Trust is what enables us to look at each other without running away screaming. If I trust you, then I don’t have to take into account how complicated you are. And as long as you’ll do what you say you’ll do, then I can take you at your word, and your word simplifies you, and you can take me at my word, and my word simplifies you, and then we can act like we understand each other even though we don’t. What happens if you’re in a relationship with someone and you trust them, then you make certain assumptions about the past, and you make certain assumptions about the present, and you make certain assumptions about the future, and everything’s stable, and so you’re standing on solid ground, and the chaos, it’s like you’re standing on thin ice. The chaos is hidden, the shark beneath the waves isn’t there. But then if the person betrays you, like if you’re in an intimate relationship, and the person has an affair, and you find out about it, then one moment you’re one place, right? You’re where everything is secure, because you’ve predicated your perception of the world on the axiom of trust, the next second you’re in a completely different place.