Gardner Brothers, in Lord of the Rings, what is the symbolism of Frodo using Gollum as a necessary guide through Mordor in spite of Gollum’s constant deception and murderous resentment towards Sam? And so the way that I understand it is that really Frodo and Gollum are kind of like a mirror image or you can imagine Gollum as what Frodo could become, this vision of a dead Frodo let’s say. And so that’s what that’s kind of how I see Gollum and so there is this you could say that you could say that that there is a kind of how can I say that there’s a wisdom in knowing yourself right or there’s a wisdom in understanding where you can go and I think that that there’s something of that going on there which is really how because Gollum is dead and because he is let’s say of Mordor not directly but let’s say symbolically he is he is of Mordor then he knows the way there he knows the way to get to the dark place and to be able to to get rid of the ring and so and so there’s something about that in terms of your own self that you can also understand which is that if you are aware of your dark side if you are aware of your passions if you’re aware of your weaknesses if you are aware of your your sins really then those sins can teach you something right they can actually teach you something about how to vanquish sin right if you know the process by which you sin if you kind of become aware of it and you and you’re able to follow it in the sense of not follow it in the sense of being led blindly by it like like falling into sin but rather follow the process by which you sin so that when you get to the end you can toss the sin into the pit rather than fall right and so of course Frodo doesn’t totally succeed that but you can kind of understand how that can be applied to your life you know um like if you have a bad habit like I’ve talked about this before to understand the mechanisms by which you end up falling back into this bad habit can help you right see it coming from far away and be able to follow it to its end and know before you come to the end right not to give in but rather to throw the the fire to to to to to vanquish on your passion and so that’s what I think it’s about.