Once reproduction became a biological choice for the mother, then fatherhood became a social choice for the man. Simply because in the past, if a woman got pregnant, there were all of these norms in place. Community shamed the men into marrying the women. If you skipped out on the woman, then you were seen as a deadbeat and so on. We don’t even know what effect there is socially, for example, with the presumption that if you get pregnant, it’s your own fault, because the reliable reproductive prevention technology is at hand. You know, and many women who get pregnant have not taken the pill properly, for example. And so I’m not saying that they should be blamed for that. What I am saying is that it opens the door for attribution of responsibility to the women. The community started to accept that if a man has sex with a woman and she gets pregnant, the man can say to himself, well, that’s not my problem. That’s kind of your fault because, you know, you have this magical pill, so I don’t have to get involved anymore. And I think the local community tacitly started to accept this kind of logic, this kind of reasoning. This basically allowed men to skip out on their responsibility.