Alright, I guess I’m live. I’ve got my fancy outfit on to navigate live patterns like a pirate. So yeah, I’m going to pirate this up. I’m going to do camera setup. Not sure how happy I am about the camera setup. Alright, here we go. Everything’s ready to go now. We’ve got links up. OK, good. I think I’m in good shape. So yeah, welcome to the navigating live patterns. Because we’re going to do it live. We’re going to navigate some patterns. I’ve been thinking about a lot of stuff. And maybe I’m going to talk about that. Maybe I’m going to talk about something else if you want to jump in. The link’s up there. And it’s been a busy week since the last live navigating patterns. And a lot of stuff has come up, right? So we went from the tolerance theme over to the back into leadership. That came up a bunch this week. I don’t know why. Just a bunch of people wanted to talk about leadership in different contexts and from different places. A bunch of people I hadn’t met before. Ran into a bunch of people on VOM who wanted to talk about stuff. You know, people being recommended. Oh, you’re going to talk to this person. You’re going to talk to that person. All those things are happening. So that’s interesting. And some of the themes I’ve been working on are not just leadership, but I want to do a video on finding frames and the different framing. And a lot of that is just finding a good example for frames. So one of the problems is that, you know, and I have a couple of videos on frames. And they’re OK. They’re OK. I’m happy enough with them. I’m not complaining. But I really want to get a really good, clean examples. Every once in a while, one flashes into my head, and I’m never at a point where I can write it down. But I really want to get a framing example where I go through these different frames and actually show how much different the same set of facts can look from different frames. And I’m just struggling. I’ve only been trying to do that video for a year. So it’s not like a, yeah. And, you know, like I’ll be on Clubhouse, and somebody will say something. It’ll just flash. I’m like, aha! That’s one angle. And then by the time I get to write it down, it’s all gone. All gone. Very sad. And the other thing is this anger and resentment towards getting things done. I mean, you see a lot of this. It’s anger and resentment towards the current system. It’s anger and resentment towards people doing new things. It’s anger and resentment towards really just anybody trying to build. And I think it’s tied up with judgment. I know Jordan Peterson talks about judgment. I think that’s actually really significant, the idea of judgment and what’s wrong with judgment. And I think that people feel judged by actions going on in the world. And if other people are successful and they’re not, they get upset. And, well, OK, maybe you should get upset. But who should you be upset at? The person doing the thing? Or should you be upset at yourself for not doing things that you ostensibly want to do? And I think that’s part of the problem, is that aspect of judgment. So, yeah, I’ve been thinking about all those things. And it’s not clear to me what to do about the problem of judgment. I ran into this problem. I ran into this problem all the time. I ran into this problem a lot lately, which is, I’ll say something about some particular situation that, whatever, something that happened to me or a friend of mine or whatever. And then people are just like, why did you say that about me? Why are you judging the world based on it? I’m like, dude, I’m just telling a story from my personal experience. It’s not making proclamations about you or the world. I’m just literally saying, hey, this happened. Isn’t that wild? And people are just like, no, it’s all about me. And they’re so wrapped up in their own mental prison. They can’t break free and realize not everything’s about you. Honest, there are things in the world that have nothing to do with you whatsoever. And I think that’s been a trend. It’s been a very strange trend. I don’t know what to make of it. It’s a very odd trend. And it’s been getting worse. It’s been getting a lot worse. And then so I’ve been rewatching Andromeda, which is still a lovely sci-fi show. It’s so much fun. And Andromeda was done by Gene Roddenberry. And it’s got some of that original classic Star Trek ethos to it. But man, I had forgotten. I just literally just finished episode two again. I probably watched it. I’ve watched that whole series at least two times. I just finished episode two again. And meaning crisis all over the place. It’s like, oh, meaning crisis. I forgot. Meaning crisis was actually in here. They’ve got the Nietzscheans and the Nietzschean philosophy and all kinds of interesting stuff that I had sort of forgotten about. It’s been a while since I watched it. And yeah, this meaning crisis has been below the surface for a while. And I watched this wonderful video on France. By this guy Struthless. And the video is a little too jarring for me actually. But I don’t know what drew me to it. It’s called I Promise This Story About Fonce is Interesting. And he linked Fonce and the development of Fonce to changes in society. And I was like, wow, this is kind of like the anadromist, you know, Burt Powers, one of Burt Powers YouTube channels. And linking sort of the music and the art to the changes in society. But he did it just with Fonce. It’s a short video. It’s like 30 minutes or something. And yeah, I don’t know if I’ll engage with more of his stuff. Just because there’s lots of jump cuts. And he’s a bit of a, he’s a character, which is fine. I’m kind of a character with my little spyglass on and stuff. But I found his story very compelling. I thought it was interesting that, you know, and it’s got like 560,000 views. It’s about three months old. And I don’t even know what drew me to it. But it was interesting to see these patterns unfold and see this guy. Oh, here’s Fonce and here’s a change in society. And here’s another Fonce. And linked it to the art of the time and everything. It was a cute video. It was very interesting and intriguing. And I like seeing other people noticing these patterns. You know, any kind of patterns. There’s a lot of patterns I don’t notice. Like, art is not my thing. Not that I don’t enjoy and appreciate art. And like, look, you should go to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston all the time. Which, in case you don’t know this, but you really should because otherwise it’s an uneducated troglodyte. