young girl dancing to the latest beat has found new ways to move her feet and the lonely young man speaking in the city square trying to tell somebody that he cares true. This old world’s waken to a newborn babe and I solemnly swear it’ll be their way. You better help that voice of youth find what is true. And the lonely voice of youth cries. What is true. Alright, well welcome, welcome, welcome to the live stream. I know it’s been a while, but I’m back. So that’s what matters. We’re here now. We’re ready to stream. We’re going to do it. I am going to talk a little bit about symbolic world. I’m not going to do a symbolic world wrap up. We’re going to do that on Sunday. We have special guests, special things on Sunday to do that. So that should be exciting. So I want everybody to enjoy and appreciate that. I do have to plan it. I got a thumbnail I think ready. So that’s good. I had a great time in Tarpon Springs. Tarpon Springs is awesome. Everybody should go to Tarpon Springs at least once. It’s a wonderful place. The event was pretty cool. And I am going to tell a story from the event that’s going to wrap into other stories. We’re going to see how this goes. I don’t know how successful I’m going to be. I never know how successful I’m going to be. A lot of stuff happened. And I was sort of struggling. People were asking like, what’s the live stream topic going to be? We need to pick a topic. And I’m like, that’s a stupid idea. We don’t need a topic. We need a wrap up of like the month because it’s been a long month. You know, like what? That’s what we need. We need a wrap up. So that took a lot of the pressure off. And then of course I did a lot of notes for this stream because yeah, there’s a lot to talk about. And I felt like, yeah, I kind of need to do a lot because it’s just tons of stuff happened. So look, we got our Sam Powell. All right. We’ve got our our Muppet Cup. Very important. I heard that many times in Tarleton Springs. This very saying. So it’s spreading. You better get a cup. You better get a cup. At the shop. Got to have one. Especially for this stream because when else are you going to get it? So yeah, you know, that’s that’s sort of the important stuff, really. Get a cup. That’s the that’s the math. Thank you. Thank you very much. See, you know, I’ve got some tea here. Carolina Oop Song tea. A little full. That’s OK. I like my teacups full. So the fact that I poured too much water into it doesn’t bother me at all. And it shouldn’t bother you either. And of course, I’ve got a junkless bar. Got to have one of those. Very important. So, yeah, let’s get to it. So, like I said, I did go to the summit. We’re going to do a wrap up video probably on Sunday. That’s looking like everybody’s in for that. I’ll get that scheduled in on and on the channel channels. And I was doing some reading this past month while listening. I’m listening to audiobooks and I insist it’s not the same thing. It’s really not the same for me. I’m a visual learner. So it’s really not the same listening to books rather than actually reading them. I’m also dyslexic, so reading is really hard. But I’m getting better at listening and remembering quotes and remembering sort of important things. And I heard a lot of important things in my readings. And sort of Dr. Jim got me onto this reading thing while you’re driving. I was like, oh, yeah, you can you can listen audiobooks while you drive. And some of them are free. It sounds right up my alley. So I’ve been doing a lot of that lately on these trips. I went to Texas, right? Not last weekend, but the weekend before. Came back for two days, got in the car, went to Florida. I was in Florida for seven days. We’re back now. So, yeah, it’s been a long, it’s been a long couple of weeks for sure. And so one of the interesting things I’ve just been finding out a lot of stuff lately, a lot of a lot of really interesting stuff, right? Suicide is not illegal in the U.S. anymore. And I was like, wait, what? And it turns out suicide stopped being enforced in the states, in the individual states, because individual state laws in the U.S. in the 1960s. Boy, lots of bad stuff happened in the 1960s. It’s like the decade of destruction of the U.S. And the beginning of the meaning crisis in the U.S., right? We sort of lost intimacy in the 60s, partly by redefining love. And Burn Power kind of talks about that and is how we got here series on his anadromous channel. So check that out. Intimacy crisis confirmed. Right. So I thought that was important. You know, I mean, I don’t want to make this like a news wrap up, but kind of is it’s kind of fun. And then so we’re we’re we’re at the symbolic world summit, conference thing. And it’s pretty big. I was bigger than I thought. I’m up in the air about whether or not that’s good or bad. A lot of people. And bookstore there, nice little orthodoxy bookstore. And Sally Jo finds this book that’s interestingly named Poetic Knowledge by James S. Taylor. I haven’t read it yet. I read the first page. First couple of pages, actually. This is published in 1998. He’s using all our words, all of them so far. He’s talking about exact same thing, except I would argue it’s not knowledge, it’s information, different argument. Feeling extremely vindicated. Also, the reason why that was there is because he became a monk. So he’s a monk who had written a book, I think, before he was a monk. I don’t know. I haven’t looked into his history quite yet. I just noticed that I found that. Yeah, you had some weird orthodox name, all the other weird names. Weird fetish naming fetish orthodoxy. It goes back to something that I was talking to Father Eric about over the past week and a half here. People sort of prefer their own solution to an existing solution. They don’t want somebody else to solve the problem that they found or that they think they found. They want it to be them. They resist an existing solution. And for Jonathan Pichot, the solution is simple. Go to church. I have my arguments with why that is a solution and why it won’t work. For, we’ll say, the most important people or the people most in need is probably a better way to say it. And maybe they’re also the most important people, right? Like, it doesn’t take a lot to bring a society down. And if you don’t fix the most vulnerable, the worse off, then maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe the rest doesn’t matter. I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m just throwing that out there. So I’ll note that we did not do that when we came up with poetic knowing. It wasn’t called poetic knowing. It was called parabolic. And I knew and we acknowledged, because that’s what one does, that Mary Cohen had come up with parabolic knowledge. God rest her lovely soul. What a lovely woman. We lost her too early. She had already talked about parabolic knowing, tried to get John Breveke to add it to his knowings. And that work was already there, right? And we knew that. And we acknowledged that. And we talked to her about it. And she was cool. She understood what we were talking about. She agreed with us. It’s only John who didn’t agree with us. He didn’t disagree either, which is an interesting position to hold. I’m not going to support you and I’m not going to debate you, but I disagree with you. Oh, okay, fair. Fair. And, you know, if you’re not doing that, if you’re not sort of acknowledging, hey, there’s answers out there already, you’re not a great person. It’s bad. It’s easy to see evil in the world. It really is. Right. But we prefer to quote, no, for ourselves rather than just take someone’s word for it. Right. Or just take observation like, oh, this person did a bad thing. You know, after all, you know, we can redeem that evil by ourselves. So that’s a problem. Right. See the issues here. I hope you do. And also I wanted to cover something to that I didn’t really put in. Put in my notes. It sort of came up at the end of my day here, you know, just before coming online. You know, there’s there’s people out there who are, we’ll say, focused on. Criticizing Jordan Peterson’s wardrobe, for example, is just one example of many. And, you know, they’re they’re Orthodox or Christian or whatever. I want to be extremely clear about this. OK, we got real problems. Let me tell you what isn’t a real problem in the world. Jordan Peterson’s freaking suit. There’s enough evil, obviously running around the world doing evil that everyone would agree was evil that you could call out with your time, energy and attention. So I suggest that you do that. OK, if you call out Jordan Peterson’s wardrobe. And then claim to be a Christian, you are the problem. Now, this isn’t directed at anybody who watches my stream. I know none of you would do that, but we could all stand the reminder. B, we all transgress and get lost and C, obviously, I needed to get that off my chest. Like, no, no, you are the problem of the world. There are no other problems with this. There’s real evil just running around doing evil. Let’s focus on that first. OK, we’ll worry about whether or not Jordan Peterson. Let’s assume he transgressed. I don’t care. He’s a good person. I can point you at dozens of bad people. OK, let’s focus on them. Let’s not focus on transgressions of good people doing good things in the world. Please, please. Anyway. Ah, all right, I’m better now, I think. One of the things that I heard in the. In the conference, Martin Shaw, who’s everybody was wonderful. Martin Shaw was awesome. I didn’t really interact with Martin Shaw much before that. Myth is a reciprocally opening story, right? I mean, I think he said, what did he say? It was a deep, a deep, deeply true or something. That was his theme. And this is why myths. Are different from stories, right? And neither is a narrative, right? Those are myths, stories and narratives are all different things. Everybody sort of complex, you know, compresses that I know for Vicky and Peugeot and. Peterson sort of equivocated on on that themselves. But look, I’m just going to drop that there. It was one of the things that. I thought people should ponder, maybe reflect on. I have a. I have a live stream about that. Of course I do. I wanted to mention to that many. Things that are true, right, true things are not impressive. But they’re still true, right? And I sort of I stole that again from Martin Shaw. And so mediocrity, see my previous live stream, right? It’s all there, right? It’s it’s all there. Like a lot of true things are not the sorts of things that are going to pull you over and make you feel like, oh, wow. They’re just true. And you live them out every day. And maybe you don’t enjoy and appreciate them the way you need to write the way, say, an epicurean would. I know our modern view of epicureanism is retarded and wrong, but the epicureans had a point about savoring the plain beans or the plain rice that you eat. Yeah, that was their thing, not gourmet food. They were all about contrast. I’m being stoic about these things. Right. So it’s all about mediocrity. Right. Many true things are not impressive, but they’re still true. A lot of people want truth to like save the world or solve a problem or. It ain’t gonna happen. I’m sorry. It’s not gonna happen. One of the sort of themes that I’ve been chasing down recently is. The idea that you have to submit to. Imperfect authority, imperfect leadership, imperfect institution, imperfect other people, imperfect self, imperfect will and imperfect passions. All of it is not optimal. It’s all necessary, but insufficient. The world is complex and it sucks. It’s almost as if. We’re living in a fallen world or something. I don’t know. We’re just throwing that out there. A lot of our ills in the world are not submitting to the imperfections that we are and that are around us. A lot of evils come from equality doctrine. Equality doctrine makes it a flat world, a horizontal world. Right. We see the church as competing