Often, you’ll hear people, they’ll ask me this question, they’ll say, the symbolism that you talk about, is it a symbolism that exists really in the world? Or is it a symbolism that humans are projecting onto the world? And I think one of the things that the image of the Son of Man is doing in Revelation is answering that question. In that imagery, there is a key to a solution to this problem. And the image is exactly this one. It is the notion of the heavenly man. It is the notion of the Son of Man, even if we’re not Christian. In a mysterious way, there is a connection between divinity and man. The pattern that come down from heaven and man himself. The reason why the gods were anthropomorphic, trying to find what is the relationship of causality. But in this image of the Son of Man, we find this notion that in some ways, the world is filtered, maybe even originates through man. But that sounds weird, though. It sounds weird because it doesn’t mean that it originates through me, regular people. Well, the answer to that seems to be no. It doesn’t seem to also be that. It seems to be something else. It seems to be all that towards which man seems to culminate.