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, which is literally across the street from, well, a little bit more than across the street, but right across the street from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, is the best museum ever. I can confirm this and that’s all you need to know. It’s lovely. It’s a house. It’s Isabella Stewart Gardner’s house. And just filled with all kinds of interesting, it’s an eclectic mix of stuff. Very beautiful. I got to see it years and years ago, but I get to see a concert in there once. Unbelievable. Like, this little tiny, I mean, it was designed for this, but little tiny area, you know, relatively small. There’s all kinds of big venues in Boston that you can go to. And beautiful sound, right? And I forget what they were playing because that kind of music is not my thing. If it’s not Beethoven’s sixth, fifth, or ninth, then I don’t care. You know, Orzhevitz, Krasinski, the Firebird’s pretty good. It’s a unique little museum. It’s very nice. I’ve been there many, many times. Beautiful pictures, beautiful courtyard. It’s got an indoor courtyard with the, you know, late 1800s, I think. Skylight. It’s a square building, right? There’s a courtyard in the middle, except it’s covered by a skylight because Boston, and winter, and snow. And they flowers year round, absolutely gorgeous. All tile on the outside. Bottom floor is all open to the garden. It’s gorgeous. You can see pictures of the Isabella Stewart Garden Museum on mine. They’re just fantastic. I have a ton too, somewhere. I don’t even know where they are. But seeing those patterns, like in the art, which is again, something I can’t do. That’s not my thing. And seeing other people see these patterns, and surf these patterns, and notice these connections is very interesting. Because to me, those connections are the significant thing that we’re sort of looking for, that we’re after, you know, when we’re engaging in the world. Like, this is where the reality needs the road, if you will. And it’s kind of a big deal. At least from my perspective. I mean, that’s why it’s navigating patterns. And that’s why we’re doing it live. Because it’s a big deal to find these connections. To find these connections. To see these patterns. To interface with what’s going on in the wider realm. Right? What’s going on in the world. And when we look around, and we see connections, and we sense these patterns, we have to be careful not to use this prediction. So this came up on BLM, either, last night. Very strange. It’s a strange read, timing-wise. Things are, weird things are bubbling up at weird times from weird places. I was talking to somebody, and we stuck. He was, oh, well, we’re in Genesis. And we’re at this point in Genesis. The next thing that’s going to happen is, and I was like, no. Nope. Nope. That’s fatalism. The next thing that’s going to happen is not known. And it can change if you bother to change it. Yes, you. And not just you, but also you. First you. Because where’s the most control? The most control over anything that you have is with yourself. That’s where you have the most control. So you change you first. You clean your own room first. Go up from there, as Peterson says. It’s important to realize that just because there is a pattern there does not mean that it is allowing you a prediction of what will happen next. And when we get too complacent in that, we screw up. So yeah, we have to be careful of that error because it’s an easy error to make it. Lots of people make it. So don’t put yourself up all over it. But also be on the lookout. So it’s sort of important to engage with. And the utility of patterns is not always clear to everybody. So what is the pattern of leadership? And you notice I keep talking about leadership and not leaders. Leadership is a role. And it doesn’t have to be done by one person. It doesn’t have to be located all in one person. It doesn’t have to be done by the same person. And it’s this squishing, this flattening of the world that we keep doing. That we all leaders, I know what a leader is. It’s like, well, no, you don’t. Because there isn’t one leader or one type of leader. That doesn’t exist. There’s many types of leadership and they can be embodied in different places and different times by different people. Not a problem. And it is that sticky, messy interaction between is and ought. That people seem to be squishing and ignoring and not really paying attention to. And that’s sort of what I want to highlight is that the patterns are not existent entirely outside of us. These patterns are impacted by our interface with them. By our relationship with them. By what we do. And that is a horrible responsibility to be sure. But it’s also great that we have some influence over these things. When patterns begin and end, which patterns we transition to. These are all things within our control. And I think all of the great wisdom traditions, at least the ones that I’ve read, seem to indicate that. I don’t even know what the confusion is. Everybody says, oh, we’ve got a murder of the East and the West. East and West are the same, guys. There’s a different emphasis in the East from the West. Whatever. It’s all the same. Really, it really is. Like, actually, if you read it and you pay attention, because apparently a bunch of people tell me they read it. I’m like, I don’t know what book you read. But it wasn’t the Bhagavad Gita or whatever book you read. But it wasn’t the Buddhist texts. Where are you getting this stuff from? And that goes back to the projection, the anger and resentment. Like, people want the world to be a certain way. And they’re projecting themselves into these stories. And they’re saying, aha, it justifies my scientific worldview or whatever. But no. Also no. And it’s sort of hard because our framing is so different. It’s hard because our framing is wrapped up in this. The frame that we use to understand leadership is important. If we understand leadership from the frame of materialism, then we’re going to locate it in a leader and say, leader did bad thing and therefore leadership bad because we’re not differentiating the leader from the leadership. This is part of re-enchanting the world. I know you’re not re-enchanting the world, so re-enchanting. Get that. But you’re re-enchanting the world for the audience, for the person that’s paying attention, hopefully. And that’s not a reliable, consistent thing. I get that. But you still got to do it. Like, you can’t go, oh, well, it’s not model and consistent, so we’re not going to do it. We have to try to re-enchant the world for the people for whom the world is not enchanted. For the people who are lost and say, capitalism is keeping me down or capitalism is causing all these people who would otherwise be good to do bad things. Thanks, Rousseau. But Rousseau is wrong. So no. Still a no. These things are important. And it’s important that we realize that our framing is holding us back. Not in all cases. Not from everything because framing also enables things. But sometimes changing your frame is really helpful. And that’s why I mentioned this before. On live stream, Paul Van der Kley, I got my buddy Jefferson. I’ll just call him out again because I just love Jefferson to death. He’s so awesome and so smart. He’ll take 20, 30 minutes