You get interested in things, but you can’t make yourself interested in something. The interest grabs you and grasps your attention. Jung thought of that as a deeply seated biological mechanism, which it obviously is. It’s a neurological mechanism of some sort that it has the capacity to possess your voluntary attention. Just like hunger does. When you get hungry, you’re typing away, writing a book or something, and you get hungry. Hunger starts to grab your attention. Well, look, you’re interested in some things and you’re not interested in others. Well, why? Some of that has to do with your choice, but a lot of it has to do with who you are in the deepest sense. Jung believed that you were likely to become interested in things that furthered your psychological development. Children, they get interested in kids who are slightly ahead of them in the developmental curve, and then they mimic them. And so the interest is something that grabs you to move you forward on the developmental curve. And so it’s the manifestation of your potential higher self in the present.