for resources. It could be used for hospitals. That’s foolishness. Hospitals came from churches. Other than having a church run a hospital, which makes reliably better hospitals, by the way. Because we don’t know anymore that you can pay caring people, but you cannot pay people to care. This deep asymmetry is a hint that we don’t live in a flat world. That there is a default position of down. Entropy states in physics, clearly, things are going to get worse if you don’t put energy in to keep them together. Again, see my mediocrity live stream. Wonderful live stream. Wonderful. One of the things I noticed in the Symbolic World Summit, which was interesting, is Peterson tends to give these psychological answers. I have my issues with psychology. First of all, I hate it. Just flat out hate. The H-word, yes. For real. Always did. It’s very individualistic. By design. By default. I’m not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing, but it’s very individualistic. It’s always about what you can do. Or what has been done to you. It’s not about how you can relate in the world. There’s very little relation. That’s why some of the new internal family systems, which is…I’m sure people find assistance with it. Also occultism. I’m still a no on occultism. With experience. It’s a problem. It’s a problem. It’s very individualistic. It turns you inward. I don’t think Peterson is doing it on purpose. It’s necessarily a bad thing. I’m just saying, always gives this psychological first answer. Well, psychologically. Let me translate what you said to psychological speak. I know, don’t. Let’s get to the bottom of something instead of talking about psychology. But one of the nice things, and I thought that was fantastic, one of the topics they brought up, and we all cheered, was Father Eric and Adam, who you’ve seen on my channel. And I was with Vivian from Ireland. And Sally, Joe and I cheered. They said, sacrifice. I’m like, yes, we’re talking about sacrifice. Finally, this is fantastic. Best conference ever. Not really. Vivian’s still better. But I was happy to hear that talk. I think the only problem I had with it, you know, I would prefer they call it trade-off. Sacrifice is Christian language. Trade-off is secular language. And secular people will have an easier time talking about trade-offs the minute you say sacrifice or brain shut off. Mostly because they’re narcissistic, but other reasons too. Christian language in general is hard for people who aren’t there. They don’t have eyes to see yet or ears to hear or however you want to frame that. It’s hard for them. It really is. And another theme that sort of came up while I was listening, I was listening to Geddy Lee’s My F&Life. What a fascinating book. Geddy Lee is, you know, Rush, right? He’s like a thaw band. It’s him and Alex, really. Long story. Read the book or listen to the book like I did. Interesting stuff in there. One of the things that came up though was about leadership. She found fascinating. It was a throwaway line in the book, really, from the perspective of somebody reading or listening. He kind of cast leadership as well. He was trying to make my own decisions about how I want to be in my life. And my mother kept telling me to be a leader. But every time I made a decision for myself, she would get upset at me. And I was like, what do you think leadership is, bro? I think that’s deeply confusing. Leadership is not selfish decision making. Leadership is not deciding for yourself. Leadership, by the way, I stole this from Sally Jo. Don’t tell her. Leadership is protecting the weak at your own cost. It is diminishing yourself for the purpose of helping those lesser than you because you have more. It could be more of any. It doesn’t need more money. It doesn’t have to be more intelligence. It could be more physical strength. It could be just more intelligence. Right. I used to do that. I can tell you a quick little story. I used to be on an online system where we typed a lot. It wasn’t a voice system. It was type only. And it was a Boston channel. I was extensively from Boston, kind of. And somebody came in, obviously from Harvard, and started crapping on people there. Now, look, I used to jokingly call this particular channel the Unwed Mothers Club. This was not full of Boston’s best and brightest. Still wonderful people. I learned to dance with these people, say I love them dearly, but not exactly highbrow, not high income, not middle class. Let me put it that way. Not above middle class. But they’re my friends. Most of them were good people. There were a few really, like, whoa. There were a few drug dealers. There were a few good drug dealers. There was one very bad drug dealer. That happens. But they were my peeps, and I hung with them. For real. And this guy comes in, and he’s, well, I’ve got more degrees than anybody here. And I’m like, actually, you don’t. Because I knew somebody had three degrees, and he clearly did not. He had maybe finished one two year degree in something, but he was about his third year at Harvard or something. And I could tell. No, I could, for real. And he just started going off on people, and I got angry. And I took him apart. I mean, I took him apart. Like, if you’ve ever seen Good Will Hunting, I did that to him. I just completely eviscerated him. And he was like, how did you know I was from Harvard? I’m like, I know Harvard. Speak a mile away. If you’re talking Harvard, I can hear it. Believe me. It’s very distinctive. The two cent words they use are very, very easy to understand. Very easy to spot in the crowd. To some extent, that’s leadership, right? When the weak people feel protected, there’s good leadership. When the weak do not, there’s poor leadership or bad leadership. Period. It’s that simple, guys. It really is. Leadership cannot be given or conveyed. It must be earned by your sacrifice, by your trading off what you have. Time, energy, and attention plus whatever skill or thing could be strength, could be articulation. It could be big vocabulary. It could be raw intelligence, however you want to define that, or smartness, whatever you want to cleverness, whatever you want to do to protect the weak. You have to give that up, right? Leadership is larger than a person. It means a person in leadership doesn’t have to know if someone else is good at leadership. The job filters by itself. We don’t live in a perfect world. I think I mentioned that earlier. And so this does go awry quite often where leadership filters don’t work. Like people get elected to offices that clearly don’t belong there. That happens all the time at every level of government. I don’t know why I’d have to say that, but apparently I do. But it is a filter, right? Like bad leaders kind of show up in the job and then you go, oh, you’re the bad leader. Sure. And those who are good at leading will take leadership. They will be followed automatically. And those who have done it and, you know, want to move on to other things, which is most people because leadership is a pain and it’s a sacrifice, they’ll step aside. They’ll nearly always step aside. This whole holding on to power thing, it happens. But it’s rare. It’s rare. And when people don’t step aside, it’s most often not always again, we live in a perfect world. It’s because there’s no one to take their place and they know it. The thing they built or the thing they participated in keeping revivified will fail without them because there isn’t a strong enough person to take it over. OK, it’s not a the old generation has to hand it to the new. No, that’s wrong. You’re just wrong about that. That’s not how it works. Not ever. Every once in a while, most of the time, you need to be a good leader. And if you don’t know how, fair enough. I get that. I get that. That happens. That can happen. That will happen. That is happening. Right. And that’s a problem. I I thoroughly agree. But don’t be thinking like, oh, the boomers got to like relinquish. No, no, no. You need to be a leader and you need to step into that place. And if you can’t, that’s fine. But stop whining. And stop whining at the people doing the work. Right. Find somebody who can replace them and support that person in the way that you can by sacrificing what you can for the leader to lead. Because that’s the other problem. Leaders can’t exist in a vacuum. Nobody steps up and goes, I lead. No, with no followers, leaders are worthless. Be a good follower if you want good leaders. So now I think I teased this correctly. I’m going to talk about the story that happened at the summit. And that’s going to it’s tied into a bunch of stuff. I’m going to try to weave this together correctly. I don’t know if I can pull it off. So we’ll find out. And then I will address all the chatter I see. I have read all the chatter, believe me. So there’s a Q&A at the end of the event here with pretty much everybody on stage. Right. There’s Peugeot and Neil deGrade and Vesper Stamper and Martin Shaw and Nicholas Cotar. Everybody’s up there pretty much, except Peterson. He had already left. And we’ve got this Q&A. And. There’s all these patterns that arise as a result of these events. They’re all united, yet they’re separate experiences that aren’t connected in any way other than, we’ll say, through this thread of meaning. We’ll call it the thread of meaning. The Q&A wasn’t as structured as it could have been. We live in an imperfect world. There are things people did not expect that were about to happen. They were unprepared, as were we all. So I come up with a question. Now, look, I’m not going to pretend like I had some earth shattering question that would have changed the course of the conference. Right. But I did have a curiosity. I do have an agenda. I don’t know why I’d have to say that, but like I’m doing a thing. My focus is on meaning crisis people. Well, so do people go to symbolic world or not meaning crisis people to mean a crisis people won’t come within 10 feet of that place? For reasons. I think I understand what they are. I could be totally wrong, by the way, and I’d love to have debates about it with people who might be interested in understanding this better. But if you don’t want it, that’s fine, too. Like I’m not whatever. I have this question. I’ve formulated it as a concise question. At first, I didn’t want to make it a concise question. I wanted to make it a treaty on a bunch of stuff, right, with a bunch of framing. And I said, now you can do this. You can do this pretty concisely and make it a nice, tight question. So I did that. Now, I’m on my way up. To ask this question. And I get passed. And I don’t walk slowly. I get passed by a person wearing a skirt. Now, we can object if you’d like to my framing. I’m going to tell you why. Ostensibly a male wearing quote a kilt. OK. You’re not Scottish. OK. And it’s not a ritual event. OK. You’re wearing a skirt, dude. Period. End of statement. Full stop. Sorry. Just the way the world is. Don’t don’t shoot the messenger. OK. And he’s running. What are you doing? Why are you running? What’s going on? So. He doesn’t want to be a man. Whatever. It is what it is. So so box over. He passes me. He passes a bunch of other people. Right. So he can speak ahead of other people. And he just ran right past me. And I didn’t see him until he was basically moving past me. Zooming past me, really. And I never get to ask my question. Unfortunately, I’m not mad. Whatever. It’s not a big deal. I submit to imperfect structures. It’s really not a not a problem or anything. Now. He ends up getting to ask his question, and he’s basically prattling on about his prophetic vision that the Catholics and Orthodox churches have to unite into one church before the kingdom of God can manifest or some such nonsense like that. You know, it was a very long, solipsistic exploration of his own vision of the churches as brothers. And it could have been a simple question, but no, it was wrapped up in his own