to come to a conclusion on something. But I’m not sure that if he did it any shorter, it would land. Like, I’m really not. And yeah, sometimes he definitely gets off on things that he doesn’t have to talk about. But I’m not sure that that’s unhelpful. And let me just grab some tea here. Since my throat’s been bugging me, I don’t know why. Sorry. So yeah, I mean, one of the tricks that… Tricks. Whatever. I’ll go with it. One of the tricks that Peterson plays, right? One of the things that Peterson does is he’ll start his story and he’ll go off on all these changes. Then he’ll tie it all back. And every once in a while that maps a meaning, he’ll get lost. What was it? Oh yeah. Right? And he does that a couple, at least three times that I can think of. Maybe more. I’ve only seen maps of meaning three times. So… Remember, he’s not so great and he’s only seen it three times. But he’s always tying it back. So going on these sojourns and making these connections and not just getting straight to the point. It’s not a story. It’s not a parable or an allegory. But it seems to do something to the otherwise sterile, dead, scientific information that helps you to remember. And you can say, well, Mark, that’s pretty wild and far-fetched. No, it’s not. Because it’s our memory that works. The more connections we make, the better we remember something. That’s what the Memory Palace is about. If you don’t know about the Memory Palace, go learn about the Memory Palace. The Memory Palace is great. It really helps your memory. It doesn’t work for me at all, by the way. That’s a different problem. First of all, my memory does not suck. And my memory and I have been many in argument about why it sucks as much as it does. But actually, my memory is quite good. I’m just unhappy with not having an idyllic memory all the time the way I want it. But I do not have an idyllic memory. Every once in a while, I can see things and remember them perfectly. But never what I want and never on command. The Memory Palace, Moonwalking with Einstein was the book that I read. I thought it was great, actually. I’ve since burned it because I’m burning all books. And that’s the thing. And basically, yeah, it’s really interesting. The more connections you make to colors, to spaces, to sounds, to smells, the better you’ll remember the thing. And you can use that to your advantage by creating Memory Palace and tying it to the alphabet and tying it to numbers and things like that. And making these elaborate moves that you walk through to remember things by putting them in millions. There’s different strategies. But yeah, it’s one of the things I liked about the last Sherlock Holmes series is that they did the Memory Palace visualization in that series pretty well along with Benedict Cumberbatch, I believe is his name. Yeah, interesting stuff. This connection, these sojourns kind of off the beaten path, but they tie back in. That seemed to be a very powerful way to get a message across. It isn’t a boring lecture. Not that I don’t like a good boring lecture. In fact, I’ve been especially engaging lately with some YouTube stuff. And they, let me tell you a history of a little animal. I’m like, oh my god, stop. Please stop. Tell me the thing. You had a list. Give me the list. Just stop. But a lot of people find the advanced articulation really, really helpful. And I can appreciate that. I can appreciate that for sure. There’s something to it. It’s a trick. It’s definitely a deliberate sort of attempt to hijack your memory and make sure you remember maps of meaning or make maps of meaning. And I think actually that’s what meaning is tied up in, roughly speaking, is the ability to, damn, I keep hitting this thing. Yeah, it’s not the most comfortable toy, but it is fun. There we go. That’s perfect. The ability to make meaning is tied up in what John Bravicki calls religio, or connectedness, or relationship. So all the things we’re making in this meaning are tied to the ability to make meaning. It’s interesting, too, because I came up with a definition, or potential partial definition, for domicile. And that’s sort of when you lose your connectedness to your historical grounding. However that happens, you lose that sense of relationship between you and your past and your future, et cetera. So I thought that was an interesting sort of an observation. And trying to make all of these links is really what we were talking about earlier in the earlier live stream on Jacob’s channel, is really about figuring out what this corner is and what it can bring and what it can do. We have more tools. I said this in the first live stream, not the first video I did. I did a video with Band of Clay, I think, a little over a year ago, probably a year and a half ago now. So I think that John Breveke gives you a science of meaning framework and some language, some jargon, some not jargon, that allows you to understand Jordan Peterson’s work better. And it allows you to build tools. So again, do I watch Awakening from the Meaning Crisis and Awakening from My Meaning Crisis? No, I think it should be called Awakening to the Meaning Crisis. Awakening from the Meaning Crisis is more his meditation series and the Cultivating Wisdom series that he did, I think. Because they’re enacted, they’re practices. He talks a lot more about practices there in a practical way. Awakening from the Meaning Crisis is hard, really hard. It’s harder than a college lecture by far. In fact, I think it’s probably the hardest lecture I’ve ever listened to. And I’ve been listening to online lectures for an awful long time before most people knew about them. Plus, I had to take classes back in the day in some very well-known schools in Boston. So yeah, I’m familiar with hard lectures. That one’s really hard. And what you get out of it is not necessarily tools for you to use tomorrow, but pointers about the historical, the philosophical, the psychological, and the cognitive science aspects of what constitutes the Meaning Crisis, which is all great and allowing, good and helpful. That gives you a framework for building tools. It does not give you a framework for unburying yourself from the problem of a Meaning Crisis, in my opinion. Now, meditation series, that’s all different stories about the meditation series. I know they’ve been redoing John’s YouTube channel. I took down the sits, but they’re coming back. I’ve been informed today that they’re on their way back. The sits are wonderful only because lessons are great, but actually John did a Q&A after each one, a little mini Q&A. And those Q&As from all the sits, I mean, this is where all the magic happens. The magic doesn’t happen in the lecture. The magic happens after the lecture with the TAs, right? Magic happens in the Q&As, and that’s very true in the meditation series. And that was so rich, and I found it so helpful. And also, I get called up for being wonderful several times by