So this morning, you know, I don’t know what to make of all of this because it’s happening so quickly I can’t believe the state to which the country is degenerated I’ve been in contact with a reliable source within the Canadian military and he told me today by email That if I had any sense I’d take my money out of the Canadian banks because the situation is far worse than I’ve been informed And so that’s just one of many such messages I receive on a daily basis. So let’s talk about the bank So here’s what our Prime Minister did last week He permanently destroyed 20% of the population’s faith in the entire Canadian banking system And stained the Canadian banking system’s international reputation, I would say, for decades And in any normal time that in itself would have been enough to constitute sufficient grounds for a non-confidence vote For the government to be ousted and that’s only one of like the seven things that happened last week that are of that magnitude You can’t even keep up with them. So let’s talk about this emergency for a minute So, you know, I talked to Brian Peckford, the former Premier of Newfoundland a couple of weeks ago about the fact that the mandates themselves weren’t justifiable under the essentially the emergency clause in the Charter Which allows for the suspension of certain basic rights under certain conditions. The mandates themselves weren’t justifiable especially now and now the ante has been raised a tremendous degree because We have a new emergency which is apparently more serious than the entire COVID pandemic that justifies the imposition of martial law and the seizing of bank accounts And the retroactive definition of crime and all of this and so what let’s let I’ll ask you to play devil’s advocate Okay, just for a minute so imagine that you’re on the side of Trudeau and and that and the Trudeau government and you’re trying to Make the case that this is an emergency that justifies the imposition of martial law. So what’s the emergency? Exactly. Tell me give me some evidence that there’s an emergency of any sort Even if and I accept the challenge to be a devil’s advocate. Let me just let me really try What is the thing that is making the Canadian state tremble to the point of its own dissolution? Are all the provincial capitals under seizure? No, I don’t think so. Oh I got it The Russians are coming down from the north and they’ve got a fleet of the highest gunnery and she knows not that either Oh, maybe it’s inflation and if we kill the truckers, you know, we ruin the truckers we can take look even trying to be advocate Okay, great imposition. I’ll go that far great imposition on the kind of comfort and tranquility of Ottawa But there’s been an awful lot of imposition on the tranquillities of every person in this country for the last two years You couldn’t visit your sick mother if she was in an old age home You cannot look Mr. Fielden is supposed to be bright Mr. Lametti after some of the things he’s been saying I have to hold judgment on Where’s the threat? There isn’t one this was this the longest most sustained and Almost you can read it then you can see the live pictures from people who are not in the news media It was even an almost celebratory thing If if even a delegation of the Trudeau cabinet had walked down the streets of Ottawa Had enough of Parkers that they can sit outdoors and spend two hours Talking to some of these real people this could have been washed away So we even advocate as Diabolos. I cannot do it because I cannot even in fantasy Come up with Let me try so All right, so this is a It’s a radical right-wing movement and it’s funded by mega money flowing in from the United States and that there’s a real threat of a January 6 style insurrection and as a consequence to protect Ottawa and the stability of the state we have to make the trucker convoy illegal and so and then we have to hunt everyone down and Track everyone down whoever donated because they’re part of this extreme far-right network that has its origins in the United States and the entire Integrity of the state is no Well, so does anyone believe that it’s like so because I don’t get it I don’t even I don’t even see why this this is a wise move Strategically for the liberal well, I tell you there is there is a reason why they believe it because they this is why I brought up The United States it wasn’t idle They had a sustained four years of believing what was not true I’m stating this with definitive force. It simply wasn’t true Putin did not own Trump now people might not like to hear that but it was a confection It was a set up and yet all of the great Investigative powers of some of the greatest journals and television stations in all the world Went with it day and night and now you’ll have for example, mr Biden’s son with his contracts and these Chinese not even to be mentioned Here’s how it comes to be this this far right the white supremacy movement I see the phrase white supremacy so often and I wonder Where is this coming from? There will always be as you know, some fanatically stupid set of people with some fanatically stupid cause But there has not been it may use this word a pandemic of racist white challenge But it’s been the fodder and the and the news speak and the woke dialect and it’s been shoved out So often that if you say the word MAGA now, this is where the Lametti comes in He said, you know your pro Trump Ian I Can go down to Newfoundland and go from Porta Basta st. John’s and then up up to st Anthony’s and I will not meet anyone who is pro Trump Ian. I mean It’s silly. But if you have Said if you pound it hard enough and long enough enough people will believe it The Bible is the root of all wisdom inspiration and spiritual nourishment The halo app empowers you to explore the Bible’s profound teachings and to effortlessly incorporate them into your daily life a Great place to start while you deepen your understanding of the Bible is to check out father Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a year Available on the halo app for brief daily readings and reflections here You can dive into an extensive library of Bible reading plans accompanied by insightful reflections and audio guided meditations Whether you’re a seasoned Bible reader or just starting your journey Halo provides a platform for you to engage with scripture like never before Studying the Bible’s literary brilliance has influenced countless writers poets and artists throughout history by studying