self aggrandizement. It was all about him. I bet he didn’t notice. Jonathan Jo stepped up, gave a wonderful answer. Richard Rolland, of course, did an even better job. Go be saints. Yes, that is always the answer. At least try to. Right. That’s the answer to anything. Go be a saint. Stop looking for other people to do these things. You do them. And yeah, you can’t be president or, you know, be in Congress or whatever you think is going to move the world. But you can move the world where you live. One of the things Martin Shaw said, found very interesting that I thought was excellent was be famous for five miles. There you go. Do that. You can handle that. Maybe. I mean, I bet you can’t, but you could aspire to that. And maybe you could do it. You ain’t going to be president. Sorry. That happened. So let me tell you two stories from that. I’ll start with the sort of the worst story first. I’m using that that language sort of deliberately. Right. So. Having been passed by script person, questions are going pretty well. Right. They’re going quickly. But then they sort of slow down a bit. Right. We’re running out of time. I’m three people back. John Hearns, who is the. MC. Right. Says, guys, I got to cut you off. And he’s looking at me. Right. I’m the cutoff guy. And I shrug. And I’m like, OK, no problem. And then he looks at me and he says, sorry, man, I’ll make it up to you. And I’m like, no, no worries. It’s not a big deal. And then he notices a woman behind me. I don’t know how far behind me she was. Right. And he looks upset. And he says, oh, oh, you. Oh, I’m sorry. You got cut off in that other Q&A. And I was like, what? What’s going on? I am not aware of this. I wasn’t in that session. I haven’t seen. In fact, I hadn’t seen a woman at all. She’s behind me. I didn’t even know. I knew there was a woman there because he said so. But I don’t know. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I knew there was a woman there because he said so. But I looked at her. So he felt bad. So I said immediately, I said, kick one of the guys out of line and let her go. Why? Why would I do that? I’m already out, by the way. I’m already out. I don’t care. I’m already out. But no one was taking leadership. Look, I’m not critiquing the summit. It went great. OK. But no one was taking leadership. OK. And second, according to John Hers, like I don’t know John Hers. This is the first time I’ve heard him speak. But it was awesome. Totally in love with the guy. He’s great. Should be at every event. Just because he’s fantastic. He thought there was a transgression that needed fixing. And third, I knew skirt person was going to be a problem. This is before he asked his question. I knew he was going to be a problem. He was already a problem. He was running up to the thing. So what ended up happening was she had an accent. She had a soft voice, very quiet. Someone got out of line or maybe John kicked somebody out. I don’t know. I left. I was like, all right, go do this thing. I’m out of here. I’m going to go sit down. Right. So. I don’t know what Nate Hile was actually standing in front of me. I don’t know if Nate sat down or John kicked him out of line or whatever. I don’t know what happened. Skirt person goes up a mess, complete catastrophe. She comes up. They can’t hear her. So they ask her to come up on stage. Now watch the video if you can. Martin Shaw immediately gets up from his chair and vacates it. That’s what a man does. That’s how you show leadership. Just so we’re clear. OK. She got up on stage and she got to sit down. And if you listen carefully, I was there. So it’s easy for me. Her voice gets stronger. She gets more clear and she’s able to ask her excellent question, which really wasn’t a question, but was kind of a question. She made it into a question. It was OK. It worked out in the end. Total win. Best thing I did at that conference. Total win. I’m glad it happened that way. So again, this skirt person is talking about his prophetic vision of which brothers in the Bible, the Catholic and Orthodox churches were. And he was afraid it was Cain and Abel and all this utter garbage. Utter garbage. Just ask the stupid question. And, you know, the sensible answer for people up on stage is ecumenism is a problem, right? Let me tell you, ecumenism is not a problem at all. This is a made up thing that theologians and wannabe theologians and people in the higher up structure are concerned about. No one else cares. Down the street from the conference is St. Michael’s Shrine, healing shrine, which is a very happy to go to. Just weird things happened. We’ll talk about them on Sunday. Ended up at the shrine with Father Eric. Father Eric is a Catholic priest in his garb representing pretty well, I assume, the Catholics. And the woman who runs the shrine, old Greek lady. Awesome. I’m part Greek. Greeks are my people anyway. Invites all the men up. The women are not allowed behind the thing and whatever, right? And Father Eric says, I’m a Catholic priest. And she doesn’t speak a word of English. Not clearly, anyway. And she basically managed to communicate to him, all brothers in Christ. So he got up and accepted the offer and went in with us, which was lovely. Also, by the way, best shrine ever. You can tell this easily. Swords on the wall. Yes. This is excellent. Love swords. This is how we roll. Christians are for lions. Grab your swords. Grab your swords. Flip over those tables. Come on. Then submit to authority. All of the authorities, by the way. That’s how the story goes, in case you missed it. I’m sure you did, because you’re not acting that way. Ecumenism is alive and well at the bottom. I just nonsense about churches and liturgies. I don’t know, guys. I don’t know. I got questions for where your loyalties lie. I’m going to kind of tie all this together so you can see this one event with lack of leadership, this idea of ecumenism and people worrying about what are we? We. Not me. We. The we never includes the person saying we, by the way. I’ve noticed that. Never. Never. Unless it’s credit. If it’s credit, oh, it’s we did it. Right. But if it’s something that has to get done, it’s not. I guarantee you that. The sand. What do we need to do for? Yeah. Just be nice to the other Christians. It’s not not a magic. There’s no magic. Leadership is not a selfish decision. Like Geddy Lee seems to think. Geddy Lee book. There’s so many pieces. I like this about you. You’re not going to do any work. I just like it. He didn’t list any of the bad parts of religion. He kept talking about that over and over again in the book five, six times, maybe over and over again. Now, well, you know, I wanted my children to know their history. His parents were in the camps, by the way. They met in the in the concentration camps. So I think that’s the way to do it. I think that’s the way to do it. His parents were in the camps, by the way. They met in the in the concentration camps. So you would think. But no, no, no. Didn’t help him at all. No lessons learned. You think you think go to church is going to fix some. Oh, wait till you hear. He talks about his relationship with his wife, too. Oh, my goodness. So, yeah, it’s been quite a while. Look, let me let me get some water here in my muppet cup and then I will go over whatever whatever chats I missed here. How the hell do we have 30 viewers? My goodness. Thank you. Thank you all for joining. Josh, good to see you. Matthew, nice for you to be back. Could you what is this order? Could you explain why this sense making kind of thing is more effective for those who need it most rather than typical Christian evangelizing? OK, I hate to break it to you. Evangelism has failed. I don’t evangelize. So I don’t know what you’re talking about. Evangelism failed a long time ago. Everybody knows this apparently except you. Just evangelism doesn’t work. Christian language is a problem for a bunch of people. Religious language, any religion is a problem for a bunch of people like they can’t hear it. They shut off when they hear it. That happens all the time. So that’s a that’s a problem. Anselman. Jordan wears jesters motley. He he does. Look, again, the point is not what he’s wearing or whether or not it’s a transgress. Jordan Peterson wore a bad suit and transgressed against whatever. I don’t care. Really? That’s the biggest problem in the world right now for your time, energy and attention. That’s the biggest problem you have. Let me introduce you to bigger problems. He’s wonderfully colorful, very tasteful. Maybe. I don’t know if he’s tasteful or not. Matthew, I like it. To be fair, JV has hinted at such sacred story describing perennial problems, patterns, patterns, patterns, patterns, navigating patterns, inexhaustibly intelligible and transforming. He does. He does. But he tends to answer questions or start his statements with these psychological sorts of framing. And here’s Ethan. No doubt when I was talking about how psychology is the worst thing ever. Maybe the second worst thing ever. What did I think about Peugeot’s answer to Father Eric’s question? Eric’s question. Thank you, Nathaniel. Well, since since I was hanging out with Father Eric the whole time, Father Eric did not do the best job of framing his question. And his answer was fine, but it did not actually get it. What Father Eric was trying to get at. That was probably Father Eric’s fault, according to him. Yeah, I mean, it’s very hard to get people to see something that they’re not ready to see yet. And again, I think that that’s Father Eric trying to point a direction and Peugeot’s not ready to see that direction yet. And so it takes a lot more framing. This is what I was talking about with my question. My original question was going to tie in a bunch of things. It’s you know, the framing is the most important part. The words are secondary. I know that’s backwards from what people think. But yeah, I mean, it’s hard to get a good straight answer to questions unless they’re framed correctly. And it’s hard to frame things correctly. Like, it’s just hard. Anselman, the Flying Scotsman, indeed, except he wasn’t Scottish. Truly sort of Sally Jo, an unmentored poor young boy. Exactly, Sally. He really was unmentored. It was clear that he was just kind of floating in the wind. And that’s sort of too bad. And yeah, Anselman, giving kilt wearers a bad name. He was. He was. Yeah, he did other stunts, too. It was. It was interesting. Anselman have to go got earlier eyes. OK, man. Best wishes, Anselman. Good to see you. Thank you for joining. I X non Peterson starts psychological stuff because he wants to understand something. He retreats to Jungian mumbo jumbo. Jungi. Well, you don’t know Jung, do you? Peterson doesn’t use any of Jung’s mumbo jumbo. He could get into that if he wanted, but he doesn’t actually sticks to Jung’s more reasonable work. He has strayed into mumbo jumbo territory in the past, but he usually kind of says like, Oh, I don’t understand that. But he says this and it certainly seems to be true. Right. A lot of people stray into that with Jung. A lot of what Jung says is right. Just like Freud. I mean, these people are not necessarily wrong about about the stuff they’re talking about. That’s for sure. And that’s sort of part parcel. The issue is you get sort of really wrapped up, I’ll say, in in Jung. My problem with Jung is the reason why I won’t read him is because I don’t know where he went wrong. I know he went wrong, but I don’t know where. And so that makes him dangerous. Right. At that point, like it’s dangerous. You know, Jung was doing something. I don’t understand it. So that makes it dangerous to engage with the stuff because you don’t know when to cut it off. When when does Jung stray into crazy talk? I don’t know. But he gets a lot crazier than anything Peterson ever touches on, which I find amusing. Like it would be interesting to hear Peterson’s private thoughts, we’ll say, on some of Carl Jung’s