I don’t know if Canadians have any idea at all what a devastating hit the international reputation of our country has taken. I met a lot of Eastern European politicians in my last tour through Eastern Europe and they are utterly appalled by what’s happened in Canada. The fact that Trudeau dared to suggest American Republicans financed what was essentially an insurrection attempt on Canada’s capital is something so jaw dropping. Like I said, even to the leftists in the US, the liberals and the leftists, that it’s a appalling and absurd nature can hardly be overstated. And then I’m thinking too from a strategic perspective, although I don’t think he ever does think strategically, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that the Democrats are going to get absolutely lambasted in November in the next presidential election as well. And so in all likelihood, Canada is facing a conservative slash Republican dominated monolith in the United States on the governmental front for the next four or five years after Biden departs.