Know you should really about Bill Cosby, but I saw him live and like I saw him live too when I was a security guard Oh, yeah, I saw him like yeah, I was security guard at great woods I saw Kinnison there when I was a security guard saw Rodney Dangerfield there. Yeah, so quite a few people there Yeah Well, it was something to see him sit on his stool with his cigar and get the whole audience like literally hysterical I mean the guy in front of you Rocking back and forth so hard he could hardly breathe his wife kept elbowing him Back into something vaguely resembling a human being But it was it’s really amazing to see someone with that much command of the audience and and so consistently unbelievably funny He’s the most tragic story in all of show business And I have Next to Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson I mean those are the three most tragic stories in show business in my mind Yeah, and and you know, he’s a monster and it’s crazy. Yeah You know the thing that’s so strange about Cosby you’d think well like was this really necessary Like man, the guy was famous in 15 different directions and really well respected You wouldn’t have thanked he would have had to date rape his women, you know It’s just well. Yeah, I mean if he just he could have just had prostitutes I mean if he really just needed sex, I don’t think that’s what it was I think there was a sick perversion and I think he liked to do that to people he liked to trick that I mean, I’m just guessing right it has to be something like that because it’s something it’s so counterproductive and so Psychotic it’s psychotic. I mean, I don’t understand it, you know, I’ve tried to I’ve tried to sort of imagine what it must have been like to be around in the 50s and 60s I think people did that to each other way more often than we’d like to admit and I think that it was more casual Than we would think of today where people would slip someone a Mickey or you know I mean he even had a bit that he did Back in way back in the day about giving someone Spanish fly that you’d give someone something that would make them horny I think he I think he was probably a guy that had an incredibly inflated opinion of himself Didn’t want anybody to ever reject him Experienced that a few times again This is pure speculation and just decided that he was better than people that he could just drug them It’s so strange though, cuz his comedy was basically so like it was generally family oriented It was yes, you know when he put himself forward as a role model and he was credible Like he was credible as an actor as a role model and he seemed credible as a spokesperson is kind of kind of makes me think You know, there’s this idea that the psychoanalysts had this guy named Eric Neumann Who is a student of Carl Jung’s and one of the things that Neumann said it wrote a book called depth Psychology and the new ethic right after World War two and it’s a it’s a great book a little thin book But it’s a great book One of the things he says in that book is don’t be better than you are and What he meant was he didn’t mean don’t improve like it would be foolish. He meant beware of adopting a persona that makes you a far better person than you actually are because all of that Part of you that you’re not admitting to that’s gonna go off and have its own life Because you’re not integrating it, you know, you’re suppressing it in some way and you know what it and and so it’s a living thing You know that well like the aggression you had when you were a fighter That’s a big deep part of you You know You can’t just push something like that aside and pretend that it’s not there and think that it’s not gonna go off and have some Fun when you’re not paying attention Yeah, I mean like something like that must have got him is that he was he was split between this really good guy that he was trying to be which was like too good and And and this this like more monstrous side of his personality that he obviously never integrated or perhaps never even admitted to It’s really a hell of a story man. It’s like and it really is a catastrophe I think it was a good absolute bloody catastrophe for his victims obviously and but just as a general Cultural phenomenon is so awful Did you notice that big tech companies today are masquerading as privacy companies Just fix your privacy settings turn off app tracking and you’re all good Right. Are we supposed to believe that the big bad tech wolf has now turned into our sweet grandma? 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Yeah, all you can think of that guy rapes people Yeah drugs them and rapes them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I can’t enjoy it anymore. Yeah, and he’s Unquestionably as far as like his skill. He was one of the greatest of all time You