more out there stuff, like how the the ages are actually correlated to the constellations like that. You know, are we in the age of Aquarius? What does that mean? That’s a really interesting set of questions. Peterson doesn’t seem to touch that with a ten foot pole. So, you know, Matthew and Jung is a Kantian and a Gnostic. Yeah. JP pushes him beyond the Kantian veil. It’s an interesting way to look at it. Yeah. Look, if you take the good stuff from where it’s at and use it, I’ve got no beef. Like, I’m cool with that. That to me is perfectly OK. Right. Like, that’s that’s that’s fine. So look, I think that’s it. I’m all caught up. That’s most of what I wanted to say about my sort of week wrap up. So if you’d like to join in, I’ll post the link and I’ll pin it on navigating patterns where I can do so. Can’t really do it anywhere else. Feel free to kind of hop in. But yeah, it’s been, you know, in a long couple of weeks without a stream. And I just running into a lot of stuff, a lot of patterns. I mean, this whole leadership thing, man, I’m going to have to do a video on leadership soon. Yeah, that’s that’s definitely coming. I there was a lack of leaders. There’s a lack of leadership everywhere in the world. There’s definitely a lack of leadership at the summit. And people that were there, some of the people that were there needed it. They needed more leadership than the than what they were getting. And that’s not really a criticism. That’s just we’re living in this age, in this age of gnosis where we have this problem with leadership for sure. We don’t understand what it is. It’s not enchanted for us. The world isn’t enchanted. Everyone’s sort of living on this flat plane of existence where they’re not engaging with the complexity all around them and the imperfection. Like the problem with complexity is there’s a lot of imperfection. We want things to be sort of easy in a certain way. And we don’t have Sally Jo. And yet the leadership was 100 percent better than anywhere else in the entire Peterson sphere. That is correct. There was way more. It’s a good point. There was way more leadership at the Symbolic World Summit. There was also a lot better structure. There’s a lot better managed. It was really well managed actually for its size. It’s huge. Absolutely huge. Things were remarkably well. And oh, by the way, if you haven’t heard Dirt Poor Robbins, awesome. That that like listen to them on an album, they’re the same live. No difference. Unbelievable. Very rare for bands like that before, but it’s very rare. Good stuff. Really good stuff. Sally Jo. So go cry about that one because we should all weep. We all should weep. We all should weep that we can’t manage better leadership than Symbolic World Summit. It was really good. It was very well run. I was surprised at how smooth things went. They didn’t go that smooth. It’s underbaked. It’s underbaked. It’s underbaked. It’s underbaked. It’s underbaked. It was great actually. It went smoother than I thought it would. But yeah, Symbolic World Summit went really smooth. We’re just suffering from a lack of sort of appreciation and understanding of leadership in the world. And that’s you know, that’s no throwing no shade on the symbolic world people. They did, to Sally Jo’s point, a way better job at it than anybody else has done so far. And it was nice to see that. I mean, I think we’re all in the same boat. Anybody else has done so far. And it was nice that we didn’t have people there, you know, sort of actively rebelling against that. Also, it was nice for me because a bunch of people, of course, I’ve never met, came up and said, thank you for your channel. And I was like, really? Oh, that’s great. Including one guy, Sebastian. I don’t know if Sebastian’s out there. But and he’s doing similar stuff in Spanish. And I was like, that’s fantastic. You should do that. Right. That’s fantastic. Sally Jo, nothing is more smooth with volunteers. It was amazing. Yeah. Yeah. The volunteers were amazing. It’s sort of fantastic. Right. Matthew, to be fair, it’s not the easiest perennial problem. That of leadership. Yeah. Well, yeah. Leadership. When here’s one of the descriptions I was giving to people like the fundamental problem that we have, the reason why we don’t understand, we’re using all the right words, the reason why we don’t understand leadership is because somebody says the term give up. And when you live on a flat world, on a flat plane of existence, you’re just giving it out. And that means somebody else gets all of it and you have none of it. Right. It’s opponent processing all the way down at that point because it’s an equally distributed world. I mean, if we lived in a flat world, communism would be correct. Actually, correct. We don’t live in a flat world though. And to give up, right, the leader gives up a bunch of things to be able to lead. It’s a sacrifice in Christian language. We’re using the right terminology, but we don’t understand give up because we’re seeing this flat world because it’s easy for us in our heads. We’re told we can understand things. So we’re like, oh, I can understand the world. If you want to try to understand the world, you’re going to have to flatten it quite a bit, probably that much. So that’s part of the issue is we don’t even understand leadership because we don’t understand sacrifice. We don’t understand giving things up. We don’t understand tradeoffs. We don’t understand these things correctly. We think like, oh, I give up my time and I can never get it back. No, no, you give up your time. And maybe what you get back is something that you couldn’t have done by yourself because that happens. Happened to me at the symbolic world summit. Ethan. Jung is ungrounded. Well, that’s true. He has only his own merit and authority to rely on. Probably as opposed to an institution or tradition. Yep. Very good reason not to trust him. I don’t disagree. You think we’re not going to disagree on psychology, evil. Matthew and to be technical. Yours, Sally, Joe’s definition is entirely a Christian definition serving. It’s not about definitions. It’s about word use. Actually using certain words shuts people’s brains off for real. Language matters a lot. And when you listen extraordinarily carefully, maybe you can’t. That’s fair. I often find people think I said things that I did not say. And so people are clearly not hearing me. And that’s fine. I think I didn’t listen to people super hard. Actually, everybody says, oh, you just listen better. Really? I don’t think people can just do that. The secular language is important because their brains don’t shut off. This is why Peterson is successful in a way that looks like evangelicalism to Christians, but is not. So when Paul Vanderclay says that Jordan Peterson is he doesn’t say this exactly, but he actually does say this effectively, the second coming of Billy Graham, he’s wrong. He’s just wrong. I understand that if that’s the only frame you have to understand what he’s doing in, that that’s where you go. I get that. It’s also wrong. Importantly wrong. When you meet with success, say, in Christian circles. And look, the symbolic world people are in Christian circles. Almost all Christians, almost all of them are Orthodox, in fact, whatever. Fair enough. Like, do your thing. It’s great. I loved it. I don’t change anything for me or based on anything I say at all. Please ignore, ignore everything. That’s fine. That’s not my mission. I’m concerned about meaning crisis people, not the crisis of faith people. I have a video with Paul Vanderclay about the difference, or I can go into it someday too on here maybe. But there is a difference and there’s a huge difference. And the people that are more in trouble, the people that never had any chance at engaging in religious thinking, religious language, religious concepts. Right. The secondary people are the ones that lost them. They had them and they lost them. That’s crisis of faith. And it’s important. I think it’s really important because it takes a very small number of people to drag things down. A very large number to create and keep things revivified. And we don’t appreciate that. The pull of entropy is real. Ethan, try to avoid things that require you to make 100% of the judgment. Man, Ethan, this is why I love you. Because you just come up with this brilliant stuff. Try to avoid things that require you to make 100% of the judgment. Yeah, it’s ridiculous. You can’t do it anyway. You can’t do it anyway. Sally Jo. Lead is essentially different than authority. Yeah, well, leadership and authority are different. They can be co-located, but very rarely are they co-located. Often the leader is listening to an authority or authorities. And that’s how they’re informing their leadership or forming their leaders in forming their leadership. Yeah, it takes a village, really. Ooh, there’s some meat. I would think of leadership and authority as very near. They’re not. They’re completely separate. And they should be. Man, the person that can lead and be an authority is a rare bird indeed. And that’s why we have myths to talk about them. I mean, that’s why the intelligentsia or the intelligentsia class is so important, right? Because they do convey authority. You know what? It’s the leader that has to look back and say, understand that you’re an authority and that you’re an expert and that you have specialized knowledge. But that specialized knowledge should not be democratized or spread out through the world. Not everybody should wear a mask. Dr. Fauci. Understand that you’re a specialist, but you’re wrong about that. Don’t listen to experts. I’ve said this before. Like, you have no business listening to experts. Leaders should listen to experts and make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions about whether or not and to what extent those experts should be listened to. You can’t listen to all the experts. First of all, they don’t agree. Problem number one, a leader can filter that for you. Secondly, they’re often wrong. Even when they agree, especially when they agree. Ironic, isn’t it? Third of all, you can’t do that. I’m sorry. People claim to be experts and know nothing all the time. Somebody could come up to you and go, hey, let me tell you about the intimacy crisis. I don’t think they’re an expert in that. Okay, people do that now. Now, by the way, it’s happening. It’s very hard for you, a non-expert, to tell who’s an expert and who isn’t. It’s just hard. Maybe you shouldn’t have to. Maybe you shouldn’t be able to burden yourself with that. Maybe that decision should be made for you. And look, it’s a sink or swim sort of situation for sure. Absolutely. It’s almost like we live in a fallen world or something. The world’s imperfect or who knows. But maybe you can’t do that. And maybe you shouldn’t have to. Many people lead without authority of any kind, and many people are in positions of authority and cannot lead because they actually cannot. Oh, that’s true, Sally Jo. That is true. Why don’t you say more since you’re here? Welcome. Hi. Yeah, I get tired of typing. I just want to sit here and draw dragons and listen to the stream and not be on the stream. Do you want to tell the other half of my little story about Strip Boy there? Oh, I feel like it’s better in legend without me talking about it. I will put in a legend on Sunday for you. You don’t have to. The thing about the poor, ignorant youth is like because I have to do it and I have chick brain, I don’t just dissociate into that box of total win. I have to go into how sad I am that those conditions existed. Like for him, for his mother, for society as a whole. So it’s just not a win. Like it’s it’s yeah. Anyway, but I understand so little. I don’t know how I understand leadership and people don’t know you in the military. I guess I get exposed to it. It’s not like it goes to good leadership and bad leadership and a system of leadership. And you get to see the