you see the most egregious example of this in our willingness to redefine the meaning of man and woman. Because my psychological studies have led me to the presumption that there might not be any more fundamental perceptual category than man and woman, than male and female. And there’s the direct perception of that on the biological front, which is a precondition for successful reproduction, we should point out, in case it has to be pointed out. And then there are symbolic echoes of masculine and feminine that pervade almost everything we conceptualize. So you see that echoed, for example, in the Taoist conception of reality as yin and yang, which is a masculine and feminine dichotomy. There’s this bipolarity of cognition that has as its fundamental basis the distinction between the sexes. And when Canada moved in 2016 to force the reconstruction of pronouns onto unsuspecting population in the name of compassionate narcissism, I thought, well, because this is such a fundamental cognitive category, if we introduce entropy into it, if we introduce disorder, then we’re going to destabilize those who are already quite disordered and the most likely to be destabilized in that manner would be adolescent girls, because there’s historical precedent for that. And so this idiot insistence that all conceptions are up for grabs belies the fact that there’s a hierarchy of perception in relationship to the different degrees of depths of different perceptions. And it replaces hierarchical order, not with the freedom that’s promised by the Marxists and the liberals, but with absolute bloody intolerable chaos. And when we, I do believe that we’re in a tower of babble situation in a real sense is that we’ve become intellectually pretentious beyond belief. We’re building scaffolds that are in principle designed to replace God. And now we’ve reached impasse where we no longer speak the same language. We can’t even decide what constitutes a man and what constitutes a woman. And if you can’t agree on that, then I don’t think there’s anything that you can agree on. And so if you ask, what does the individual man or woman today facing this permanent cultural revolution, permanent cultural revolution, which is uprooting the most fundamental things that have been inherited, the most fundamental concepts that we use to understand reality are being smashed. So where do they turn? And here, I understand that this could be controversial for all sorts of people, but I think the bottom line is that if you see the revolution coming, you understand it’s going to destroy everything. You understand there’s going to literally be nothing that is not uprooted. If you see this, what’s the force that could stop it? Well, the force that could stop it is fundamentally young men and young women, young families, older men and older women, going to that institution which continues to hand down traditions intact, which is in our society is almost only at this point, the church, the Orthodox churches, Orthodox, I mean theologically. Traditionally. Whether they’re Catholic or Protestant or Orthodox doctrinally, or the synagogue or some other traditional community in which a life of conservation and transmission is actually taking place. It begins with young people saying, look, I need to be part of a community. But the next step is to say it can’t just be any arbitrary community. It can’t be like a bunch of 18 year olds in a dorm room we’re going to set up a community because they’re not actually engaged in conservation. That’s a gang, not a community. They’re not engaged in conserving and transmitting anything. And so the only way that you can plug yourself into the chain of conservation and transmission which has been lost is to find older people, to find older people who’ve seen it done. I mean, you’re not going to be able to keep a marriage together if you don’t have actual living models of older people who have succeeded in keeping a marriage together so you can see what it’s like so that you can pick it up from them. And the same thing is true for everything else. If you want to save yourself, right? And I mean, I think this is true nationally also, but at the moment, if you as an individual, you want to save yourself, now I’m not talking about the Christian question about like your eternal salvation. I’m Jewish, I’m talking about you want to save yourself in this life, in this world, all right? Then what you’re going to have to do is you’re going to have to, I know this is difficult, but you’re going to have to go to older people who have a functioning congregation and say, look, I’m coming here to learn. I’m not coming here to judge you. I’m not coming here to preach the things I believe. I’m coming here to learn how a life of conservation and transmission used to work. I want to learn that to see whether I can be part of it. That is a very big change. The best way to fight the oncoming revolution is, as you say, the oncoming chaos is with order. And that, but you can’t create that order yourself. You have to be a part of some existing order. And luckily it still exists. So in relationship to your comments earlier about the conservatives thinkers, who I think we should also go through by the way, making the case that things did fall apart of their own accord, there’s a thinker, Murchia Eliade, a great historian of religions who tracked the commonalities among flood myths across very many different cultures and came up with a formula for why God or the gods would become angry enough to destroy everything in a chaotic catastrophe. And he said, well, the first issue is that things deteriorate of their own accord. And that’s just an observation about the effect of entropy, I would say, is that things fall apart. If you just leave them sit, they’ll fall apart by themselves because things decay. And then Eliade also said that a very common theme was that that process of entropic decay was sped along by the sins of men. And what he meant by that was the proclivity for people to be willfully blind. And so imagine that there are small things going wrong in your marriage, your wife becomes less attentive, or you do, your attention starts to be attracted by other people and you just let it slide. You know that something’s up, but you don’t do the attentive work necessary to do the repairs when the time is appropriate. Well, then you speed the process of decay.