There’s something that happened this kind of materialism this kind of physicalism which made people forget that the world is primarily made by through attention that is from the very beginning of Genesis when God declares and sees and judges as good you realize that this is actually how the world comes together and the things to which you attend will Flow downstream and will have to create fruits And so if you worship money if you worship other things and that the pattern of addiction is a liturgical pattern Yeah, just a satanic liturgy and anybody who’s gone through Addictions will notice that because it has an order and you and it always happens the same way It’s like you fall in these sins And you just keep repeating them over and over and the same person can find it stupid that a that a Christian will repeat his daily Prayers every day, but then they’ll still reach for that cigarette and not realize that they’re doing the same thing But their pattern is destroying them and eating them up and enslaving them rather than bringing them higher towards higher patterns No, absolutely The way it works and I read this in the in the fathers but also in more contemporary people Because I mean what the fathers would have called an Aquinas maybe concupiscence we might translate today as addiction Because you start worshiping something other than God Well, you get a buzz from it because you’re you’re in a impassioned way around some worldly good and it really is a worldly good Whether it’s pleasure its honor its power whatever So, okay, I get a buzz from that but the buzz will have to wear off because we’re not meant for that The hearts wrestles to the rest in God and so it wears off. All right I better go back to that source again And so I strive and strive and strive or I hop around the altar again and again and again and then I get it So it’s more wealth or more honor more power and I get a buzz But every addict knows that it’s less this intense the second time so now I start to really panic and I go back now with a With a kind of insistence and I’m hopping like mad around that altar now now I’m drawing blood now I’m wounding myself because I’m so addicted and then before you know it you are in this little Awful cycle and it’s the same you we the woman at the well is the same thing You know you come to this well every day and you drink but you still get thirsty I want to give you water welling up in you to eternal life I want to break you from that addictive pattern because I want to hook you on to the supreme good It turns out to be love by the way, which is why it keeps overflowing but The churches need to keep telling this story the society needs it like mad talking about Addiction might be the way to name the fundamental problem today spiritually and psychologically and we got the answer The answer is grace the grace that breaks you out of these addictive patterns and it’s right praise