success in the military is not. They’re really good at it. They’re not perfect at it by any means. No, no. I mean, actually, it was a lot of mediocrity and it was the mediocre stuff that was actually the best. Oh, man. I had this staff sergeant and he said he wanted to be called Sergeant Cookie. Like his last name was Cook and he liked being called Cookie. And he was a chunky little analyst man who was always like he would make his PT test. Like he would make it. That was it. That was all that was going to happen there. And his his whole thing about stuff is he had this like positivity that was uncrushable. And that was his entire leadership strategy. So if he needed paperwork signed, he would go in directly after any formation in a completely squeaky uniform with his bottle of water. He would just sit there at command happily until the paperwork got signed. And they really don’t get something to do. You know, this is all I’m doing. Just getting Jameson’s leave sign. And they’re like, the commander is not going to be in for hours. You’re like, that’s OK. Obviously here. And I as a young soldier did not enjoy this man. He I took fake smoke breaks for like eight months once because I needed breaks from Sergeant Cookie. And then one day he came down to the smoke pit and he was like, you’re not smoking. And I’m like, I never said I was sergeant. I said I was going to take a break, a smoke break. But I didn’t say I was going to smoke. And he’s like, oh, thank goodness. I was afraid I driven you to smoke. He knew all along. Wow. He didn’t know. He knew I was taking I was going out. No, no, he knew he knew you were getting away from him. Oh, yeah. He knew I was getting away. That’s amazing. But then and like but no negativity. Never. And later, like way away from that, he was an amazing person. He really was. He really tried to help people. And his strategy. No, no more grapes. None. His strategy about just staying positive no matter what was not bad. And there were several sergeants like that that I didn’t like them at all. When they actually were in my. No. All right. Oh. There we go. There you have it, folks. You might see a good leader and not like them. That happens. That could happen. But. People are very confused about leadership in the world. It’s really sad. I don’t know why. I think it has to do a flat world. And if you equate leader with power or something stupid and you have the postmodern top down power from above narrative in your head. Yeah, you’re not going to you’re not going to understand. Matthew well put and often we wielded the authorities input. Yeah. Look, somebody has to filter the authority and find out. Are they an authority? If they’re an authority, are they right about this? If they’re right about this, what needs to be done? Because, look, an expert is always going to say, you should wear a mask. No matter how many scientific papers way before anything happened said, that’s dumb because we did have those, by the way. You can you can say, well, they’re not very expert if they didn’t read it. Whatever. You know, you chose the guy at the top of the CDC or whatever. So, you know, you know, submit to him. Take responsibility for shortcomings without looking inferior to his subordinates. Yeah, I don’t know. Good question. Some of them do. You know, I think people take responsibility the same way every time. Right. We’re just to say, yeah, I did this. I screwed up. And it is what it is. And hopefully part of taking responsibility is repenting when you make a mistake. You know, me, a culpice, a good start, though. You know, and if you can’t even do that, then there’s a problem. And it doesn’t just apply for leaders in leadership. It applies for everything. If you can’t say, hey, I screwed up and move on, you’re not learning. I already talked about, oh, I’m a lifelong learner. And then every time they make a mistake, they’re like, I didn’t make a mistake. Stupid thing did the stupid thing. You’re not a lifelong learner. You’re an asshole. That’s just sorry. Yeah, lifelong learner is one of those key phrases that I’m like, oh, this person’s narcissistic jerk. First thing I think. I try not to act on it, right, because I might be wrong. Because sometimes people make mistakes or they use words because they’re fashionable or they use them correctly when everyone else is using them wrong. But oh, yeah, I think it’s a good thing. Oh, yeah, you’d be shocked, utterly shocked if I could explain to you all the things that trigger me and put me on edge. You know, it’s not a big deal. Because I don’t treat people differently just because I have a presumption. You have to have presumptions about people. You can’t walk through life with your guard down. You’ll end up getting hurt badly or killed. And that’s the problem. So, Matthew, my laugh my ass off. My first grade teacher taught me that notion. I wrote a poem about lifelong learning. Yeah, I don’t I think it’s kind of a given. You know, most people continue to learn things throughout their life. I I’m a human. I’m a lifelong learner. OK. Whatever, dude. Why are you virtue signaling to me? That’s my question. What do you mean by learning? I have a video on that, by the way. Not the last one I released, learning and education. Yeah, it was a good video. So, yeah, I mean, this flat world stuff, just it destroys our conception of leadership and destroys our conception of everything, really, destroys our conception of the value of poetry concepts that will say, you know, I’m a person who’s not going to be able to do anything to say this is one of the problems, right? Concepts that are easy for Christians to understand are impossible for non-Christians to understand. Technically, that’s the issue. They’re just impossible notions. You know, I don’t know what else to say. They’re impossible notions. What does that mean? It means that they don’t have the cognitive capacity because they don’t have the framing to understand certain things. I saw an interesting billboard. It wasn’t aimed in the right direction, but I like the billboard anyway on the way back from Florida, back to South Carolina. And it said, God created. It’s like, interesting. Of course, it’s done by this group that is anti-evolution or whatever, which is quite unnecessary. But I like these starting axiom. There was a creation. Deal with that first. Then we’ll move on to these quote philosophical questions that aren’t solved by philosophy or psychology, by the way. And again, that’s sort of the deep problem, right? We have these issues that aren’t being resolved. They’re not being resolved. By these systems. And ancient Greek philosophy wouldn’t have been so bold as to claim it could solve justice. I mean, the Republic is quite clear about this. See my book on Plato’s cave, by the way. Not my book, my video on Plato’s cave. The lie of Plato’s cave. I’m going to do probably two more videos on the Republic. I’m going to do a little more. I got to do more research again, of course. But I’m going to do book eight, the middle of book eight, just the part about democracy and the tyranny because I don’t know why no one’s mentioning this to you. But Plato went over this. Look around. Plato already talked about everything you see around you right now. It’s all in there. It’s in the Republic. Nobody talks about it. I don’t know why. No idea. I’m going to talk about it. That’s going to be my one of my new videos. We’ll see how quickly I can get out videos. I’m still barely recovered from symbolic world. Someone’s overwhelming so many people there. Wonderful people. I love them all, but not enough time with that many people. But it was such a good event. Not a flat world there. Very rich. That was the other thing. You’re just soaking and people talking about symbolism and depth. You can get overwhelmed real quick in that sort of environment. And sometimes you end up in a situation where your brain is just not working anymore, like I did. Luckily I got to go to the beach. So sitting on the beach for too long and getting burned. That’s the thing. Didn’t expect to do that, but these things happen. Not a bad thing necessarily. The healing shrine did not help with the burns. But that’s OK. To be fair, I wasn’t burnt when I went there. So yeah. It’s weird how all these threads that we’ve been talking about for four or five years now, as a result of John Vervecky’s Meditation Series. So again, thanks, John. I’m sure that people are sort of coming together and people are hitting this stuff. And they’re hitting it hard. They’re just running into the wall of meaning crisis, if you want to think of it that way. They’re running into the end of things like their political framing. I like Carl Benjamin and Tim Puller on this years ago, before the fake news virus scamdemic. So it’s a game of culture, downstream of culture. Downstream of it. The projection at the end when everything has already happened. And so you’re not going to fix things by changing up the politics. That’s not going to fix the thing. Whatever the thing is, it’s not going to fix the thing. Not to say that you shouldn’t try or it won’t help, but it’s not a solution. And so you have to be very careful with that and take it kind of seriously. Because it’s important. It’s important now. Yeah, you’re voting for the guy and whatever thing that you thought was going to happen when your guy or your party got control didn’t happen. That just means you have a bad frame. It’s not hard. Like you just, the way you thought about the world was wrong. Move on. Be a lifelong learner. Figure it out. You were wrong. Or whoever told you that was going to work was wrong. And the number of people that just don’t know things that they think they know is just like everyone. People are very wedded to the notion in this age of gnosis that they know something. And the odds that you know what you think you know are pretty low, actually. Most people don’t know most of the things they take for granted. And they don’t understand how the world works because the world is complex. I do have slides for that. I’m going to go over simple versus complicated versus complex at some point. That will be coming soon. I do have to sit down and do some more work on that. Ethan, democracy of government of the people by the people for the people. But the people are re-charted. Yes, that is the problem. Democracy doesn’t work. Democracy doesn’t work. We know this. I don’t know why we keep having these arguments. Democracy already failed. Let’s stop trying it. The United States is not a democracy. It’s a democratic republic for a reason. The founding fathers wrote extensively about why it’s not a democracy. They knew better. They were smarter than you. No, really. They are much smarter than you. They are much smarter than you and probably all the people alive today combined. Really. I don’t know what to tell you. They had a bead on it all. Probably because they read Plato correctly, unlike everybody since, apparently. They were, I kind of went over this. I talk on the English Revolution with Adam. It’s probably a uniquely United States thing. In one sense, we knew we needed a king or a head is probably a better way to say it. But we dispersed, we’ll say, the kingly power throughout three different structures and called it a government. There are zero other governments like that, by the way. Zero. A lot of people try to copy. They can’t. They don’t understand. No one in Europe understands the US system at all. They’re just coming from a philosophically different space. Europe is very top-down power from above. Very much. England is sort of split in the middle. And then we sort of perfected the English Magna Carta, instantiated it in a text, changed the government to be like that. The reason why England has a parliament is because of the East India Company. And that’s the problem. Look, we talk about corporations are taking over government. It’s way better now than it was back then. Way