John, which is very nice of him. So, you know, look, double motivation, right? Switch motivation is more real. And they’re both real. Another deep confusion we have when we flatten the world. Oh, this happened, therefore that must be what the intent was. I don’t know about that. There might have been other intents that were also filled. Or it might have been an accident that that happened. Who knows? We run into these patterns all the time, and we don’t recognize them. You want to live in a rational world. I’m also thinking of doing a, you know, I’ve been toying with the idea of doing this video called You’ve Been Lied To, right? Very, very provocative. And I might do that. I’m really considering that. I got to get Elon Musk and Twitter video done. I’m going to do that today, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. We’ll see. We’ll see if I have any energy left after I do this. Besides, I usually do my videos on like Fridays and Mondays is usually when I record. But yeah, you know, there’s so much potential out there to talk about leadership. And I learned a lot because Jefferson, of course, said something yesterday about leadership. And I was like, oh man, raced over to the computer and wrote it into my notes for my leadership video that I’ve been working on for some months now. And I do spend a lot of time with these things. I mean, I don’t sit and ponder them all that often. Sometimes I do. Most of my time is just, oh, I noticed that I got to go write it down before I forget. Like, or, oh, we had a conversation and then I saw a link. I’ll go write it down. Or better yet, somebody like Jefferson is brilliant. And I’m like, aha, well, that’s a good insight. I’m going to steal that. Yeah. And I think being able to exemplify something like Elon Musk and Twitter is going to help with the frames video because it’s going to show different frames for sure and different ways of looking at things. And we’ve just squished everything down so much. It’s like, I can’t. It is so painful to me to listen to people, especially on Twitter, using his own platform, doing what Elon Musk is doing this and that. And he, you know, this is a bad business move. And I’m just like, okay, I’m going to pick people in business who have successful businesses who I’m going to critique. Musk isn’t on that list. I like to critique people. I won’t critique Musk’s business acumen. That’s, you’re a Muppet. Like you’re a mega Muppet at that point. You’re an ultra Muppet or something. I don’t even know the depth of your Muppet tree at that point. And the fact that they don’t see what he’s doing is even funnier to me. It’s like you’re making fun of Musk or deriding him because you’re ignorant. That’s actually why you’re doing it. It’s like, and you don’t even know that because you’re ignorant. You don’t know what you don’t know. It’s unknown unknowns. And that just cracks me up. Like stuff like that cracks me up. But you see these patterns, these are common patterns for people, people peopling. I’m not a fan of people peopling, by the way, but Paul VanderKley was like, oh, what if they didn’t people all the wonderful things wouldn’t happen. And I was just, you know, here’s VanderKley, fill in a wrench into one of my plants. I had it all. I had it worked out. I had to fix the solution to everything to stop people from peopling problem solved. And here comes VanderKley. No, you can’t do that. Tell him what to do. He’s telling me what to do. I’m not telling him what to do. Yeah, we could have had a better world, but Paul VanderKley ruined it all. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. But you can see these patterns that people play out. Who is it? Chris Kavanaugh. He’s one of the, he could have the Google guys. Man, he makes some dumb statements. Like, dude, you need to read a book about a thing once ever. Like sometimes he just says the dumbest stuff. But I’m like, dude, what are you doing? And I’ve gone back and forth with them on at least one occasion and I was not impressed. It’s like, you seem like you just don’t know what you’re talking about. You know, and I’m sure you have, like everybody’s got something. Where they’re an expert at it, right? Everyone gets something they know something about. Fair enough. But he’s way out over his skis. Like he’s just, yeah, he’s talking about things that. He’s another one critiquing Musk. I’m like, really, dude? Musk played you like a cheap fiddle and you don’t even realize that that happened. And he’s being wildly successful. We just, you know, and everyone’s like, no, he’s not. Because in my mind, I predicted he would not be. Therefore, it can’t be happening. It’s like, um, yeah, okay, that must be it. Hint, that’s not it. It’s a strange world we’re living in. There’s a lot of projection. There’s a lot of anger and resentment. When you’ve got a predictive model and it served you for years and it makes a prediction and that prediction doesn’t come true and it’s the model you depend on to understand the world. Very upsetting. I get it. But also your problem that you need to fix or yourself. Right. And it is a problem. It’s a problem. And that’s why I think, you know, you’ve been lied to, Video. I mean, I think that would be important. I’m not sure how well it would go over. Because the thing you’ve been lied to about is your own autonomy and your own capabilities and your own rationality and your own level of self-control. Those are the things you’ve been lied to about. Everything else is you’ve been lied to about. But those things, those are the primary things. And, you know, I’ve said this many times before, and I guess I’ll go ahead and say it on YouTube. There are a lot of people, and I do mean a lot, who have been told, indicated to, given accolades for, being several orders of magnitude more intelligent than they are. And we are suffering for that. We are suffering for that because we have told people that they know things that they do not know. That they can understand things that they cannot ever understand. Like no amount of education. Right. There are limits to people. I don’t know what they want. I’m not pretending that. But I do know that. I don’t know what they want. I’m not pretending that. But I think they’re a lot lower than we’re pretending they are. I’ll tell you that much. At least for most people. And that is not serving us well. That it’s causing all kinds of problems in the world. It’s causing problems around our media. It’s probably causing a lot of politics. It’s causing problems around our entertainment. You know, I mean, I think Critical Drinker does the best job of pointing this out, especially in the entertainment industry. Like, who’s taking over the writing chairs here? Like, do they not know how to write a story? And apparently the answer is no. They literally do not. They’re not competent writers. Fair enough. Not everybody’s a competent writer. I get it. But also, why