’t sort by Alfie correctly anymore and it hasn’t for a decade or more like maybe two decades It literally doesn’t work like at all by any definition of alphanumeric sort the current alphanumeric sort does not Operate and when you see it operate you go. Oh, I see why it’s important that it does shortest first So at some point codes gonna crash because it doesn’t have a well, no, no what struck what happens is no what happens It’s because Alfie sort doesn’t actually work when you feed datasets to a eyes you have to do all kinds of additional processing For no reason like Alfie sort would actually work if you did it the correct way It would actually work in like ninety nine point nine percent of the cases, but now Guaranteed not to work in certain well-known circumstances Like when there’s number sequences and they’re not zero padded to the same length, but but also it fails When they’re different lengths of text and the zeros the numbers don’t come first So it fails in two different conditions Spectacularly, do you need a live data set or can you just work from? Just segment it to get you get teach an AI to just sort it out properly. You can’t fix it Okay, it’s not fixable Because they because they put it in order and you dump it into an array then you have to fix the array Now you could run another sort on it that actually worked because that shortest first sort algorithm is not It’s it’s trivial, right? It’s actually trivial, but at some point they broke all of the sort libraries at once somehow I mean I’m sure they’re just linking with a new sort like new version of sort or something and nobody paid any attention fact It doesn’t work real quick back to attention stuff Did you talk about diffus- like the diffusion of attention like the Fading awesome. Awesome. Okay. Yeah, I talked about It spread out and that’s the problem. We’re suffering from is across Right, and it’s just diffused and now you’re confused right? You can’t figure out. Oh cool. What’s what? We can’t even we don’t even have computer programs that can do that anymore if no one was following mark point then Yep, we got you to computer programs literally things that are human that are confused They’re two problems. Yeah, right the algorithms wrong and nobody noticed nobody paid attention to the fact that the algorithm changed and broke and Everything that uses the sort algorithm is now broken Algorithm is now more difficult and broken Nobody’s actually paid attention to this at all even though it affects literally all data entry all data entry is affected by this but and It’s been in the industry for decades at least one probably two Like sense it’s amazing to me and I’m just sitting there like guys Objectively, there’s a right mathematical solution and your computer scientists How the hell did you make the error and why is it still there? Right like making the error is not the error the error is keeping the error there Like how did you do this? Like I don’t understand why you haven’t noticed that this is broken and then it takes two seconds to fix and maybe they like moldy cheese Maybe they just prefer that cheese of molten something because of it You know, I mean like they don’t like oh we make moldy cheese now we don’t make real cheese we make moldy cheese Maybe they’re trying to keep job security or something. They’re like don’t make it too good. No, no, they’re just not paying attention No, they just really don’t know they don’t know that there’s a better way We can’t help that level of confidence That’s why you use a food analogy They’re so divorced from the original code. That’s what I mean They don’t have any idea what they’re missing it’s it’s kind of like it’s kind of like Learning oil painting without learning any other kind of painting and then we’re trying to invent better ways to oil paint It’s like yeah, but you don’t have the basic principles of painting down if you learn to oil paint first No, we should never learn to learn to draw first The starting place matters And you learn oil painting and that’s all you learn at the book we’re literally training software engineers with boot camps with Sophisticated programming languages and none of the core material to understand why and how it’s important At the same time, we know we’re talking about digital currency great, um, great just great today we air episode 00001 if the bad numbers sorting algorithms Like double biz gets it. I like it guys. It’s heavy if we know the implications of that Attention what are we paying attention to Wow, it’s utterly amazing to me that that is the case We can leave with we have agency and that’ll be a happy note That’ll be cathartic. Yeah, remember that’s the thing we can think that we do have agents. That’s the yeah. Yeah Well, I will I will end dinner the the end point that they want for the matrix is the system breakdown Yes Yes, well they want to crash everything there was an accelerationist in the in the live stream chat today I’m Van der Klaas channel. I was like what is wrong with you people? Why are you accelerating this problem? I do not understand why you want to crash the bigger car that you you crashed a little car you were in now You want to crash the car we’re all in I’m like that didn’t work out well for you And I don’t think it’s gonna work out well for the rest of us I wish you would you know, it’s like these people who want World War three. I’m like, can we not do that? Can we just like not can we un can we just stop paying attention to Ukraine? So it goes away and Russia just does what they’re gonna do and the number of people who are actually fooled by If you can’t defend