better. These did East India Company owned everything and controlled everything in England. And they were larger by sheer power, by military force or anything than any other country for a while. And you think Apple being big is bad. I mean, Apple being big is the worst thing ever, but different reasons. They’re not that big. Standard oil, not that big. East India Company, huge, huge company, huge company. Lots of control over lots of things. Ethan, monarchy is the only solution, but we need first to build a throne for the king and let it sit vacant for a few hundred years. Interesting idea. Interesting idea. I don’t know if I agree with that, but I am intrigued. We’ll have to have an at-length talk on the Discord about that for sure. I do miss our book club. Yeah, we got to really dive into justice when we went through the Republic. We should pick another book and maybe do one. We’ll see if Danny’s around and he can join us again. That was really good. I do feel brilliant for two things. A, I didn’t go to college. Second best idea I’ve ever had. Best idea I ever had was not reading the Republic alone. For that, I feel like a genius. I will take all genius credits for that. That’s a good idea. It’s a really good idea. I can feel smart for that one. There’s no way you could interpret that book by yourself. Just no way. There’s so much depth to it. I mean, I’m sure we only touched on a small percentage of it, but it was a good run. Yeah, some of this stuff is just forbidden knowledge. Forbidden knowledge is a real problem. It’s one of the driving forces in the Republic. Did anybody tell you that? Probably not. The Republic is about the importance of forbidden knowledge and how to deal with it. That’s in the Republic. That’s a theme in the Republic. It’s a harder case to make, so I’m not really inclined to make a video on it, although if people scream loudly enough, I might go and dig in and do the research. That’s a lot of work. That’s kind of buried in the beginning of the book. It comes up as the manuscript unfolds. Democracy into tyranny stuff is a section in Book 8 that’s much easier to do. We’re at the end of the book. I’m going to do democracy into tyranny, and I’m going to do the end of the Republic. So fascinating. I’m never going to not be pissed off about the end of the Republic. Not about the end of the Republic. About people reading the Republic, looking for certain things, reading the end of the Republic, and not getting the message, because there’s a clear message. Couldn’t be any more clear? Actually, it’s not even street sign clear. It’s more like brick wall clear. You just hit that brick wall again, dude. Like brick wall. I used to have this trope I did, especially when I was younger. I used to call it the red brick wall of reality. This is how I think about reality. There’s a red brick wall, and you keep bashing your head into it over and over again. Stop bashing your head on the red brick wall of reality. It’s doing the same thing over and over again, and you’re expecting a different result. Definition of insanity. Same principle, same pattern. It’s all a pattern. That’s all we’re talking about here on navigating patterns. These little patterns that come up. I think that’s… It’s weird to me that people don’t see this stuff. But they don’t, clearly. They’re kind of missing it. We got a little bit of that at the summit, right? People sort of missing very clear messages. But those were speakers, rather, were very gracious. And they did such a good job. I mean, everything was so well. Well done. And yeah, we’ll be talking about that. I think the time is going to be 3 p.m. Eastern on Sunday. I got to double check my thumbnail image. I might have to fix it. I got a thumbnail image half ready. So I’ll post that up on StreamYard, maybe tonight before I go to bed. Maybe tomorrow after I wake up, we’ll get that stream scheduled and ready. And you can hear three people who attended, maybe four, talk about the summit and what we thought. Different perspectives. Some of us took the universal history path, which obviously was the best path because I took it. Some of us took the artist path because… Artists. Obviously, universal history is better. You got this big six foot something Texan, right? Giving it. Or you could take the artist path with this little pipsqueak French Canadian. I don’t know. It seemed like an easy decision to me. I love Jonathan Bischoff, actually. He’s great. He did disappoint me at Thunder Bay. First question I asked him was, are the French Canadians going to take over the world and fix everything? And he was like, no. I was like, no, don’t crush my dreams. My people are supposed to be the chosen. They’re supposed to save the world. And he just completely flattened it all. I’m like, no, I want my people to rise and save the universe. But he just said, now they’re too scattered and confused. I was like, no. So yeah, I mean, that’s it. That’s how I make my decisions in life. Oh, you have a question. Is this a question on Facebook? What’s it called? Texan, French Canadian. Not hard. Not hard. Go with strength. Strength! I had to shake Richard Roland’s hand, which is excellent. I got to reach out to him on Twitter. Of course I can’t because he doesn’t let just anybody talk to him for some reason. So yeah, Richard Roland, tell him to open up his DMs to me, please. disappointed. I cried. I’ll get over it though. Ixnán, they’re too French. I don’t know about that. I think they’re too rebellious. They’re definitely not French. The French have destroyed the world, unfortunately. That’s why my ancestors left. It’s the only logical, rational, reasonable, spiritual explanation. Why would you leave a place like France, which gorgeous weather, to go to be in an unlivable place like Canada and hunt beavers in the woods? Why? With no women. Why would you do that? Because the Parisians suck that badly. That’s the only explanation. Yeah, so on the other hand, you’re also rebelling. Good Catholic presence over there in France. So yeah, one of these days I got to explore why the people have talked about this a little bit, including Peugeot, why the why the Catholic Church just kind of dissolved overnight in French Canada. Because that is a mystery indeed. That would be worth understanding because that might be tied into the meaning crisis stuff, which obviously I think is not the meaning crisis. It’s the intimacy crisis. And I think actually framing it as the intimacy crisis and the aginosis is going to solve a lot of problems in terms of trying to understand what is happening with the quote meta crises. Boy, I hate that word meta. Oh, I want to just murder everybody who uses it. With all the crises that are happening, because I think they’re all related to the same thing, right, which is lack of understanding of the quality of relationships. Quality is on the vertical axis. So this gets back into the flat world. Flat in the world, you remove quality, and you favor quantity, because it’s all you can do. But it won’t work. And look, so an hour before the stream, I was listening to the critical drinker because everybody should listen to critical drinker. And what are they talking about? There was a clip. It was on his clips channel. I forget what it’s called off the top of my head. But basically he was talking about Disney. And Disney’s strategy is, according to Bob Iger, who by the way, you might as well have horns in the tail, we’re going to focus on fewer films so that we can make better films. And the commenters were pointing out, just reducing the quantity of films will not necessarily improve the quality of your films. So this stuff that we’ve been talking about, or like I said, four or five years now, everyone’s moving in this direction. They’ll all get here eventually. You hear a lot of the language, like I said, in this book, Poetic Knowledge. The language is all there. That was written in 1998. This isn’t new. I’m not claiming it’s new. I’m just claiming it’s obvious. And it’s not. Bad on me. Yeah, it’s remarkable the amount of language he uses in the first page. I was like, this is all stuff we say all the time. It’s all right here. Why did nobody read this book and listen to this guy? The Recovery of Education. Yeah, I mean, you need poetic knowledge to recover education. I agree. I think Plato agrees too in the Republic, by the way, but longer argument. I could never do that video. That video about the Republic would be really hard to do because you’d have to do basically an overarching analysis of the entire work. And I don’t think I’m even up to it. I don’t even think I could do it. I don’t think I could do it with help. I just don’t think I could do it. The Republic is a bear of a book. It really is. But the other two videos on the Republic I’ll do. Yeah, if you haven’t seen the Lives of Plato Cave, you’ve got to see that video. It’s really good. I put a lot of time into that one. And I will do the book Eight, Democracy into Tyranny, because you’re just going to hear Plato talking about now. And you’re going to be like, wait, Plato said that? You’d be looking around going, Plato’s talking about now. Look at the now everywhere. He’s just saying exactly what’s going on around us. Because he really is. And to me, the fact that every quote philosopher isn’t saying that right now is the problem. Did these people not read the book? I mean, it certainly seems like they didn’t. Or they read it and didn’t understand it. Or are they just cowards? I don’t know what’s going on. At a certain point, you don’t know why people who read the Republic sort of missed the point. There’s so many points in there. They’re saying ridiculous things like, well, Socrates, at least as Plato portrays him, is all about equality. And I’m like, I don’t think you read the book. I think you missed the joke of the Republic, or one of the many jokes of the Republic. So one of the recurring jokes of the Republic is men and women should be treated completely equally in all things. And Glaucon’s all things. And Socrates is like, yeah, all things. So should they, I forget how they frame it, basically train together in the, quote, gymnasium or whatever? Is it yes? And because they should train together, they should do so naked. Because the men train naked. Okay. He makes that joke, because it’s a joke. It’s absurd. It’s deliberately absurd. Like half a dozen times, for real. It’s all over the book, or all over the manuscript, all over many of the books. I don’t know how people miss that that’s a joke, that he’s being absurd on purpose. But it’s a joke, guys. It’s a joke. He doesn’t mean he’s using contrast to explain to you how stupid that idea is. Men and women are not equal. It’s really funny too, because the psychologists have come back around to this, right? Well, men and women are equal, except men are more visually oriented, especially when it comes to mating. And women are less visually oriented when it comes to, oh, okay, so they’re not equal. Is that what you’re saying? Because that’s what you’re saying, whether you think you’re saying that or not. And there’s Plato going, duh. And everybody’s like, oh, Plato was really all about equality. And I’m like, you didn’t. You read something, but it was mostly in your head. It just cracks me up. No one gets the joke. I don’t think you’re missing the best part. Plato’s funny, completely hysterical guy, really out there, next level comedy. And yeah, I mean, if you didn’t get it, you didn’t get it, whatever. But like, it’s pretty clear in the book. A lot of the book is contrast. It’s high contrast book. Plato’s Republic is a high contrast book. And going to symbolic world summit, high contrast, right? You’re in Florida, it’s winter, but it’s not winter in Florida, because Florida doesn’t have winter. Beautiful place. It’s highly ethnic neighborhood. I guess, Charpentine Springs is the largest Greek population in the United States or something crazy because of the sponge farming, because all the sponge farmers from Mediterranean, from Greece, went over to Charpentine Springs with good sponge farming. I have it on good authority. Thank you, Elizabeth. Elizabeth is in Italy, so we can’t get her on our stream for Sunday. But yeah, sponges everywhere, very Greek, lots of Greek people. Greek woman didn’t speak any English at all. It’s amazing. Like, this is awesome. 