So hello everybody. Last night we did the first seminar of symbolism that I’m setting up with Patreon for those that give 150 or more a month. And so I thought I would put up a few clips of our discussion because it was a lot of fun. We talked about a lot of things from movies to sex to cosmological symbolism. And so I’m not gonna put up the whole discussion. I want to respect the privacy of the people who were involved in the discussion. But I thought I’d put up a few little clips just to give you a taste of the things we talked about. And so for those who haven’t seen it, my video of Logan was blocked by Fox. I put it up on D tube for now. And so you can find a description in I’ll put it in this description. What the link to that D tube video. And we’re trying to re-edit it as well to see if we can put it up on YouTube in a different fashion. And so yeah, so enjoy. Let’s move on to the next question. Alright so I assume you’ve heard Peterson’s take on the story of Pinocchio. Do you agree in general with the interpretation? And do you think the creators purposefully shaped it like that because they understood the deeper meaning it would convey? Well I agree with Jordan’s interpretation. I think what’s interesting about the Pinocchio story is that he’s not really, Jordan’s not really interpreting the Pinocchio story as such. He’s really interpreting Disney’s movie of Pinocchio, which is much more concise. The story, the actual Pinocchio story, if you read it, it’s rambling and it’s chaotic and it’s like all kinds of things mixed up and it’s very moralistic. Like it’s super moralistic. It’s basically about you know you need to obey your parents and go to school and be a good boy. Kind of like you know really 19th century style moralism. Whereas Disney’s version does end up being more archetypal. And I think that Disney was one of those people that definitely already had a very profound intuition about stories. You know he really boils them down to their kind of essential characteristics. And you know for example like when they did Sleeping Beauty, you know there’s nothing in the story of Sleeping Beauty which suggests that the evil queen is also a dragon. I’ve never seen that before. But it makes absolute sense when you see it play itself out. You don’t question it for a second. It makes absolute sense. And so I think that Disney, I don’t know if it was on purpose more than he just had a very intuitive sense of what makes sense in terms of storytelling. But he’s got, he had to had some now. And the fact that he made the dwarves seven, like there was no tradition that the dwarves were seven before Disney. And so you know like in the Disney version of Snow White for example, they really bring the notion of the apple and the notion of seduction into play really strongly. Because the queen when she goes to see Snow White, she says, she gives her the apple and she says something about how like men love when you cook for them or something. Like if you make an apple pie for men that’s how you’ll get their heart or something. So she’s able to like to join that together. Also they bring the prince in at the beginning which is not in the, I’ve never heard that in the Snow White story before where she sees the prince in the castle before. And so it’s actually the stepmother who sees the prince being attracted to Snow White which causes her to be her first spout of jealousy. Which that’s not in the, I’ve never seen that in the storybook version of it. So he really ties everything together and brings in a psychological element that’s really kind of powerfully tied into the more let’s say mythological structure. So I think definitely Disney of all people had it going. And in terms of the Pinocchio story I think that Jordan’s interpretation is very sound. You know like he sees this idea of, the one thing that’s not sound about Jordan’s interpretation and this is really coming from a Christian point of view is that when Jordan talks about the father he always talks about the father in the terms of God the father. And he has this idea of going you know of saving God with God the father. He mixes up the notion of God the father and let’s say another version of the father. And that’s problematic because God the father in the Christian tradition doesn’t represent what he says it represents. It doesn’t represent the notion of like of a dead tradition let’s say or the kind of an aging tradition. When Christ goes into the underworld when in the more mythological version like there’s a there’s an epocrypha of the story of the death and resurrection of Christ where it actually describes Christ going down into the underworld and then resurrecting people. Well when Christ goes down into the underworld he saves Adam okay and Adam is the father. The father that that that Christ goes to save in the underworld is is the old man Adam. It’s the fallen his fallen ancestor okay his fallen human ancestor. And so it’s there in the story it’s not I’m not making it up that’s the Christian story that when Christ goes into into death he goes to save Adam. And so that’s the only place where I disagree with Jordan in terms of his interpretation of of the Pinocchio and the whole idea of going down and and and saving your father from the underworld. And so there’s something about grotesque the idea of the grotesque as a as a way to you’ve seen that video where I talk about them about the limit and how the guardian of the limit shares something in common with what’s on the other side. It’s on okay so think about this like the guardian of the guardian of the limit of hell is Cerberus right is a dog it’s a it’s a dog it’s a it’s a three-headed dog it’s a it’s a monster. So the monster the monster is on the outside okay imagine it this way this is the best way to see it. Imagine a level levels of monsters okay imagine the furthest monster is like the Leviathan okay and then what’s what stops the Leviathan let’s say from eating the world is is like a smaller version of the smaller dragon let’s say then what stops the dragon from eating our world is like let’s say the dog-headed men and would stop the dog-headed men from eating our world are you know like a foreign tribe that are far away from us and then what stops the foreign tribe from from from stopping us are the guards who live on the border of our land who suffer who live because they live on the border of our land they tend to intermarry with those with their enemy and they tend to mix with the enemy but they also defend us from the enemy okay so the best prison guard is a prisoner does that make sense? I think yeah. Like archipelago yeah. Right okay so the best so the best prison guard the best limit is that which comes from the outside which can be turned back against the outside all right so chaos turned against chaos in Christianity we talk about we say it’s death it’s like the idea of death trampling down death or death conquering death so that’s what a vaccine is that’s what okay that’s what that’s what let’s in the Bible there’s this story in Adam and Eve about the garments of skin so when Adam and Eve fall God gives them garments of skin so he gives them a covering of dead skins to put around them and that covering of dead skins is a protection from death so it’s it’s death protecting from death right right and so I mean that’s what war is that’s what anything that anything that that is this idea that death is like a buffer is both is both that which will kill you but that also that which will protect you from it right so you can see it in terms of supplement that’s a good way to understand it the idea of supplementarity and so and so you you you you need to add okay so how can I explain this like let’s say well just the idea of medicine medicine is exactly that met all medicines are poisons pretty much right medicine is not food medicine is not something that you eat to to to to make your body to to let’s say form the matter of your body medicine is a poison that you take in little doses at a at a in very specific ways in order to stop something that’s going to kill you okay and so all medicine is a form and it’s and it’s something that you add to your normal life in order to protect you from death so you can see it as that you can see it also as a as a as a house right so you take things from the earth you take rocks out of the earth which is your ultimate your ultimate place where you’re going to decompose in life and then you build this thing around you to stop death from getting you all right Jeffrey you you wanted to ask something yeah I was just wondering or maybe adding but but it’s like controlled chaos if I’m getting that correct yeah exactly which you can turn on the the outside maybe even greater chaos yeah that’s exactly the way to see it another way another image of that is the is a carnival carnivals are our controlled chaos and so and so at the end of the year at the end of a cycle you have a carnival where everything is upside down for one day or for one week or whatever and so it’s it’s you you it’s like you’re giving a dose of chaos to the cycle in order to just to prevent it from going into absolute chaos right that’s why you you need that’s why absolute order always leads to absolute chaos you’re supposed to have you’re supposed to leave a buffer in the the way the church is built is like that so you have the altar you have the nave and you have the narthex