your country you’re not going on the offensive ever That is not a strategic option that is available to you militarily if you studied an iota of history or military or military history or strategy or Military strategy you would know this and the people that are telling you otherwise Certainly know this and they are certainly lying to you Any day now Ukraine’s gonna take over Moscow and win against Russia like what are you talking? Why are you a lunatic who can’t understand the basics of reality? like first things first And and we can’t even sort numbers and no one’s noticed And you’re worried about Ukraine winning the war against Russia that it never had a chance to win Come on. Come on. Just stop You’re killing me here you’re killing me And they and you can’t tell them either like you can’t You do understand the defense is easier than offense and they couldn’t mount a defense, right? Therefore them going on the offensive is not even an option Right, and they they can’t do it. They can’t logic it. Their logic is broken completely. It’s so bizarre Completely it’s so bizarre We’re doomed we’re utterly doomed what are we gonna do with these people these muppets they don’t even know they’re muppets How do we resolve the muppet crisis? Come on, Jesse help us out I Have thought about this i’m not sure if i’m ready to share it I would say it’s something to do with Second order thinking understanding the trade-offs Because that’s what that’s you know, I I keep pointing back to this lack of common sense and common sense is distributed cognition, right? So Which requires second order thinking it’s not just thinking of yourself but thinking of those around you So the best way to do that is actually to connect with your neighborhood, which is a very This just collides with the intimacy crisis the fact that you just don’t want to get to know the person that’s living next to you It’s like well How are you gonna restore common sense if you can’t even be nice to your neighbor Or pay attention to your neighbor at least one at a time I think with that as far as Getting to know people outside Because it’s somewhat insurmountable to know your neighborhood But there is the possibility of like just like picking one and being like high Well, that was that was the most dangerous thing about the whole covet thing like you You Quickly think that in time to struggle people would band together and get to know each other more because right but they installed this Psychological operation called social distancing Places they did Like I got I got friends because of covet Because florida was only a partially locked down state after like the third week florida man got crazy And they realized they weren’t gonna win But then there were still people who were like no, we’re good people. We’re not stupid hicks We’re gonna listen to the covet orders and then when covet happened I finally found two mom friends at the park because they had their kids out And I was like hallelujah now I have two normal people that like let their kids pick up sticks and like actually climb stuff and throw a rock And stuff like not at each other but like kids need to throw rocks, i’m sorry they do They do especially boys, especially boys. I want to address this sally. I want to address this Bubble viz they are using ukraine for some geopolitical games. There’s no they there’s no planning. These people are all retarded They couldn’t plan their way into a paper bag. Okay, like sweden and finland becoming nato members These are independent actors panicking because they’re crazy people Um, it’s tragic for the russian ukraine soldiers. It is that’s the problem They’re going to kill more people and I want to yeah, the only way to end a war is in negotiation No wars end without negotiation period It’s never happened in the history of the universe because it can’t end any other way ethan participation in the good yes Ethan every waking moment is a moment of attention right the sin of assadiyah give your attention to the good. Yes How you solve the muppet crisis to some extent? I mean, I think part of the muppet crisis is realizing you’re a muppet and uh And having that level of humility to be a muppet and then starting to rely on people because the term social distancing is Evil and it it is nothing else It is not an error. It is not a mistake. It’s not a correctable thing. It is evil It is evil It is evil the proper term for what they were pretending to say but didn’t intend at all is physical distancing Physical distancing may or may not be appropriate. I tend to think not Because actually if you don’t spread a virus it just pools in the population and becomes more virulent Technically speaking this is mathematical models have been known about for 50 years now Um, we already know this it’s in the papers and not allowing the right of assembly is is Evil tyranny, right? It’s tyranny by definition. Well equal right assembly little boys need to throw Ruff house. There you go. It’s the equal rights for assembly. That was the most dangerous thing so yeah, some some things got got more rights than others, you know And that was that was the other dark thing. That’s the thing that’s Probably made me more conservative. We’re just noticing that very basic fact from animal farmers, you know The time of crisis That pattern played out the the pig’s good two legs bad and then I was like, oh no Two legs good for the the the pigs definitely were on display sitting at the table wearing linens and such That’s for sure. Yeah. Yeah Yes, probably the other thing too is, you know Amendment to maury remember your death we only have so much time