Imagine how much energy you’d have to have to love your enemy the same way you love your children. You know, that’s an exhausting enterprise. There’s a desire today to get rid of the concentric circles. The producers of the Superman comic had Superman stand in front of the United Nations and announce that he was no longer an American citizen, but was a citizen of the world. The reason that that’s happening to some degree is people confuse compassionate inclusion with lack of differentiation. We don’t have a good sense in our culture of the necessity of a subsidiary structure. We don’t have a good sense that it is Mount Sinai, in the terminology that you’ve been using in particular, Jonathan, to hold us together. Right? We have no idea that a unity of purpose is a precondition even for an act of visual perception. So we confuse this concentric structure with something like discrimination. And you can kind of understand that, because outsiders are outside, and there’s a certain pain in that.