2024, she didn’t speak a word of English and she grew up here. Fantastic. I’m all in. I knew people in London, but I’m all in. I knew people in Lowell who, yeah, there’s one Greek friend. He was a kid too, like we were in high school together. And boy, you could tell he was Greek. He could barely speak English very well. He spoke Greek at home. You could tell he spoke Greek at home. Yeah, I love that stuff. I think it’s fantastic. Having these ethnic and cultural neighborhoods, there’s nothing wrong with it. You really get a good contrast in your society. A lot of people want the smooth, equal, even. As I said in the beginning in the monologue, quality doctrine is killing us, man. It’s terrible. It’s the worst thing ever. It flattens the world. And then you can’t understand leadership. You can’t understand how to mentor a young man to not wear a freaking dress at an event and run in the hallways. Why would you have to tell somebody that? And yet that’s where we are. We need to tell people that. I’m not criticizing John Hurt. I love John Hurt. He’s great. You can make a joke out of him jumping into the camera. But what are you doing? Come on, dude. Man up. Man up. And it’s not a problem with Symbolic World Summit at all. Again, it’s not a criticism of Symbolic World Summit. This is the culture. This is what’s happening. It’s happening everywhere, in every domain. You’re not in every domain. You don’t see it. Fair. I get that. But it’s happening in every domain. And it’s going to continue to happen. How can you say that, Mark? You’re not in every domain. Patterns, baby. Patterns. If you study enough history, you’ll see the patterns. You’ll see how these things weave together. You’ll see that this is a pattern that’s happened before. And it’s a pattern that will happen again. It’s a pattern that’s happening right now. And we have to learn to navigate that pattern because we can’t change it necessarily. At least not directly. We can change everything indirectly. This is where people have a problem. People want control and not influence. Or people want an outsized influence. Right. So they have the illusion of control. And you’re not getting that. That’s not going to happen. But you can do things in the world, and you should. And the things you do in the world should be higher. They should be higher towards the true, the good, and the beautiful. Mostly the good. If you had to pick one, pick the good. Truth, as I mentioned earlier, a lot of truth is boring. It’s simple. It’s obvious. It’s easy. It’s boring. It’s not impressive. A lot of truth is just not impressive. And there’s nothing wrong with that. You want simple, basic truths. You need them. It doesn’t flatten the world, but it does give you a sense of what’s going on in the world. It doesn’t flatten the world, but it does give you a basis, a grounding, right, on which to stand so that you can improve. And keep things revivified, not just improve. I mean, as I did my mediocrity stream, if you haven’t seen it, you should definitely watch the monologue. It’s excellent. Look, fighting entropy, keeping things the way they are, is work. And it’s good work. And it’s hard work. And it should be lauded. The guy who keeps your electrical going, my internet went out earlier today about four or five times. I was like, what’s going on? Yeah, I had to, I was like, no, the internet’s not working. I’m going to die. I did not die, as it turns out. I just don’t need the internet. But yeah, I mean, the people that keep that infrastructure running, if you knew, and I’m not claiming that I know, but I have a better understanding than most of one of my best friends used to run an ISP, internet service provider, back in the day. If you knew how many things, how many pieces of technique, miles of wire and fiber, and how many pieces of equipment it takes to run like a network in a small town, you know, across a small town, you’d be like, well, how is this working at all ever for any length of time? It’s a good question. It’s actually kind of a miracle. There’s a lot of complexity going on there. Uh oh, Ethan has a question. Ethan, why do people keep confusing Plato as a Gnostic? Well, Ethan, I think I can answer that. I think that what you’re seeing right now is a bunch of people who are using Plato, right, in some fashion. We may know some of them. Oh, this tea is awesome. It’s smoky. To justify their project. They’re saying, oh, Plato said this, and therefore, like I went over one earlier, right, they’re saying, this equality between men and women, which Plato is obviously against, clearly, for obvious reasons. And that project that they’re doing is Gnostic. And so they go, oh, you’re using Plato to justify your Gnostic project. Most often, by the way, that project seems to maybe not start out, but always end with, let’s start our own religion. It could be a pure coincidence. It’s not. But yeah, it’s always this justification, right, whether they call it, quote, neo-Platonism, which does not exist, by the way. It’s just a fantasy that people want to have. Or it’s, oh, but in the Republic, it says, and that’s usually a bad reading in Republic. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just a fantasy that people want to have. It’s, oh, but in the Republic, it says, and that’s usually a bad reading in Republic. Obviously, I went over that a million times. I’ll go over it a million more, because apparently, people don’t know how badly they’re being lied to about what Plato’s Republic actually says, how many things people are leaving out. Plato dealt with children and forbidden knowledge, and, and, and, and learning, education. That’s what the cave’s about. So it’s easy for people who believe they’re in a morally superior position, and we went over this earlier in the stream, to say, oh, that’s Gnosticism, because you’re using Plato to do it. But I would say, and I will say in a future video, if you read the end of Book 10, and you didn’t like read Christianity as the next step in there, you’ve got like a whole bunch of things to do. You’ve got some kind of mental illness, for real, because there’s some kind of thing wrong with your brain. Like, I’m sorry, Plato couldn’t be more clear. How he does it, too, is sneaky. I mean, it’s just great. Like, that’s fantastic. So I don’t know what to tell you. I mean, I can see why, why, you know, people want to be superior, think they have the upper hand, will go, Plato must be a Gnostic, because all these people who are instantiating Gnosticism and Gnostic occult practices are justifying it with Plato. That’s why they’re confused. They’re confused, because people misread Plato and are misusing Plato. And then they’re taking a morally superior position, which please don’t do that. There’s no reason. Just call out evil. It’ll be fine. Maybe just, maybe don’t only call it evil, but certainly start by calling out evil. It’ll be fine. Also, Christians are for lions, so we’re gonna lose a few. It’s gonna happen. It can happen either way. I mean, you know, do it voluntarily. Go out with a bang. Yeah, I mean, yeah, they’re focused on the wrong things. It’s easy to get posted. It’s easy. I read a Twitter post, I think it was today, actually. It was earlier today that I read this Twitter post. But they were basically saying, don’t blame the Enlightenment for all the bad things. I’m like, yeah, certainly not. The Enlightenment, brain-partisanism. Because that’s my new thing. And I can back that up, but I’ll die on that hill. Or actually, you’ll die trying to get me off that hill, for sure. When you use Enlightenment thinking, and you take it out of the frame it was intended to be in, which is a very religious frame. You can sit there and cry that, you know, that Enlightenment thinkers were deists, whatever ridiculous thing you made up to call them that isn’t real and won’t ever exist all day long. But at the end of the day, the Enlightenment thinkers grounded all of their, quote, philosophy, if indeed it is a philosophy. And I might have bones with calling Enlightenment a philosophy. Certainly not in the ancient Greek sense. It is not. Then it doesn’t work. Yeah, the Enlightenment thinking doesn’t work if you take it out of the frame. In the same way that if you don’t take the founders of the United States seriously when they say, none of this works without a common belief in God. No, really look up the founding fathers’ papers. If you don’t take that seriously, and then bad things happen because they’ve lost the common grounding or the common aspiration higher to something higher because we’re not living in a flat world, then the whole thing falls apart. Really? What an interesting observation. Wonder where I can learn more. Oh, book eight. The middle of book eight. Plato’s Republic. Yes. That’s the funny part about all these threads that don’t look attached are all the same thread. They’re all the same thread. They’re all the part of the same pattern. This is what’s so puzzling to me. I’m like, you guys aren’t seeing this, huh? Really? You’re missing this? This is what you’re missing in the world because you’re too focused on Jordan Peterson’s freaking jacket and whether or not it has a freaking cross on it. But that’s your go-to. We’ve got child trafficking rings and you’re worried about Jordan Peterson’s freaking jacket? Really? Listen, you need your priorities straightened out. You need some relevance realization from John Pervaike, although he needs some too. We all could use better relevance realization, but yours is way off if that’s what you’re worried. Jordan Peterson is a good guy. Whatever else you want to say about him. I got my critiques. I try not to air too many of them publicly because I don’t think that’s appropriate. What the hell do I know? He’s being super successful at what he’s trying to do. Good for him. He’s doing good in the world. Double good for him. I would say just doing anything that you intend is good for you, but yeah, doing goodness. Thanks. Oh, Ethan, well, I assume that that made sense to you and that it answered your question. That’s good. Yeah, I think that we’re not focusing on the good. And I think that there’s a technical reason why we’re not focusing on the good or at least we’re not focusing on the good correctly or something. That’s because we’re afraid, we’ll say unconsciously, that we don’t know how to spot it anymore. And that’s flattening the world too. Right? I’m like, well, who are you to judge? All right. I’m a human and in order to act, I have to judge. See my three live streams on discernment, judgment, and action. In that order, please. Discernment, judgment, action. I’m a human. I have to judge to live. I have to live because this is too bad. I was born. Sorry, guys. I don’t know what to tell you. So I am me to judge and that’s going to happen. What I judge and how I judge it is something that I need to work on every day and hopefully I do. Different problem though. Don’t tell me, first of all, don’t tell me anything because the odds that you’ll do well with that strategy are zero. Don’t tell me I can’t judge something or I shouldn’t judge something. Go to hell. How’s that? We’ll start, you do that first and I’ll do your thing second or never. Just how it’s going to work. If your plan is to tell me what to do, you need a new plan. I’m just saying. Especially if you’re going to moralize it me. It’s not going to work. It’s not going to work. On the other hand, if your father, Eric, I will listen to you. I will submit. Right? But if your average Joe Schmo on the