There’s something like this is maybe what I’m seeing is that there’s a mystery in even in the death of Christianity almost as if it was something that was meant to happen. You know Christ seemed to have pointed us to that and prepared us for that. And it’s almost as if just as Christ dying planted a seed, a cosmic seed that would grow into what it would go into Christendom. It’s almost as if Christianity dying is doing something similar because as Christianity is dying there’s this distance which is created and all of a sudden we can see the Christian story appear in places we couldn’t see it before. You know I kind of joke about every single Hollywood movie basically has a all these Hollywood action movies has a resurrection scene. You need a resurrection scene or else you’re not going to make you know more than 100 million with your movie. And so but that’s a it’s like it’s a Christian story or even the idea of self-sacrifice. All of a sudden we thought self-sacrifice was an obvious trope but it’s not. Look at look at ancient Greek myth you barely find that that trope. There’s a maybe little hints of it but it’s not a major story whereas the notion that the hero sacrifices himself or others is a Christian story. And so as Christianity retreats we can see it there and we can see how it’s actually going to become more fragile as we retreat from that. Yeah I think David Bentley Hart said something about that one of his pieces that I read recently that you know as Christendom dies back you can see Christ more clearly which I think is a good way of putting it because you know also a lot of Christendom did not actually represent Christ at all. You know a lot of it actually became so tied up with power that it became a culture which wasn’t necessarily following the teachings of Christ at all. So once that’s gone we can we can stand up and go okay well yeah now we can see what the teachings are so we can decide if we want to follow them or not. And we can also see that we can also see the story more clearly perhaps when it doesn’t well yeah like you say when we’ve lost it when we’ve lost the structures that were built around that story however imperfectly we all we can see the story but we can also start to feel very lost having lost it. There might be a reason why so many people are suddenly including me finding themselves brought into Christianity not no not for cultural reasons it’s not it’s not a political decision or anything like that but something’s something’s calling something’s going on because it isn’t possible it isn’t possible to live for very long without that sacred heart and the heart of your culture and at you and the heart of you as well it’s not you know I think you have the luxury of rejecting religion if you’re in a culture which kind of holds it up but if you’re in a culture that has nothing that if you’re in a culture that has replaced any sense of the divine any sense of the sacred with basically consumerism and individualism then rejecting religion is suddenly not a fun piece of rebellion anymore you know it’s like oh shit I think I’ve just realized what that thing was for that we destroyed yeah that well it’s funny because the atheists promised us a replacement right they promised us some some great cultural replacement for the Christian story and these these great acts of participation in this but that’s not what we got what we got is porn and fast food