What is the symbolism of doppelgangers? Wow. Seeing that they’re often harbingers of death, does it have something to do with separation? So I don’t know about the whole harbingers of death thing. I want to be careful that we don’t fall into the weird kind of occult versions of this idea of doppelganger and whatnot. I think the idea of the doppelganger is an interesting one. I think it’s a fascinating one in the sense of the one would be to understand it as the that you have the evil twin, you know, and so you have it’s as if you if you have a person, then you have the totality of the being. But if you have two of the same, right, if you separate, if you have two of the same, then you inevitably will have, you know, good and evil, it’ll just happen because, you know, it’s like it’s the same as the separate you say that Adam in the garden, you know, was beyond good and evil, or that was the higher good you would say, and, and that as he comes down and falls and eats of the tree, then he gets separated. Good and evil become these these appear as these two separate things, as these kind of appear to him as these two kind of these two realities that are fighting each other. And, and so I think that that in in the whole symbolism of the of the twin, identical twin, you see that in popular tropes, there’s a few movies about I forget, there’s there’s a movie there is there a movie with Nicolas Cage about about these like the evil twin kind of stuff. And so the other possibility also of the idea of the doppelganger is also the difficulty of seeing yourself kind of seeing yourself from a remove, you know, I think that I think that we’re a little immune to that right now, because we’re surrounded by mirrors. And so we’re used to seeing ourselves from outside ourselves. But can you if you can imagine in a world where there are very few mirrors, or you can only kind of see yourself in a dark pool of water, or some, you know, some polished piece of brass or something, to see the to see yourself is something which would be extremely unsettling and disturbing, because it’s as if you’re outside of yourself seeing yourself. And it seems like I think that that that’s probably what doppelgangers also have have to do with and so if if there’s this idea like a superstitious idea that they’re kind of harbingers of death, I think that that probably has to do with that. It has to do with the idea of kind of standing outside of yourself and, and seeing yourself. And so that is like, you know, when you see something from the outside, or when you see the totality of something from the outside, you’re from the outside, you’re not it’s not a living experience of something, right? It’s, it’s like an it’s like an outside thing that you’re analyzing. So I that is, in a way, a form of death, you would say, not totally, but in the sense that, like, you are you and that the other person is not you, right? And so you’re not there’s a there’s a there’s a layer of death that has to be crossed before you reach the other person, you would say. And so if you can imagine yourself from the outside, looking back in, it’s as if you’re seeing, like you’re seeing your own garments of skin, you could say it’s that way, something like that.