Nicola asked what is the importance of Saint John the Baptist? We have had other prophets announcing the coming of Christ Why is it important for Christ to have a prophet? Announcing him has he is entering the stage so to say and so in the sense in the Saint John the Baptist really is very important Because he’s also not just a prophet who was announcing Christ, you know, there aren’t a lot of stories about him in Scripture but he’s presented at least by Christ as The last prophet as the ultimate prophet as the culmination of the prophetic tradition and so in a way he is a condensation of the prophetic tradition and then you can imagine like He’s not an incarnation, but he’s a he’s like a condensation of the whole prophetic tradition into one character and then that character is pointing to Christ and he’s saying There he is, right? And so that is the that is the important of Saint John the Baptist And also because there is this idea that before the Messiah comes Elijah comes to clear the way Elijah comes to level the the robe, you know, and so Saint John the Baptist has a You could call it like a kind of destructive character not in a bad sense But in the sense of you know, he calls out the king calls out hypocrisy. He tells people to repent He’s trying to break down the corrupt system. So Christ actually Christ doesn’t have that as much right Christ is trying to save the lost sheep, but he’s not he doesn’t spend his time Attacking especially not the political authority Christ does criticize the spiritual authority But he doesn’t criticize the political authority in the way that Saint John the Baptist does