I was told that if somebody asked to touch my hair or somebody came and wanted to look at my braids, that was racism being played out in real time and that they were trying to express how different I was and really belittle me. This would happen all the time to me in school. Kids would walk up and go, oh, I love your curly hair. Can I touch your hair? And that was evil to me. That was racism shining right in my face. So you can imagine probably how bad that was for me believing these things as a young person. Interesting that tone of voice that you used there when you were talking about those kids that would come up to you. The way you mimic them was by acting out the vocal intonations of a curious kid, not as someone who’s being mean. What do you now think those kids were doing? And what do you think would have been a better way for you to look at that when you were a kid? The best way I could have looked at that as a child was, oh my gosh, somebody is displaying interest in me.