That was another thing we did constantly too, which was I would sit on the end of my bed and Tammy did this as well when we were having a fight and think, okay, what stupid thing did I do at some point in the lead up to this discussion that increased the probability that this would be unpleasantly conflictual and that’s interfering with the solution. And man, if you ask yourself that question, you’ll get an answer and then you can offer that answer to the person. You can say, look, despite the fact that you’re utterly wrong and that this is horrible and you should just listen to me because that’s what you like to think. You could say, well, here I figured out something I did that was not optimal or maybe outright wrong and it’s complicating it. And so like, sorry about that. And you have to mean that. And if you have any sense, you do. And then we could progress.