are they in charge of doing writing things? So then you’re getting competent leaders. Right. Like, oh, so the leaders didn’t notice. They’re just picking bad people in some cases over and over again and not noticing. Well, that’s bad. These are bad patterns. What do we do about that? We get rid of bad people. We don’t tear down the structure. I can’t blame the structure for the bad decisions of the bad people. Why ever they’re bad? Like, they’re bad because they’re ignorant. They’re bad because they’re actually dumb. All right. They’re bad because they’re not good people. They want, they have a bad agenda. I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t care. People dig into the details. I’m like, you’re just digging the details to avoid taking action. Like, it doesn’t matter which of those three reasons. Get rid of them. This isn’t hard. Incompetent. Fire them. Ignorant. Fire them. A bad actor. Fire them. Still the same solution. You can go, oh, but then they won’t get better. Well, they’re not going to get better if you don’t fire them. You can go and make them better after you fire them. That’s fine. Don’t do that. I’m not going to do that. I’m going to fire them. We’ll worry about the rest later. You know, and it’s another video I want to do. But I haven’t figured out how to do it. I’ve talked about it before. Too much information is not a good thing. You need discernment. Discernment is going to be my next big topic, I think, in general. But you need to be able to find a way to engage with just the relevant information, right? And cut off the information flow after that. Because all they’re doing is what would commonly be called, in computers, a buffer overflow, right? Attack. And so they’re just shoving too much stuff at you so that your brain forgets the relevant and important parts, your relevant realization people were ridden by the excess information. It’s actually what’s happened. And then when that happens, you forget the important part, right? Except I have a really good memory and I tend not to forget. And also, when important part comes up, I actually shut off. I stop listening to people. But yeah, I don’t care. I mean, I’ll let them keep talking and not tell them this, but I’m actually not listening to them anymore. I found the relevant part. I’m done. And you know, is that flawless? No. But you know what? It’s close enough. I’m not a perfectionist. I’m not an idealist. I’m a pragmatist and a realist. So I don’t care. Once I think I have the relevant information, that’s what I act on. And yeah, I’m going to make mistakes. But I’m going to make mistakes anyway so you don’t have to worry about it. It’s important, though. It’s important that you don’t get overwhelmed, that you stop people when or stop yourself from listening when you found the relevant information. And you’re going to get it wrong a few times. You’re going to get it wrong when you’re practicing finding relevant information. You’re going to make all kinds of mistakes. You know what? Welcome to the real world. Everybody keeps thinking like, well, the real world is the place of perfection where nobody ever makes mistakes and everything everybody does is intentional. Everybody is rational. And when they’re not being rational, they’re not in the real world. That’s you go off and you learn. Then you come into the real world. No, no, you have to learn how to be in the real world by being in the real world and making real world mistakes, doing irrational things and all the rest of it. And making errors in judgment and suffering consequences. You need all that. You need all that. That’s really important. And no substitute for it in video games or a board game or a paintball. Not that you can’t exact some of those skills. Not that you shouldn’t engage with those things. No one’s attacking those things. I’m just saying that the solution isn’t the real world. It’s the world of the perfect. No, we need to go back to Play-Doh. The world of the perfect is the world of platonic forms. You don’t live there. Welcome to hell. You live here. You live in the land of struggle and learning and screwing up and making amends and getting redemption as long as there’s not too much tolerance because tolerance is bad in too much, in too great amounts because it doesn’t allow for grace. It doesn’t allow for redemption. It doesn’t allow for people to learn that they’re not bumping up against things and making mistakes. And without people leading the way, without people metering out the chastisement, the shame, the critique, we’re not going to get anywhere. And that’s a leadership role that we all need to try to take some responsibility for. If somebody transgresses and you don’t tell them their inability to, or the fact that they transgress again and again and again is now partially your fault. No, really, it actually is. You are obligated to tell people when they screw up. You are obligated to do that. Otherwise, you are making the world a worse place by being lazy. Not a fan of either, just saying. But you need to know that. It’s important to give people feedback. And negative feedback is more salient to us, more important to us, evolutionarily speaking, for real than positive feedback. BF Skinner, a great, great, great psychology guy, a lot of great breakthroughs from BF Skinner. He tried to disprove this. He tried to prove the positive feedback hypothesis. So positive feedback was all that was required. And as long as you had that, you were fine, and everything would be well and good. And he failed. And his son tried that experiment, and he failed. And the reason why these people fail is because it doesn’t work. So it’s not a magic trick. Like, oh, the reason why this hasn’t been done or has been tried and failed is because it doesn’t work. It’s not to say everything ever, but believe the data. At some point, a scientist did a scientific experiment that failed to prove his thesis. Maybe that’s because it was wrong. Like, duh, it’s not hard. Everybody misuses science. Science is good at disproving things, and it’s terrible at proving things. Not designed to prove things. That’s not what its purpose is. The T-loss of science is not to find truth. That’s not what it is. And someday, I’m going to find out where all my definitions of science came from, because A, they match a bunch of people in the past. But B, they’re technically correct and sort of irrefutable in some sense, at least mathematically, using math and other specific logic. But they seem to be a loss to the world. It was explicit in the schools I went to. Science isn’t about truth. It wasn’t supposed to be. Scientific certainty is not 100%, and it’s not supposed to be. And we don’t know this anymore. We’re running around as if science is truth. And maybe that’s because we’ve lost religious truth. Right? We’ve lost the real sort of interaction with truth, which is in religion. That’s where the science is grounded. This