Well, when you look at someone, you look at their eyes. Why? Because you want to see where they direct their attention. Why? Because you want to see what they value. Why? Because you want to know what to value. That’s a pretty inexpensive way of doing it. So deeply rooted in us that social psychologists, perhaps this was an experiment that replicated, although probably not, would run experiments where one of them would stand on a corner, just look up, and then wait. And if it was a busy corner, soon someone else would stop by them and look up. Then there were two people looking up, and well, if two people were looking up, there’s got to be a reason for that. They’re expending extraordinarily expensive cognitive resources looking. And maybe they had to figure out where to look. You don’t have to. You just have to look where they look. And so we’re looking where other people look all the time. We want to infer the value structure that directs attention. And we do that through imitation. And we have a powerful instinct to imitate.