Well, I’m really just trying to help people see the pattern in the Scripture, just help them see that a lot of the pattern that I talk about, you know, it’s not just that it appears in all kinds of places you don’t expect, and so I’ll pick a story that people won’t expect to see it in, and then I’ll just kind of show people that it’s there. So I’ve been doing that a lot, and one of the big things that’s been going on also is trying to help people see… I finally did like a breakdown of Genesis. It hasn’t gone up on my channel yet because Jordan Peterson wanted to put it up on his channel, so it’s like a breakdown of the first chapter of Genesis as the pattern of attention, you could say. Even inside the… if you remember your Bible, you know, it talks about God seeing and saying it is good, and speaking and seeing and saying it is good, and so, you know, we have this idea about perception as qualitative or teleological, the idea that you perceive purpose before you perceive things, right, as an intelligent being. You’re always… so when you look at a cup, you see something to hold water in, right? You don’t… the cup comes after, you know, if you look at rocks, you’re always evaluating is it a rock I can step on? Is it a rock I could throw? Is it a rock I could pile? Well, you’re not doing it consciously, but your mind is always evaluating things based on purpose, your purpose, and so that… if you understand that, then you can read the first chapter of Genesis with that in mind, and you get a sense that what’s being described in the first chapter of Genesis is like this hierarchy of being that is related to man, basically. It’s like the human person is the center, and then all the beings lay themselves out in a… like in a… they kind of move towards man. If you… in the actual story, it starts out as heaven and earth, and then it kind of moves in and in and in, you know, and you have to understand it that way, or else the idea that on the same day God would create fish and birds, which is like the weirdest thing, why would God create fish and birds on the same day? It’s because the whole process has been kind of moving in. You know, it’s like he creates grass one day, and then the stars the next day, which obviously in terms of science doesn’t make any sense, but you understand that it’s like creating this frame in which intelligence exists at the middle. And so that’s the big thing that I’ve been kind of more preoccupied with. And it’s related to the thing my brother writes about too, because he’s been talking about that stuff forever. Yeah. Well, I guess the ultimate frame or the first line would be heaven and earth or night and day. It’s either one of… maybe night and days after heaven and earth. Yeah, heaven and earth are really kind of non… you could say that they’re not really almost not part of being. They’re kind of outside manifestation, or that’s the best way to understand it. They’re like the two poles of existence. And so pure pattern and then pure potential, you know. Like really like Aristotle said, you know, actuality and potentiality. So it’s like the pure pattern and the pure potential. And then… Which is which? Heaven and earth is heaven and… Heaven would be pattern. Because you know, light comes from above. And when you look in the sky, the patterns that you see in the heavens are regular, but the patterns you see down here are chaotic. You know, like you have flowing water and you have all these things which have some meaning, but they’re kind of chaotic. But the planets and the stars, they move like clockwork. They function like clockwork. And so the patterns come from above. I mean, also like, your intelligence is up here and you speak from your mouth. So at the top of a being is where intelligence comes from. So there’s all these analogies which make you understand that heaven is where meaning is, patterns are, and then they come down. And then earth is dark and it’s unknown, it’s hidden, it’s dangerous, water. Yeah, it’s all that stuff. Yeah. Tasty? Did you say earth is tasty? Isn’t it? I mean, it renders some… Do you eat dirt? I don’t know. The things that I eat, eat things that eat dirt. There you go. That’s the way to understand it. So it’s like there’s potential and the potential feeds that which is above. There’s like a hierarchy of feeding, you could say. And you see that also in the way that creation is made, the way it’s separated, let’s say. So you have things below that feed things above and then that keeps going up until you have man in the center. Okay, so what my pattern mechanism is doing is, so you start with heaven and earth and then you get narrower and narrower, more and more tactile, more and more manipulatable by man. But if man’s in the center, then man becomes the antipode to God, right? No, that’s not the best way to understand it. The best way to understand it is that man is already there at the outset. With God in the beginning. So the way… So like some thinkers, for example, Philo of Alexandria talked about this idea, he called it Adam Katmoner, universal man. And there’s the idea that universal man is there at the very outset of creation and then is the purpose of creation, but is there at the origin. Christians have a different take on it. It’s weirder for Christians because they don’t think of it that way, but we have the notion that Christ created the world. And so if you look at icons, you’ll see Christ as a man, right, creating the world. And so there’s a sense in which the incarnation, although it happened in time, is an eternal truth about God, which is that ultimately, let’s say, the human is meant to participate in God through the incarnation. And so therefore is there in a certain manner, is there at the outset of everything. So the idea is that intelligence becomes the thread through which the world exists and the human and man, as incarnate intelligent being, becomes the fulcrum, like the place where it all kind of meets in the middle. And that’s why in creation, that’s why in the second chapter of Genesis, it says that, you know, God gathers the dust and then blows air into it. So it’s like earth is gathered together and then heaven comes down into it. And it’s like, that’s man. Man is the invisible and the visible joined together, the patterning, the intelligence and matter joined together. What do you mean by intelligence? Is that articulation? Yeah. Well, I mean, it’s the intelligence are active. You could say they’re active patterns. They’re patterns that act in the world. And so that’s probably the best way to understand it. I mean, it’s hard to define intelligence because we’re obviously, it’s like, this is the thing we use to define other things. And so it makes it difficult. But I like the idea of active patterns or pattern making, pattern recognizing, pattern making, those that make and recognize patterns in an active way. And ultimately, there’s an idea of consciousness, which is related to intelligence, I think. Although the ancients didn’t use the word consciousness. But I think consciousness for us, at least, is a good way to understand what the ancients meant in terms of intelligence, intelligences, a certain amount of consciousness related to that. Like a consciousness as an awareness, which is the bed on which attention operates. Yeah, there you go. That’s a good way to understand it. Yeah.