is very much the case that Jordan Peterson tried to make to John Ravichy with Jonathan Pageau when they did that video in the house up in the lodge there, the lodge area on the top floor of his house, which looks like a lovely room. Really cool. It must have been a great recording to do up there in Toronto. I’ve never been to Toronto. I’ve been to Ottawa and I’ve been to Montreal. And I’ve been to Anna Ganish and Mary Ganish. And I’ve passed a lot of cool places on the way that I now wish I had gone to. Like the Bay of Flindy. But I’ve not been to Toronto. So one of these days, I’ve been to Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay was awesome. Catherine did a great job. Scott did a great job and his wife did a wonderful job. Unbelievable. Magic confirmed. Like actual magic. Definitely. Spirits were raised. Take that however you want. That idea. And I’ve been toying with the idea of… John talks about the normological order, which honestly I think doesn’t exist. Different problem. We’ll just slide right past that. And the normative order and the narrative order. The three N’s. Kind of cute. I’m not sold. Not sold. Nomological order does not exist, however. That’s not true. Nomological order does not exist, however. That. I think I can prove that. I’d love for somebody to try to prove normological order to me. That would be awesome. It would be really fun. May I? I could be wrong. This is new thoughts. And there’s reasons why I think it doesn’t exist, by the way. But we don’t have to get into that. One of the things I was thinking about is… If you’re a postmodern and I have a video on my channel about postmodernism. So I’ll try to post that link here. If you’re a postmodern and you don’t believe in narrative or you don’t want to believe in narrative or whatever, you’re sort of like, oh, narrative bad. Yeah, okay, maybe. Right? Like, yeah, maybe narrative bad. Then you’re not going to buy into narrative order. Right? Like, I mean, that’s what you’re rejecting. You’re rejecting narrative order as such. Oh, I see YouTube fixed my channel. Thank you, YouTube. And that’s okay. And then maybe science is struggling to do that. And then maybe science is struggling for the normological order. Right? And okay, that’s reasonable. Like, that’s what it claims to do in some sense. So, you know, go science. Try to find your normological order. Even though I think Peterson honestly put that to bed. He would have done a better job had he just engaged with my video on story, narrative, and archetype. But we’ll forgive him because he doesn’t watch the best YouTube channel ever. I think that you’re going to fall into normative order. And this idea of normative order, is sort of wrapped up in, if you can get enough people to believe and act as if, then that’s enough. And I don’t think that’s enough. I mean, that can last a long time, but, and it can do amazing things. And some of them can be towards the good, for sure. I think that’s what all the great religions would say. But I don’t think that’s sufficient. I don’t think it’s correct. But in many ways, we’re battling for normative order. People are battling for Twitter. And what gets said on Twitter, that’s a battle for normative order. And if you’ve rejected narrative order, and normological order belongs to science, then your next battleground is normative order. So I’ve been playing with this idea. I’m like, I really don’t like this outline. This is kind of fascinating framing. It’s not my favorite framing. It’s not my preferred framing. By any means, it’s not even a framing I’m sure has a good amount of utility. I don’t know yet. But I’m playing with it. The three ends of order. And what that means, like how, again, this gets into framing. Like how do you, is that a useful frame? I don’t know, can you do stuff? Because if you can’t do stuff, it’s not a useful frame. And I got to do that. How do you find pragmatic frames? Like game A, game B. Yeah, I reject it. Why? Because when I ask game B people how to participate, they don’t know. Like, okay, well then it’s not pragmatic. So even if you’re right, I can’t participate. So like I got things to do. And if you don’t have things to do, I can’t do them with you. That’s fine too. Like I’m not mad, but no, I’m not, you know, like you lost me. You lost me at not giving me something to do. So this idea of normative order. Is fascinating to me because I think this three ends framing might help people to understand. And maybe, maybe if you wanted to sort of imagine, and I do think it’s an imagine to some extent, sorry guys, I’m going to piss a bunch of people off now. Imagine that there is a culture war. And then that, and that, that war is not about different cultures, but just is a fight over culture as such or like no culture at all. And I outline that in this particular video here, which I’m going to paste into the Chatty Chat. Then you could imagine that the culture war had three fronts. The narrative front who controls the story, the normative front who controls the science, and sorry, the normological front who controls the science, and the normative front who, who controls the information that the people get. And look, it’s sloppy because there’s a lot of like, oh, the media is using narrative to hijack. Sure, the science is using narrative to hijack the, the, the normological. Sure, that’s right. You know, that’s definitely a problem. I agree. There’s an issue there. But it’s an interesting frame to think about the culture war in three, three factions. I think it’s interesting to think about the culture war in three, three factions. I still prefer to think of it as I pointed out in my video that it’s a war for a culture or no culture. It’s not really a battle between different cultures. Like BLM is not a culture. It’s not going to be a culture. It’s not going to have been a culture. It’s not a thing. It’s just a cult, right? Not a culture, but a cult that, that is trying to establish a normative order by giving you a narrative that is false. And observably false, right? In all possible ways. So they’re hijacking the narrative order of an event, like say George Floyd, right? And they’re using that to pretend as though a normalization exists while there’s systemic racism. It’s always existed. See, like there’s a period in history that happened, right? And, you know, again, how do we know bad frames and stuff like that? Like, how do we know they’re lying? Well, for one thing, slavery wasn’t in all of the US. Shock. That’s why we fought in civil war. I know. And it wasn’t in most of the US, at least not by population and population control. That’s where the Three Fists Compromise comes from, which is horrible. It was horrible. There’s no question about it. But what else were they to do? It was not an easy problem to solve because nobody lived down south. Everybody lived up north where there were no slaves. And where slaves, when they