the Bible yourself You’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the power of storytelling symbolism and metaphor Enriching your understanding of literature across different genres The halo app also helps you connect with a community of like-minded individuals sharing experiences insights and encouragement along the path to spiritual growth Download the app for free at slash Jordan You can set reminders and track your progress along the way enrich your education and nurture your mind and soul today Download the halo app at slash Jordan. That’s slash Jordan slash Jordan for an exclusive three-month free trial of all 10,000 plus prayers and meditations Well, I can’t I can’t think of any other reason than belief in something like that that could possibly justify Possibly justify what’s happening because I can’t believe that so I’m trying to look for alternative explanations, you know It’s okay. The liberal government has decided to implement a state of emergency. Okay, so here’s a psychological explanation Trudeau’s father did that back in the 1970s and Justin is constantly trying to prove his validity as a Figure of masculine integrity and I think there’s probably some of that going on because if there wasn’t He wouldn’t have run for prime minister to begin with because he’s so supremely Unqualified to be prime minister that it’s a complete bloody miracle that anyone could be narcissistic enough to assume that With that little knowledge a rule like that should be adopted So that that’s definitely a factor and so he’s got to stand up and show that he can do it under duress and then It’s got to be the belief that there’s something like a far-right conspiracy occurring because Invoking them the Marsh martial law act the emergency act is so Preposterous a move that unless you actually believe that there was a signal threat of that paranoid sort There’s no way you could justify it strategically because I cannot see how anyone could think through including Christia Freeland By the way, the notion that this is going to go over well over a period of something approximating a month So it’s got to be it’s got to be that and I read the other day that that Because Fin track never found any evidence of you know radical foreigners colluding in a right-wing manner to fund the Freedom convoy that most of the information that the government depended on was actually generated by the CBC And so then we have this feedback loop, right? Well, there’s that yeah And that that’s a whole other bloody insane catastrophe that that funding site was hacked By a crazy activist and then that information was distributed and that distribute make distribute Distribution of stolen information is technically illegal and the media jumped on that and the government capitalized on it And it’s got to be that they believe their own Press and that’s so interesting because they bought the press and paid them to tell them what they wanted to hear and now they believe It and justify their their policy as a consequence of that Pick up on two things you said if there is some sort of dynamic of Equating with the achievements of the father. The only thing I’ll say about that you’re the psychologist is that in 1967 There was a very sweet man I only read off him but I heard enough people who was a cabinet minister pierre le port There was an English ambassador born as the report ends up in the trunk of a car having been shot there were all sorts of various actions by the FLQ that certainly generated a justified anxiety and then I won’t go into details because Younger people wouldn’t remember any of this stuff, but there was some talk among the great French-canadian leadership with mr. Claude Ryan at the bar that we maybe we may have to step in but what I’m trying to say and not very well is that at least there was a portion of Actual deed in action a horrific murder Touches of something very close to or or equal to real terror When when Pierre Trudeau hauled it down the second thing in the context in the context of a in the context of an actual Separatist movement that genuinely posed a threat to the integrity and in the context also of like movements like the The weather underground in the states that were blowing up post offices and shooting people it was also a time When this paranoia anxiety was was alert and that the hardest leftist people were starting to think of themselves as gorillas In the New World Order the other thing was and this is this is very important the news clip is available I don’t know. I can’t remember naming the journalist But on the day that Pierre Trudeau bought in the war measures act, which is a big big big thing He was stopped by some reporter. I presumably was going into but doesn’t matter. He was stopped by a reporter and Instead of you know brushing him off for leaving question period The two of them and Trudeau is just standing there the two of them have this back and forth and reporters really pushing and Trudeau give him all the credit and the worried pushing just as hard and almost nasty You know, we need liberals is one of the phrases that he used what I’m saying There is that even if he overreached in the time He was willing to stand face to face with a real reporter for almost half an hour Go back and forth as the camera wrote. No other words. He didn’t hide now. I’ll go to your other point He has to believe it. Look Maybe there is maybe there is a substantial fantasy that is operative in the entire liberal cabinet And if mr Trudeau actually believes that there is a genuine threat of MAGA overthrow and Trumpian forces There are wasn’t 30 plus people in his cabinet They can’t all share that fantasy and if we have 30 people elevated How else do you account for what they’re doing like because they have no bloody disaster Because they genuflect I put a note in the column that you kindly posted. I Said heroes and I was exaggerating where are the five or six people in his own cabinet or in his own caucus that are saying Justin you have really really overreached Vastly you have insulted the nature of this country, which is always the middle course Always willingness to at least try a compromise and a talk and you’ve introduced false drama and that’s my explanation Maybe the melodramatic idea of a great national emergency that will flare across the world Maybe he saw himself as a hero But if you’re following the not the international press we’re getting a real beating and happy days or sunny days are not here again