Benjamin franklin we want our neighbors to have a cooler color of us in the free market. Yes, we do Yeah, uh my friends and I routinely like my buddies got a really cool car and uh, you know He built his car and it has 600 freaking horsepower. What you do is 600 horsepower in new england. I don’t know but He likes my car and I have a purchased vehicle that doesn’t do 600 horsepower, but it’s got no roof as an option so there’s a There’s a popular meme that you are basically the average of your five closest friends Yes, and the thing is I want to be the one they’re dragging up I don’t want my I don’t want to be the one pulling my four closest friends like right up Well, I want to be the one they’re dragging up This is very much but this is very much that skeptical cynicism that you have no choice Let me be the poorest friend only moving up That’s but imagine being so cynical and skeptical That we would want our neighbors not to have a cooler car Why wouldn’t you want the best for the people around you? Like what the hell you have the option to fix it? You can say I want my neighbors to have whatever it is they want the most And you know what you could do you could help them get that I don’t want to be I don’t want to be the richest neighbor I want I want like something to progress towards like I don’t want people being like, please help me like figure this out No, I want other people that I can But you also want to be able to help people out But have the cooler car I don’t care. I mean it is a cooler car than me Why do I why do I give a sheep? Well, and then also also people have wildly different goals What I would do with a million dollars looks nothing like what other people would do I doubt there’s many people that like have a functioning windmill in their like life goals And like pump wells and stuff like that’s a me specific Yeah, nobody else nobody no, no one wants that i’m just like yeah, that’s the coolest thing ever That’s not what other people want Let’s address this ethan thing. I wonder if it would help these folks if that when we call out evil we explain Why and how the evil we are calling out is willfully trying to destroy creation If we can like that, but people don’t know what creation is so no, that’s the problem. It won’t work Why the talk and cost one of him he’s a spicy thing i’m gonna end on and it isn’t on attention, right? If you watch that talk to carlson speak speech heritage foundation. He says multiple things that are are Uh pushing the narrative forward right now one of the most interesting things he says is what he says is evil Yes, not everything else. That’s the stream that vanderkley did today because vanderkley got crap Right and kael zeldin explained it no, no, no, he violated the new england rule of elites And that’s actually true what kael said was true I I do want to read this bubble viz. Please pay attention the amount of attention you’re giving to attention delegation Sally chaos is the latter. Let me tell you benjamin the people that tell you that are evil I can I can confirm this a latter is order Chaos cannot have any overlap with order by definition. Chaos is not a ladder That is wrong the people telling you that are manipulating you You should run far away from them and their narratives as you possibly can Pay close attention to all their narratives and ditch all of them. They’re all mind control. I mean that technically They are mind controlling and enchanting you do not believe that And not just bad behavior by ignorant individuals. Yes evil is not is not merely bad behavior or mistakes Mistakes are not evil bad behavior is not necessarily evil evil is a special brand of What you call it Deliberate unavoidable intent intent plus action. That’s evil. So saying something like social distancing has to be evil because Society relies on no distance or less distance You can’t like it’s a contradiction When you break society you destroy distributed cognition. We can’t live without distributed cognition. It is evil Without touching the creation issue. That’s how I can explain it I was just meaning because it’s how we’re saying about having wealthy friends reminded me of the little finger quote. That’s the bug God bless everyone See you jesse. Have a great day my friend. Enjoy your saturday I am also about to turn into a pumpkin. So I think I will any closing any things No, not really. I have to I have to review everything to actually know what the stream is about. So Dream is about attention Kale kale’s explicit statement that that evil is metaphysical was good. See you sally. Have a great night Thanks for joining I agree that was an important live stream that vander clown did But also the ending was terrible but you should watch it it is still wonderful Um, I gotta go back and watch the whole thing because I was distracted because I kept getting phone calls All right, folks. That is our after party Thank you very much for joining It has been awesome And uh, we’ll do it again in this format next week unless people say no, it’s the worst format ever I just I want to watch a whole Five and a half hours or five hours and 40 minutes at once instead of two uh live streams so Thank you everyone I hope you have a lovely week If you want to see live streams sort of at different times I’m going to try to do that with manuel again. We did one on ai this week On our wednesday. I was on a live stream with vander klan tuesday watch those and um, I will talk to you soon. We will do the pirate thing again Enjoy leave comments subscribe do the thing Hit the like buttons all that stuff. Thank you very much. Have a lovely evening