I just find the prioritization of human beings to be so fucked. You’re on this earth for 80 years, let’s call it on average, whatever it was, what’s the average, 83, something like that. 80 funny years. 80 funny years. After that, they’re not so funny. I disagree, I think after 80, you get to be funnier. You get to excuse, you can shit wherever you want after 90. If you’re on this earth for such a limited amount of time, how insane is it to sit behind your phone and computer and complain about something you don’t like when you have a world at your hands of all the things you do? What an absolute waste of energy, time, and emotion. Why do you think you were inclined when this Tempest in a Tea Party merged to make arguably even a worse joke, which I’m very pleased about, by the way. I thought that was actually a master stroke because you topped what you were being accused of by picking on an even lower status group, which I thought was a- I disagree. Go ahead.