We don’t know even now to what degree all of those scientific presuppositions are predicated on underlying Judeo-Christian concept, right? Because you have to believe the world has an intelligible order. You have to believe in a transcendent object if you’re a scientist, or there’s nothing to correct your theories. Yeah. Well, they also believe that investigation conducted in the spirit of truth is redemptive, because every scientist worth his or her salt is operating under the presupposition that the honest quest for truth and enlightenment is in fact a good. And that’s a statement, that’s an axiom of faith. And all the good scientists that I’ve known are possessed by a spirit of truth. They will allow the world to correct their erroneous presuppositions, and they do presume that in that quest is to be found, let’s say, the betterment of the individual and human society. Those are all religious presuppositions as far as I’m concerned.