If you really want to go to the roots, he goes to Plato versus Aristotle, right? How do you approach knowledge? Do you look at what’s around you and deduce things and draw conclusions, so on and so forth? Or do you start with your mind and this perfect world of ideas and then try to force reality to comport to your ideology? And you saw this go through Kant, then to Hegel, then to Marx. And basically, the whole thing is since we know that our, you know, they call it scientific socialism, right? The whole idea of communism is we’re scientific, not like this market where you have these little shopkeepers with their prices and, you know, it’s a complete mess and food’s getting thrown out. We’re going to work scientifically. We’re going to have the big brains at the top. We’re going to figure everything out, turn the entire country to either a laboratory or a factory. And then when things don’t work out, thanks to the fact that we have it down, someone must be sabotaging it.