We’ve gone through this time in history where we’ve had this kind of scientific materialism and We’ve we and the Christians have been slapped around by a lot of that that thinking Where we have this idea that there’s the world the world has these rules and we just have to look at them and could measure We can we can calculate and then we can just say here. How here’s how it works. We figured it out but we’re coming to we’re coming to the end of that and even a lot of Scientists a lot of physicists are coming to the end of that where they realize Once we’ve reduced everything to the material world Once we’ve done that we have a problem Because then you have to explain the spiritual stuff It’s how because before that they could kind of ignore it. Yeah, this is stupid. This is just stupid stuff Let’s not talk about that. We’re just gonna talk about this material stuff. Then you reach the end of it You’re like, okay, we can encompass everything in this material stuff We’ve encompassed everything and then at some point you’re like, okay Well, then let’s take that stuff that spiritual stuff like consciousness like human experience like identities like qualities of things How do you now fit that into your? Material world and they’re struggling to do it. So they come up with words like emergence Right. How how is it? Why is it that we know that something has parts, but it’s also one thing at the same time You’re thought about that Right. You look at a chair chair has parts Right. It has different parts of it elements different. Yeah. Why do we think that that’s one thing? Why do we say it’s a chair? Why don’t we just see the parts? Why don’t we just see the parts all the way down? Because those parts go all the way down in the scientific world all the way down to this to the quantum whatever quantum fields of Particles that are just floating around so then they stack up they stack up towards these different Stages of unity and then in the human experience we we see it even more Like why do we think that this here people coming here? Why do we think that that’s one thing? Why do we think that the United States of America is one thing? How do we get to that? right and so In the vision of say maximus say Maxis gives us the key say Maxis gives us a key is that the human person a Modern way of saying that would be something like consciousness, right? Fathers don’t use that word But it’s a good word to use because people understand what it means today people know a lot of the other words like soul You say use the word soul today your people just love it They have all these ideas of what it means like try to try to find words that actually have meaning for people today So you say you say through we need consciousness or consciousness plays a part in bringing things together in making things one Right you need a conscious agent to be able to say that tear is a bunch of stuff it’s also one thing that jump into into unity and That’s how same actions talks about us. That’s what we do. That’s what we are. That’s what that’s what makes us special in Creation that’s what makes us not only special. That’s what makes us in the image of God All right, so that’s this idea of this macrocosm microcosm Right and how relevant it is to understand today One of the words that the physicists are using today. They they they have a fancy theory. They call it the anthropic principle Because they’re realizing that Anthropic means the shape like the shape of of men Realizing that it’s so complicated everything is so complicated that you almost need the world to be made in a way to give consciousness to bring consciousness about this consciousness is they’re not able to explain it they can’t explain consciousness They can’t explain the thing by which they’re looking at the world with Comes very great and then that’s when people like Sam Axelman student help us get a key to something more Help us get a key to something more