Do you plan your day much or your time generally? Does this lead to higher productivity? Yes, I plan my day obsessively. My calendar is always absolutely full and often weeks in advance and I plan in the morning, especially when I’m on top of things and I plan each hour and I probably plan each minute and yes, it leads to way higher productivity You know you you decide what your goals are going to be you place them in the calendar use the calendar as your friend day Because what you want to do with the calendar is design a day that you want to have or a day that would be good for you and a day that would be good for you is one that you’re that you’re You know when you end the day you feel that you’ve moved moved yourself ahead towards your valued goals and that you’ve kept chaos under control and That enables you to sleep soundly and with a good conscience and to know that the next day is going to be at least not worse than that day Planning is unbelievably useful and again, you know I don’t want to sound like a broken record with regards to the future authoring program, but it really is useful You know you need to figure out what it is that you’re aiming at and why and then you need to figure out how you’re Going to break that down over the months and the weeks and the days But I would approach your calendar like it’s your best friend you think okay I’m gonna design a week man that I really want to have and that means you can schedule in leisure and all the things that You absolutely should do and it’s also quite fun to Give yourself minimal time to do something complicated because it’s quite challenging to see if you can do Far more than you thought in far less time And so that’s a fun game and the other thing you can do is like if you’re avoiding something You could schedule in five minutes of it say well like if you’re avoiding looking at some bills because you’re afraid of them Your first step might be to schedule in five minutes where you just look at the bill You don’t do anything else and you know you might be able to entice yourself into doing that so but I would say Learning to plan is unbelievably useful to schedule your time because that’s your life, you know But schedule the life you want that means you have to schedule your responsibilities off obviously because Responsibilities are those things that ruin your life if you don’t fulfill them so you