as for the idea of the meaning of the morning star, I mean it has to do with Lucifer, right? That’s the idea of the morning star. And so you can understand Lucifer in several ways. And I think it’s probably good. Maybe I mentioned this before in a Q&A. People have to stop freaking out about the term Lucifer. I understand that in some circles and in some ways it’s interpreted as being Satan, but Christ is called Lucifer in scripture. Christ is called the morning star in scripture. And it means the light bearer, right? The one that bears the light. And so the reason why the devil or the evil one has come to take the name Lucifer is that it’s the idea that the morning star appears in the sky. And what it does is it’s like basically calling to the sun, right? It’s basically preceding the sun. And so you can understand that St. John the Baptist, for example, in liturgical text is called also the morning star. And there are many other people that are called the morning star because they’re the forerunner, right? So St. John the Baptist is Lucifer because he’s the forerunner to Christ. He is the morning star that comes up and then the sun follows. And so the reason why Christ is called that is because you could say that he is the image bearer of the father, right? And so it’s just a structural relationship of the morning star that comes up and then you know that the sun is coming later. So it’s like comes out before the sun. And so the reason why the evil one is called Lucifer is that you can imagine that the morning star thinks that it’s got it. Like the morning star thinks that it’s the one. It’s like I am the light, right? Look at me. I’m so bright and I’m the light. And so it fills itself up with pride. So because of that it falls because it gets completely flooded out by the light of the sun. It just vanishes when the sun comes out. And so that’s why that term or the idea of the morning star is used in different guises in terms of symbolic thinking. And so you have to be cautious because you know I’ve seen people let’s say play like masses for example where in the mass it’s actually seeing the verse where Christ is called Lucifer and then people like you know think it’s like some secret thing that like the Catholic Church is worshipping the devil you know. And so people just get nuts like they just don’t understand this stuff. So yeah.