got there, were freed for the most part until a certain Massachusetts court decision. Yeah. Massachusetts, I tell you. I like Massachusetts. When I grew up there, and man, did they ruin that place. It’s too bad. It’s too bad. It was a fun place. It was full of goodness. This way of hijacking the narrative to enforce the nomological, the science, or the normative, or what everyone’s doing. Everybody is apologizing every time they say something that somebody says is wrong. Everyone is apologizing for racism or their own race or whatever. It really disintegrated the language on purpose. Knowingly, with forethought and malice, yes, they’re bad people. That’s what I’m saying. They are. Not all of them. There’s plenty of useful idiots. Most people are useful idiots, fair enough. Everyone’s a useful idiot about something. Because you kind of have to be. Distributed cognition is required. Don’t think for yourself. My friend Jacob has a great video on that. He’s right. You don’t have to get him better presentation skills. But he’s doing pretty good. He’s doing pretty good. I was impressed. Better slides. Slides are hard, though. My slides suck, too. This idea of appealing to nomological order, appealing to scientific authority, appealing to narrative order, oh, this is the story of our history, or the story that our forefathers told, or the story of the Western canon, or whatever. And then appealing to normative order. Well, it’s always been this way. Or we’ve done things this way for a long time. It’s not a bad frame. It’s an interesting way to frame things, these three ends of order. So yeah. And I should probably explain nomological is just naming, really. But again, I’m not sure that naming is a thing by itself. I think naming is embedded in narrative. I’m waiting to find somebody smart enough and willing enough to defend this nomological order idea. And maybe if I get brave enough, I’ll ask John to do it. Because he probably would. He’s a great guy. That’d be fun, actually. Just to discuss the whole idea, the whole set of concepts. And this is just yet another frame. How do we view the cultural war? We can use the three ends of order. We could use Mark’s silly frame, although again, I don’t think it’s silly, of order versus chaos, roughly speaking. I’m really just ripping off Peterson at some point. Like, oh, there’s the people who want chaos because they think something better is going to emerge than what we have today. And the people who are for order. The people that are for order are just one group. And everybody else who’s trying to impose a different order or tear down the system is just part of the chaos. But I think that’s a better and easier and less stressful way to think about it. It’s a nice, clean, clear model. I had a funny thing happen. I think it was last night. It was two nights ago on Discord. A kid got on, and he was, like, I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’m going to go to the bathroom. And I was just like, what? And this actually happened, apparently. I was like, man, sometimes I’m glad I don’t know things. Ignorance really is bliss when it is folly to be wise. In this case, it is folly to be wise. Who the hell wants to know about this? I apologize for subjecting you to it. However, this is live, and we are navigating. Sometimes we navigate into the rocks. I have done that. This happens. I apologize. He asked somebody if they thought that was okay. And because they’re an idiot materialist, they said, yes, it’s okay, because there was a contract and consent. And therefore, and I was like, consent is not ethics, dude. Definitely not. And really, all the guy wanted was that answer. He just wanted the answer that, no, this is not okay, period. End of statement. He didn’t want a massive philosophical justification through Aristotle touching on maybe some Heideggerian or Nietzschean philosophy up to the present day, proving why with modern political framing. He didn’t want all that. He really just wanted somebody to say, no, absolutely not. And here’s why. And part of my explanation was ethics doesn’t involve only two people. Ethics involves a bunch of people. And a lot of the solipsism is a problem because people don’t understand, roughly speaking, that that engagement is difficult. Without a good definition of ethics and morality that includes large groups of other people, you’re not talking about ethics and morality. You’re just solving the problem for one individual and you’re ignoring scale. And we ignore scale. We totally ignore scale. And almost all of these problems that we’re talking about, which I would argue to use some Brevekian fancy language, are perennial problems are around scale. So they were around. They’re about scale, the lack of scale, the problems of scale. You can solve a problem for yourself. And that problem may not work for any other human on the planet. No, really. Then did you solve a problem? Of course you did. You solved a problem for yourself. That’s fantastic. Congratulations. I’m very happy for you. Did you try to abstract that problem out and solve it at scale? Probably made a mistake there, buddy. Just saying. Problems that exist at scale that also exist at your scale, at your fractal. Self-similar level of reality. Those solutions are different. And I do have a video on my channel about the we answer. Yeah, is it we answer to an I? No, it’s an I answer to a we question. That’s what it is. That was a long time ago. Where somebody asked them, what do you do to sense make in the world? And somebody answers with, or no, what can we do to sense make in the world? And somebody answers with, well, what I do is, and it’s like, oh, that’s great, dude. But what if other people can’t do that? This is an helpful answer. And it’s an understandable mistake because people get confused. Somebody’s asking you a question. You want to answer it. They want to hear an answer. No one notices that the answer is not answering the question that was asked. But it’s similar enough question, right? That may be helpful to some people. Look, a lot of the things that we do, other people can do and find the same benefit from. For sure. It’s just not all things and not everybody and maybe not enough people. And I do, I don’t want this to go too long because I do like Skylar. So yay, I am game for a nomological throw it out. Yeah, me too. We got to have one at some point. Of course, you can hop into this livestream and we can have one right now. Because we’re not navigating live patterns. Whatever patterns come up in the chat, in the stream, if you want to join, or whatever comes out of my head, which, you know, that’s dangerous. But hey, here we are. That’s why we’ve got the pirate stuff going. It’s danger danger. Also hijacking thought. I’m sure Grim would be happy. I’m trying to use my voodoo hijack magic on people. There is a manipulation in listening. And listening, don’t listen to people, they’re