The court that we appealed the College of Psychologists decision to decided that the college has It’s within the college’s purview to stop me from having any political opinions as far as I can tell. The decision which I posted on Twitter and will post in the description of this video starts out by making a case for the fundamental reality of freedom of speech for Canadians in Canada and then says, but, and that’s always a bad start when you’re talking about freedom of speech but apparently the college has the right to decide that I can be re-educated forcibly with the risk of my license essentially because I made political statements that the members of the college don’t agree with and those opinions involve two criticisms of Justin Trudeau, one criticism of his chief of staff, one criticism of an Ottawa city councillor, and then my objection on Jill Rogan to the climate apocalyptic fear mongering that idiot tyrants are foisting on the general population. Now apparently that makes me unprofessional and a disgrace to the profession such that I am now going to be required the college can go ahead with this, to put me into a re-education program with their so-called social media experts and that’s also by the way a profession that does not exist until I learn my lesson, whatever that is regardless of how much time that takes, by their judgement or they can take my license away. And so the court says, well of course you have freedom of speech, Dr. Peterson, but because you’re a professional you’re bound by your professional organization and apparently they’re not bound even though they’re a government organization fundamentally, apparently they’re not bound by that fundamental constitutional axiom and so that shows you, all you Canadians who are listening and everyone outside of the country who might be the least bit interested in Canada that shows you exactly what our bloody constitution is worth. And if Canadians are so daft that they don’t think that that’s a problem, well they’re going to figure it out over the next 15 years because there’s absolutely no excuse for this. So that’s what I’m thinking. Now there’s part of me that’s thinking, well look Peterson, the college of psychologists is after you, you’ve taken it to court now the judges have decided that you’re wrong, maybe you’re wrong. And I think, well I expressed political sentiment and I’m actually informed. And so for the life of me, I can’t see how I’m wrong. I think I have a responsibility to say what I think and I think many people agree with that and I think the fundamental consequence of that around the world has been massively beneficial to people. So I think, I think, number one, what the hell, and number two, bring it on and see what happens because I will make absolutely every bit of this public in a way that the college and the courts can hardly even imagine.