23 million people a year around the world die from indoor air pollution, mostly from burning dung and wood. 23 million people, a huge number of people. And obviously that’s polluting and it’s not good for the environment. And to replace that with inexpensive, while it would be fossil fuel replacement, if it was replaced most efficiently, would save tens of millions of people and also be good for the planet. And that’s completely off the agenda. No one pays any attention to that whatsoever, even though, like I said, the lives of 20 million people, a lot of them children depend on it. There’s these multiple issues as well on the environmental front and Lombard has done a better job than anyone else in rank ordering these things. And so the thing that I find so perplexing is that even if your goal was in some sense to serve the planet, it’s by no means obvious in any sense whatsoever that raising energy prices and impoverishing poor people will do anything but hurt the planet.