manipulating you. I don’t think manipulation is universal bad. So I don’t have a problem with it. But manipulating people into the good is still good. Yay. Good, good. Goodness is good. Yeah. And it’s sort of some of those things we don’t, we don’t realize. I’ve been Twittering a lot lately, actually. And not just flowers because it’s winter. And not just flowers because it’s winter. I do have a couple flowers, actually. I don’t know. I don’t know if we accomplished that as I used to know. It’s gone from my brain for the moment. It’ll come back. Maybe. Maybe not. That’s blooming. Everything else seems to be dead. There might be a flower or two out somewhere in this crazy yard of mine. I get 12 acres. I have no idea what’s out there. So I’ve been tweeting things and lots of responses to people too. But some insights I’ve been having. And I’m hoping to put all this stuff together. I’m trying to get the Mark of Wisdom website up and enrolling. I actually fixed all the technical problems. Now I have learned a bunch of technical stuff that I did not know. Or rather, learned how to use the knowledge I always had to fix the problems that didn’t need to happen because people are dumb and don’t know how to computer anymore, apparently. But I have found all of this out and figured out where it all came from. And now the test website is up and very slow. I mean, very fast. But it doesn’t have any content yet. So is coming soon. And it will have all kinds of stuff on it because two and a half years, a little bit more. Manuel and I have been working on a ton of stuff. And not just around navigating patterns, we’ll say, but also we’ve got practices. We’ve got all sorts of interesting things. I’ve got to revamp my personal website on the other server and get that better. Maybe I’ll do that too. I don’t know. All this stuff costs money, which I’m slowly running out of. Okay, not slowly running out of. Lawsuits are expensive, not recommended. Not working as expensive, also not recommended. Engaging with this stuff is interesting because there is a way of which we don’t have a good definition of wisdom. Right? We have lots of partial definitions of wisdom out there. And some of those need to be consolidated. One of the things that occurred to me is sort of… I still love one of John’s projects is, you know, we don’t need to make everybody wiser necessarily, but we do need more wise people. Yes, wise persons. That is true. I take that very seriously. I think cultural cognitive grammar is part of that. That’s why I’m navigating patterns. That’s what it is. It’s fixing cultural cognitive grammar. That’s not all it is, but that’s actually 80% of the project. Mark of wisdom is going to be about practices. It’s going to be about communities, wisdom communities, and how to build them. As soon as I get to the stupid leadership and authority video. And I’ve done a lot of work. Manuel and I have done a lot of work on this. Especially on Clubhouse. And I got to get Clubhouse audio up. If anybody wants to help with any of this. My mid-shoot is way behind on navigating patterns videos. There’s a ton of stuff I’m neglecting. Some of which with reason and some of which just through sheer neglect. Because I’m good at neglect, actually. If you need hints or tips on how to be neglectful, just hit me up. I’ll tell you. Getting stuff done can be hard. Especially when all your motivation is self-motivation. And everybody’s a freaking naysayer because they don’t want success around them. Because it’s a judge. I think that all of the projects around patterns and navigation of patterns and wisdom and building community. All related in that they’re enchantments or re-enchantments of the world for people. Right? They’re getting people to re-expand, re-inflate the world. So that they can engage with it more intelligently instead of just being angry and resentful. And go, eh, you’re doing something. I hate you. I’m going to tear your thing down now. Until we stop tearing things down, we’re not going to stop tearing things down. And tearing things down is bad. So yeah, that’s still part of the mission. Like, stop tearing everything down. Start building stuff up. I know it’s hard. And then you have to do things. And doing is hard. But it’s way better. It’s way, way better. I promise. And, you know, oh, we need the motivation of money not to start doing things. And the number of people that I talk to, they say, oh, Mark, I’m a good programmer. I’m like, okay, maybe. I don’t know. Could be. Could be the best programmer ever. I have no idea. But, you know, I have this app idea. And I really need to get funding. I’m like, are you a lunatic? It’s software. Frickin’ write it. If you have software written, then you can get an investor really easily, actually. Although you don’t need one in today’s day and age. Because you can just post work and software on sites and get paid immediately. Like Gumroad and stuff. There’s all kinds of tools for that now that didn’t exist. Even 10 years ago or 15 or 20 years ago, for sure. Right? Like you don’t need to get, like I need a software publishing house to fund my development. No, just write the code. Like really. Like honestly. Professional level development tools have been free for years. It was a big thing we used to complain about. In the old days with home computers in particular, I mean, you read about the old APIC computers and compilers cost 4,000, what is it? 10, $10 on Amazon, my friend. And it’s beautiful. I like the blue. It’s got blue. It’s got these. Yeah, oh, there’s secondary. What is, can you move it up and down? Yeah, everything moves. Yeah, although I can’t, I get a look at this. There we go. Where am I? There we go. Oh yeah, it all moves. It works. Yeah. I put this in front. I can’t see a damn thing. Okay. I mean, in theory I could, it helped. No, two of them makes it worse. They are actual magnifying glasses though. Plus it’s blue. So it’s funny because one eye’s covered and one’s covered in blue, right? So I get this weird thing when I’m reading the screen and then I’ve got my freaking tripod and I gotta fix this camera setup. So yeah, it’s kind of wacky. But hopefully, hopefully, you know, hopefully everybody appreciates my having fun with live, live, navigating live patterns instead of navigating non-live patterns. But thanks everyone for joining. And I’m also glad to see J.O. And if Jacob can stop causing trouble, that would be nice. But I don’t think he can help himself. Let’s see if he can train himself up. You and Jacob. We love Jacob anyway. All right, everybody. Thank you so much for joining. And I hope to see you all next week because I’m gonna do this again. And suggestions are welcome. You can put them in the comments or whatnot down below. And I always love the engagement and I hope you all find it useful too. Sounds like you do. So I’ll keep doing it as long as I think it’s useful. Yeah. Goodbye, people. Arrgh.