nothing motivates me aside from eating and sleeping I lie at my bed all day not on my computer not on my phone not doing anything I just lie there thinking what’s happening to me I would say that you are this is not a diagnostic comment and I don’t know enough about you to provide that sort of information but I would recommend that you see a therapist and be screened for depression because that’s what it looks like to me and I would say that if it’s depression you should do something about it because depression is very hard on people it produces a lot of stress hormones like cortisol and and that can hurt you you know if it’s only been a couple of days I wouldn’t worry about it but if it’s a chronic pattern then you should go talk to somebody even your family doctor you know and there’s always the possibility that a low dose of an antidepressant might be worth trying you know in a month if it fixed you but I would say don’t don’t stay in that situation man go go find out do whatever you have to to get out of it and especially the fact that you’re not on your computer or not on your phone not doing anything you know you’re you’re ruminating that’s just lying there thinking that’s loops of negative emotion and you don’t have any positive emotion you know that’s why you’re not on your computer or your phone and so one of the characteristics of depression I suppose two of the characteristics is a decrease in positive motivation and so that means that you’re not interested in anything and an increase in negative emotion and that can manifest itself in that just lying there thinking you know so go talk to someone go talk to someone tell someone that this is happening get to your family doctor let them know what’s happening get them to give you a depression screening and and see what you can do about it because there are effective treatments for depression and sometimes antidepressants work like a absolute charm