street, that actually came up with father Eric a few times. Driving him around and he’s like, what do you want to do? And I’m like, I don’t care. I’ll do whatever you tell me. First of all, I didn’t have the brain. Symbolic world summit. Totally overwhelmed brain. Right? But second of all, I really was like, I will drive you around wherever you want to go. I’m okay with that. That was a good strategy. Worked out well. We did wonderful things that I wouldn’t even have thought of. Yeah, we started doing a din, which is cool. That’s apparently the Gaelic word for Edinburgh. Who knew? I should have mentioned that earlier. Sorry, Anselm. You’ll see this later. Yeah, super important. It was a fun little little town. A fun little coastal town in Florida. Ethan, I definitely see Plato as a sort of proto evangelist. Well, I would say there’s a way in which the end of book 10 leads you to the open-ended conclusion, the next step of which should be completely obvious given our historical perspective. Whether it was completely obvious to Plato is irrelevant and probably impossible to determine and unnecessary to determine because we have the answer. That’s what I would say about that. Ixnon, I’ll tell you things to hear your judgment on them. Oh, okay. Tell me whatever you’d like. And if I have a judgment, I’ll give it. There’s a lot of things I don’t even have opinions on because what the hell do I know? People get upset. I never understood. People get upset. You have to have an opinion. You know how many times people told me I’d have to have an opinion on something? I’m just looking at them like, bro, do you even know who you’re talking to right now? Me have because you think I have? Have you met me? Telling me what I have to do is not a good, not a good strategy. Like, bad plan, new plan. You need a new plan. But yeah, I mean, if I have something, I’ll give you my judgment or my opinion or maybe nothing. Whatever I can do. Or I might decline. Sometimes I decline. I’ve had people play that game too. You have to tell me. Oh, I do now. Is that how the world works? Let me know how that works out for you. I have to tell you something real. That’s how you think this world’s going to work. Not with me in it. And that actually came up at the summit. Somebody said something about a situation and I said, okay, but here’s the problem with what they want. They’re on this planet with me. So I appreciate that they want something. In particular, they want something to go a certain way. But I’m not trapped in here with you. You’re trapped in here with me. I’m on this planet too. And you have to contend with that. I suggest you do it through cooperation and not opposition. But hey, if opposition, it must be bring it. That’s a good plan for you. Even if you win, you lose because you’re weak. Like the act of fighting weakens you. This is the thing that nobody accounts for with fighting. This is why strong words, I’m going to beat you up, I’m going to punch you in the nose, actually works. Because it signals to somebody what they’re willing to do. And then what you can do is you can say, oh, you’re going to punch me in the nose. Like Pewi said to me, I’m like, hey, you’re never going to hit me. Not because I didn’t think they’d take a swing, because I’m quick and I’m hard to hit. I’m just fast. Not as fast as I was because my illness really chopped down my nervous system. But I have fast twitch nerve fiber. You can look that up. I’m just quick. I’m just physically quick. So people would try to hit me. I’d dodge out of the way and be like, what the hell just happened? I’m like, I’ll just tell you kid, you’re a little slow. And they try to be faster because you can’t try to be faster. There’s some hard limit. And they learn their limits real quick because I could just dodge people. I think I’ve told this story before. There was a kid once when I was young who was throwing rocks at me. And I was using a 10-point blocking system. I knew my kung fu. And I’m blocking the rocks. And the kid’s throwing rocks as hard as he can and as fast as he can. And I blocked every single one of them. Not even a problem. Didn’t even think about it. Like, yeah, you’re pretty slow. Not quite like The Matrix where he does the thing and he turns, blocks all the shots from Agent Smith’s two arms with his one arm. Not quite like that. But also a little bit. Not a little bit like that. When you’re quick and you can see and you can move faster than other people, because you can, because some people can. This is a measured scientific phenomena. The world is just a different place for you. I think I’ve told this before. I drop things and catch them with the same hand I dropped them with before they hit the ground. All the time. When I drop things, I almost never drop anything. I almost never fall when I trip. I almost never trip. I almost never fall when I trip. I almost never drop anything. And when I drop things, I almost always catch them before they hit the ground. It’s kind of amazing, actually. It’s kind of cool. It’s fun. I like being me. Being me is kind of, that’s fine. And you should like being you because there’s all kinds of things you can do that I can’t do. That’s great. It’s fantastic. You know what? I bet if we cooperate together, we could build a cool world. Well, we have to cooperate. We can’t be off all having our own YouTube channels and all doing our own thing and all having our own websites and writing our own articles. No, that won’t work. We got to cooperate. Then we can build up. We can build bigger. We don’t want to build a Tower of Babel, so maybe lots of us should be doing this in different groups. Maybe. That might work. I know a lot of people talk about decentralization. Okay, let me explain something to you real quick. You do not understand decentralization at all, even a little bit. And everything you be told about is a lie. They’re saying, you don’t understand decentralization? Me? You know why? Because I was there. I went through the computer revolution from centralization to decentralization. It ain’t all what people say it is. It ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be. It ain’t all that a bag of chips. It just, no. There are serious problems. Let me give you a case in point. If you have a YouTube channel, oh, I have a YouTube channel, and you look at your metrics, what you can do very easily, like without even trying, is find three different numbers for your views counts on your videos. Just like that. Doesn’t matter if they’re recorded or live, by the way. Why is that? Because it’s a distributed decentralized system. When you have a decentralized system, you have synchronization problems with the numbers. Now, you can, we can go ten to ten on the tech. You’ll lose, but whatever. It’s fine. I actually know how to write all that. I’ve written all that code. I know how to write nothing. I’ve done it. Hours of desyncing numbers, where the numbers are way off. They’re off by like seven, eight, ten, between the three systems. Four hours. It’s not as simple like, well, yeah, on the microsecond or the second scale, because it takes time to copy data from the East Coast to the West Coast. No, that’s not it. Something else is going on. It’s not going to be a big deal. It’s very hard to explain. There’s so many things that go wrong in software. It’s just like insane. It’s completely insane. Decentralization is not going to save the world. It doesn’t solve the problem. The people that say that very often put things in a political order. They’re going to be like, oh, I’m going to be a politician. I’m going to be a politician. I’m going to be a politician. I’m going to be a politician. I’m going to be a politician. I’m going to be a politician. I’m the problem. The people that say that very often put things in a political frame and think top-down power from above and therefore the president’s the problem. Sure. And then when that doesn’t work out, they go, oh, it’s not top-down power from the president is the problem. There must be layers above the president. No. That’s not how it works at all. Not that there’s nothing above the president, but it’s not a political or an ultra-political substructure or superstructure above the president that’s telling him what to do or usurping his power. That’s not what’s going on at all. And people get confused, right? They want an easy answer. Politics gives you an easy answer. Politics is about voting. It’s not about anything else. Sorry. Politics is great for measuring and talking about voting, the influence of voting, the influence on voters, the behavior of voters given a certain influence or a lack thereof. That’s all politics. Absolutely fascinating subject. Don’t waste your time on this garbage. It’s not false or wrong. It’s not untrue. It’s just boring and irrelevant. It’s descriptive and not prescriptive and not predictive. And so the fact that politics exists is funny and interesting and fun and fascinating and detailed, but worthless to you. Unless you want to be in politics and that has some value. Don’t be in politics. If elected, I will not serve Jack Parr. Go look up Jack Parr. Funny guy. 60s, 50s, something like that. I don’t know why I know that quote, but I guess it was a quote that my uncle told me at some point. Many times, of course. Why would anybody tell me anything just once? And they could tell me many times. Then I’ll remember it. Wouldn’t that be a miracle? Oh my goodness. Look, no one wants to join me. All right. If no one’s going to join me, then I’m going to wind things down. It’s been two hours and I can’t really go two hours after my big trips because I’ve just been on the road too much. Florida’s not that far, to be fair. Texas was 13 hours each way. We did two days out and one day back. Lovely wedding. Lovely wedding. Fortunately, it was East Texas. We’re just outside. East of Dallas, thank goodness. Nightmare traffic. Don’t, East Texas, bad traffic. Don’t drive there. Love Texas. Got to spend the night in Texas. Got to eat real Texas barbecue at a real Texas place in Muskeet, Texas. That was cool. Florida’s awesome. Always love going to Florida. Been to Florida a few times. Not enough times. Never moving there, probably. I’m going to go to Florida. Love Florida. If I had a billion dollars, I might move to the Keys. That would be fun. I really like the Keys. Keys are fun. Maybe a Caribbean island. Something like that. It’s all been fantasies in my head. Almost got there once, but no. All my money’s been stolen. I’m just poor now. But I can afford to go to Florida once in a while. That’s nice. Close enough. Listen, thanks everybody for watching. Really appreciate it. We will do a Symbolic World Summit, Tarpen Springs Roll Up, Retrospective, whatever you want to call it on Sunday at 3 Eastern. I will set that up. I got to set it up on Streamyard here. I just didn’t. Today’s been a bit of a mess for me. I keep forgetting what the hell I’m supposed to be doing. I was barely able to organize my notes. Been on this in the beginning. This in the beginning. I had a really great time with you all. I hope I was able to answer your questions. I don’t see any reason why I won’t be doing a live stream next week. I don’t know what my Easter plans are yet, but once I do, I’ll let you know what the schedule’s going to be there. Like I said, we’re doing one on Sunday, 3 PM Eastern. That’s about the Symbolic World Summit. I don’t have any recorded videos in the can. Maybe I should get on that this weekend so that I have stuff for you guys because I got a bunch of stuff that I should be doing. I’ve just been caught up in legal paperwork. When your lawsuit’s done, it’s not done. It’s just awesome. Have a great week, everybody. I hope to see you next week. I hope you enjoyed this. Leave a comment. Like and subscribe. Do the thing. Tell everybody how awesome I am or how awful I am. Either one. I’ll whatever. There’s no such thing as bad press. Have a lovely night.