You think we have a pure day in destiny or peace of the cosmos we’re responsible for upholding? Or would you say that it’s more of an interplay between a purpose God has given us and the actions we take on in life? How might the story of Jacob wrestling the angel relate to this? I mean, I think that I’ve talked about this before. It’s mostly about understanding freedom somewhat differently. It’s mostly understanding that true freedom comes in, but you would say accomplishing your destiny. So it’s not that you want to free yourself from your destiny. And in Christianity, your destiny is to become like Christ to the extent that you can, to the extent that your limited being can manifest Christ in the world. That’s your destiny. Like that’s what that’s the plan that God has for you. And so as you embody that, then you are free. And if you refuse to, or if you hold on to smaller aspects of the world, then you actually are a slave. So it’s not like in the Greek world where you’re like a slave to your destiny. No matter what you do, you can’t get rid of it. It’s mostly that your destiny is to become like God and you’re a slave when you refuse that or when you attach yourself to lower things.